
    [monday, august 14, 2017]    
[08/14/17 - 05:01 PM]
Video: Let the Countdown to the Netflix Original Series "Marvel's The Defenders" Begin!
Netflix releases a behind the scenes featurette of its street level heroes.

[08/10/17 - 07:00 AM]
Video: Netflix Announces the Launch Date for "The Crown" Season 2 Along with a First Look at the Series
The second season bears witness to the end of the age of deference, and ushers in the revolutionary era of the 1960s.

[08/09/17 - 09:01 AM]
Video: Robert Redford and Jane Fonda Reunite in "Our Souls at Night" Teaser
The film, based on the best-selling novel written by Kent Haruf, will be released on Netflix and in select theaters on September 29.

[08/08/17 - 03:29 PM]
Video: Showtime(R) Offers the Season Premieres of "Episodes" and "Dice" for Early Sampling
Watch the season premieres to both series right here as well as Showtime's various outlets.

[08/08/17 - 02:30 PM]
Video: Watch the World Premiere of the All-New "Empire"/"Star" Music Video
Plus: get at sneak peek of the upcoming season of "Empire."

[08/08/17 - 10:57 AM]
Video: Watch an All-New Sneak Peek at FOX's New Family Adventure Series, "The Gifted," That Just Debuted at TCA!
The newcomer premieres Monday, October 2 at 9:00/8:00c on the network.

[08/08/17 - 10:00 AM]
Video: Netflix Releases Trailer for Kathy Bates Sitcom "Disjointed"
Academy Award winner Kathy Bates plays Ruth, a lifelong advocate for legalization who is finally living her dream as the owner of an Los Angeles cannabis dispensary, Ruth's Alternative Caring.

[08/07/17 - 01:09 PM]
Video: MTV Unveils Star-Studded Performer Line-Up for 2017 "VMAs"
Miley Cyrus, Ed Sheeran, Fifth Harmony, Lorde, Katy Perry, The Weeknd, Thirty Seconds to Mars and Shawn Mendes are all on tap.

[08/07/17 - 12:36 PM]
Video: Crackle Releases New Trailer and Key Art for Sophomore Season of the Network's Original Drama Series, "StartUp" to Debut Thursday, September 28th
In addition, the free, AVOD service shared plans to release an interactive and immersive virtual reality experience based on the series to debut on PlayStation(R) VR and other platforms later fall.

[08/04/17 - 12:32 PM]
Video: USA Network's "Mr. Robot" Reveals New Season 3 Trailer and Sets Fall Return for October 11
The premiere date, along with the first image of Bobby Cannavale's highly-anticipated character Irving and an exclusive Season 3 trailer, were unmasked through a social media scavenger hunt orchestrated by the network.

[08/03/17 - 01:40 PM]
Video: New "Will & Grace" Promo Released & Additional Season Pickup, Plus 4 New Episodes for Season 1
The now 16-episode event begins Thursday, September 28 on NBC.

[08/03/17 - 08:00 AM]
Video: You Know You Missed Them! Eric & Jessie Are Back on E! Get Your First Look at Season Three Now
The series returns Wednesday, September 6 at 10:00/9:00c on the cable channel.

[08/03/17 - 05:45 AM]
Video: "Narcos" Takes New York as Netflix Unveils the Trailer for Season 3
Now that the bloody hunt for Pablo Escobar has ended, the DEA turns its attention to the richest drug trafficking organization in the world: the Cali Cartel.

[08/02/17 - 06:31 AM]
Video: Netflix Releases Trailer and Key Art for "First They Killed My Father"
Directed by Angelina Jolie, the film is the adaptation of Cambodian author and human rights activist Loung Ung's gripping memoir of surviving the deadly Khmer Rouge regime from 1975 to 1978.

[08/01/17 - 07:01 AM]
Video: Netflix Releases Trailer for "Mindhunter"- Premiering October 13
Jonathan Groff and Holt McCallany star in the drama, from director David Fincher.

[07/31/17 - 08:41 AM]
Video: Go Behind the Scenes of a Typical "Atypical" Family
The Netflix series is a coming of age story told from the unique perspective of Sam (played by Keir Gilchrist), an 18-year-old on the autism spectrum as he searches for love and independence.

[07/28/17 - 02:32 PM]
Video: Starz Releases New "Outlander" Video and "Howards End" Images at TCA
The former returns Sunday, September 10 while the latter is due in 2018.

[07/28/17 - 11:51 AM]
Video: "Naked SNCTM" - Official Tease: Behind the Most Exclusive Erotic Club - Showtime
The pay channel's new late-night series premieres Thursday, August 17 at 11:00/10:00c.

[07/28/17 - 10:33 AM]
Video: Netflix Shares Stop Motion Poem from "Daughters of Destiny"
"Daughters of Destiny" is a Netflix original documentary series that chronicles the lives of five girls from Indian families who are among the so-called "Dalit" caste and most impoverished communities in the world.

[07/28/17 - 08:02 AM]
Video: "Transparent" Season Four Trailer Now Available
The new season rolls out Friday, September 22 on Amazon Prime Video.

[07/27/17 - 09:16 AM]
Video: truTV Debuts Trailer for Upcoming Comedic Documentary "The Problem with Apu"
Produced by Marobru, Inc. and Avalon Television, "The Problem with Apu" will debut on truTV this fall.

[07/27/17 - 08:05 AM]
Video: "Comrade Detective" Trailer Now Available - Featuring Voices of Channing Tatum & Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Nick Offerman is also featured in the series, premiering Friday, August 4 on Amazon.

[07/25/17 - 02:33 PM]
Video: National Geographic Summer TCA Trailers
Get your first look at scripted entries "The Long Road Home," "The State" and more!

[07/25/17 - 06:03 AM]
Video: "One Mississippi" Season 2 Teaser Now Available
The Tig Notaro-led comedy returns Friday, September 8 on Amazon Prime Video.

[07/24/17 - 07:02 AM]
Video: Netflix Reveals Teaser for Sarah Polley and Mary Harron's "Alias Grace," Premiering Nov. 3
The mini-series is inspired by the historical true story of convicted murderer Grace Marks and based on the award-winning novel by Margaret Atwood.

[07/23/17 - 07:52 PM]
Video: Watch Highlights from Saturday's Panels: "The Simpsons," "Family Guy," "Lucifer," "Gotham" & "The Orville"
FOX releases another wave of recaps from their respective panels.

[07/23/17 - 02:44 PM]
Video: Watch the Casts of "The Gifted" and "The Orville" at San Diego Comic-Con!
Check out their respective visits to "The Gifted" X-Gene Screening Station and "The Orville" Space Training Center & Gyroscope Ride.

[07/23/17 - 02:33 PM]
Video: BBC America Releases World Premiere Videos for "Doctor Who" at San Diego Comic-Con
In addition, it was revealed that Peter Capaldi's final episode of "Doctor Who" this Christmas will feature Pearl Mackie as Bill Potts and is titled "Twice Upon a Time."

[07/23/17 - 12:51 PM]
Video: Watch the New Trailer for TNT's "The Last Ship"
The fourth season is slated to launch with a two-episode premiere on Sunday, August 20.

[07/23/17 - 12:34 PM]
Video: Comic-Con 2017 Confessional: DC Super Heroes - and Super-Villain
Stephen Amell, Grant Gustin and Melissa Benoist are among those featured.

[07/22/17 - 09:14 PM]
Video: Syfy's Critically-Acclaimed Original Series "The Expanse" Touches Down at San Diego Comic-Con
Plus: Elizabeth Mitchell will play a character that brings a new, spiritual perspective to the series.

[07/22/17 - 06:55 PM]
Video: "Freedom Fighters: The Ray" Comic-Con 2017 Sneak Peek
The reel was full of familiar faces, including evil alternate versions of Green Arrow, The Flash and Supergirl.

[07/22/17 - 06:54 PM]
Video: Comic-Con Confessional Videos - "The 100" & "Riverdale"
The former's Marie Avgeropoulos, Lindsey Morgan and Tasya Teles are among the latest participants.

[07/22/17 - 06:54 PM]
Video: Syfy's "The Magicians" Come Together at San Diego Comic-Con
The audience got a sneak peek into Season 3 and its highly anticipated new set - the Muntjac boat.

[07/22/17 - 06:53 PM]
Video: Doug the Pug, Special Comic-Con Corres-paw-ndent - "Riverdale," "Supergirl" & "Arrow"
Doug the Pug sniffs out some answers in exclusive interviews at Comic-Con 2017.

[07/22/17 - 03:50 PM]
Video: Watch New Footage from the Upcoming Season of "Gotham" That Just Screened at San Diego Comic-Con
Plus: Crystal Reed has been cast as Sofia Falcone, the daughter of Don Falcone.

[07/22/17 - 03:49 PM]
Video: Trailer Debut - "Stranger Things" Season 2
All nine episodes will debut globally on Netflix October 27.

[07/22/17 - 03:30 PM]
Video: Watch New Footage from the Upcoming Season of "Lucifer" That Just Screened at San Diego Comic-Con
Season three premieres Monday, October 2 at 8:00/7:00c on FOX.

[07/22/17 - 03:16 PM]
Video: Official Series Trailer for "Star Trek: Discovery" Unveiled Today at Comic-Con International
The newest edition of the "Star Trek" franchise is set to premiere in the U.S. on CBS All Access Sunday, September 24, following a broadcast premiere on the CBS Television Network.

[07/22/17 - 02:59 PM]
Video: Watch New Footage from the Upcoming Season of "Family Guy" That Just Screened at San Diego Comic-Con
Season 15 premieres Sunday, October 1 at 9:00/8:00c on FOX.

[07/22/17 - 02:47 PM]
Video: Watch Highlights from Thursday's "The Gifted" & "Bob's Burgers" Panels
FOX releases the latest batch of highlights from its San Diego Comic-Con programming.

[07/22/17 - 01:53 PM]
Video: Watch the New Promo for "The Orville" That Just Screened at San Diego Comic-Con
The new series premieres Sunday, September 10 on FOX.

[07/22/17 - 01:28 PM]
Video: "Riverdale" Comic-Con 2017 Video/S1 Blooper Reel & S2 Sneak Peek
Check out exclusive footage from the upcoming second season.

[07/22/17 - 01:27 PM]
Video: "The Originals" Comic-Con 2017 Highlight Reel
The epic highlight reel retraces the Mikaelsons' past, while providing a glimpse of what the future holds for the family.

[07/22/17 - 01:26 PM]
Video: "iZombie" Comic-Con 2017 Confessional Video
Watch the cast of "iZombie" reveal fun secrets in the Comic-Con 2017 Confessional booth.

[07/22/17 - 11:18 AM]
Video: "Once Upon a Time" Season 7 Comic-Con Trailer
After six seasons, the residents of the enchanted forest enter Season 7, facing their greatest challenge yet.

[07/21/17 - 06:58 PM]
Video: Netflix Brings "Marvel's The Defenders" to San Diego Comic Con and Releases New Trailer
Plus: "Marvel's Iron Fist" to return for a second season.

[07/21/17 - 06:26 PM]
Video: Catch Up on Thursday's "Ghosted" & "The Exorcist" Highlights
FOX releases an assortment of videos from today's San Diego Comic-Con offerings.

[07/21/17 - 04:54 PM]
Video: Watch the New Trailer for "The Gifted" That Just Screened at San Diego Comic-Con
FOX's much-ballyhooed drama premieres Monday, October 2.

[07/21/17 - 04:52 PM]
Video: "The 100" Comic-Con 2017 Video
The series debuted an exclusive highlight reel recounting all the action and drama from season four.

  [august 2017]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

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[02/13/25 - 01:00 PM]
Video: "O'Dessa" - Official Trailer - Hulu
Set in a post-apocalyptic future, "O'Dessa" is an original rock opera about a farm girl on an epic quest to recover a cherished family heirloom.

[02/13/25 - 10:01 AM]
Video: Trailer and Key Art Debut - Hulu's "Devil in the Family: The Fall of Ruby Franke"
When "momfluencer" Ruby Franke is arrested for child abuse, no one can understand how her seemingly happy family became trapped in a nightmare.

[02/13/25 - 10:01 AM]
Video: "George Lopez: Muy Catolico" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
Lore. Laughs. Luscious locks. If you haven't heard... "George Lopez: Muy Católico" arrives February 18.

[02/13/25 - 08:43 AM]
Video: Peacock Releases Official Teaser and Summer 2025 Timing for Season 2 of "Twisted Metal"
The new season stars Anthony Mackie, Stephanie Beatriz, Joe Seanoa and Will Arnett, plus Anthony Carrigan who joins as fan favorite Calypso.

[02/13/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Ransom Canyon" - Official Teaser - Netflix
Welcome to Ransom Canyon, starring Josh Duhamel and Minka Kelly, April 17 only on Netflix.

[02/13/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Tyler Perry's Beauty in Black" - Part 2 Official Trailer - Netflix
With their empire on the line, the ruthless Bellarie family faces a reckoning as Kimmie fights to save her sister and get revenge - no matter the cost.

[02/13/25 - 07:01 AM]
Video: "Shuffle of Love: A Descendants Short Story" Now Available on Disney+ & YouTube
Ruby Rose Turner is back as Bridget, the young Queen of Hearts, in the musical short for "Shuffle of Love: A Descendants Short Story," an extra scene featuring the iconic song from the hit movie "Descendants: The Rise of Red."

[02/13/25 - 01:01 AM]
Video: "Go!" - Official Teaser - Netflix
A young runner is given a second chance at life when he is offered a track scholarship, but can he chase his dreams without tripping on his lies?

[02/12/25 - 09:09 AM]
Video: MGM+ Original Series "Nine Bodies in a Mexican Morgue" Takes Off with Thrilling Trailer and Key Art, Coming March 2
From Anthony Horowitz, the series debut features a star-studded international ensemble cast including Emmy Award-winning actor Eric McCormack, "Star Trek" veteran David Ajala, and Siobhán McSweeney.

[02/12/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: Date Announcement & Teaser Debut - Hulu's "The Handmaid's Tale"
The Emmy-winning series returns for its sixth and final season on April 8 with three episodes, then weekly thereafter for a finale on May 27.

[02/12/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "The Clubhouse: A Year with the Red Sox" - Sneak Peek - Netflix
The pressure is on when you play for one of the greatest franchises in sports history.

[02/12/25 - 08:00 AM]
Video: Prime Video Debuts Explosive New Trailer for "The Wheel of Time" Season Three
Season three will premiere with the first three episodes on March 13, with additional new episodes streaming each week thereafter until the riveting season finale on April 17.

[02/12/25 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Sakamoto Days" - Mid-Season Preview - Netflix
Once the greatest hitman of all, Taro Sakamoto retired in the name of love. But when his past catches up, he must fight to protect his beloved family.

[02/12/25 - 06:00 AM]
Video: "G20" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
When the G20 summit comes under siege, U.S. President Danielle Sutton (Academy Award winner Viola Davis) becomes the number one target.

[02/12/25 - 05:01 AM]
Video: "Full Swing" Season 3 - Official Trailer - Netflix
This immersive documentary series follows the world's greatest golfers - on and off the course - during a season of relentless competition.