
    [tuesday, december 10, 2024]    
[12/10/24 - 08:01 PM]
Video: "Yeh Kaali Kaali Ankhein" - Season 3 Coming Soon - Netflix India
Just when you thought you'd have to wait longer, another season is knocking on your door with the twists you never saw coming.

[12/10/24 - 12:01 PM]
Video: "Critical Incident" - Official Trailer - Hulu
Senior Constable Zilifcar "Zil" Ahmed's (Akshay Khanna) pursuit for a teenage suspect leads to a bystander becoming critically injured.

[12/10/24 - 11:29 AM]
Video: "Swipe Left or Death" - Official Trailer
Discover the chilling stories of ordinary people who fell victim to the dangers of online dating apps and suffered deadly consequences.

[12/10/24 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Castlevania: Nocturne" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
The legendary Alucard, Richter Belmont, and his band of vampire hunters are in a desperate race against time.

[12/10/24 - 07:13 AM]
Video: "Stranded with my Mother-in-Law" Season 2 - Official Announcement - Netflix Brazil
To win a life-changing prize, couples embark on a journey to an earthly paradise and confront challenges... with the assistance of their mothers-in-law.

[12/09/24 - 09:31 PM]
Video: "Yo Yo Honey Singh: Famous" - Official Trailer - Netflix India
Dive into the life of India's OG Kalakaar with "Yo Yo Honey Singh: Famous," arriving on December 20 only on Netflix.

[12/09/24 - 06:01 PM]
Video: "When the Stars Gossip" - Official Teaser - Netflix
A romantic comedy about an astronaut and a tourist who meet and fall in love at a space station.

[12/09/24 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
After the harrowing battle with Mela-Galland, the Four Knights set forth to find a way into Camelot - but the path is rife with danger and adventure!

[12/09/24 - 01:02 PM]
Video: "Going Dutch" Season 1 Official Trailer - FOX TV
An outspoken Army Colonel (Denis Leary) attempts to restore order at a military outpost in the Netherlands alongside his estranged daughter (Taylor Misiak) and XO Major Abraham Shah (Danny Pudi).

[12/09/24 - 11:00 AM]
Video: Prime Video Releases Official Trailer and Key Art for "ChiefsAholic: A Wolf in Chiefs Clothing"
Premiering December 24, the surreal documentary delivers an unprecedented, firsthand account of Kansas City Chiefs superfan Xaviar Babudar, who gained regional fame as an unofficial team mascot and generated national headlines as a serial bank robber and fugitive.

[12/09/24 - 09:16 AM]
Video: "The Bravest Knight" - Official Trailer - Hulu
"The Bravest Knight" follows a young pumpkin farmer who embarks on thrilling adventures across magical lands.

[12/09/24 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Rose Matafeo: On and On and On" - Official Trailer - Max
Don't get dumped for who you truly are.

[12/09/24 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Michelle Buteau: A Buteau-ful Mind at Radio City Music Hall" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Michelle Buteau talks going viral, raising twins, and the lows of getting high in this herstory-making special.

[12/09/24 - 06:28 AM]
Video: "Red One" Is Streaming on Prime Video December 12
The mission to save Christmas is on.

[12/09/24 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Alpha Males 3" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The machosphere is on fire, and they're the gasoline.

[12/07/24 - 03:59 PM]
Video: Prime Video Debuts New Action-Packed Teaser Trailer and Announces Premiere Date for Season Three of "Reacher"
The eight-episode season will roll out weekly, with the first three episodes premiering on February 20, and subsequent episodes dropping every Thursday through March 27, exclusively on Prime Video in more than 240 countries and territories worldwide.

[12/07/24 - 03:45 PM]
Video: Prime Video Unveils Official Trailer for "Invincible" Season Three at CCXP Brazil
The first three episodes will be available to stream exclusively on Prime Video in more than 240 countries and territories beginning on Thursday, February 6 with additional episodic drops every Thursday through March 13.

[12/07/24 - 03:15 PM]
Video: Prime Video Series "The Wheel of Time" Unveils New Action-Packed Season Three Teaser Trailer and Announces Premiere Date
The show's third season will premiere globally on Prime Video on March 13.

[12/07/24 - 03:03 PM]
Video: "Culpa Tuya" - Official Trailer 2 - Prime Video
Roller coaster doesn't even begin to describe it.

[12/07/24 - 12:00 PM]
Video: Paramount+ with Showtime Releases Exclusive Clip from "Dexter: Original Sin"
The series will premiere Friday, December 13 on streaming and on demand for Paramount+ subscribers with the Paramount+ with Showtime plan, before making its on-air US debut on Sunday, December 15.

[12/07/24 - 11:54 AM]
Video: Paramount+ Releases Official Trailer and Key Art for Original Movie "Star Trek: Section 31"
The movie will premiere on Friday, January 24, exclusively on Paramount+ in the U.S. and international markets where the service is available.

[12/07/24 - 11:42 AM]
Video: Paramount+ with Showtime Reveals Teaser Trailer for Emmy-Nominated Series "Yellowjackets" Season Three
The two-episode season premiere drops Friday, February 14 on streaming and on demand for Paramount+ subscribers with the Paramount+ with Showtime plan before its on-air debut on Sunday, February 16.

[12/07/24 - 11:08 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Debuts Trailer for Highly Anticipated Second Season of "Severance," Premiering Globally on January 17, 2025
The 10-episode second season of "Severance" will debut globally on Apple TV+ with the first episode on Friday, January 17, followed by one episode every Friday through March 21.

[12/07/24 - 10:19 AM]
Video: Apple Original Films Unveils Trailer for "The Gorge," New Thriller Starring Miles Teller, Anya Taylor-Joy and Sigourney Weaver
"The Gorge" will premiere globally on Apple TV+ February 14.

[12/06/24 - 05:58 PM]
Video: "Holiday Recipe Rumble" - Official Trailer - Hulu
Join Buddy Valastro on his festive mission to find the ultimate holiday family recipe!

[12/06/24 - 09:26 AM]
Video: "Scam Goddess" - First Look - Freeform
Calling out a warning to all fraudsters, fakers, cons, and crooks: the Scam Goddess has arrived.

[12/06/24 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "The Jetty" - Official Trailer - Hulu
While investigating a case of arson in a sleepy lakeside town, Detective Ember Manning (Jenna Coleman) gets drawn to the mysterious disappearance of a teenage girl, and a world of secrets and illicit affairs.

[12/06/24 - 09:01 AM]
Video: Prime Video Releases Official Trailer for "Beast Games" Competition Series
The series is set to debut weekly on Thursday, December 19 on Prime Video in more than 240 countries and territories worldwide.

[12/06/24 - 08:00 AM]
Video: WE tv Reveals Sneak Peek at Compelling Limited Series, "Love After Lockup: Crime Story"
In this new limited series, "Love After Lockup" cast favorites from the past and present reveal what led them to a life of crime and what landed them behind bars.

[12/06/24 - 07:06 AM]
Video: MGM+ Unveils "Rogue Heroes" Season 2 Official Trailer & Key Art
Season two premieres Sunday, January 12 at 9:00/8:00c on MGM+.

[12/06/24 - 04:01 AM]
Video: "Love Never Lies: South Africa Reunion" Teaser Trailer
Liars and lovelies - mark your calendars because on December 8, "Love Never Lies: South Africa Reunion" answers all your questions, only on Netflix.

[12/06/24 - 01:31 AM]
Video: "Cassandra" - Official Teaser - Netflix
A family moves into a vintage smart home and discovers that it's under the control of a virtual assistant - who will stop at nothing to keep them there.

[12/06/24 - 01:01 AM]
Video: First Look of "Jo Nesbo's Detective Hole"
Today, Netflix announces that Anders Danielsen Lie, Ane Dahl Torp and pop-singer Dagny have joined the star-studded cast for the highly anticipated series, created by best-selling author Jo Nesbø, one of the leading crime writers in the world.

[12/05/24 - 01:04 PM]
Video: "Ilana Glazer: Human Magic" - Official Trailer - Hulu
New mom. No filter. Ilana Glazer's Hularious new stand-up special arrives December 20, only on Hulu.

[12/05/24 - 10:36 AM]
Video: The Star-Studded Male Celebrities of "The Real Full Monty" Share the Importance of Cancer Research and Getting Checked for Prostate, Testicular and Colorectal Cancer
Inspired by the beloved, award-winning 1997 film, "The Real Full Monty" is an all-new two-hour special in which a daring group of male celebrities will volunteer to bare all to raise awareness for prostate, testicular and colorectal cancer testing and research.

[12/05/24 - 10:29 AM]
Video: Prime Video Reveals Official Trailer for "Glitter and Greed: The Lisa Frank Story"
"Glitter and Greed: The Lisa Frank Story" penetrates the neon-hued world of Lisa Frank Inc., a brand that defined girlhood for a generation of Americans only to seemingly disappear overnight.

[12/05/24 - 08:38 AM]
Video: Prime Video Unveils Gripping Trailer and Key Art for "On Call," Amazon MGM Studios and Universal Television's Thrilling New Half-Hour Drama Series Produced by Wolf Entertainment
Co-created by Tim Walsh and Elliot Wolf, "On Call" is Wolf Entertainment's first scripted streaming series and will premiere January 9 with all eight episodes, exclusively on Prime Video in more than 240 countries and territories worldwide.

[12/05/24 - 07:29 AM]
Video: Peacock and Sky Release Official Trailer for "Lockerbie: A Search for Truth"
Inspired by the true-life story, on December 21, 1988, 259 passengers and crew were killed when Pan Am Flight 103 exploded over Lockerbie 38 minutes after take-off, with a further 11 residents losing their life as the plane came down over the quiet, Scottish town.

[12/05/24 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Jamie Foxx: What Had Happened Was..." - Official Trailer - Netflix
Oscar and Grammy-winner and beloved comedy icon, Jamie Foxx, returns to the stage to set the record straight in a comedy event that celebrates resilience, humor, and the power of community; if he can stay funny, he can stay alive.

[12/05/24 - 07:00 AM]
Video: Disney+ Debuts Trailer for "Doctor Who" Christmas Special "Joy to the World"
When Joy checks into a London hotel in 2024, she opens a secret doorway to the Time Hotel - discovering danger, dinosaurs and the Doctor. But a deadly plan is unfolding across the Earth, just in time for Christmas.

[12/05/24 - 07:00 AM]
Video: Paramount+ Debuts First Look Teasers and Images for Season Two of "1923," Premiering February 23
In the second season, a cruel winter brings new challenges and unfinished business to Jacob (Harrison Ford) and Cara (Helen Mirren) back at Dutton ranch.

[12/05/24 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "American Primeval" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A mother and son fleeing from their past form a found family while confronting a harsh landscape of freedom and cruelty in the American West.

[12/05/24 - 03:01 AM]
Video: "Public Disorder" - Official Teaser - Netflix
The upcoming series is about a riot police team in Rome, whose personal and professional lives slowly fall apart because of the hatred burning inside each of them.

[12/05/24 - 01:01 AM]
Video: "Umjolo: Day Ones" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Zanele and Andile have been best friends since day one. But now that Andile is married with kids, is Zanele destined to be in the friend zone forever?

[12/04/24 - 11:00 AM]
Video: AMC Networks Releases Fiery Key Art and New Teaser for Season Two of "Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches" Premiering January 5 on AMC and AMC+
Season two continues the journey of Rowan Mayfair (Alexandra Daddario) after she has unwittingly given birth to the demon Lasher (Jack Huston).

[12/04/24 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "Julia's Stepping Stones" - Official Teaser - Netflix
Throughout her career, pioneering filmmaker, the late Julia Reichert, gave voice to the voiceless.

[12/04/24 - 09:01 AM]
Video: Peacock Debuts Trailer for Upcoming Original Special "Paris & Nicole: The Encore"
Two decades after exploding onto the scene with their pop-culture-defining reality TV debut, BFFs Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie return to the small screen in an all-new format.

[12/04/24 - 08:31 AM]
Video: "Selling the City" - Official Trailer - Netflix
From the creators of "Selling Sunset" and "Selling the OC" comes "Selling the City," a new series following a dynamic group of no-nonsense, kickass agents at Douglas Elliman as they navigate the cutthroat world of luxury real estate in New York City.

[12/04/24 - 08:00 AM]
Video: "Die Hart 3: Hart to Kill" - Official Trailer - The Roku Channel
After his latest film flops harder than a boiled peanut, Kevin's search for dramatic acclaim leads him to legendary filmmaker Jackson Pepper.

[12/04/24 - 06:02 AM]
Video: "Sakamoto Days" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Once the greatest hitman of all, Taro Sakamoto retired in the name of love. But when his past catches up, he must fight to protect his beloved family.

  [december 2024]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

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[02/14/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Bridgerton" Season 4 - Sneak Peek - Netflix
To celebrate the Season of Love, Netflix takes you behind the scenes of filming "Bridgerton" Season 4 with Luke Thompson (Benedict Bridgerton) and Yerin Ha (Sophie Baek).

[02/14/25 - 12:01 AM]
Video: "My Family" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A terminally ill father prepares his chaotic family to care for his two young kids and face life without him - but they must put old quarrels to rest.

[02/13/25 - 01:00 PM]
Video: "O'Dessa" - Official Trailer - Hulu
Set in a post-apocalyptic future, "O'Dessa" is an original rock opera about a farm girl on an epic quest to recover a cherished family heirloom.

[02/13/25 - 10:01 AM]
Video: Trailer and Key Art Debut - Hulu's "Devil in the Family: The Fall of Ruby Franke"
When "momfluencer" Ruby Franke is arrested for child abuse, no one can understand how her seemingly happy family became trapped in a nightmare.

[02/13/25 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "George Lopez: Muy Catolico" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
Lore. Laughs. Luscious locks. If you haven't heard... "George Lopez: Muy Católico" arrives February 18.

[02/13/25 - 08:43 AM]
Video: Peacock Releases Official Teaser and Summer 2025 Timing for Season 2 of "Twisted Metal"
The new season stars Anthony Mackie, Stephanie Beatriz, Joe Seanoa and Will Arnett, plus Anthony Carrigan who joins as fan favorite Calypso.

[02/13/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Ransom Canyon" - Official Teaser - Netflix
Welcome to Ransom Canyon, starring Josh Duhamel and Minka Kelly, April 17 only on Netflix.

[02/13/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Tyler Perry's Beauty in Black" - Part 2 Official Trailer - Netflix
With their empire on the line, the ruthless Bellarie family faces a reckoning as Kimmie fights to save her sister and get revenge - no matter the cost.

[02/13/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Shuffle of Love: A Descendants Short Story" Now Available on Disney+ & YouTube
Ruby Rose Turner is back as Bridget, the young Queen of Hearts, in the musical short for "Shuffle of Love: A Descendants Short Story," an extra scene featuring the iconic song from the hit movie "Descendants: The Rise of Red."

[02/13/25 - 01:01 AM]
Video: "Go!" - Official Teaser - Netflix
A young runner is given a second chance at life when he is offered a track scholarship, but can he chase his dreams without tripping on his lies?

[02/12/25 - 09:09 AM]
Video: MGM+ Original Series "Nine Bodies in a Mexican Morgue" Takes Off with Thrilling Trailer and Key Art, Coming March 2
From Anthony Horowitz, the series debut features a star-studded international ensemble cast including Emmy Award-winning actor Eric McCormack, "Star Trek" veteran David Ajala, and Siobhán McSweeney.

[02/12/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: Date Announcement & Teaser Debut - Hulu's "The Handmaid's Tale"
The Emmy-winning series returns for its sixth and final season on April 8 with three episodes, then weekly thereafter for a finale on May 27.

[02/12/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "The Clubhouse: A Year with the Red Sox" - Sneak Peek - Netflix
The pressure is on when you play for one of the greatest franchises in sports history.

[02/12/25 - 08:00 AM]
Video: Prime Video Debuts Explosive New Trailer for "The Wheel of Time" Season Three
Season three will premiere with the first three episodes on March 13, with additional new episodes streaming each week thereafter until the riveting season finale on April 17.

[02/12/25 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Sakamoto Days" - Mid-Season Preview - Netflix
Once the greatest hitman of all, Taro Sakamoto retired in the name of love. But when his past catches up, he must fight to protect his beloved family.