
    [friday, may 15, 2020]    
[05/14/20 - 07:52 AM]
Video: "Somebody Feed Phil" Season 3 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Due on May 29, the new season features Marrakesh, Seoul, Montreal, Chicago and London.

[05/14/20 - 06:14 AM]
Video: "White Lines" - From the Creator of "Money Heist" - Trailer 2 - Netflix
On May 15, discover an island paradise full of drugs, music, sex... and murder.

[05/13/20 - 09:02 AM]
Video: "Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The four-part documentary series premieres Wednesday, May 27 on the streaming service.

[05/13/20 - 08:02 AM]
Video: "Centerpiece" - Official Trailer - Quibi
Join us for a journey to the center.

[05/12/20 - 10:01 AM]
Video: Showtime(R) Releases Official Poster and New Trailer for "The Good Lord Bird," Starring and Executive Produced by Ethan Hawke
The seven-episode series was previously scheduled to premiere Sunday, February 16.

[05/12/20 - 09:03 AM]
Video: Farewell Season: "Fuller House" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The show's final episodes premiere Tuesday, June 2 on the streaming service.

[05/12/20 - 07:05 AM]
Video: "The Woods" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The series, based on Harlan Coben's novel, drops June 12 o the streaming service.

[05/12/20 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Hannah Gadsby: Douglas" - Official Trailer - Netflix
"Douglas," the highly anticipated follow-up to the genre-defining comedy special "Nanette," streams May 26 only on Netflix.

[05/11/20 - 10:31 PM]
Video: "Ju-On: Origins" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The legendary Japanese horror franchise that has become a smash hit worldwide gets its first drama adaptation.

[05/11/20 - 10:18 AM]
Video: "I'm No Longer Here" - Official Trailer - Netflix
A terrible misunderstanding with a local gang sends 17-year-old Ulises, leader of a group hooked on cumbia music, across the border to save his life.

[05/11/20 - 08:04 AM]
Video: Saying Goodbye - "13 Reasons Why" - Netflix
The final season of "13 Reasons Why" arrives June 5 on Netflix.

[05/11/20 - 07:33 AM]
Video: "Ben Platt Live from Radio City Music Hall" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Backed by a full band and a ready wit, actor Ben Platt opens up a very personal songbook onstage - numbers from his debut LP, "Sing to Me Instead."

[05/11/20 - 07:13 AM]
Video: "Control Z" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When a hacker begin to reveal all of the students' secrets, El Nacional turns into a disaster.

[05/11/20 - 03:02 AM]
Video: "Blood & Water" - Season 1 - Official Teaser - Netflix
Welcome to the jungle... it's about to get hectic.

[05/08/20 - 10:15 AM]
Video: "Selling Sunset" - Season 2 Official Trailer - Netflix
The top real estate brokers at The Oppenheim Group are back and this season, the ladies deal with even more mind-blowing mansions, shocking new romances, and explosive truths that will change their lives, relationships and careers forever.

[05/08/20 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "The 100" Season Premiere Trailer
The show's final season kicks off Wednesday, May 20.

[05/08/20 - 09:00 AM]
Video: "The Baby-Sitters Club" Official Teaser - Netflix Futures
Every generation has a calling - and on July 3, Netflix answers yours with a brand new series based on the best-selling book series by the same name.

[05/08/20 - 03:14 AM]
Video: Netflix Drops Trailer of Its Horror-Thriller Series "Betaal" Releasing on May 24, 2020
Renowned horror studio Blumhouse Television, SK Global Entertainment and Red Chillies Entertainment come together to present this horror-thriller series.

[05/07/20 - 11:36 AM]
Video: "Patton Oswalt: I Love Everything" - Official Trailer - Netflix Standup Comedy Special
Like the ancient grains of Babylon, Patton provides a healthy dose of witticism in his newest Netflix comedy special, streaming May 19.

[05/07/20 - 10:31 AM]
Video: "Barkitecture" - Official Trailer - Quibi
Dog parents unite. To spoil your fur babies.

[05/07/20 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "F is for Family" - Announcement: Jonathan Banks Is Big Bill Murphy - Netflix
Jonathan Banks joins the cast of the new season, coming soon to the streaming service.

[05/07/20 - 07:02 AM]
Video: "Blackballed" - Official Trailer - Quibi
The headline you know. The story you don't.

[05/06/20 - 12:32 PM]
Video: Extended Trailer for "Game On!," Hosted by Keegan-Michael Key and Featuring Team Captains Rob Gronkowski and Venus Williams
Each week, celebrity guests join Gronk and Venus as these elite athletes compete in epic challenges.

[05/06/20 - 10:01 AM]
Video: Paramount Network's "Yellowstone" Unveils Official Trailer for Season Three
As previously announced, the series returns on Sunday, June 21.

[05/05/20 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Space Force" - Official Teaser - Netflix
The Steve Carell-led comedy premieres Friday, May 29 on the streaming service.

[05/04/20 - 09:34 AM]
Video: Showtime(R) Releases First Look from New Docu-Series "Outcry"
Originally scheduled to debut on Friday, April 3, the five-part investigative documentary series will now launch on Sunday, July 5.

[05/04/20 - 09:02 AM]
Video: "The Big Flower Fight" - Season One Official Trailer - Netflix
In the series, 10 pairs of amateur gardeners from around the world push their skills to the limit as they compete to create stunning, supersized floral sculptures.

[05/04/20 - 07:07 AM]
Video: "Becoming" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The film is an intimate look into the life of former First Lady Michelle Obama during a moment of profound change, not only for her personally but for the country she and her husband served over eight impactful years in the White House.

[05/03/20 - 06:01 PM]
Video: Coming Soon - HBO
New series, new documentaries, new episodes, and so much more. Here's everything coming soon to HBO.

[05/03/20 - 07:00 AM]
Video: OWN Announces Final Season and First Look Season Five Trailer for Hit Megachurch Drama "Greenleaf"
In season five, premiering in June, the Greenleafs attempt to maintain a united front in the face of losing their church to Bob Whitmore and Harmony and Hope Ministries, but secrets past and present create what could be fatal fractures in the family's fragile foundation.

[05/01/20 - 09:13 AM]
Video: "Have a Good Trip" - Official Trailer - Netflix
The film is a documentary featuring comedic tripping stories from A-list actors, comedians, and musicians.

[05/01/20 - 07:09 AM]
Video: "Trial by Media" - Official Trailer - Netflix
From executive producers George Clooney and Grant Heslov, the series details six televised cases defined by headlines reaching across different areas of the law.

[04/30/20 - 06:16 PM]
Video: E!'s "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" Mid-Season Supertease
New episodes return this September on the cable channel.

[04/30/20 - 09:36 AM]
Video: E!'s "The Bradshaw Bunch" Starring Terry Bradshaw - New Promo Available Now
Legendary quarterback, Emmy(R)-winning television-broadcast icon, actor, and championship quarter horse breeder Terry Bradshaw is ready to steal America's hearts as E! greenlights the comedic docu-series "The Bradshaw Bunch," coming soon on E!.

[04/30/20 - 09:06 AM]
Video: Trailer - Hulu's "Ramy" Season Two
All 10 episodes of season two premiere on Friday, May 29.

[04/30/20 - 08:04 AM]
Video: Lifetime Releases Trailer for "I Was Lorena Bobbitt" Premiering Memorial Day
Starring Dani Montalvo and Luke Humphrey as the controversial couple Lorena and John Bobbitt, the film follows Lorena's account leading up to that fateful day as Lorena also serves as executive producer and on-screen narrator.

[04/30/20 - 08:00 AM]
Video: "Jerry Seinfeld: 23 Hours to Kill" - Official Trailer - Netflix
This hour-long special showcases more of Seinfeld's sharp angles on everyday life.

[04/30/20 - 07:31 AM]
Video: "Magic for Humans" - Season 3 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Justin Willman is back with an all new season on Friday, May 15.

[04/29/20 - 09:02 AM]
Video: "Crossing Swords" Teaser Announcement
The animated series drops Friday, June 12 on Hulu.

[04/29/20 - 08:00 AM]
Video: "Hanna" Season 2 Teaser Trailer Debut
All eight episodes will premiere globally on Prime Video on Friday, July 3.

[04/28/20 - 10:49 AM]
Video: "Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts" Season 2 Teaser - Netflix Futures
Season two returns to Netflix on Friday, June 12.

[04/28/20 - 08:28 AM]
Video: Amazon Prime Video Releases "Homecoming" Season 2 Official Trailer
The series returns Friday, May 22 to the streaming service.

[04/27/20 - 09:00 AM]
Video: Amazon Prime Video Releases Trailer for Four-Part Docuseries "The Last Narc"
The series, which details on the most notorious murder in the history of the DEA, will premiere May 15.

[04/27/20 - 08:33 AM]
Video: Showtime Sports(R) Releases the Official Trailer and Poster for "Basketball County: In the Water"
A collaboration with NBA star Kevin Durant and sports business executive Rich Kleiman's Thirty Five Ventures, the film examines how Durant's hometown of Prince George's County, Md., has recently produced more elite basketball players than anywhere else in the world.

[04/27/20 - 08:03 AM]
Video: "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt: Kimmy vs. The Reverend" - Interactive Special Official Trailer - Netflix
Kimmy sets off on her biggest adventure yet, available Tuesday, May 12.

[04/26/20 - 06:25 PM]
Video: "Love, Victor" - First Look - A Hulu Original
Set in the world of the 2018 groundbreaking film "Love, Simon," the series follows Victor, a new student at Creekwood High School on his own journey of self-discovery, facing challenges at home, adjusting to a new city, and struggling with his sexual orientation.

[04/24/20 - 08:53 AM]
Video: "The Hollow" Season 2 Trailer - Netflix Futures
After discovering the truth behind the Hollow, friends Adam, Mira and Kai must face their fears and tackle even bigger challenges together.

[04/24/20 - 08:44 AM]
Video: TV's "Wizards of Waverly Place" Cast Reunite for New Hope Club's "Worse" Video
The video marks the directorial debut of Bailee Madison, an alum of the hit TV series and she reunited several of her former castmates for the song's love-on-the-rocks storyline.

[04/24/20 - 07:01 AM]
Video: Showtime Offers the Series Premiere of "Penny Dreadful: City of Angels" Early Online Ahead of Its On-Air Premiere
The premiere episode is available for free now on YouTube and SHO.com.

[04/23/20 - 10:02 AM]
Video: Trailer - "The Great" Starring Elle Fanning and Nicholas Hoult
"The Great" is a satirical, comedic drama about the rise of Catherine the Great from outsider to the longest reigning female ruler in Russia's history.

  [may 2020]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

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[02/25/25 - 12:31 PM]
Video: "Fear Street: Prom Queen" - Date Announcement - Netflix
In this next installment of the blood-soaked Fear Street franchise, prom season at Shadyside High is underway and the school's wolfpack of It Girls is busy with its usual sweet and vicious campaigns for the crown.

[02/25/25 - 11:01 AM]
Video: AMC Networks Announces May 4 Return for "The Walking Dead: Dead City" and Debuts Opening Minutes from the Highly Anticipated Season Two Premiere Episode
In season two, in the growing war for control of Manhattan, Maggie and Negan find themselves trapped on opposite sides.

[02/25/25 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "Million Dollar Secret" - Official Trailer - Netflix
12 strangers enter a sumptuous lakeside estate and in each of their rooms is a mysterious welcome gift - a box. 11 of them are empty and one contains $1,000,000, and it's for that guest to keep - as long as they keep their identity hidden.

[02/25/25 - 08:31 AM]
Video: "Bert Kreischer: Lucky" - Official Trailer - Netflix
In his fourth Netflix special, Bert dives into everything from shedding 45 pounds, the usual family antics, getting parenting tips from Snoop Dogg and more.

[02/25/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "You" Season 5 - Official Teaser #2 - Netflix
Well, well, well, if it isn't the luckiest guy in New York? Joe Goldberg returns for the fifth and final season on April 24, only on Netflix.

[02/25/25 - 06:00 AM]
Video: "Holland" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
"Holland," starring Nicole Kidman, Gael GarcĂ­a Bernal, and Matthew Macfadyen, premieres March 27 on Prime Video.

[02/24/25 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "Love Is Blind Season 8: The Reunion" - Announcement - Netflix
A new group of singles face the ultimate dating experiment. Will they find their soulmates and get married, or will looks get in the way of love?

[02/24/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Andrew Schulz: LIFE" Teaser Trailer Featuring... Matt Damon?
In "LIFE," Andrew Schulz's most personal special yet, he takes us on a hilarious and humbling journey of trying to start a family.

[02/24/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "Andor" - Season 2 Trailer - Streaming April 22 on Disney+
The critically acclaimed series returns.

[02/24/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Adolescence" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When a 13-year-old is accused of the murder of a classmate, his family, therapist and the detective in charge are all left asking: what really happened?

[02/24/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "House of David" - Final Trailer - Prime Video
You know the legend. Now experience the journey.

[02/23/25 - 04:31 PM]
Video: "Divorce Insurance" - Official Teaser - Prime Video
There may be many insurances out there, but none like this one.

[02/23/25 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "Revelations" - Official Teaser - Netflix
A pastor is convinced that a divine revelation has called him to punish the person guilty of a missing person case, while a detective assigned to the case is haunted by her dead sister's shadow.

[02/21/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "CHAOS: The Manson Murders" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Directed by Errol Morris, the film untangles a web of conspiracy involving the CIA, LSD, Jack Ruby, the Manson Family, and Vincent Bugliosi, casting doubt on the official story of the 1960s' most infamous killing spree.

[02/21/25 - 12:01 AM]
Video: Netflix Unveils the Premiere Date and First Look of Dome Karukoski's "Little Siberia"
A pastor's faith turns upside down when a meteorite lands in his small Finnish town, its impact stirring up chaos and criminal intentions.