
    [sunday, may 08, 2022]    
[05/08/22 - 08:00 AM]
Video: "Dear Mama" - Official Teaser - FX
From Emmy Award-nominated director Allen Hughes comes a five-part cinematic television event exploring two voices, activist Afeni Shakur and hip-hop icon Tupac Shakur, that could not be silenced.

[05/06/22 - 11:01 AM]
Video: "God's Favorite Idiot" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Sweet Clark seems like the last person God would tap to fight evil. He'll need his office crush and good pals to help spread the word and save the world.

[05/06/22 - 06:00 AM]
Video: "Selling The OC" - Official Teaser - Netflix
A fresh set of realtors square off, competing to establish themselves at The Oppenheim Group's second office on the Orange County coast.

[05/05/22 - 09:15 PM]
Video: "Cobra Kai" Season 5 - Date Announcement - Netflix
Netflix surprised "Cobra Kai" fans this evening in Los Angeles at Cobra Kai: Live & Bad Ass with a first look teaser for the upcoming fifth season.

[05/05/22 - 11:20 AM]
Video: AMC+ Releases Trailer for Enthralling New Spy Thriller, "The Ipcress File" Starring Joe Cole, Lucy Boynton and Tom Hollander
Directed by Emmy winner James Watkins and set in Berlin and London during the 1960's, "The Ipcress File" will make its exclusive U.S. and Canadian premiere on AMC+ Thursday, May 19, with episodes rolling out weekly on Thursdays.

[05/05/22 - 09:06 AM]
Video: Prime Video Releases the Teaser for "The Summer I Turned Pretty"
The multigenerational drama hinges on a love triangle between one girl and two brothers, the ever-evolving relationship between mothers and their children, and the enduring power of strong female friendship.

[05/05/22 - 08:00 AM]
Video: HBO Releases Official Teaser Trailer and Character Posters for "House of the Dragon"
Based on George R.R. Martin's "Fire & Blood," the series, set 200 years before the events of "Game of Thrones," tells the story of House Targaryen.

[05/04/22 - 11:01 AM]
Video: "Dragons Rescue Riders: Heroes of the Sky" - Season 3 Trailer
Get ready to celebrate teamwork, make new friends, and learn to fly high!

[05/04/22 - 10:41 AM]
Video: Showtime Releases Official Trailer for "The Chi"
This season delves deeply into the many joys and complications of Black love: relationships, children, career, community and self.

[05/04/22 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "Love on the Spectrum U.S." - Official Trailer - Netflix
This insightful and warm hearted docuseries follows autistic people as they navigate the world of dating and relationships.

[05/04/22 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Interceptor" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The last officer standing on a remote missile defense base wages the battle of her life against terrorists aiming 16 stolen nuclear weapons at the US.

[05/04/22 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Borgen - Power and Glory" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Foreign Minister Birgitte Nyborg finds her career in jeopardy when a dispute over oil in Greenland threatens to become an international crisis.

[05/04/22 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Action Pack" - Season 2 Trailer - Netflix Jr
Get ready for new "Action Pack" missions with more friends, more powers ups, and a brand-new MegaPlane!

[05/04/22 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Love & Anarchy" Season 2 - Official Teaser - Netflix
Sofie, Max and the team at Lund & Lagerstedt are finally back! Get ready for more drama, more anarchy and a whole lot of love.

[05/04/22 - 05:47 AM]
Video: Disney+ Releases Brand-New Trailer & Key Art for "Obi-Wan Kenobi"
"Obi-Wan Kenobi" will premiere exclusively on Disney+ on Friday, May 27, with the first two episodes.

[05/04/22 - 05:01 AM]
Video: "The Circle" Season 4 - Official Clip: Spice Girls' Emma Bunton & Mel B Turn Up the Heat! - Netflix
They're chatty. They're shady. They're secretly famous. They're this season's players - and all bets are off as they compete for the ultimate prize.

[05/03/22 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "The G Word with Adam Conover" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Love it or hate it, the government plays a huge role in our lives. Adam Conover explores its triumphs, failures and how we might be able to change it.

[05/03/22 - 09:00 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Reveals Trailer for Second Season of "Greatness Code," The Emmy Award-Winning Unscripted Sports Series Debuting Globally on May 13
This season, Lindsey Vonn, Marcus Rashford, Russell Wilson, Leticia Bufoni, Scout Bassett, and Bubba Wallace pull back the curtain on a pivotal career moment when they touched greatness.

[05/03/22 - 08:46 AM]
Video: "Pistol" - Official Trailer - FX
The furious, raging storm at the center of the rock and roll revolution are the Sex Pistols - and at the center of this series is Sex Pistols' founding member and guitarist, Steve Jones.

[05/03/22 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Emergency" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
Ready for a night of legendary partying, three college students must weigh the pros and cons of calling the police when faced with an unexpected situation.

[05/03/22 - 01:01 AM]
Video: "The Life and Movies of Ersan Kuneri" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Reexamining his own legacy, a renowned figure in erotic cinema decides to branch out and make movies in other genres, from sci-fi to medieval action.

[05/02/22 - 09:01 PM]
Video: "Hail, Driver!" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Down on his luck, the driver of an illegal taxi service struggles to make a living as he forms an unexpected bond with a young escort.

[05/02/22 - 07:01 PM]
Video: "Kongsi Raya" - Official Trailer - Netflix
In a match made in culinary heaven, a chef and a food TV show producer fall in love. But then their feuding fathers challenge each other to a cook off.

[05/02/22 - 09:05 AM]
Video: "The Valet" - Official Trailer - Hulu
In the fish out of water romantic comedy, two worlds and cultures collide as both Antonio (Eugenio Derbez) and Olivia (Samara Weaving) start to see themselves more clearly than ever before.

[05/02/22 - 08:31 AM]
Video: "Iron Chef: Quest for an Iron Legend" - Official Teaser - Netflix
Follow the exciting cooking combat along with Alton Brown, Kristen Kish and Mark Dacascos on June 15.

[05/02/22 - 06:53 AM]
Video: Disney+ Releases Trailer, Key Art and Stills for "Hollywood Stargirl"
The film is a sequel to the 2020 Disney+ film about free spirit Stargirl Caraway (Grace VanderWaal), a silver-voiced teenager whose simple acts of kindness work magic in the lives of others.

[04/29/22 - 11:01 AM]
Video: "Marvel Studios' Legends" - Watch New Episodes Now - Disney+
Installments featuring Doctor Strange, Wong and Scarlet Witch are now available.

[04/29/22 - 09:04 AM]
Video: Sneak(er) Preview of the New Original Song and Music Video "Kicks" from the Upcoming Disney+ Original Movie "Sneakerella" Now Available
This trend-setting pop/hip-hop musical begins streaming May 13 on Disney+ and puts a contemporary twist on the "Cinderella" fairy tale.

[04/29/22 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "The Marked Heart" - Season Announcement - Netflix
A man hell-bent on exacting revenge on the organ trafficking organization that murdered his wife becomes involved with the woman who received her heart.

[04/29/22 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Bling Empire" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
New loves, new friends and new drama vie with a dazzling social scene when it comes to a circle of wealthy Asian and Asian American friends in LA.

[04/29/22 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Glamour Girls" - Official Teaser - Netflix
The world of high-end escorts promises glamour, wealth and the chance of reinvention for a group of women - till a killing and theft threaten it all.

[04/29/22 - 06:00 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Premieres Trailer for All-New Peanuts Mother's Day Special "To Mom (And Dad), With Love"
The special is a sweet Mother's Day celebration of friendship and family featuring the beloved Peanuts gang.

[04/28/22 - 11:01 AM]
Video: "The Pentaverate" - Official Trailer - Netflix
After influencing global events for centuries, a secret society faces a dangerous threat from within. Can a Canadian reporter save them - and the world?

[04/28/22 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Dodo" - Official Trailer - HBO Max Family
The series centers the everyday school life through the eyes of 11-year-old Joe Connolly as he navigates the pitfalls of his first year at high school.

[04/27/22 - 10:01 AM]
Video: Netflix Debuts the Trailer for "Christina P: Mom Genes," A New Comedy Special Premiering Globally This Mother's Day, May 8
No detail is too intimate as Christina hilariously shares the trials and tribulations of motherhood, marriage, and everything in between.

[04/27/22 - 08:30 AM]
Video: "The Circle" Season 4 - Official Trailer - Netflix
They're chatty. They're shady. They're secretly famous. They're this season's players - and all bets are off as they compete for the ultimate prize.

[04/27/22 - 07:08 AM]
Video: Disney+ Releases New Trailer and Key Art for Original Movie "Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers" Premiering May 20
A reboot comeback 30 years in the making, the hybrid live-action/CG animated action-comedy catches up with the former Disney Afternoon television stars in modern-day Los Angeles.

[04/26/22 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "Hacks" Season 2 - Official Trailer - HBO Max
The Emmy-award winning Max Original is back for more, with Deborah Vance (Jean Smart) and Ava (Hannah Einbinder) setting out on tour.

[04/26/22 - 08:01 AM]
Video: New "Mighty Little Bheem: I Love Taj Mahal" Sneak Peek - Netflix Jr
On a trip to the beautiful Taj Mahal, Bheem gets distracted trying to return a little girl's lost teddy bear before someone steals it!

[04/26/22 - 06:00 AM]
Video: New Apple Original Limited Series "The Essex Serpent," Starring Claire Danes and Tom Hiddleston, Debuts Trailer Ahead of Global Premiere on Friday, May 13 on Apple TV+
"The Essex Serpent" will debut globally with the first two episodes on Friday, May 13, followed by one new episode weekly every Friday through June 10.

[04/26/22 - 03:01 AM]
Video: "F*ck Love Too" - Official Trailer - Netflix
In this romantic comedy, several friends, each dealing with unhappy love lives, turn to each other for help - but not always with the best results.

[04/25/22 - 03:01 PM]
Video: "Drifting Home" - Official Teaser #2 - Netflix
The third feature-length anime film from Studio Colorido, known for "Penguin Highway," which was nominated for Best Animation at the 42nd Japan Academy Film Prize, and "A Whisker Away."

[04/25/22 - 11:02 AM]
Video: BET Original - "Kingdom Business" Trailer Featuring Yolanda Adams & Serayah
Executive produced by Devon Franklin, Holly Carter, and Kirk Franklin, "Kingdom Business" premieres May 19, only on BET+

[04/25/22 - 09:15 AM]
Video: BET+ Originals - "Trophy Wife" Featuring Eric Peeples & Sean Patrick Thomas
After the death of her husband and mental breakdown, Toni (Eric Peeples) is falsely accused of her husbands (Sean Patrick Thomas) murder and must fight to clear her name.

[04/25/22 - 07:18 AM]
Video: "Fire Island" - Official Trailer - Hulu
Set in the iconic Fire Island Pines, the film is an unapologetic, modern day rom-com inspired by Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.

[04/22/22 - 09:00 AM]
Video: Prime Video Delivers Out-of-This-World Trailer and Key Art for "Night Sky" Starring Academy Award Winners Sissy Spacek and J.K. Simmons
The first season will premiere all eight episodes exclusively on Prime Video in more than 240 countries and territories worldwide on Friday, May 20.

[04/22/22 - 12:01 AM]
Video: "Baby Fever" Season 1 - Official Teaser - Netflix
The six part romantic comedy-drama centers around the life of fertility doctor Nana (Josephine Park) and the clients she meets and treats... and lies to!

[04/21/22 - 05:01 PM]
Video: "The Sound of Magic" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A magician living in an abandoned theme park makes troubles disappear, and hope reappear, for a disenchanted teen enduring harsh realities.

[04/21/22 - 10:06 AM]
Video: "A Perfect Pairing" Starring Victoria Justice & Adam Demos - Official Trailer - Netflix
To win over a major client, a go-getter LA wine exec signs on to work at an Australian sheep farm, where she sparks with a rugged and mysterious local.

[04/21/22 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "The Staircase" - Official Trailer - HBO Max
The eight-episode Max Original limited series, created by Antonio Campos, debuts Thursday, May 5 on HBO Max.

  [may 2022]  

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(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

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[02/07/25 - 01:00 PM]
Video: "Between Walls" - Official Trailer - Hulu
Marga (Aislinn Derbez) and Martín (Christian Vazquez) happen to meet on a dating app, unaware they are neighbors.

[02/07/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: Trailer & Key Art Debut - "Chris Distefano: It's Just Unfortunate"
Chris Distefano is trying to be the best father he can be but nowadays, words speak louder than actions - so Chris is acting with the right intentions, but not always the right moves.

[02/07/25 - 09:00 AM]
Video: "Winner" - Official Trailer - Hulu
Based on the true story, the ambitious but eccentric Reality Winner (Emilia Jones) finds herself in the middle of a political scandal when she becomes a surprising NSA whistleblower.

[02/07/25 - 09:00 AM]
Video: Prime Video Orders New Unscripted High School Series "Sweethearts" and Releases Trailer
"Sweethearts" follows the lives of six teenage couples in Charleston, South Carolina, as they navigate the end of high school and their final summer together as a couple, before heading off to college.

[02/07/25 - 07:02 AM]
Video: "The Studio" - DUHPOCALYPSE Official Trailer - Apple TV+
An explosive new movie from Continental Studios starring Johnny Knoxville and Josh Hutcherson.

[02/07/25 - 06:31 AM]
Video: Netflix Drops the Trailer for "Larissa: The Other Side of Anitta", a Documentary Premiering on March 6
Brazilian pop star Anitta reveals her most intimate world yet in this documentary that explores her dual identity, personal struggles and search for joy.

[02/06/25 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "When Life Gives You Tangerines" - Official Teaser - Netflix
In Jeju, a bold girl and a devoted boy's island story blossoms into a lifelong tale of setbacks and triumphs - proving love can endure across generations.

[02/06/25 - 11:00 AM]
Video: "Shoresy" Season 4 Trailer - Hulu
Shoresy (Jared Keeso) explores life after hockey, and the Sudbury Blueberry Bulldogs contend with the distractions of summer in Sudbury.

[02/06/25 - 06:12 AM]
Video: "Umjolo: There Is No Cure" - Official Trailer - Netflix
After losing her title for publicly exposing a scandal, a former pageant queen works on a tell-all book - all while her love life remains unwritten.

[02/06/25 - 04:26 AM]
Video: "Love Is Blind: Sweden: After the Altar" - Official Teaser - Netflix
The unique dating experiment lands in Sweden as local singles seek true love and propose marriage - all before seeing each other in person.

[02/05/25 - 09:00 AM]
Video: "Benefits with Friends" - Official Trailer - Hulu
Bia (Bruna Marquezine) and Victor (Sérgio Malheiros) are best friends. While he lives in a relationship that has gotten boring, she has fleeting relationships, without believing in love.

[02/05/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Toxic Town" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When dozens of babies in Corby are born with disabilities, their mothers embark on a battle to hold those responsible to account. Based on a true story.

[02/05/25 - 02:01 AM]
Video: "Delicious" - Official Trailer - Netflix
During their vacation in the French countryside, a wealthy German family becomes entangled with a young hotel worker harboring sinister intentions.

[02/04/25 - 06:56 PM]
Video: It's Time to Check in to Bravo's "Love Hotel" - Coming Soon!
The network teases the "Real Housewives"-themed dating series.

[02/04/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Plankton: The Movie" - Official Trailer - Netflix
SpongeBob SquarePants' tiniest frenemy, Sheldon J. Plankton, is finally getting his close up.