
[05/23/24 - 10:01 AM]
Netflix: What We Watched the Second Half of 2023
Today the streamer published its second edition of "What We Watched: A Netflix Engagement Report," capturing Netflix viewership from July to December 2023.

[05/22/24 - 08:31 AM]
Video: "The Witcher" Season 4 - First Look - Netflix
The journey continues. Here's your first look at Liam Hemsworth as Geralt of Rivia.

[04/18/24 - 08:31 AM]
"The Witcher" Season 4 Begins Production in the U.K. and Netflix Announces Fifth and Final Season of "The Witcher"
Seasons 4 and 5 will adapt the remaining of Andrzej Sapkowski's books, Baptism of Fire, The Tower of the Swallow and Lady of the Lake, promising to offer an epic and satisfying conclusion to Netflix's hit fantasy drama.

[04/05/24 - 11:24 PM]
Development Update: Week of April 1-5
Updates include: NBC cancels "Quantum Leap" after two seasons; Amazon lands "Legally Blonde" TV series; and Tim Robinson's "The Chair Company" lands pilot order from HBO.

[01/12/24 - 08:01 AM]
Laurence Fishburne Joins "The Witcher" Family
He'll play Regis, a world-wise Barber-surgeon with a mysterious past.

[11/10/23 - 02:30 PM]
Geeked Week 2023: Get All the News and Sneak Peeks from "Yu Yu Hakusho", "3 Body Problem" and More
Other highlights include: "The Brothers Sun" to premiere on January 4; new anime "The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep" on tap for 2024; and "Code 8 Part II" also slated for 2024.

[08/22/23 - 10:21 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Aug. 14: "Extraction 2" Enters the Most Popular List, "Heart of Stone" and "Depp V Heard" Take #1
Documentary series "Depp V Heard" debuted in the top spot on the English TV List with 16.2M views, while "Painkiller" held strong for a second week at #2 with 10.9M views.

[08/15/23 - 09:40 AM]
Top 10 Week of Aug. 7: "Heart of Stone" and "Painkiller" Debut at #1 on the English Film and Series Lists
"The Lincoln Lawyer" Season 2 (5.2M views) took second place with Season 1 coming in eighth place (2.2M views).

[08/08/23 - 10:06 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of July 31: "The Lincoln Lawyer" and "Heartstopper" Return Atop the English TV List
Returning favorites rounded out the list with "The Witcher" Season 3 at #3 (5.4M views), "Sweet Magnolias" Season 3 at #4 (2.9M views), "Fatal Seduction" at #7 (1.9M views), "Too Hot to Handle" at #8 (1.9M views) and "CoComelon" at #10 (1.6M views).

[08/01/23 - 09:43 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of July 24: "The Witcher" Season 3 Returns with a Vengeance, German Sci-Fi Thriller "Paradise" Starts Strong
To date, Season 3 has amassed 47.7M views since premiering on June 29.

[07/25/23 - 10:52 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of July 17: "Queen Charlotte" Enters the Most Popular List; "Bird Box Barcelona" Is the Most-Viewed Title
Fans poured themselves some sweet tea and celebrated the return of best friends Maddie, Helen and Dana Sue by sending "Sweet Magnolias" to the top of the English TV List with 4.6M views.

[07/24/23 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "The Witcher" Season 3 - Volume 2 - Netflix
He will make them pay. Volume 2 is coming July 27.

[07/18/23 - 10:22 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of July 10: "The Out-Laws" Is #1 Film for Second Straight Week, "The Lincoln Lawyer" Leads TV
"The Witcher" Season 3 stayed strong at #2 (6.7M views) and "Is It Cake, Too?" returned to the list at #8 (2.6M views), while South Africa's "Fatal Seduction" reached a new peak at #3 (6.6M views).

[07/13/23 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "The Witcher" Season 3 - Official Trailer #2 - Netflix
Never lost, always found. Volume 2 of Season 3 is coming July 27.

[07/11/23 - 08:55 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of July 3: "The Out-Laws" Debuts at #1 on Film, "The Witcher" Reigns as Top of TV for Second Week
New entrants included the stand-up special "Tom Segura: Sledgehammer" at #3 (4.5M views) and unscripted competition "Is It Cake, Too?" at #4 (4M views).

[07/04/23 - 10:39 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of June 26: "The Witcher" Season 3 Debuts at #1 on TV, "Extraction 2" Reigns as #1 Film for Third Straight Week
Returning favorites this week included "Black Mirror" Season 6 at #2 (5.4M views), "Catching Killers" Season 3 at #3 (4.1M views), "Glamorous" at #4 (3.5M views), "Our Planet II" at #5 (2.9M views), and "Never Have I Ever" Season 4 at #6 (2.9M views).

[06/17/23 - 05:01 PM]
Netflix Celebrates the Fans at Tudum: A Global Fan Event Live from Sao Paulo
The streamer shared breaking news, exclusive first looks, trailers and clips, in addition to appearances from the creators and stars behind your favorite Netflix series, films and games.

[06/08/23 - 12:31 PM]
Video: "The Witcher" Season 3 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Destiny brought them together. Dangerous forces are trying to tear them apart. Geralt and Yennefer fight to keep Ciri safe as war brews on the Continent.

[05/22/23 - 07:43 AM]
Netflix Appoints Arnold Schwarzenegger as Chief Action Officer
The streamer also details its current and upcoming action series and films.

[04/25/23 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "The Witcher" Season 3 - Official Teaser - Netflix
This summer, everything changes. "The Witcher" Season 3 begins on June 29.

[12/03/22 - 10:20 AM]
Video: "The Witcher: Blood Origin" - Official Trailer - Netflix
More than a thousand years before the events of "The Witcher," seven outcasts in an Elven world join forces in a quest against an all-powerful empire.

[10/29/22 - 12:05 PM]
"The Witcher" Returning for Season 4 with Liam Hemsworth as the New Geralt of Rivia
Henry Cavill will be handing his swords to Liam Hemsworth after Season 3.

[09/24/22 - 11:39 AM]
Tudum Recap: Everything You Missed from Our Show from the United States and Europe
Highlights include premiere dates for "The Crown" (November 9), "Emily in Paris" (December 21) and "Witcher: Blood Origin" (December 25).

[07/27/22 - 11:51 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, July 27
Updates include: Mayim Bialik, Ken Jennings named permanent hosts of "Jeopardy!"; NBC pulls the plug on "Million Dollar Island"; and Ashley Benson, Eric Balfour among latest cast in Amazon's "Wilderness."

[04/19/22 - 06:08 AM]
Video: UK & Ireland Shows Coming to Netflix in 2022 (and Beyond)
From fan favourites set to return like "Sex Education" and "The Crown," to brand new titles like "Heartstopper," "Anatomy of a Scandal," and "Man vs. Bee!"

[04/14/22 - 07:06 AM]
Netflix's "The Witcher" Adds New Characters and Cast to the Continent in Season 3
Robbie Amell, Meng'er Zhang, Hugh Skinner and Christelle Elwin are the latest additions.

[01/17/22 - 04:46 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Jan 10: "Cheer" and "Archive 81" Enter the TV List, "Brazen" Tops the Films List
Limited series "Stay Close" has climbed to the #1 spot on the Top 10 English TV list with 53.72M hours viewed.

[01/11/22 - 07:24 PM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of January 3: "Cobra Kai" Dominates the TV List, "Don't Look Up" Continues to Top the Film List
The series, starring Ralph Macchio and William Zabka, dominated the Top 10 English TV list, taking the #1 (Season 4), #7 (Season 1), #9 (Season 3) and #10 (Season 2) spots.

[12/28/21 - 09:42 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Dec 20: "Don't Look Up" Hits Home and "The Unforgivable" Moves to "Most Popular Films" List
For the second week in a row, "The Witcher" Season 2 reigned as the top English TV series with 168.46M hours.

[12/21/21 - 10:31 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Dec 13: "The Witcher" Rules as "The Unforgivable" and "La Casa De Papel (Money Heist)" Hold Their Reign
"The Witcher" Season 2 debuted at #1 with audiences spending 142.43M hours immersed in the magical world created by Lauren Schmidt Hissrich and starring Henry Cavill.

[12/14/21 - 10:50 AM]
Netflix Top 10 Week of Dec 6: "The Unforgivable" Debuts on Top While Families Go "Back to the Outback"
Fans are preparing themselves for the premiere of "The Witcher" Season 2 on Friday, December 17 by revisiting Season 1, which was #6 on the English TV list.

[10/29/21 - 06:41 AM]
Video: "The Witcher" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Destiny is a beast. Watch the official trailer for Season 2 of "The Witcher."

[10/19/21 - 03:01 PM]
Netflix Details Its Top 10 Series & Films to Date in Hours Viewed
The streaming service will shift to reporting on hours viewed rather than the number of accounts that choose to watch them.

[09/25/21 - 12:18 PM]
TUDUM: A Netflix Global Fan Event - Hour Three Recap
Among the series featured in the final hour: "Emily in Paris," "The Crown," "The Umbrella Academy," "Colin in Black & White," "Ritmo Salvaje," "Rebelde," "Big Mouth," "Inside Job," "The Witcher," and "The Witcher: Blood Origin."

[08/19/21 - 11:07 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, August 19
Updates include: Peacock cancels "Punky Brewster" reboot series; Noah Emmerich cast in AMC's "Dark Winds"; and Eliza Bennett boards The CW's "Dynasty."

[07/09/21 - 01:00 PM]
All the News and Reveals That Broke Out of WitcherCon
"The Witcher" returns for season two December 17 on Netflix.

[06/11/21 - 09:33 AM]
Video: Lost in the Woods No More - Meet Ciri in "The Witcher" Season 2
Netflix offers up the latest tease for the new season.

[05/04/21 - 11:34 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, May 4
Updates include: Netflix cancels "The Irregulars"; two original "The Flash" cast members to exit as regulars; and Harold Perrineau to star in Epix's "From."

[04/02/21 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "The Witcher" - Season 2 Production Wrap: Behind the Scenes - Netflix
15 locations, 89 cast members, and 1,200 crew members later, "The Witcher" has officially wrapped production on Season 2.

[03/22/21 - 07:06 AM]
"The Witcher" Season 2 - Meet the Latest Cast Additions
Adjoa Andoh, Cassie Clare, Liz Carr, Graham McTavish, Kevin Doyle, Simon Callow and Chris Fulton are among the latest faces.

[01/25/21 - 06:16 AM]
Netflix Announces First Cast for "The Witcher: Blood Origin"
Jodie Turner-Smith will play Éile, a fierce warrior with the voice of a goddess.

[12/14/20 - 11:27 PM]
Development Update: Monday, December 14
Updates include: Hulu axes Marvel's "Helstrom" after one season; FOX passes on proposed "Empire" spin-off; and Apple's "Slow Horses" rounds out principal cast.

[11/09/20 - 11:13 PM]
Development Update: Monday, November 9
Updates include: Kathryn Hahn boards Apple's "The Shrink Next Door"; Carly Hughes exits "American Housewife" at ABC; and Netflix's "The Witcher" latest hit by positive COVID-19 cases.

[09/28/20 - 11:19 PM]
Development Update: Monday, September 28
Updates include: Sherri Shepherd to recur on ABC's "Call Your Mother"; Basil Eidenbenz cast in Netflix's "The Witcher"; and New Zealand TV productions to get underway.

[09/02/20 - 09:01 AM]
Go Behind All 8 Chapters of "The Witcher" - "A Look Inside the Episodes" Is Now Streaming on Netflix
With series creator Lauren S. Hissrich as your guide, take an in-depth journey into the stories and themes powering the first season.

[08/26/20 - 12:02 AM]
Video: "Making The Witcher" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Go behind the monsters, the ballads, and every bit of magic that went into bringing The Witcher's Continent to life.

[07/27/20 - 06:01 AM]
Netflix Announces "The Witcher: Blood Origin," A Six Part Live-Action "The Witcher" Spin-Off Series
1200 years before Geralt of Rivia, the worlds of monsters, men and elves merged into one, and the first Witcher came to be.

[03/16/20 - 11:22 PM]
Development Update: Monday, March 16
Updates include: "The Crown" to finish filming on season four; pilots "This Country," "The Lost Boys" halt shooting; and more than two dozen TV series also suspend or delay production.

[02/28/20 - 11:01 AM]
Kim Bodnia to Play Vesemir in Season 2 of "The Witcher"
Vesemir is the Continent's oldest and most experienced Witcher.

[02/21/20 - 06:01 AM]
The Continent Just Got a Little Bigger - Here's the New Cast of "The Witcher" Season 2
Yasen Atour, Agnes Bjorn, Paul Bullion, Kristofer Hivju, Thue Ersted Rasmussen, Aisha Fabienne Ross and Mecia Simson are all on tap for season two.

[02/05/20 - 11:50 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, February 5
Updates include: Lindsey Morgan to star in The CW's "Walker, Texas Ranger" reboot series; O'Shea Jackson set as new lead in "Swagger" at Apple TV+; and Jordan Elsass, Alexander Garfin set as the kids in The CW's "Superman & Lois."

[01/22/20 - 10:04 AM]
The Rumors Are True, A New "Witcher" Story Is in the Works
The anime film, "The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf," will take us back to a new threat facing the Continent.

[12/12/19 - 02:16 AM]
Video: "The Witcher" - Final Trailer - Netflix
"The Witcher," starring Henry Cavill, arrives December 20, only on Netflix.

[11/13/19 - 09:05 AM]
Geralt's Adventure Is Only Beginning - "The Witcher" Has Been Renewed for Season 2
Netflix broke the news via its social accounts this morning.

[10/31/19 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "The Witcher" - Main Trailer - Netflix
Henry Cavill is Geralt of Rivia in the series, premiering Friday, December 20.

[07/19/19 - 03:01 PM]
Video: Netflix Drops Teaser Trailer of the Highly Anticipated New Series, "The Witcher," in Hall H at San Diego International Comic-Con
Series star Henry Cavill previewed the teaser trailer for the room.

[07/01/19 - 07:00 AM]
Netflix's Epic New Series "The Witcher" Debuts Teaser Art and First Look Photos
Also announced today, the series is headed to San Diego Comic Con with a panel at 2:15 PM on July 19 in Hall H.

[10/31/18 - 11:33 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, October 31
Updates include: Hannah Simone, Leslie Odom, Jr. to star in ABC comedies; Netflix's "The Witcher" rounds out cast; and "Wheel of Fortune," "Jeopardy!" hosts locked in through 2022.

[10/31/18 - 07:31 AM]
Get Your First Look at Henry Cavill in "The Witcher"
The streaming service posted the actor's camera test to social media this morning.

[10/10/18 - 09:05 AM]
Netflix's "The Witcher" Casts Pivotal Roles of Ciri & Yennefer
Freya Allan and Anya Chalotra join the previously announced Henry Cavill, among others.

[09/04/18 - 07:33 AM]
Henry Cavill to Lead the Cast of Netflix's "The Witcher" Saga
Plus: Alik Sakharov, Charlotte Brändström and Alex Garcia Lopez to direct the eight-episode first season.

[04/20/18 - 11:32 PM]
Development Update: Friday, April 20
Updates include: Bruce Campbell confirms cancellation of Starz's "Ash vs. Evil Dead"; Netflix's "The Witcher" set for 2020; and Wendy Mericle, Vali Chandrasekaran ink new overall deals.

[04/18/18 - 07:08 AM]
Netflix Continues to Bring New and Diverse Stories from Europe, Middle East and Africa to the World
The streaming service also reveals premiere dates for "GLOW" season two (June 29), "The Innocents" (August 24) and much more!

[12/08/17 - 11:39 PM]
Development Update: Friday, December 8
Updates include: Michael Malarkey cast in History's "Blue Book"; Lauren Schmidt Hissrich to spearhead Netflix's "The Witcher"; and Starz's "Vida" rounds out its cast.

[05/17/17 - 04:24 AM]
"The Witcher" Saga Coming to Netflix
Andrzej Sapkowski's eight novels and story collections center on "witchers" - hunters who develop supernatural abilities at a young age to battle deadly monsters.

Returns in Coming Up in 2025 (Exact Date TBA)
12/20/19 - ???
returning in 2025/2026 (date TBA)
not on the schedule
4 (8 episodes)
Season 5 (its last, in advance of Season 4) ordered on 4/18/24
(from Netflix's web site, July 2023) Geralt of Rivia, a mutated monster-hunter for hire, journeys toward his destiny in a turbulent world where people often prove more wicked than beasts.
· Adam Levy
· Anna Shaffer
· Anya Chalotra
· Björn Hlynur Haraldsson
· Eamon Farren
· Freya Allan
· Henry Cavill
· Jodhi May
· Joey Batey
· Lars Mikkelsen
· Mimî M Khayisa
· MyAnna Buring
· Royce Pierreson
· Wilson Mbomio
· Alik Sakharov as EP/DIR (Pilot)
· Andrzej Sapkowski as BOOK
· Jarosław Sawko as EP
· Jason Brown as EP
· Lauren Schmidt Hissrich as CRTR/EP
· Sean Daniel as EP
· Tomasz Bagiński as EP
· drama
· Platige Image
· Sean Daniel Company, The
· Stillking Films