
[01/20/25 - 08:46 AM]
Rewrite the Record Books: Texans at Chiefs Deliver 32.7 Million Viewers, ESPN's Most-Watched NFL Game Ever
ESPN's Texans-Chiefs viewership is expected to surpass 33 million viewers when Nielsen reports the final audience this week.

[10/28/24 - 06:55 PM]
Ay, Caramba! "The Simpsons Funday Football" Streams Live December 9 on Disney+ and ESPN+, a Real-Time Animated "MNF" Game Featuring the Bengals and Cowboys in the Iconic Simpsons Cartoon World
"The Simpsons Funday Football" alternate viewing presentation will stream on Disney+ and ESPN+, and, on mobile, with NFL+.

[10/11/24 - 11:42 PM]
Development Update: Week of October 7-11
Updates include: ABC to continue simulcasts of "Monday Night Football," shifting entire lineup; trio cast in Max's "The Big Bang Theory" spin-off; and "Kaos," "The Serpent Queen," "Unstable," "Velma" among latest cancellations.

[09/17/24 - 03:44 PM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Draws More Than 15 Million Viewers for Falcons-Eagles
The audience of 15,038,000 viewers is ESPN's third-best "Monday Night Football" viewership for an ESPN/ESPN2 game - which was not simulcast on ABC - since the 2019-20 season (50+ games).

[09/10/24 - 03:28 PM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Delivers 20.5 Million Viewers, Second Most-Watched Week 1 Game in ESPN Era
Accounting for all weeks, the Jets-49ers is the sixth-most-watched "Monday Night Football" game in the ESPN era, with four of the preceding five occurring during the 2023 season.

[09/05/24 - 09:18 AM]
Ready for Football?! NFL on ESPN Brings Fans Exciting New Programming and Commentators While Iconic NFL Shows and Captivating Personalities Return for 2024-25 Season
Overall, the complete NFL on ESPN portfolio ramps up in Week 1 and will continue straight through Super Bowl Sunday in New Orleans.

[08/28/24 - 12:06 PM]
NFL on ESPN: Bill Belichick, Eight-Time Super Bowl Champion, Set for Multiple Appearances, New Show Through Agreements with Omaha Productions and "The Pat McAfee Show"
The highly-decorated, record-setting football icon will join "The Pat McAfee Show" each Monday, be a featured guest for all 11 "Monday Night Football with Peyton and Eli" alternate telecasts and launch a new, multiplatform show with Peyton Manning.

[07/10/24 - 09:00 AM]
ABC Announces Fall 2024 Premiere Dates as the Network Leads as No. 1 In Entertainment for Fifth Consecutive Season
This news comes on the heels of the network closing out the 2023-2024 season as No. 1 in entertainment among Adults 18-49 for the fifth consecutive season, marking the longest winning streak in over 10 years.

[05/15/24 - 05:06 PM]
ESPN's 2024-25 "Monday Night Football" Schedule: 25 Games Featuring Multiple Appearances by Super Bowl Champion Chiefs, NFC Champion 49ers, the Cowboys, Bills, Lions, and More
ESPN's 2024-25 NFL schedule will feature 25 games, headlined by 21 "Monday Night Football" matchups, the return of the Week 18 Doubleheader Saturday, a Monday night Super Wild Card and Divisional playoff game.

[05/14/24 - 01:43 PM]
ESPN Signs Super Bowl Champion Jason Kelce, Adds the Dynamic Personality to "Monday Night Countdown"
Each "Monday Night Football" and ESPN playoff game, Kelce will join Scott Van Pelt and Ryan Clark during halftime.

[05/14/24 - 09:00 AM]
ABC Announces 2024-2025 Fall Primetime Schedule
The lineup features new scripted dramas backed by prolific creative teams and a deep bench of established fan-favorite series.

[04/10/24 - 02:08 PM]
ESPN and Peyton Manning's Omaha Productions Reach Long-Term Content Agreement
The deal will see the continuation of the Emmy award-winning "Monday Night Football with Peyton and Eli" and additional Omaha original content such as "Peyton's Places" and "Eli's Places."

[01/22/24 - 08:28 AM]
One for the Record Books: Texans at Ravens Delivers Nearly 32 Million Viewers, Becoming ESPN's Most-Watched NFL Game Ever
The record viewership joins "Monday Night Football" in cementing a landmark season for the NFL on ESPN.

[01/16/24 - 03:33 PM]
Super Wild Card Monday Night Finale: Eagles at Buccaneers Draws More than 28.6 Million Viewers, ESPN's Second Most-Watched NFL Playoff Game Ever
When the final audience is reported, Eagles-Buccaneers is expected to surpass 29 million viewers; last season's record-setting game drew 31,201,000 viewers.

[01/09/24 - 09:05 AM]
Rewrite the Record Books: ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Achieves Its Best Viewership Since the 2000 Season, Surpassing Five Years on Broadcast Television and All Previous Years on ESPN En Route to Reaching More than 124 Million Fans
ESPN averaged 17,363,000 viewers a game (22 games including Doubleheader Saturday in Week 18), up 29% from the 2022 "MNF" season.

[01/01/24 - 08:40 AM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Generates Audience of 25.7 Million Viewers for Lions-Cowboys, as the 2023 Season Continues to Deliver the Iconic Television Franchise's Most-Watched Games in 26 Seasons
The Lions-Cowboys audience of 25,663,0000 viewers (ESPN, ABC, ESPN2, ESPN+, and NFL+) joins Eagles-Chiefs (November 22) and Ravens-49ers (December 25) from this season as the three most-watched "Monday Night Football" games since 1997.

[12/26/23 - 03:55 PM]
ESPN's Ravens-49ers Draws More than 27.2 Million Viewers, the Second Most-Watched "Monday Night Football" Game Since 1996
"Monday Night Football" has now aired the two most-watched games in 27 years in the span of five weeks.

[11/21/23 - 03:41 PM]
Best "Monday Night Football" Audience in More than 25 Seasons! ESPN's Eagles-Chiefs Super Bowl LVII Rematch Draws 29 Million Viewers, the Most-Watched "MNF" Game Since 1996
With the record-breaking ESPN "MNF" audience, ESPN has now delivered its two most-watched "Monday Night Football" games ever during the 2023 season.

[11/13/23 - 09:00 AM]
100 Million Fans! "Monday Night Football" Leads Way as NFL on ESPN Game and Studio Portfolio Delivers Multiple Viewership Successes Halfway through 2023 NFL Season
"Monday Night Football" has reached 101 million fans through Week 9 (11 linear games) while averaging 15.4 million viewers per game in the same time period.

[11/08/23 - 08:12 AM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Week 9 Finishes Up 38% Year-Over-Year with More than 14.5 Million Viewers
Across all of television, "Monday Night Football" was the most-watched telecast of the night overall and across all key demos.

[10/24/23 - 03:24 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Garners More Than 18.6 Million Viewers, Driving a 57% Year-Over-Year Increase
"Monday Night Football with Peyton and Eli" (ESPN2) delivered an audience of 1,068,000 viewers, the alternate telecast's 23rd consecutive episode with more than a million viewers.

[10/13/23 - 08:43 AM]
ESPN2 to Simulcast ESPN Deportes' Spanish-Language Presentation of "Monday Night Football" on October 16th, Featuring the Dallas Cowboys and the L.A. Chargers
ESPN's NFL Week 6 features two of the most popular NFL teams among Hispanics - the Dallas Cowboys, as they visit the L.A. Chargers.

[10/10/23 - 03:28 PM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Generates a Record Audience with More than 17.4 Million Viewers in Week 5
The audience peaked at 18.8 million (9-9:15 p.m.), and for two hours "Monday Night Football" averaged 18.1 million viewers (9-11 p.m.).

[10/03/23 - 03:37 PM]
ESPN's NFL Week 4: Seahawks-Giants on "Monday Night Football" Draws More than 16.6 Million Viewers; Follows Multiple Falcons-Jaguars' Record-Setting Presentations on ESPN+ and Disney+
"Monday Night Football with Peyton and Eli" (ESPN2) delivered 1.3 million viewers in their second episode this season.

[09/22/23 - 11:46 PM]
Development Update: Week of September 18-22
Updates include: HBO pulls the plug on "Winning Time: The Rise of the Lakers Dynasty"; ABC to carry ESPN's "Monday Night Football" throughout the season; and Peacock rescinds renewal of "Pitch Perfect: Bumper in Berlin."

[09/19/23 - 03:12 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Averages 21.8 Million Viewers across ESPN Platforms during More Than Two Hours of Overlapping Games
The 21,757,000 viewers, which includes fans watching on NFL+, is an increase of 6% from the similar MNF staggered starts in Week 2 of the 2022 season (20.6 million viewers across the same networks).

[09/18/23 - 07:41 AM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" to Premiere New Musical Anthem and Show Open Featuring Musical Superstars Chris Stapleton, Snoop Dogg and Cindy Blackman Santana Reimagining Phil Collins' "In the Air Tonight"
The new open by Chris Stapleton, Snoop Dogg and Cindy Blackman Santana will lead into both ESPN (Saints at Panthers, 7:15 p.m. ET) and ABC (Browns at Steelers, 8:15 p.m.) games.

[09/12/23 - 02:47 PM]
Record Breaker: With More than 22.6 Million Viewers, ESPN Delivers Its Most-Watched "Monday Night Football" Game Ever
The record audience peaked at 25.2 million viewers in the first half (9-9:15 p.m. ET), when Buffalo took a 10-3 lead late in the second quarter.

[08/28/23 - 07:46 AM]
ESPN Announces "Monday Night Football" Music Collaboration with Grammy-winning Artists Timbaland & Justin Timberlake
The curated music from Timbaland and Timberlake will run in promotional spots, live telecasts and pre-game shows for seven weeks this season.

[05/11/23 - 05:15 PM]
ESPN's 25-Game 2023-24 NFL Schedule: More "Monday Night Football" Games, Multiple Playoff Games, Flex Scheduling, and More of the League's Signature Matchups, Marquee Teams, Storylines Than Ever Before
Fans will now have 20 "Monday Night Football" games, including three weeks (Weeks 2, 3, and 14) with multiple games on the same night (ESPN + ABC), flex scheduling beginning in Week 12, and a Divisional Round game for the first time on ESPN.

[01/17/23 - 06:07 PM]
The Walt Disney Company Delivers Its Most-Watched NFL Playoff Game since 1999, Drawing 30.6 Million Viewers for Cowboys-Buccaneers Super Wild Card Game
The viewership is up 32 percent from Disney's Super Wild Card game concluding the 2021-22 season (Arizona Cardinals at Los Angeles Rams), the first Monday night Super Wild Card game.

[01/12/23 - 09:16 AM]
ESPN and The Walt Disney Company Descend Upon Tampa for Super Wild Card Finale: Five Platforms to Showcase Cowboys-Buccaneers, Portfolio of Studio Shows, and Disney Networks to Participate in Coverage of Marquee Showdown
"Monday Night Football's" Joe Buck, Troy Aikman and Lisa Salters will call the game from Raymond James Stadium, available on ESPN, ABC and ESPN+.

[11/04/22 - 10:02 AM]
The Country Music Association and ABC Celebrate Country Music's Biggest Night with Special Programming Leading Into "The 56th Annual CMA Awards"
"The 56th Annual CMA Awards," hosted by Luke Bryan and Peyton Manning, will broadcast live from Nashville Wednesday, November 9 (8:00-11:00 p.m. EST), on ABC.

[10/25/22 - 04:15 PM]
Season-to-Date: "Monday Night Football" Averaging 15.3 Million Viewers through First Seven Weeks of Joe Buck and Troy Aikman's Debut Season, Up Double-Digits Year-Over-Year
Across all networks (ESPN, ESPN2 and ESPN Deportes), nearly 12 million viewers tuned into the Bears-Patriots presentation, outpacing five of the last six "MNF" Week 7 matchups (2016-22).

[10/11/22 - 03:27 PM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Delivers Nearly 16 Million Viewers; "MNF's" Best Week 5 Audience Since 2011 and Up a Significant 39% Year-Over-Year
The 15.9 million viewers boosted "MNF" to its best Week 5 audience since 2011 and the franchise's third best during ESPN's "MNF" era (2006 - present).

[10/04/22 - 04:37 PM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Generates 12.6 Million Viewers for Rams-49ers
The "Monday Night Football with Peyton and Eli" telecast generated 1.6 million viewers, matching the offering's fourth-best audience in 13 editions of the show.

[10/03/22 - 12:25 PM]
ESPN Delivers Multi-Year Viewership Highs Across "Sunday NFL Countdown," "NFL Live" and "NFL Rewind" in September, as ESPN's NFL Portfolio Scores to Start the Season
"Sunday NFL Countdown" is averaging 1.4 million viewers per show (10 a.m. - 1 p.m. ET, weekly), up double digits from each of the first three shows of the previous two seasons, including a healthy 15% increase from 2021.

[09/27/22 - 06:57 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Delivers Another Record-Shattering Viewership, as More Than 19.3 Million Viewers Watch Cowboys-Giants
The audience of more than 19.3 million viewers bested ESPN's previous "MNF" Week 3 audience high by 11% (17.5 million viewers for Green Bay at Chicago, Sept. 27, 2010).

[09/20/22 - 04:34 PM]
Disney Networks Averaged Nearly 21 Million Viewers During "Monday Night Football's" Two Hours of Overlapping Action
Fans watched nearly four billion minutes of "Monday Night Football" in Week 2 across the same Disney Networks, which is up from the 3.7 billion minutes watched for ESPN's most recent "Monday Night Football" doubleheader in 2020.

[09/13/22 - 03:53 PM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Nabs Nearly 20 Million Viewers in Record-Setting Season Opener
ESPN delivered its most-watched game since 2009 and its third best Monday game in the current era (2006 - present and 270+ games) with 19,845,000 viewers.

[09/01/22 - 08:31 AM]
ESPN and Omaha Productions' Emmy-Award Winning "Monday Night Football with Peyton and Eli" Readies for Second Season
The ESPN and Omaha Productions' joint venture will produce 10 Monday Night Football alternate presentations throughout the season, continuing the extensive relationship between The Walt Disney Company and Peyton Manning's production company.

[05/12/22 - 05:25 PM]
A Record-Setting 23-Game Slate, "Monday Night Football" with Joe Buck, Troy Aikman and Lisa Salters, and the First ESPN+ Exclusive Game Among the Highlights of the 2022 NFL Schedule for ESPN and The Walt Disney Company
In addition to its Week 2 and 18 games, ABC is set to simulcast ESPN's "Monday Night Football" presentation in Weeks 1, 3, 15 and 17.

[05/04/22 - 06:11 AM]
ESPN's 2022 NFL International Games: First-Ever ESPN+ Exclusive Game Set for London and "Monday Night Football" Returns to Mexico City
The international games are part of The Walt Disney Company's 21-game 2022 regular season schedule, with the remaining matchups to be announced next week.

[03/16/22 - 09:15 AM]
ESPN Signs Legendary NFL Duo Joe Buck and Troy Aikman to Multi-Year Agreements to Become New Voices of "Monday Night Football"
As part of the agreement, Buck and Aikman will both contribute content to ESPN+, with more details to be announced at a later date.

[02/09/22 - 02:13 PM]
ESPN & The Walt Disney Company Expand Agreement with Peyton Manning's Omaha Productions
The extension will add a fourth year (through 2024 season) for "Monday Night Football with Peyton and Eli," featuring a 10-game annual slate of alternative productions to ESPN's traditional "Monday Night Football" telecast.

[01/19/22 - 02:48 PM]
ESPN's MegaCast Draws More Than 23.1 Million Viewers for the Los Angeles Rams' Decisive Victory Over the Arizona Cardinals
The audience peaked at 27.9 million viewers as the Rams led 21-0 in the second quarter (9:30 - 9:45 p.m.).

[01/14/22 - 11:18 AM]
Fast Start for ESPN in 2022 in Viewership and Social Media Engagements
The network led cable in viewership and in the key P18-49 demo by wide margins in both prime time and total day and took total ownership of the list of cable's most-watched 10 shows in that demo.

[01/11/22 - 09:10 AM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football: Doubleheader Saturday" Debut Registers Viewership of 20.3 Million for Cowboys-Eagles and 19.1 Million for Chiefs-Broncos, ESPN's Most-Watched NFL Regular Season Games in More than a Decade
The Cowboys and Eagles generated an audience of 20.3 million viewers on ESPN, ABC, ESPN Deportes, while the Chiefs-Broncos delivered 19.1 million viewers across the same networks.

[01/05/22 - 12:37 PM]
ESPN's 2021 "Monday Night Football" Traditional Schedule Delivers Franchise's Best Viewership Since 2013
ESPN's traditional 17-game "MNF" package averaged 13.5 million viewers a game, up 11% from 2020 and 7% from 2019.

[12/21/21 - 03:26 PM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Delivers 15.9 Million Viewers for Second Consecutive Week
Through the entire season, "Monday Night Football" is now averaging 13.5 million viewers, up 12% from 2020 and up 8% from 2019.

[12/17/21 - 01:00 PM]
Week 15 Schedule Changes - Las Vegas-Cleveland Moved to Monday; Washington-Philadelphia, Seattle-Los Angeles Rams Moved to Tuesday
Said the NFL: "We have made these schedule changes based on medical advice and after discussion with the NFLPA as we are seeing a new, highly transmissible form of the virus this week resulting in a substantial increase in cases across the league."

[12/14/21 - 07:01 AM]
ESPN's Presentation of "Monday Night Football": Doubleheader Saturday in Week 18 Set to Debut; Simulcast on ABC and ESPN+
ESPN's new Week 18 doubleheader - part of the NFL Season Finale - is a vital component of the new landmark media rights agreement between Disney/ESPN and NFL announced in March.

[11/23/21 - 03:00 PM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Giants-Buccaneers Matchup Delivers 12 Million Viewers
Plus: "Monday Night Football with Peyton and Eli" on ESPN2 delivered an audience of 1,575,000 up from the brothers' Week 10 audience (1,554,000 viewers).

[11/17/21 - 09:10 AM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Delivers Year-Over-Year Audience Gains for Eighth Consecutive Week, Driving a 15% Season-to-Date Viewership Jump
The audience for the 49ers' 21 point victory (12,325,000 viewers) was up 3 percent from "MNF's" Week 10 2020 matchup (Minnesota-Chicago) across ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN Deportes.

[11/09/21 - 02:42 PM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football's" Week 9 Draws 12.2 Million Viewers; Up 18% Year-Over-Year and Delivers "MNF's" Seventh Consecutive Week of Audience Growth
"Monday Night Football" was the most-watched telecast of the night among households, viewers and all key demos: Men 18-34, 18-49, 25-54 and 55+, as well as persons 18-34, 18-49 and 25-54 on ESPN.

[11/08/21 - 12:59 PM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Off to Its Best Start Since 2014; Franchise's Audience Is Up Double Digits from Each of Last Five Seasons
The current season is averaging 13.7 million viewers a game, achieving its highest viewership since 2014 and is up double-digits from every season since 2015.

[11/02/21 - 03:11 PM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Week 8 Delivers 14 Million Viewers, Up Year-Over-Year for Sixth Consecutive Week
"Monday Night Football with Peyton and Eli" continues to shatter its own records, as the alternate telecast delivered its most-watched presentation to date.

[10/26/21 - 03:08 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Delivers Most-Watched Week 7 Game Since 2014, 12.9 Million Viewers Tune in for New Orleans at Seattle
"Monday Night Football with Peyton and Eli" (ESPN2) returned for the first time since Week 3, and, in doing so, delivered 1.6 million viewers, resulting in the Super Bowl-winning brothers now fronting ESPN's three most-watched alternate telecasts.

[10/19/21 - 03:00 PM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Grows Year-Over-Year Viewership for Fourth Consecutive Week; 12.6 Million Watch Buffalo-Tennessee Week 6 Thriller
"Monday Night Football" is continuing a banner year, up 17% and 15% season-to-date from the 2020 and 2019 seasons (seven games), respectively, averaging 13.8 million viewers this season (six games).

[10/13/21 - 08:33 AM]
The Walt Disney Company & NFL Reach Five Year Rights Agreement for ESPN to Present New Monday Night Wild Card Game Concluding Super Wild Card Weekend; Begins Following 2021 Regular Season
The inaugural Monday night NFL Wild Card game will be played on January 17, 2022, (8:15 p.m. ET), marking the grand finale of the NFL's Super Wild Card Weekend and the first scheduled weekday prime time NFL Playoff game.

[10/12/21 - 03:10 PM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Colts-Ravens Matchup Generates 11.4 Million Viewers, Another Year-Over-Year Audience Increase
Season-to-date, "Monday Night Football" is up 20% from both 2020 and 2019 seasons, averaging 14 million viewers through the first five weeks of the season.

[10/08/21 - 07:37 AM]
"Monday Night Football's" Week 1 Audience Jumps to 17 Million Viewers Following Nielsen Reporting Correction
The increased audience measurement is the result of an underreported ABC audience, as ABC's audience now stands at 8,605,000 viewers, a 1,712,000 viewer increase from the original reported number.

[10/05/21 - 03:11 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Week 4: Substantial 42% Year-Over-Year Audience Growth, as Raiders-Chargers Averages 12.9 Million Viewers
Despite the 35-minute kickoff delay and the 21-0 Chargers' halftime lead, the audience significantly outpaced last season's Week 4 game (Atlanta-Green Bay) and was also up 19% from the franchise's 2019 Week 4 game (Cincinnati-Pittsburgh).

[09/28/21 - 03:36 PM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Delivers Franchise's Most-Watched Week 3 Game Since 2012 with 14.9 Million Viewers
Plus: "Monday Night Football with Peyton and Eli" on ESPN2 delivered an audience of 1.9 million viewers, the game presentation's third straight week of viewership growth.

[09/21/21 - 03:22 PM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Delivers 13.8 Million Viewers, The Second-Most-Watched "MNF" Week 2 Telecast Since 2014
"Monday Night Football with Peyton and Eli's" audience increased by 138% in week 2, as 1.9 million viewers watched their alternate telecast of Lions-Packers, up from 800,000 viewers in Week 1.

[09/14/21 - 03:28 PM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Season-Opening MegaCast: 15.3 Million Viewers, Delivering "MNF's" Most-Watched Week 1 Game Since 2013
"Monday Night Football" also helped ESPN and ABC become the most-watched networks (broadcast and cable) in prime time among households, viewers and the same key male and people demos.

[09/07/21 - 11:00 AM]
ESPN Announces "Monday Night Football" Music Collaboration with Award-Winning Artist Drake
ESPN has collaborated with Drake to choose music that encapsulates both the energy and mood of select Monday Night Games on ESPN.

[07/19/21 - 01:58 PM]
ESPN and The Walt Disney Company Announce Significant Partnership with Peyton Manning and Omaha Productions
The partnership will result in a first-of-its kind Monday Night Football MegaCast production, featuring both Peyton and Eli Manning.

[05/12/21 - 05:13 PM]
ESPN's 19-Game NFL Regular Season Slate Decorated with Star Power, Multiple MVPs, Divisional Matchups, and Compelling Storylines
The increased regular season slate (previously, 17 games across 16 weeks) also marks the first season ESPN will air at least one game in each week of the regular season since the company began airing the "Monday Night Football" package in 2006.

[03/18/21 - 01:36 PM]
The Walt Disney Company, ESPN and National Football League Reach Landmark Long-Term Agreement
ABC/ESPN will carry two Super Bowls (2026, 2030 seasons) as part of a rotation between the NFL's media partners, marking the first time that an ESPN-NFL agreement included such Super Bowl rights.

[03/18/21 - 01:07 PM]
NFL Completes Long-Term Media Distribution Agreements Providing Fans Greater Access to NFL Games Than Ever Before
The new agreements will begin with the 2023 season and run through the 2033 season.

[12/15/20 - 03:07 PM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Delivers More Than 12.4 Million Viewers, Driving 9% Year-Over-Year Audience Growth
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, December 14.

[11/30/20 - 09:00 AM]
ABC to Simulcast Two December ESPN "Monday Night Football" Games, Plus an NFL Wild Card Game in January
For ESPN's NFL Wild Card presentation, airing either January 9 or 10, ESPN will utilize its signature MegaCast production marking the concept's NFL postseason debut and delivering fans the most extensive multichannel NFL Playoff game offering to date.

[11/30/20 - 08:52 AM]
ESPN Activates MegaCast Production for NFL Wild Card Presentation; Most-Extensive Multi-Channel NFL Playoff Game Offering to Date
Viewers will be treated to at least four distinct presentations across five Walt Disney Company networks as ESPN and ABC will simulcast the traditional telecast, ESPN2 and Freeform will produce their own distinct viewing experiences and ESPN Deportes will air the Spanish-language offering.

[05/07/20 - 05:08 PM]
"Monday Night Football's" Strong Schedule in 2020 Features Raiders' Las Vegas Opener on ESPN and ABC, an MVP Matchup in Chiefs-Ravens, and High-Profile Seahawks-Eagles and Bills-49ers Clashes
The 51st season will kick off on ESPN with a doubleheader Monday, September 14 - Pittsburgh Steelers vs. New York Giants (7:15 p.m. ET) and Tennessee Titans vs. Denver Broncos (10:10 p.m. / 8:10 p.m. MT).

[04/30/20 - 10:36 AM]
ESPN's Phil Dean Named New "Monday Night Football" Producer
Dean joined ESPN in 1992 and has been one of the company's top producers since being promoted to the position in 1999.

[12/27/19 - 07:59 AM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Scores Its Most-Viewed NFL Regular Season Since 2015
ESPN further spins the numbers for the season to date.

[12/17/19 - 03:07 PM]
Colts-Saints "Monday Night Football" Delivers 11.1 Million Viewers
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, December 16.

[05/15/19 - 09:45 AM]
Steve Levy, Brian Griese, Louis Riddick and Laura Rutledge to Call 2019 "Monday Night Football" Doubleheader Game
Said group will call the Denver Broncos-Oakland Raiders game on ESPN as part of the opening-night doubleheader.

[05/01/19 - 07:19 AM]
Joe Tessitore, Booger McFarland and Lisa Salters to Debut as ESPN's New Commentator Team in "Monday Night Football's" 50th Season
This fall, McFarland will move from his field-level analyst position in 2018 to the booth, alongside Tessitore.

[04/17/19 - 05:13 PM]
Top NFL Rivalries Highlight "Monday Night Football's" 50th Season
The 50th season will kick off on ESPN with a doubleheader Monday, September 9 - Houston Texans vs. New Orleans Saints (7 p.m. ET) and Denver Broncos vs. Oakland Raiders (10:15 p.m. / 7:15 p.m. PT).

[04/09/19 - 01:34 PM]
2019 "Monday Night Football" Preseason Schedule
Raiders, Cardinals, 49ers and Broncos will be featured in the network's two offerings.

[04/01/19 - 11:53 AM]
NFL Official John Parry Joins ESPN as Officiating Analyst
He will contribute to weekly "Monday Night Football" telecasts from the booth and offer analysis on ESPN's NFL studio shows, "SportsCenter" and more.

[12/26/18 - 01:13 PM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Finishes 2018 Regular Season Up Eight Percent
ESPN further spins the numbers for the season to date.

[12/18/18 - 07:41 AM]
Saints-Panthers on ESPN Delivers Second-Best "Monday Night Football" Overnight Rating of the Season and Is Up 40 Percent Year-Over-Year
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, December 17.

[11/28/18 - 09:11 AM]
"MNF" Is No. 1 Show on Monday as ESPN Wins the Night for 12th Straight Week
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, November 26.

[11/20/18 - 07:46 AM]
ESPN's Chiefs-Rams Thriller Is "Monday Night Football's" Best Overnight Rating Since 2014
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, November 19.

[11/13/18 - 08:01 AM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football": Giants-49ers Up 19 Percent Year-Over-Year
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, November 12.

[10/30/18 - 07:38 AM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football": Patriots-Bills Up 10 Percent Year-Over-Year
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 29.

[10/16/18 - 07:17 AM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football": 49ers-Packers Up 38 Percent Year-Over-Year
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 15.

[10/09/18 - 07:17 AM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football": Redskins-Saints Up Four Percent Year-Over-Year
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 8.

[10/02/18 - 08:59 AM]
ESPN Delivers Its Two Highest-Rated Regular Season Afternoon Baseball Games in 20 Years for Historic MLB Tiebreaker Doubleheader
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 1.

[09/25/18 - 03:42 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Helps ESPN Win the Night in Households, Viewers and All Key Male and Adult Demos
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, September 24.

[09/18/18 - 03:31 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Helps ESPN Win the Night Among All Networks
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, September 17.

[09/11/18 - 04:14 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Helps ESPN Win the Night in Households, Viewers and All Key Male and Adult Demos
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, September 10.

[08/17/18 - 09:18 AM]
"Monday Night Football" Preseason Game on ESPN Up 11 Percent Year-Over-Year
ESPN spins the numbers for Thursday, August 16.

[05/10/18 - 07:02 AM]
ESPN Unveils Dynamic, New "Monday Night Football" Commentator Team: Joe Tessitore, Jason Witten, Booger McFarland and Lisa Salters
Tessitore and Witten will be in the booth, while McFarland will bring a new perspective to the games each week as the first field-level analyst for sports television's signature series.

[05/03/18 - 01:45 PM]
Statement on Dallas Cowboys Legend Jason Witten Joining ESPN's "Monday Night Football"
ESPN will make a formal announcement about its new "MNF" team in the coming weeks with even more details.

[04/19/18 - 05:39 PM]
Jon Gruden's Coaching Return and NFL in Mexico City Highlight ESPN's 2018 "Monday Night Football" Schedule
The 49th season will kick off on ESPN with a doubleheader Monday, September 10 - New York Jets at Detroit Lions (7:10 p.m. ET) and Los Angeles Rams at Oakland Raiders (10:15 p.m. / 7:15 p.m. PT).

[04/11/18 - 02:36 PM]
2018 "Monday Night Football" Preseason Schedule
ESPN's 2018 preseason action kicks off Thursday, August 16, when the New York Jets and quarterback Teddy Bridgewater visit the Washington Redskins, led by new quarterback Alex Smith, at 8:00/7:00c.

[01/03/18 - 09:35 AM]
ESPN in 2017: Live Events Drive Audience Increases
ESPN further spins the numbers for the year to date.

[12/20/17 - 08:24 AM]
ESPN Expands Digital Rights to Include "Monday Night Football" Streaming on Mobile Phones
The expanded mobile rights also include NFL highlights and extend through the duration of ESPN's existing NFL agreement (conclusion of the 2021 NFL season).

[10/08/17 - 05:08 AM]
"Star Wars: The Last Jedi" Trailer Debuts Tomorrow During Halftime on ESPN's "Monday Night Football"
Following the trailer launch, tickets to the highly anticipated cinematic event will be on sale everywhere movie tickets are sold.

[05/16/17 - 05:35 AM]
Beth Mowins and Rex Ryan to Call ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Doubleheader Game
The Chargers-Broncos game will immediately follow ESPN's "MNF" opener - New Orleans Saints vs. Minnesota Vikings (6:55 p.m.), featuring Sean McDonough, Jon Gruden and reporter Lisa Salters. MNF Schedule.

[04/20/17 - 05:06 PM]
ESPN's 2017 "Monday Night Football" Schedule
The 48th season will kick off on ESPN with a doubleheader Monday, September 11 - New Orleans Saints at Minnesota Vikings (6:55 p.m. ET) and Los Angeles Chargers at Denver Broncos (10:15 p.m. / 7:15 p.m. PT).

[04/10/17 - 03:08 PM]
2017 "Monday Night Football" Preseason Schedule
ESPN's preseason kicks off Thursday, August 17, when Blake Bortles and the Jacksonville Jaguars - led by head coach Doug Marrone, in his first full season in Jacksonville - host Jameis Winston and the Tampa Bay Buccaneers at EverBank Field.

[04/10/17 - 02:06 PM]
NFL Releases 2017 Preseason Schedule
The 65-game slate features eight nationally televised matchups, including a game between the Chargers and Rams at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum on August 26.

[12/29/16 - 07:13 AM]
Lions-Cowboys Is ESPN's Highest-Rated and Most-Viewed "Monday Night Football" Game Since 2014
ESPN further spins the numbers for Monday, December 26.

[12/13/16 - 02:17 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Helps ESPN Win the Night among All Networks
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, December 12.

[11/30/16 - 02:11 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Helps ESPN Win the Night among All Networks
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, November 28.

[07/18/16 - 08:09 AM]
Randy Moss Joins ESPN
He will serve as an analyst on "Sunday NFL Countdown" and "Monday Night Countdown" from the site of each week's "Monday Night Football" game.

[05/17/16 - 07:43 AM]
NFL Wild Card Playoff Game Will Return to ESPN and ABC
ESPN's new "MNF" team of Sean McDonough, Jon Gruden and sideline reporter Lisa Salters will call the 2017 Wild Card game.

[05/09/16 - 11:47 AM]
Sean McDonough Joins ESPN's "Monday Night Football"
He will work alongside analyst Jon Gruden and reporter Lisa Salters when the 2016 NFL season kicks off this fall.

[05/09/16 - 11:04 AM]
Mike Tirico Joins NBC Sports Group
Tirico, the voice of ESPN's "Monday Night Football" from 2006-2015, is one of four play-by-play announcers to work primetime NFL games for at least 10 seasons.

[04/14/16 - 05:12 PM]
ESPN's 2016 "Monday Night Football" Schedule
The opener features a matchup of 2015 playoff teams - Ben Roethlisberger and the Steelers against Kirk Cousins and the defending NFC East champion Redskins.

[04/07/16 - 01:48 PM]
2016 Monday Night Football Preseason Schedule
Look for Indianapolis Colts vs. Green Bay Packers on August 7 and Dallas Cowboys vs. Los Angeles Rams on August 13.

[02/05/16 - 01:19 PM]
ESPN to Televise "Monday Night Football" Game from Mexico City
The Texans-Raiders matchup will be played at famed Estadio Azteca in Mexico City on Monday, November 21 (week 11) of the 2016 NFL season.

[01/27/16 - 07:53 AM]
2016 Pro Bowl on ESPN - Sunday at 7 p.m. ET
Michael Irvin and Jerry Rice will serve as NFL Legends captains, while the staffs of the Kansas City Chiefs and Green Bay Packers will coach the respective teams, which will be determined through tonight's draft.

[12/31/15 - 09:13 AM]
In 2015, ESPN Repeats as Cable's Best in Prime Time
ESPN spins the numbers for the year to date.

[12/30/15 - 02:48 PM]
Bengals-Broncos Finale Is ESPN's Highest-Rated and Most-Viewed "Monday Night Football" Game in 2015
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, December 28 and the season to date.

[11/24/15 - 02:41 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Helps ESPN Win the Night among All Networks
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, November 23.

[11/17/15 - 03:05 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Helps ESPN Win the Night among All Networks
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, November 16.

[11/03/15 - 02:33 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Helps ESPN Win the Night among All Networks
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, November 2.

[10/20/15 - 02:34 PM]
Buoyed by Debut of Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer, "Monday Night Football" Viewership Peaks at 16,942,000
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 19.

[10/18/15 - 09:22 AM]
Star Wars: The Force Awakens Trailer to Debut Tomorrow During Halftime on ESPN's "Monday Night Football"
Following the trailer launch, tickets to the highly anticipated cinematic event will be on sale everywhere movie tickets are sold.

[10/13/15 - 02:15 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Helps ESPN Win the Night among All Networks
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 12.

[10/06/15 - 08:40 AM]
"Blindspot" Retains 96% of Last Week's 18-49 Rating
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, October 5.

[09/29/15 - 02:44 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Helps ESPN Win the Night among All Networks
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, September 28.

[09/23/15 - 07:40 AM]
"Monday Night Football" Helps ESPN Win the Night among All Networks
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, September 21.

[09/15/15 - 02:38 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Helps ESPN Win the Night among All Networks
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, September 14.

[04/21/15 - 05:39 PM]
ESPN's 2015 "Monday Night Football" Schedule
The 46th season will kick off on ESPN with a doubleheader Monday, September 14 - Philadelphia Eagles at Atlanta Falcons and Minnesota Vikings at San Francisco 49ers.

[04/09/15 - 01:40 PM]
2015 "Monday Night Football" Preseason Schedule - Bills at Browns and Bengals at Buccaneers on ESPN
Look for said offerings on Thursday, August 20 and Monday, August 24, respectively.

[01/20/15 - 01:04 PM]
2015 NFL Pro Bowl on ESPN - "Monday Night Football" Team Will Call Pro Bowl from University of Phoenix Stadium in Arizona on Sunday
ESPN analyst Cris Carter will join fellow Pro Football Hall of Famer Michael Irvin as an alumni team captain.

[01/04/15 - 12:40 PM]
Cardinals-Panthers Wild Card Game is ESPN's Third Highest-Rated NFL Game Ever
ESPN spins the numbers for Saturday, January 3.

[12/23/14 - 03:18 PM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football": Cable's Most-Watched Series for Ninth Straight Year
ESPN spins the numbers for the season to date.

[12/15/14 - 07:13 PM]
Jon Gruden Agrees to Extension through ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Deal
Since joining ESPN in May 2009, Gruden has teamed with play-by-play commentator Mike Tirico to help make "MNF" the most-watched series in cable television history.

[12/09/14 - 02:27 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Helps ESPN Win the Night
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, December 8.

[11/18/14 - 02:09 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Helps ESPN Win the Night among Key Male and Adult Demos
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, November 17.

[10/28/14 - 03:03 PM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Scores Highest Rating Since 2009 with Redskins-Cowboys
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 27.

[10/27/14 - 08:07 AM]
ESPN Teams Up with USA Football to Advance Standards in High School and Youth Football
The partnership includes a financial commitment of $175,000 to USA Football to help establish important standards rooted in education for better, safer play nationwide to benefit young athletes.

[10/23/14 - 12:11 PM]
Football Helps ESPN Win the Night 11 Times among all Viewers
ESPN spins the numbers for the season to date.

[10/21/14 - 02:18 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Helps ESPN Win the Night
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 20.

[10/14/14 - 02:38 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Helps ESPN Win the Night
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 13.

[10/07/14 - 02:25 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Helps ESPN Win the Night among All Networks in Viewers and All Key Male and Adult Demos
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 6.

[09/30/14 - 02:53 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Helps ESPN Win the Night among All Networks
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, September 29.

[09/16/14 - 03:06 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Helps ESPN Win the Night among All Networks
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, September 15.

[04/23/14 - 06:56 PM]
ESPN's 2014 "Monday Night Football" Schedule
The 45th season will kick off with a doubleheader Monday, September 8 - New York Giants at Detroit Lions (7 p.m. ET) and San Diego Chargers at Arizona Cardinals (10:15 p.m. / 7:15 p.m. PT).

[04/22/14 - 08:03 AM]
ESPN to Televise Its First NFL Playoff Game - NFL Wild Card Game to Air in January 2015
ESPN's "MNF" team of Mike Tirico, Jon Gruden and sideline reporter Lisa Salters will call the Wild Card game, as well as the 2015 NFL Pro Bowl.

[04/09/14 - 01:23 PM]
2014 "Monday Night Football" Preseason Schedule
On tap are the Jacksonville Jaguars at Chicago Bears on Thursday, August 14 and the Cleveland Browns at Washington Redskins on Monday, August 18.

[12/26/13 - 09:14 AM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football": Cable's Most-Watched Series for Eighth Straight Year
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, December 23 plus the season to date.

[12/17/13 - 02:37 PM]
ESPN's "MNF": Ravens-Lions Telecast is Most-Watched Show on Monday Night
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, December 16.

[12/10/13 - 03:00 PM]
Cowboys-Bears Is ESPN's Highest-Rated "Monday Night Football" Game of 2013 and the Most-Watched Show on Monday Night
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, December 9.

[12/04/13 - 08:55 AM]
"MNF's" Saints-Seahawks on ESPN: Most-Watched Show on Monday Night
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, December 2.

[11/26/13 - 02:50 PM]
"Monday Night Football's" 49ers-Redskins Telecast Helps ESPN Win the Night among All Networks in Key Male and Adult Demos
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, November 25.

[11/19/13 - 03:23 PM]
"Monday Night Football's" Patriots-Panthers Telecast Helps ESPN Win the Night among All Networks
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, November 18.

[11/19/13 - 08:42 AM]
ABC Earns Season Highs on Monday
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, November 18.

[11/05/13 - 02:36 PM]
"MNF's" Bears-Packers Telecast Helps ESPN Win the Night among All Networks
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, November 4.

[10/29/13 - 02:51 PM]
"MNF's" Seahawks-Rams on ESPN Ranks as Top Telecast of the Night in Key Male Demos
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 28.

[10/22/13 - 03:11 PM]
"MNF's" Vikings-Giants Telecast Helps ESPN Win the Night among All Networks in All Key Male and Adult Demos
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 21.

[10/01/13 - 02:34 PM]
"MNF's" Dolphins-Saints Telecast Helps ESPN Win the Night among All Networks in Households and All Key Male and Adult Demos
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, September 30.

[09/25/13 - 09:25 AM]
"MNF's" Raiders-Broncos Telecast Helps ESPN Win the Night among All Networks in All Key Male Demos and Adults 18-34 and 18-49
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, September 23.

[09/17/13 - 03:07 PM]
"MNF" Helps ESPN Win the Night among All Networks in Viewers and Key Male and Adult Demos
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, September 16.

[09/10/13 - 02:58 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Helps ESPN Win the Night among All Networks
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, September 9.

[09/10/13 - 08:36 AM]
ABC's "Mistresses" Hits Series Highs in Its Season Finale
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, September 9.

[09/10/13 - 08:18 AM]
"Million Second Quiz" Wins 8 p.m. Hour on Big 4, Is #2 for the Night Among Those Nets
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, September 9.

[09/04/13 - 10:52 AM]
ESPN's Extensive Coverage of the 2013 NFL Season
The cable channel details its weekly offerings during the upcoming NFL season.

[08/20/13 - 08:40 AM]
"American Ninja Warrior" Wins Its Time Period in Every Key Ratings Category
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, August 19.

[08/14/13 - 11:33 AM]
ESPN Collaborates with Filmmaker Peter Berg on New "Monday Night Football" Open
The one-minute, 30-second open will debut before the regular-season opener - Philadelphia Eagles vs. Washington Redskins - on September 9.

[04/18/13 - 05:09 PM]
ESPN's 2013 "Monday Night Football" Schedule
Eagles vs. Redskins and Texans vs. Chargers will be featured in the season premiere, airing September 9.

[04/04/13 - 02:04 PM]
2013 "Monday Night Football" Preseason Schedule
First up: Cincinnati Bengals vs. Atlanta Falcons on Thursday, August 8.

[03/25/13 - 12:05 PM]
ESPN Agrees to Contract Extension with Rick Reilly
Reilly will travel to the site of each week's "MNF" game, appearing on both the "Monday Night Countdown" pre-game and the post-game "SportsCenter."

[12/11/12 - 02:55 PM]
ESPN and "Monday Night Football" Win the Night
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, December 10.

[12/11/12 - 09:20 AM]
CBS Surges to First Monday Win of the Season in Viewers, Adults 18-49 and Adults 25-54
CBS spins the numbers for Monday, December 10.

[12/11/12 - 08:41 AM]
ABC's "Home Edition" Surges/"Castle" Tops Year-Ago Repeat by Wide Margins
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, December 10.

[12/04/12 - 02:17 PM]
ESPN and "Monday Night Football" Win the Night
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, December 3.

[11/20/12 - 02:44 PM]
ESPN and "Monday Night Football" Win the Night Among All Key Male and Adult Demos
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, November 19.

[11/13/12 - 03:24 PM]
ESPN and "Monday Night Football" Win the Night among All Key Male and Adult Demos
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, November 12.

[11/13/12 - 08:45 AM]
ABC's "Dancing with the Stars" and "Castle" Grow in Viewers and Young Adults on Monday
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, November 12.

[11/01/12 - 01:36 PM]
Disney/ABC Television Group Issues a Call to Action to Help Those Impacted by Hurricane Sandy
On Monday, November 5, the company's network and syndicated programming will encourage viewers to help those impacted by Hurricane Sandy.

[10/23/12 - 03:17 PM]
ESPN and "Monday Night Football" Win the Night among All Key Male Demos
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 22.

[10/23/12 - 08:46 AM]
ABC's "Dancing with the Stars" Builds to Stand is Monday's Most-Watched TV Series for the 3rd Week Running
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, October 22.

[10/16/12 - 02:24 PM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Wins the Night among All Key Male and Adult Demos
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 15.

[10/09/12 - 02:56 PM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Wins the Night among All Programs
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 8.

[10/02/12 - 02:29 PM]
ESPN and "Monday Night Football" Win the Night with Season-Best 12.3 Rating and 16.6 Million Viewers
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 1.

[09/18/12 - 02:48 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Wins the Night Among All Networks - Broncos-Falcons Delivers 11.6 Rating and 15.5 Million Viewers
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, September 17.

[09/11/12 - 01:58 PM]
ABC Family's "Switched at Birth" Retains 99% of Week-Ago Return in W18-34 Against NBC's Debut of "The Voice"
ABC Family spins the numbers for Monday, September 10.

[09/07/12 - 07:48 AM]
Chris Berman Signs Multi-Year ESPN Extension
Berman will continue as the leading voice and face of ESPN's National Football League studio coverage.

[09/06/12 - 01:48 PM]
ESPN Inc. and the 2012 NFL Season - More than 30 hours of Weekly NFL Programming
Said coverage includes 17 games on "Monday Night Football."

[09/06/12 - 10:34 AM]
Legend to Legend: ESPN to Commemorate The Rolling Stones' 50th Anniversary on Monday Nights
ESPN is licensing 16 Rolling Stones tracks for its "Monday Night Football" coverage.

[04/17/12 - 04:07 PM]
ESPN's 2012 "Monday Night Football" Schedule
The 43rd season will kick off with a doubleheader Monday, September 10 and will continue with a total of 17 prime-time games.

[04/11/12 - 07:31 AM]
Lisa Salters Named ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Sideline Reporter
A year ago, ESPN used a rotation of sideline reporters on its "MNF" games.

[04/04/12 - 12:34 PM]
2012 "Monday Night Football" Preseason Schedule
The four-game slate begins with the Green Bay Packers at the San Diego Chargers on Thursday, August 9.

[02/15/12 - 09:28 AM]
Ron Jaworski Signs Five-Year Extension for New, Expanded Multiplatform Analyst Role
He'll depart "Monday Night Football," leaving Mike Tirico and Jon Gruden as a new two-person commentator team.

[01/04/12 - 10:26 AM]
NBC Is #1 in Adults 18-49 for the Week of Dec. 26-Jan. 1
NBC spins the numbers for the week of December 26-January 1.

[12/28/11 - 03:26 PM]
Saints-Falcons "MNF" Finale Helps ESPN Win the Night
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, December 26 and the season to date.

[12/28/11 - 10:47 AM]
NBC Wins the Primetime Week of Dec. 19-25 in All Key Measures
NBC spins the numbers for the week of December 19-25.

[12/20/11 - 02:06 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Helps ESPN Win the Night among All Networks
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, December 19.

[12/14/11 - 12:38 PM]
The Tradition Continues: NFL To Remain On Broadcast TV
The new agreements run through the 2022 season while the current television agreements expire following the 2013 season.

[12/06/11 - 09:36 AM]
"How I Met Your Mother" Posts Largest Audience for a Regularly Scheduled Episode Since January 2009
CBS spins the numbers for Monday, December 5.

[11/30/11 - 07:44 AM]
"Monday Night Football" Wins the Night for ESPN
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, November 28.

[11/22/11 - 02:00 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Helps ESPN Win the Night in All Key Male and Adult Demos
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, November 21.

[11/15/11 - 02:21 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Helps ESPN Win the Night in All Key Male and Adult Demos
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, November 14.

[11/08/11 - 02:25 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Helps ESPN Win the Night in All Key Male and Adult Demos
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, November 7.

[11/08/11 - 10:58 AM]
"NBC Sunday Night Football" Is the #1 Primetime Program of the Week in Adults 18-49, Total Viewers and Other Key Measures
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 31-November 6.

[11/01/11 - 02:39 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Helps ESPN Win the Night in Key Male and Adult Demos
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 31.

[11/01/11 - 09:49 AM]
CBS Wins Monday in Key Demographics for the Seventh Consecutive Week
CBS spins the numbers for Monday, October 31.

[10/18/11 - 02:54 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Helps ESPN Win the Night in Key Male and Adult Demos
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 17.

[10/17/11 - 08:44 AM]
Jon Gruden Agrees to Five-Year ESPN Extension
The new contract, which covers his duties as "Monday Night Football" analyst, begins in September 2012.

[10/11/11 - 02:39 PM]
Bears-Lions Helps ESPN Win the Night Among All Key Male and Adult Demos
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 10.

[09/27/11 - 02:49 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Scores Season-Best 17.1 Million Viewers
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, September 26.

[09/20/11 - 10:47 AM]
NBC Has Four of the Top 5 Programs of the Week in Adults 18-49 and the Top Three Telecasts of the Week in Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for the week of September 12-18.

[09/20/11 - 09:55 AM]
ABC Earns No. 2 in Adults 18-49 with its Top-Rated Week in Over 3 Months
ABC spins the numbers for the week of September 12-18.

[09/13/11 - 03:43 PM]
"Monday Night Football" Opener Wins the Night among All Networks
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, September 12.

[09/13/11 - 08:45 AM]
ABC's "Bachelor Pad" Builds in its 2nd Season
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, September 12.

[09/08/11 - 06:32 AM]
ESPN, NFL Reach Eight-Year Extension for "Monday Night Football"
The broad multiplatform agreement, which begins in 2014, includes eight full seasons of "MNF" telecasts, expanded NFL studio programming and more!

[04/19/11 - 05:00 PM]
ESPN's 2011 "Monday Night Football Schedule"
Patriots/Dolphins and Raiders/Broncos will kick off the franchise's annual opening doubleheader on September 12.

[04/14/11 - 12:34 PM]
ESPN's 2011 NFL Draft Telecast: Berman, Gruden and Kiper Lead Primetime Coverage from Radio City Music Hall
On Thursday, April 28 (Round 1) and Friday, April 29 (Rounds 2-3), Berman and Kiper will team with Gruden on the main set from Radio City.

[04/12/11 - 01:14 PM]
2011 "Monday Night Football" Preseason Schedule
ESPN will broadcast four games beginning with the Seattle Seahawks at the San Diego Chargers on Thursday, August 11.

[01/03/11 - 02:20 PM]
ESPN's Rose Bowl Game: Cable's Third-Biggest Audience
ESPN spins the numbers for Sunday, January 2.

[12/31/10 - 11:40 AM]
Most-Viewed Year for ESPN, ESPN2 & ESPN Networks Combined
ESPN spins the numbers for the year to date.

[12/28/10 - 04:04 PM]
Saints-Falcons "MNF" Finale is Cable's No. 3 Audience All-Time and Most-Watched Cable Show of Year
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, December 27.

[12/21/10 - 03:24 PM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Wins the Night: Bears-Vikings Game Scores 11.6 Rating and 17.1 Million Viewers
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, December 20.

[12/14/10 - 11:00 AM]
NBC Wins the Primetime Week of Dec. 6-12 in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for the week of December 6-12.

[12/07/10 - 02:23 PM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Wins the Night
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, December 6.

[12/06/10 - 12:29 PM]
Video: ESPN Remembers "Monday Night Football" Legend Don Meredith
Plus quotes from Bob Iger, George Bodenheimer, Mike Tirico, Ron Jaworski, Jon Gruden, Chris Berman and Steve Hirdt.

[11/16/10 - 02:38 PM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Wins the Night among All Key Male and Adult Demos
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, November 15.

[11/09/10 - 02:40 PM]
ESPN's "Monday Night Football" Wins the Night among All Key Male and Adult Demos
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, November 8.

[11/02/10 - 03:27 PM]
ESPN's Monday Night Football Wins the Night among Both Young Male and Adults Demos
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, November 1.

[10/26/10 - 02:52 PM]
ESPN's Monday Night Football Giants-Cowboys: Cable's Fourth Biggest Audience of All-Time and Most-Watched Cable Program of 2010
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 25.

[10/12/10 - 03:24 PM]
ESPN's Monday Night Football Wins the Night in Key Male and Adult Demos Among All Networks in Prime Time
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 11.

[10/11/10 - 10:53 AM]
Most-Viewed Fiscal Year Ever for ESPN
ESPN spins the numbers for the year to date.

[10/05/10 - 03:08 PM]
ESPN's Monday Night Football Wins the Night in Key Male and Adult Demos among All Networks in Prime Time
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 4.

[10/05/10 - 02:04 PM]
NBC Primetime Results for the Week of Sept. 27-Oct. 3
NBC spins the numbers for the week of September 27-October 3.

[09/28/10 - 04:40 PM]
ESPN's Monday Night Football Attracts Fifth Most-Watched Program in Cable Television History and Cable's Biggest Audience of 2010
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, September 27.

[09/21/10 - 03:22 PM]
ESPN's Monday Night Football Wins the Night in Key Male and Adult Demos Among All Networks in Prime Time
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, September 20.

[09/14/10 - 03:56 PM]
Monday Night Football Delivers Its Best ESPN Opening Night
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, September 13.

[04/20/10 - 04:10 PM]
ESPN's 2010 Monday Night Football Schedule
Ravens at Jets and Chargers at Chiefs kick things off on Monday, September 13.

[04/19/10 - 07:32 AM]
Chris Berman Signs Extension to Remain with Espn
His 25 years as host of Sunday NFL Countdown (formerly NFL Gameday) is by far the longest streak ever among all weekly pro football studio show hosts.

[03/31/10 - 12:17 PM]
2010 Monday Night Football Preseason Schedule
Panthers at Ravens will kick things off on August 12 followed by Giants at Jets on August 16.

[01/04/10 - 10:39 AM]
Most-Viewed Year for Espn, ESPN2 & ESPN Networks Combined
ESPN spins the numbers for 2009.

[12/29/09 - 04:20 PM]
ESPN's Highest-Rated and Most-Viewed Season of Monday Night Football
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, December 28.

[12/22/09 - 02:47 PM]
Monday Night Football Wins the Night Among All Networks
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, December 21.

[12/15/09 - 02:46 PM]
Monday Night Football Wins the Night in Key Male Demos Among All Networks
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, December 14.

[12/08/09 - 03:21 PM]
Monday Night Football Powers ESPN to Win the Night Among All Networks
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, December 7.

[12/08/09 - 02:04 PM]
NBC Is #2 in Adults 18-49 for the Week of NoV. 30-DeC. 6
NBC spins the numbers for the week of November 30-December 6.

[12/08/09 - 09:22 AM]
The Big Bang Theory Soars to Series Highs
CBS spins the numbers for Monday, December 7.

[12/02/09 - 08:52 AM]
ESPN's Monday Night Football: 21.4 Million Viewers for Patriots-Saints Game
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, November 30.

[11/24/09 - 03:41 PM]
ESPN's Monday Night Football Wins the Night in Key Male and Adult Demos
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, November 23.

[11/24/09 - 01:07 PM]
USA's Fall Lineup White Hot
USA spins the numbers for the week of November 16-22.

[11/16/09 - 06:49 AM]
ESPN and Jon Gruden Reach Multi-Year Extension
In addition, Gruden will appear on ESPN's NFL Draft and Super Bowl week coverage.

[11/10/09 - 02:35 PM]
ESPN's Monday Night Football Wins the Night in Key Male and Adult Demos
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, November 9.

[11/03/09 - 03:10 PM]
ESPN's Monday Night Football Wins the Night in Key Male Demos
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, November 2.

[10/27/09 - 02:35 PM]
ESPN's Monday Night Football Wins the Night in Key Male and Adult Demos
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 26.

[10/20/09 - 02:48 PM]
ESPN's Monday Night Football Wins the Night in Key Male and Adult Demos
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 19.

[10/20/09 - 10:42 AM]
ABC Takes Second in Total Viewers and Across Key Women Demos
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 12-18.

[10/20/09 - 09:37 AM]
Accidentally on Purpose Delivers Highest Adult 18-49 and Adult 18-34 Ratings of the Season
CBS spins the numbers for Monday, October 19.

[10/20/09 - 07:04 AM]
ESPN Logs Best Month Ever Across Multiple Platforms in September
ESPN spins the numbers for the month of September.

[10/13/09 - 03:16 PM]
ESPN's Monday Night Football "Wins the Night" in Key Male and Adult Demos
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 12.

[10/13/09 - 10:57 AM]
ABC Is Monday's Most-Watched Net, Beating CBS by 2.8 Million Viewers
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, October 12.

[10/13/09 - 10:52 AM]
ABC Takes Second for the Week in Total Viewers and Key Demos
ABC spins the numbers the week of October 5-11.

[10/06/09 - 02:46 PM]
Monday Night Football - Cable's All-Time Biggest Audience and ESPN's Highest Rating Ever
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 5.

[10/01/09 - 07:47 AM]
Top Third Quarter for ESPN Networks - Four Nets Combine for Biggest Audience Ever
ESPN spins the numbers for the third quarter of 2009.

[09/30/09 - 11:02 AM]
ESPN's Monday Night Football: Cable's Biggest Audience of 2009 for 3rd Straight Week
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, September 28.

[09/22/09 - 03:21 PM]
ESPN's Monday Night Football: Cable's Biggest Audience of 2009 for 2nd Straight Week
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, September 21.

[09/15/09 - 03:37 PM]
ESPN's Monday Night Football Delivers Cable's Two Biggest Audiences of 2009
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, September 14.

[09/01/09 - 02:48 PM]
Monday Night Football: ESPN's Most-Viewed Preseason Game Ever and Highest-Rated Since 1996
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, August 31.

[08/14/09 - 02:52 PM]
Monday Night Football Preseason Opener: ESPN's Most-Viewed Non-Monday Preseason Game Since 1994
ESPN spins the numbers for Thursday, August 13.

[05/18/09 - 07:39 AM]
Jon Gruden Joins ESPN's Monday Night Football
Gruden replaces Tony Kornheiser, who has decided to step down after three years in the "MNF" booth.

[04/16/09 - 07:35 AM]
John Madden Retires from Broadcasting
"It's been such a great ride... the NFL has been my life for more than 40 years, it has been my passion - it still is," said Madden in a statement.

[04/14/09 - 05:44 PM]
40th Season of Monday Night Football: All 12 Playoff Teams from 2008; Patriots, Colts and Cowboys in September
ESPN's schedule will feature all 12 playoff teams from 2008, including both the defending Super Bowl champion Pittsburgh Steelers and NFC champion Arizona Cardinals.

[03/30/09 - 11:00 AM]
2009 Monday Night Football Preseason Schedule
Cardinals/Steelers kick things off on Thursday, August 13 with additional games on August 17, 24 and 31.

[03/23/09 - 01:18 PM]
ESPN's Monday Night Football Season-Opening Doubleheader - Bills-Patriots and Chargers-Raiders on SepT. 14
The MNF doubleheader will be part of the NFL's celebration of the 50th anniversary season of the AFL.

[12/23/08 - 02:57 PM]
Monday Night Football: Most-Watched Series on Cable
ESPN spins the numbers for the year to date.

[11/04/08 - 02:55 PM]
Monday Night Football - "Wins the Night" for Third Time
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, November 3.

[10/30/08 - 07:01 AM]
John Mccain and Barack Obama on ESPN's Monday Night Football
Chris Berman will interview both major party presidential nominees during halftime of the game.

[10/01/08 - 07:44 AM]
Monday Night Football - Audience Up 15% for Year
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, September 29.

[09/23/08 - 02:27 PM]
Monday Night Football - Audience Up 19% for Year
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, September 22.

[09/16/08 - 02:55 PM]
Monday Night Football -- Cable's Biggest Audience Ever
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, September 15.

[09/09/08 - 03:24 PM]
Monday Night Football Delivers Cable's Two Biggest Audiences of 2008
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, September 8.

[06/10/08 - 12:32 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of June 2, 2008 (Based on National Live + Same Day Program Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for the week of June 2-8.

[06/06/08 - 01:48 PM]
Quick Take for Thursday, June 5, 2008 (National Live + Same Day Program Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for Thursday, June 5.

[04/15/08 - 11:35 AM]
ESPN's 2008 Monday Night Football Schedule
ESPN's schedule will feature 11 playoff teams from 2007, including both the defending Super Bowl champion New York Giants and AFC champion New England Patriots.

[04/03/08 - 11:38 AM]
2008 Monday Night Football Preseason Schedule
Things kick off with the New Orleans Saints at Arizona Cardinals on Thursday, August 7.

[03/31/08 - 10:56 AM]
ESPN's Monday Night Football Season-Opening Doubleheader -- Vikings-Packers and Broncos-Raiders on SepT. 8
The commentator team of Mike Tirico (play-by-play) and analysts Ron Jaworski and Tony Kornheiser will call the early game at Lambeau Field.

[12/27/07 - 05:13 PM]
Monday Night Football: Most-Watched Series on Cable
ESPN spins the numbers for the year to date.

[12/27/07 - 04:50 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of December 17, 2007 (Based on National Live + Same Day Program Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for the week of December 17-23.

[12/18/07 - 04:09 PM]
Monday Night Football: ESPN Wins the Night as the Most-Watched Network
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, December 17.

[12/11/07 - 11:23 AM]
CBS Wins Monday in All Key Measures
CBS spins the numbers for Monday, December 10.

[12/05/07 - 03:02 PM]
Patriots-Ravens on Monday Night Football: Cable's Biggest Audience Ever
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, December 3.

[11/28/07 - 12:05 PM]
Cable Ratings Round-Up (Week of November 19-25): 'Tequila' Scores, 'Razor' Falters
MTV's "A Shot at Love With Tila Tequila" hits a series high while Sci Fi's "Battlestar Galactica" doesn't get a bump from "Razor."

[11/06/07 - 01:02 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of October 29, 2007 (Based on National Live + Same Day Program Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 29-November 4.

[10/30/07 - 04:23 PM]
Monday Night Football: Biggest Cable Audience of 2007
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 29.

[10/30/07 - 01:38 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of October 22, 2007 (Based on National Live + Same Day Program Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 22-28.

[10/23/07 - 04:32 PM]
Monday Night Football: #1 Every Week Among All Networks in Prime Time Delivery of Men
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 22.

[10/16/07 - 12:21 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of October 8, 2007 (Based on National Live + Same Day Program Ratings)
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 8-14.

[10/09/07 - 03:48 PM]
Monday Night Football: Cable's Biggest Household Audience of 2007
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 8.

[09/26/07 - 02:38 PM]
'NBC Sunday Night Football' Is the #1 Program of the Week of SepT. 17-23, Giving 'Snf' the Top Spot for a Third Straight Week
NBC spins the numbers for the week of September 17-23.

[09/25/07 - 05:59 PM]
ESPN's Sunday NFL Countdown Continues to Grow Its Audience - Up 11% in '07
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, September 24.

[09/19/07 - 04:20 PM]
Monday Night Football: ESPN's Highest Rating of 2007
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, September 18.

[09/11/07 - 04:17 PM]
Monday Night Football Delivers ESPN's Two Highest-Rated Programs of 2007
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, September 10.

[08/20/07 - 05:34 PM]
ESPN's Monday Night Football to Feature Fan-Generated Videos
Videos will highlight the teams set to play in the following week's MNF game on ESPN, as fans voice why their team will win the game and why NFL fans should tune-in.

[06/05/07 - 11:04 AM]
Dennis Miller to Host 'Grand Slam' for GSN
The seriers is an eight episode head-to-head single elimination tournament featuring America's top 16 game show contestants competing to determine who is the best.

[05/22/07 - 03:40 PM]
ABC Marks Its Best Adult 18-49 Competitive Position in May in 7 Years, While Generating Its Largest Audience During a May Sweep Since 2001
ABC spins the numbers for the May sweeps period and the 2006-2007 season.

[05/15/07 - 05:00 AM]
ABC Unveils 2007-08 Primetime Schedule
Stephen McPherson, president, ABC Entertainment, today outlined ABC's plans for next season and unveiled the network's 2007-08 fall schedule before a crowd of ABC affiliates and representatives of the advertising and media communities at Lincoln Center's Avery Fisher Hall.

[04/11/07 - 02:58 PM]
ESPN's 2007 Monday Night Football Schedule
Lineup includes the Steelers' 75th Anniversary celebration game on November 5.

[04/11/07 - 12:04 PM]
NBC Sunday Night Football Schedule Announced
The schedule includes NBC's first trip to Lambeau Field as the Green Bay Packers host their division foe the Bears, in what could be a historic night for Brett Favre.

[04/02/07 - 02:39 PM]
ESPN's 2007 Monday Night Football Preseason Schedule
Quartet of games includes Broncos at 49ers, Dolphins at Chiefs, Bears at Colts and Bengals at Falcons.

[03/26/07 - 10:57 AM]
New Lineup Announced for ESPN's Monday Night Football: Tirico, Jaworski and Kornheiser
Jaworski will occupy the analyst role previously held by Joe Theismann, who has been offered a prominent football analyst role with ESPN.

[01/09/07 - 05:53 PM]
NBC's Wild Card Saturday Draws Highest-Rated Primetime Wild Card Game Ever
NBC spins the numbers for Saturday, January 6.

[01/03/07 - 01:01 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of December 25, 2006
ABC spins the numbers for the week of December 25-31.

[01/03/07 - 11:10 AM]
NBC Snf Averages 1.2 Million More Viewers Than ABC Mnf in 2005; NBC Is the Highest-Rated and Most-Watched NFL Broadcaster
Plus: FOX, CBS and ESPN's packages are also up from 2005.

[12/28/06 - 10:26 AM]
Monday Night Football: Most-Watched Series in Cable Television History
The 17 games averaged 12.325 million viewers and are the biggest 17 household audiences for cable television in 2006.

[12/26/06 - 01:51 PM]
Eagles-Cowboys on NBC Highest-Rated Christmas Day NFL Game Since 1993
NBC spins the numbers for Monday, December 25.

[12/19/06 - 09:29 PM]
ESPN's NFL Coverage Up 43% VS. 2005
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, December 18.

[12/19/06 - 02:34 PM]
ESPN Acquires Minority Stake in Arena Football Multimedia Rights and Minimum of 26 Television Games Per Season
ESPN will televise a minimum of 17 regular-season games and nine playoff games -- including a minimum three Wild Card games, three Divisional playoff games, both Conference Championships and the Arena Bowl -- on ESPN, ESPN2 and ABC.

[12/18/06 - 04:19 PM]
NBC Snf Up 16% Over Last Year's Week 15 "Mnf" Game
NBC spins the numbers for Sunday, December 17.

[12/12/06 - 03:54 PM]
ESPN's NFL Coverage Up 38% VS. 2005
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, December 11.

[12/12/06 - 11:42 AM]
NBC Wins Its Second Primetime Week in a Row in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for the week of December 4-10.

[12/11/06 - 11:05 AM]
NBC Sunday Night Football Rushes to Primetime Win
NBC spins the numbers for Sunday, December 10.

[12/05/06 - 04:14 PM]
ESPN's NFL Coverage Up 38% VS. 2005
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, December 4.

[12/05/06 - 12:36 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of November 27, 2006
ABC spins the numbers for the week of November 27-December 3.

[12/04/06 - 12:32 PM]
'NBC Sunday Night Football' Powers NBC to #2 in November Sweep
NBC spins the numbers for Sunday, December 3 and the November sweeps period.

[11/30/06 - 05:38 PM]
ABC Marks Is First November Sweep Win in 7 Years in Adults 18-49
ABC spins the numbers for the November sweeps period.

[11/28/06 - 01:24 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of November 20, 2006
ABC spins the numbers for the week of November 20-26.

[11/21/06 - 08:39 PM]
ESPN's NFL Coverage Up 36% VS. 2005
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, November 20.

[11/21/06 - 08:35 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of November 13, 2006
ABC spins the numbers for the week of November 13-19.

[11/14/06 - 12:31 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of November 6, 2006
ABC spins the numbers for the week of November 6-12.

[11/14/06 - 12:21 PM]
'Heroes' Is the #1 New Show of the Week and Season in Key Demos and Total Viewers
NBC spins the numbers for the week of November 6-12.

[11/13/06 - 11:13 AM]
NBC Sunday Night Football Bears-Giants Tackles Sunday Night
NBC spins the numbers for Sunday, November 12.

[11/07/06 - 05:55 PM]
ESPN's NFL Coverage Up 38% VS. 2005
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, November 6.

[11/07/06 - 04:41 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of October 30, 2006
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 30-November 5.

[11/07/06 - 04:27 PM]
NBC Wins the Week in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 30-November 5.

[11/06/06 - 01:59 PM]
'NBC Sunday Night Football' Colts-Patriots Up 33% VS. 2005
NBC spins the numbers for Sunday, November 5.

[10/31/06 - 05:22 PM]
ESPN's NFL Coverage Up 47% VS. 2005
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 30.

[10/31/06 - 01:23 PM]
'Heroes,' the #1 New Show of the Week and the Season, Soars to New Ratings Highs
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 23-29.

[10/31/06 - 01:18 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of October 23, 2006
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 23-29.

[10/30/06 - 12:21 PM]
NBC Sunday Night Football Cowboys-Panthers Up 22% from 2005
NBC spins the numbers for Sunday, October 29.

[10/28/06 - 03:43 PM]
Development Update: October 23-27 (Weekly Round-Up)
Over 30 updates on projects in development and tidbits about shows currently on the air!

[10/27/06 - 12:28 PM]
The Cast of "Ugly Betty" Gives Bill Belichick a Fabulous Mode Makeover, Transforming Him Into Tom Brady
America Ferrera, Eric Mabius and Becki Newton will all appear on the "Monday Night Football" pre-game show.

[10/24/06 - 03:55 PM]
ESPN's Monday Night Football: Cable's Largest Audience Ever
The game's 11.807 million households tops the previous record of 11.174 million for CNN's November 1993 NAFTA Debate between then-vice president Al Gore and Ross Perot on Larry King Live.

[10/24/06 - 12:15 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of October 16, 2006
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 16-22.

[10/17/06 - 06:52 PM]
ESPN's Audience Up 17% Since Mnf Started
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 16.

[10/17/06 - 03:27 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of October 9, 2006
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 9-15.

[10/13/06 - 07:05 PM]
Development Update: October 9-13 (Weekly Round-Up)
Over 30 updates on projects in development and tidbits about shows currently on the air!

[10/10/06 - 04:39 PM]
ESPN's NFL Coverage Up 34% VS. 2005
ESPN spins the numbers for Monday, October 9.

[10/10/06 - 12:19 PM]
'Heroes' Is the #1 New Show of the Week and Season in Adults 18-49
NBC spins the numbers for the week of October 2-8.

[10/10/06 - 12:13 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of October 2, 2006
ABC spins the numbers for the week of October 2-8.

[10/10/06 - 10:06 AM]
CBS Wins Monday in Viewers and Key Demographics for the Second Consecutive Week
CBS spins the numbers for Monday, October 9.

[10/09/06 - 03:05 PM]
'NBC Sunday Night Football' Pacing 9% Ahead of 2005 Mnf
NBC spins the numbers for Sunday, October 8.

[10/06/06 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: October 2-6 (Weekly Round-Up)
A weekly recap of everything in development for the past week.

[10/04/06 - 10:25 AM]
Quick Take for Monday, October 2, 2006 - Final Ratings
ABC spins the numbers for Monday, October 2.

[10/03/06 - 08:05 PM]
ESPN's NFL Coverage Up 30% VS. 2005
Eagles/Packers showdown is also cable television's fourth-biggest audience of all time, and third-biggest this year.

[10/03/06 - 03:19 PM]
NBC Delivers Primetime's Biggest Gains Versus Last Year for the Week and the Season
NBC spins the numbers for the week of September 25-October 1.

[10/03/06 - 01:16 PM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of September 25, 2006
ABC spins the numbers for the week of September 25-October 1.

[10/02/06 - 12:00 AM]
'NBC Sunday Night Football' Week 4 Up 8% from 2005

[09/26/06 - 12:00 AM]
NBC Jumps 18 Percent Over Premiere Week Last Year, Ranks #2 in 18-49 for the Opening Week of the 2006-07 Primetime Season

[09/26/06 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of September 18, 2006

[09/25/06 - 12:00 AM]
'NBC Sunday Night Football' Week 3 Up 15% from 2005

[09/22/06 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: September 18-22 (Weekly Round-Up)

[09/19/06 - 12:00 AM]
'NBC Sunday Night Football' Is #1 in 18-49 for the Week of SepT. 11-17

[09/18/06 - 12:00 AM]
'NBC Sunday Night Football' Week 2 Up 14% from 2005

[09/12/06 - 12:00 AM]
NBC's Primetime NFL Telecasts Rank #1 and #2 in 18-49 for the Week of SepT. 4-10

[09/11/06 - 12:00 AM]
NBC Sunday Night Football' Opener Outrates Every Monday Night Football Opener Since 2000

[09/08/06 - 12:00 AM]
NBC Scores Best NFL Kickoff Ever

[06/15/06 - 12:00 AM]
Lisa Guerrero Joins Inside Edition as a West Coast Correspondent

[06/13/06 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of June 5-11, 2006

[06/06/06 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of May 29 - June 4, 2006

[06/02/06 - 12:00 AM]
Quick Take for Thursday, June 1, 2006 (Based on Fast Affiliate Ratings)

[05/25/06 - 12:00 AM]
Posting Its Strongest Numbers in 5 Years, ABC Finishes the 2005-06 TV Season as the Only Network to Grow Its Adult 18-49 Audience

[05/16/06 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of May 8-14, 2006

[05/02/06 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of April 24-30, 2006

[04/18/06 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of April 10-16, 2006

[04/11/06 - 12:00 AM]
Quick Take for Monday, April 10, 2006 - (Based on Fast Affiliate Ratings)

[02/14/06 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of February 6-12, 2006

[02/07/06 - 12:00 AM]
Quick Take for Monday, February 6, 2006 - Final Ratings

[02/07/06 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of January 30 - February 5, 2006

[01/31/06 - 12:00 AM]
Quick Take for Monday, January 30, 2006 (Based on Fast Affiliate Ratings)

[01/31/06 - 12:00 AM]
February Sweeps in with Super Bowl Sunday, with Big Episodes of "Grey's Anatomy" and "Jimmy Kimmel Live" Following Pro Football's Most Anticipated Showdown; Barbara Walters' Academy Awards Edition Special; a "Wife Swap" Special; Travis' Final Rose; Truly Life-Altering Home Makeovers; Valentine's Day with Charlie Brown and "Rodney"

[01/23/06 - 12:00 AM]
Your NBC TCA Questions Answered: Future of 'Surface,' 'Joey,' More

[01/23/06 - 12:00 AM]
Your ABC TCA Questions Answered: Game Over for 'Emily,' Other News

[01/18/06 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of January 9-15, 2006

[01/10/06 - 12:00 AM]
Quick Take for Monday, January 9, 2006 (Based on Fast Affiliate Ratings)

[01/04/06 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Ends 2005 with Its 15th Consecutive Win in Viewers

[01/04/06 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of DeC. 26, 2005 - JaN. 1, 2006

[12/28/05 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of December 19-25, 2005

[12/20/05 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of December 12-18, 2005

[12/13/05 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of December 5-11, 2005

[12/07/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Boasts the Season's Top Freshman Class

[12/06/05 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of November 28 - December 4, 2005

[12/01/05 - 12:00 AM]
Rudolph with His Nose So Bright Guides CBS to a November Sweeps Demographic Victory Last Night

[11/30/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS to Win the November Sweep in Viewers and Adults 25-54

[11/29/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Delivers Its Largest Monday Audience of the Season and Highest Rated in Adults 18-49

[11/29/05 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of November 21-27, 2005

[11/22/05 - 12:00 AM]
A Winning Monday for Cbs

[11/22/05 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of November 14-20, 2005

[11/16/05 - 12:00 AM]
ABC Announces Post-Football Monday Night Lineup, to Begin Monday, January 9

[11/15/05 - 12:00 AM]
Bonus Scene of "Csi Miami" to Debut Exclusively on CBS.com, Monday, NoV. 21

[11/15/05 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of November 7-13, 2005

[11/08/05 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of OcT. 31 - NoV. 6, 2005

[11/01/05 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of October 24-30, 2005

[10/25/05 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of October 17-23, 2005

[10/18/05 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of October 10-16, 2005

[10/11/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Places First on Monday in Viewers and Adults 25-54 Opposite Football and Baseball

[10/11/05 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of October 3 - 9, 2005

[10/04/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Wins Monday in Viewers and Adults 25-54

[10/04/05 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of SepT. 26 - OcT. 2, 2005

[09/27/05 - 12:00 AM]
NBC Primetime Results for the Week of SepT. 19-25

[09/27/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS Begins the 2005-2006 Season the Way It Ended Last Year: In First

[09/27/05 - 12:00 AM]
Primetime Ratings Report for the Week of September 19-25, 2005

[09/20/05 - 12:00 AM]
CBS's Monday Premieres Place a Solid Second Opposite an Unprecedented Primetime Football Doubleheader

[09/15/05 - 12:00 AM]
ABC Sports, ESPN Join National Football League for "Hurricane Relief Weekend" Telethon on Monday, SepT. 19

[08/10/05 - 12:00 AM]
Grammy Award-Winning Superstar Tim Mcgraw Partners with ABC's NFL "Monday Night Football" for Special Musical Halftime Highlights

[08/08/05 - 12:00 AM]
NFL and ABC Get Satisfaction

[08/08/05 - 12:00 AM]
ABC Television Network and Proteus Announce Mobile Content Deal

[06/15/05 - 12:00 AM]
John Madden Joins "NBC's Sunday Night Football"

[05/31/05 - 12:00 AM]
The ABC Television Network Upfront Sales Generates Increases Across All Dayparts

[05/17/05 - 12:00 AM]
Building on a Slate of Returning Series That Produced the Largest Season-To-Season Adult 18-49 Audience Growth for Any Major Network in at Least 25 Years, ABC Announces the Addition of Five New Comedies, Six New Dramas and One New Alternative Series to Its 2005-06 Primetime Schedule

[05/15/05 - 12:00 AM]
Nbc, Abc, FOX and the WB Set Initial 2005-06 Season Orders

[04/18/05 - 12:00 AM]
NBC Returns with All of Sunday Night Devoted to NFL Plus Flexible Scheduling and Earlier Kickoff; Monday Night Football Moves to ESPN with Earlier Kickoff

[04/18/05 - 12:00 AM]
NFL Returns to Nbc

[04/13/05 - 12:00 AM]
Monday Night Football Celebrates Its 36th Season with a Blockbuster Schedule, Including the Opening NFL Game of the Season and Super Bowl Xl

[03/21/05 - 12:00 AM]
ABC's NFL 'Monday Night Football' Will Open Its 36th Season Thursday, September 8, with the Super Bowl Champion New England Patriots Hosting the Oakland Raiders and Their New Wr, Randy Moss

[03/17/05 - 12:00 AM]
ABC Television Network Provides Primetime, Daytime and Late-Night Video Content for GoTV Networks Mobile Television Offering

[03/16/05 - 12:00 AM]
ABC's NFL 'Monday Night Football' Will Kick Off Its 36th Season with Three Pre-Season Games

[02/09/05 - 12:00 AM]
ABC Television Network Offers Primetime, Daytime and Late-Night Video Clip Content on V Cast from Verizon Wireless

[01/06/05 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: January 5-6

[12/16/04 - 12:00 AM]
ABC Affiliates Approve Network-Affiliate Plan for Next Four Years

[11/16/04 - 12:00 AM]
ABC Announces Post-Mnf Monday Schedule, Plus 'Alias' Return

[10/20/04 - 12:00 AM]
Report: The New Season Thus Far

[10/13/04 - 12:00 AM]
ABC Television Network and Affiliates Association Board of Governors Agree on Network-Affiliate Plan to Present to Entire ABC Affiliate Body

[10/05/04 - 12:00 AM]
Sportscaster Al Michaels to Be Honored with Star on the Walk of Fame

[08/13/04 - 12:00 AM]
ABC Delays 'Life as We Know It,' Other News

[06/10/04 - 12:00 AM]
ABC Schedules Fall Premieres, Add Stamos Comedy

[05/18/04 - 12:00 AM]
2004 Broadcast Upfront Presentations: Abc, Part 1

[05/11/04 - 12:00 AM]
ABC's 'Alias' Lands Fourth Season Order

[05/05/04 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: May 4-5

[04/13/04 - 12:00 AM]
ABC Renews Septuplet for 2004-05 Season

[03/22/04 - 12:00 AM]
Report: How Does Your Favorite Show Stack Up?

[12/12/03 - 12:00 AM]
ABC Moves Up 'Celebrity Mole,' Sets Movies for Mondays

[10/14/03 - 12:00 AM]
NBC Gives 'Las Vegas' Full Season Stay

[10/13/03 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: October 13

[10/08/03 - 12:00 AM]
Big Three Networks Debate Second Week of Fall Season

[09/18/03 - 12:00 AM]
Women High on the WB's 'Heaven,' Friday Comedies

[08/19/03 - 12:00 AM]
NBC Gives 'Whoopi,' 'Happy Family' an Early Start

[07/29/03 - 12:00 AM]
Abc, the WB Announce Fall 2003 Premiere Dates

[07/15/03 - 12:00 AM]
TCA Summer Press Tour: Abc, Day 2

[05/13/03 - 12:00 AM]
Broadcast Upfront Presentations: Abc

[03/17/03 - 12:00 AM]
ABC Orders 'Celebrity Mole 2,' 'Rich Guy, Poor Guy'

Returns in Fall 2025 (Exact Date TBA)
9/21/70 - ???
returning in 2025/2026 (date TBA)
not on the schedule
56 (??? episodes)
renewed through the 2033 NFL season on 3/18/21
(from ESPN's press release, May 2024) ESPN's 2024-25 NFL schedule will feature 25 games, headlined by 21 Monday Night Football matchups, the return of the Week 18 Doubleheader Saturday, a Monday night Super Wild Card and Divisional playoff game. Schedule enhancements return, such as ABC exclusive games and simulcasts, an ESPN+ exclusive game, multiple Monday Night Football games on the same night, flex scheduling and more.
· no information is available
· sports
· no information is available