
    [friday, october 06, 2017]    
[10/06/17 - 02:19 PM]
Video: Teaser Trailer - "Marvel's Runaways"
The first three episodes of the season will launch on Tuesday, November 21.

[10/06/17 - 01:02 PM]
Video: USA Debuts "Unsolved: The Murders of Tupac and The Notorious B.I.G." Official Trailer
Josh Duhamel, Jimmi Simpson, Bokeem Woodbine, Marcc Rose and Wavvy Jonez star in the series, due this winter on the cable channel.

[10/06/17 - 09:51 AM]
Video: Steven Soderbergh Gives First Look at Interactive Storytelling App "Mosaic" at Future of Storytelling Festival
Soderbergh told attendees, "'Mosaic' is a branching narrative piece. While branching narratives have been around forever, technology now allows, I hope, for a more elegant, intuitive form of engagement than used to be possible."

[10/06/17 - 09:01 AM]
Video: Beware of Hitchhiking Ghosts! "Haunted Mansion" Animated On-Air Promos Debut Saturday, October 7, on Disney XD
The trio of stop-motion animated on-air promos find Disney characters from "DuckTales," "Big Hero 6 The Series" and "Star vs. The Forces of Evil" on their own adventure hosted by Haunted Mansion ghosts.

[10/06/17 - 08:31 AM]
Video: Official Trailer of Amazon Prime Exclusive Series "Philip K. Dick's Electric Dreams" + Clip from New Season of "The Man in the High Castle" Revealed at New York Comic Con
Both series are due in 2018 on the streaming service.

[10/05/17 - 01:09 PM]
Video: "Stan Against Evil" - Season 2 Official Trailer Unveiled At New York Comic Con
The series returns with back-to-back episodes on Wednesday, November 1 at 10:00/9:00c.

[10/05/17 - 12:50 PM]
Video: Full Trailer Released for Syfy's "Happy!" Starring Christoper Meloni and Patton Oswalt
The series premieres Wednesday, December 6 at 10:00/9:00c on the cable channel.

[10/05/17 - 07:05 AM]
Video: Official Trailer for Hulu Original Comedy Series "Future Man"
All episodes premiere Tuesday, November 14 only on Hulu.

[10/04/17 - 08:09 AM]
Video: "Dark" Is Coming December 1 - See the Spellbinding Date Announcement
The Netflix drama is set in a German town in present day where the disappearance of two young children exposes the double lives and fractured relationships among four families.

[10/03/17 - 10:01 AM]
Video: First-Look Footage of John Krasinski in Amazon Original Series "Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan"
Additionally, this Saturday, October 7, at New York Comic Con, the cast of the brand-new series will make its first-ever appearance, along with the debut of the exhilarating first teaser trailer during the series panel.

[09/29/17 - 09:03 AM]
Video: Showtime(R) Offers New Series "White Famous" for Early Sampling
Consumers can watch the series premiere for free on YouTube and SHO.com, and across multiple television and streaming providers' devices, websites, applications and authenticated online services and their free On Demand channels.

[09/28/17 - 03:00 PM]
Video: Julia Roberts, Ellen Degeneres, Reese Witherspoon, Zendaya, James Corden and David Beckham Join Together of NSWL PSA for Lifetime
The special "Pass the Ball" PSA supports the National Women's Soccer League to bring more visibility to the game.

[09/28/17 - 08:05 AM]
Video: "Red Oaks" Season 3 Trailer Now Available
The show's final season drops Friday, October 20 on Amazon Prime Video.

[09/28/17 - 08:00 AM]
Video: Starz Releases Official Season Two Trailer for Acclaimed Limited Series "The Girlfriend Experience" Premiering November 5th at 9PM ET/PT
Taking a bold new variation on storytelling, the series breaks from last season's format and will follow two parallel stories, each written, directed and executive produced by Lodge Kerrigan and Amy Seimetz.

[09/27/17 - 07:03 AM]
Video: This Season on "Star Trek: Discovery"
New episodes drop every Sunday after 8:30 PM ET/5:30 PM PT.

[09/27/17 - 05:49 AM]
Video: BBC America Releases Prequel for "Planet Earth: Blue Planet II," Featuring a Hans Zimmer and Radiohead Collaboration
The short film is narrated by series presenter Sir David Attenborough, and features an array of some of the most awe-inspiring shots and highlights from the new series.

[09/25/17 - 07:34 AM]
Video: Netflix Debuts New Trailer for the Film "First They Killed My Father"
Directed by Angelina Jolie, the film is the adaptation of Cambodian author and human rights activist Loung Ung's gripping memoir of surviving the deadly Khmer Rouge regime from 1975 to 1978.

[09/24/17 - 10:12 AM]
Video: Sneak Peek of the Main Titles for "Star Trek: Discovery"
The newest edition of the Star Trek franchise premieres tonight in the U.S. on CBS All Access.

[09/22/17 - 09:00 AM]
Video: truTV Debuts Trailer for "At Home with Amy Sedaris"
Amy cordially invites you into her home, where she will show off diverse but necessary homemaking skills.

[09/22/17 - 08:32 AM]
Video: "Fuller House" Cast Looks Back on 30 Years
From new additions to the family to regrettable hairstyles, a lot has changed in the last 30 years.

[09/21/17 - 06:10 AM]
Video: "Def Comedy Jam 25" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Dave Chappelle, Martin Lawrence, Steve Harvey, Cedric the Entertainer, Adele Givens, Tracy Morgan, Sheryl Underwood, D.L. Hughley and many more celebrate one of comedy's greatest institutions.

[09/20/17 - 09:01 AM]
Video: "The Meyerowitz Stories (New and Selected)" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Adam Sandler, Ben Stiller, Dustin Hoffman, Elizabeth Marvel, Grace Van Patten and Emma Thompson star in Noah Baumbach's latest film.

[09/20/17 - 07:31 AM]
Video: "Marvel's The Punisher" - Official Trailer - Netflix
They killed Frank Castle's family to get to him. Now, the Punisher exacts his revenge.

[09/19/17 - 10:12 AM]
Video: Behind the Scenes of "Star Trek: Discovery" with the Series' Cast and Creators
The newest edition of the "Star Trek" franchise is set to premiere this Sunday, September 24.

[09/15/17 - 06:54 AM]
Video: Oh Mylanta, We're 30?! The "Fuller House" Season Three Trailer Is Here!
The series returns to Netflix on Friday, September 22.

[09/14/17 - 04:18 PM]
Video: Cinemax - "Tales from the Tour Bus" Trailer - Debuts September 22
Mike Judge co-created, narrates and serves as an executive producer on the series, which recounts the raucous adventures of these musicians, as told by those who knew them best.

[09/14/17 - 12:08 PM]
Video: Showtime(R) Unveils Poster Art and Behind-the-Scenes Look at Its New Comedy "White Famous"
The series will now premiere its first two episodes back-to-back on Sunday, October 15 at 10:00/9:00c.

[09/14/17 - 09:32 AM]
Video: Starz Releases Official Trailer for New Original Documentary "Nude" to Premiere October 29th at 10 PM ET/PT
The feature-length documentary explores perceptions of nudity in art by chronicling the creative process of fashion photographer David Bellemere.

[09/14/17 - 09:15 AM]
Video: Watch First Season Two "Search Party" Trailer; Series Returns November 19
The TBS series stars Alia Shawkat, Meredith Hagner, John Early, John Reynolds and Brandon Micheal Hall.

[09/14/17 - 06:07 AM]
Video: Netflix - "Kingdom of Us" - Trailer & Key Art Debut
The Netflix original documentary will premiere at the BFI London Film Festival on October 7 ahead of its global launch on Netflix on October 13.

[09/13/17 - 12:14 PM]
Video: Rob Schneider Returns in "Real Rob"
This season's guest stars include Adam Sandler, Eugenio Derbez, Michael Madsen, Danny Trejo, Angela Kinsey, Haylie Duff, Chris Kattan, Bobby Lee, Monica Huarte, Karyme Lozano and James Hong.

[09/13/17 - 09:41 AM]
Video: Crackle Releases Original Key Art and Trailer for Halloween Special "SuperMansion: Drag Me to Halloween" Streaming Thursday, October 5th
In the all-new stop-motion animated Crackle original special, the League of Freedom experiences all the fun and adventures of Halloween.

[09/12/17 - 10:19 AM]
Video: Netflix Debuts the Trailer for "The Death and Life of Marsha P. Johnson"
Having played a pivotal role in the previous year's Stonewall Riots, in 1970, Johnson and fellow trans icon Sylvia Rivera formed the world's first trans-rights organization, STAR (Street Transvestites Action Revolutionaries).

[09/12/17 - 09:30 AM]
Video: First Look at the "Star Trek: Discovery" Main Title Scoring Session
The series invites fans to go behind the scenes for a first look at the main title scoring session for the series, featuring a 60-piece orchestra conducted by Emmy(R)-winning composer Jeff Russo.

[09/12/17 - 08:46 AM]
Video: WE tv's "Marriage Boot Camp Reality Stars" Debuts New Supertease - Season 9 Premieres October 13!
The season will feature a brand new house of dysfunctional couples including Kailyn Lowry and Javi Marroquin, Juelia Kinney and JJ Lane, Bobby Panahi and Asifa Mirza, Peter Gunz and Amina Buddafly and Mehgan James and DeAndre Perry.

[09/12/17 - 07:13 AM]
Video: Everything Is Embarrassing in the Official Trailer for "Big Mouth"
The 10-episode, half-hour edgy adult animated comedy launches Friday, September 29 exclusively on Netflix.

[09/08/17 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Alias Grace" - Netflix's Six Part Limited Series Debuts Official Trailer & Key Art!
Based on the award-winning novel by Margaret Atwood and inspired by true events, the project premieres November 3.

[09/07/17 - 11:34 AM]
Video: Showtime(R) Releases the Trailer and Key Art for the Highly Anticipated Documentary "Eric Clapton: Life in 12 Bars" Making Its Television Debut on Saturday, February 10 at 9 PM ET/PT
The project is a moving and surprising film about one of the great artists of the modern era - a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award winner and the only artist ever inducted three times into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

[09/07/17 - 11:01 AM]
Video: EPIX Releases Trailer for "Berlin Station" Season 2
Season two of "Berlin Station" opens in the thick of a New World Order that has taken root and is steadily deepening.

[09/07/17 - 08:39 AM]
Video: Ready to Visit Neo Yokio? See the Trailer for Ezra Koenig's Animated Series with Jaden Smith, Jude Law, Susan Sarandon
The series is a postmodern collage of homages to classic anime, English literature and modern New York fashion and culture.

[09/07/17 - 07:55 AM]
Video: Netflix Releases Trailer for "One of Us," from Award-Winning Filmmakers Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady, Verite Look at Insular Hasidic World, Launches Oct. 20
The film takes a deep and moving look at the lives of three individuals who have chosen to leave the hugely insular world of Hasidic Judaism.

[09/06/17 - 10:02 AM]
Video: "The Assassination of Gianni Versace: American Crime Story" - Doves Preview
"The Assassination of Gianni Versace," the next installment of FX's award-winning "American Crime Story," premieres in 2018.

[09/06/17 - 06:03 AM]
Video: "Mudbound" - Witness the Powerful First Look
Carey Mulligan, Jason Clarke, Jason Mitchell, Mary J. Blige, Rob Morgan, Jonathan Banks and Garrett Hedlund star in the Netflix film, which debuts Friday, November 17.

[09/05/17 - 10:11 AM]
Video: Ready, Set, Go - Check Out The Brand New Teaser for "Wheelman"
The Frank Grillo-led film will be released on Netflix on October 20.

[09/05/17 - 08:00 AM]
Video: Beep Beep! "The Magic School Bus Rides Again" in All-New Trailer for the Netflix Series
The series features a reimagining of its classic theme song sung by none other than Lin-Manuel Miranda.

[09/01/17 - 04:15 PM]
Video: Watch an All-New Inside Look at Seth MacFarlane's "The Orville," Premiering Sunday, Sept. 10 on FOX!
The newcomer kicks off following FOX's NFL coverage next Sunday.

[09/01/17 - 09:38 AM]
Video: Netflix Debuts Main Trailer for "Jack Whitehall: Travels with My Father"
Based on the comedic viewpoints of Jack Whitehall, "Travels with My Father" follows Jack, a 28-year-old comedian, embarking on the trip of a lifetime with his father, Michael.

[09/01/17 - 07:21 AM]
Video: "The Mindy Project" Sixth and Final Season Trailer
New episodes will stream weekly on Tuesdays beginning Tuesday, September 12 on Hulu.

[08/30/17 - 12:02 PM]
Video: USA Network's "Mr. Robot" Reveals New Season 3 Trailer and Official Key Art
The series returns on Wednesday, October 11 at 10:00/9:00c.

[08/30/17 - 11:29 AM]
Video: Watch the Trailer for "Jeff Dunham: Relative Disaster," Launching Globally on Netflix Sept. 12
In the hour-long special, ventriloquist and global comedy superstar Jeff Dunham brings his rude and slightly demented posse of dummies to Ireland for a gleeful skewering of family and politics.

  [october 2017]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

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[02/07/25 - 01:00 PM]
Video: "Between Walls" - Official Trailer - Hulu
Marga (Aislinn Derbez) and Martín (Christian Vazquez) happen to meet on a dating app, unaware they are neighbors.

[02/07/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: Trailer & Key Art Debut - "Chris Distefano: It's Just Unfortunate"
Chris Distefano is trying to be the best father he can be but nowadays, words speak louder than actions - so Chris is acting with the right intentions, but not always the right moves.

[02/07/25 - 09:00 AM]
Video: "Winner" - Official Trailer - Hulu
Based on the true story, the ambitious but eccentric Reality Winner (Emilia Jones) finds herself in the middle of a political scandal when she becomes a surprising NSA whistleblower.

[02/07/25 - 09:00 AM]
Video: Prime Video Orders New Unscripted High School Series "Sweethearts" and Releases Trailer
"Sweethearts" follows the lives of six teenage couples in Charleston, South Carolina, as they navigate the end of high school and their final summer together as a couple, before heading off to college.

[02/07/25 - 07:02 AM]
Video: "The Studio" - DUHPOCALYPSE Official Trailer - Apple TV+
An explosive new movie from Continental Studios starring Johnny Knoxville and Josh Hutcherson.

[02/07/25 - 06:31 AM]
Video: Netflix Drops the Trailer for "Larissa: The Other Side of Anitta", a Documentary Premiering on March 6
Brazilian pop star Anitta reveals her most intimate world yet in this documentary that explores her dual identity, personal struggles and search for joy.

[02/06/25 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "When Life Gives You Tangerines" - Official Teaser - Netflix
In Jeju, a bold girl and a devoted boy's island story blossoms into a lifelong tale of setbacks and triumphs - proving love can endure across generations.

[02/06/25 - 11:00 AM]
Video: "Shoresy" Season 4 Trailer - Hulu
Shoresy (Jared Keeso) explores life after hockey, and the Sudbury Blueberry Bulldogs contend with the distractions of summer in Sudbury.

[02/06/25 - 06:12 AM]
Video: "Umjolo: There Is No Cure" - Official Trailer - Netflix
After losing her title for publicly exposing a scandal, a former pageant queen works on a tell-all book - all while her love life remains unwritten.

[02/06/25 - 04:26 AM]
Video: "Love Is Blind: Sweden: After the Altar" - Official Teaser - Netflix
The unique dating experiment lands in Sweden as local singles seek true love and propose marriage - all before seeing each other in person.

[02/05/25 - 09:00 AM]
Video: "Benefits with Friends" - Official Trailer - Hulu
Bia (Bruna Marquezine) and Victor (Sérgio Malheiros) are best friends. While he lives in a relationship that has gotten boring, she has fleeting relationships, without believing in love.

[02/05/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Toxic Town" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When dozens of babies in Corby are born with disabilities, their mothers embark on a battle to hold those responsible to account. Based on a true story.

[02/05/25 - 02:01 AM]
Video: "Delicious" - Official Trailer - Netflix
During their vacation in the French countryside, a wealthy German family becomes entangled with a young hotel worker harboring sinister intentions.

[02/04/25 - 06:56 PM]
Video: It's Time to Check in to Bravo's "Love Hotel" - Coming Soon!
The network teases the "Real Housewives"-themed dating series.

[02/04/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Plankton: The Movie" - Official Trailer - Netflix
SpongeBob SquarePants' tiniest frenemy, Sheldon J. Plankton, is finally getting his close up.