
    [thursday, august 20, 2015]    
[08/20/15 - 05:00 PM]
Video: Disney's "Descendants" Star Sofia Carson Performs Retro-Soul Version of the Movie's Hit Song "Rotten to the Core" in New Music Video
The "Rotten to the Core" musical number from the movie, now a music video on Vevo, has over 25 million views.

[08/20/15 - 08:57 AM]
Video: AMC Releases the Worldwide Exclusive of the First Three Minutes of the Highly Anticipated of "Fear the Walking Dead" on Facebook
The worldwide premiere of the highly anticipated new series is this Sunday, August 23 at 9:00/8:00c.

[08/18/15 - 01:17 PM]
Video: WGN America Unveils First Trailer for "Manhattan" Season Two
The trailer hints at the questionable motivations, duplicitous nature and high stakes secrets held by the series' main characters inside the world's most guarded city.

[08/14/15 - 08:46 AM]
Video: "Longmire" - Season 4 Teaser Trailer & Sneak Peek
The upcoming fourth season of "Longmire" is coming on September 10 to Netflix.

[08/12/15 - 05:09 PM]
Video: Trailers from USA Network's "Playing House" and "Donny!"
Check out the latest teases for USA's original comedies.

[08/11/15 - 10:23 AM]
Video: Showtime(R) Releases the Trailer for Its Powerful New Drama Series "Billions," Premiering Sunday, January 17 at 10 PM
Starring Oscar(R) nominee and Emmy(R) and Golden Globe(R) winner Paul Giamatti and Emmy and Golden Globe winner Damian Lewis, the series is a 21st-century examination of the profit and peril of chasing the American dream.

[08/10/15 - 10:55 AM]
Video: "Amy Schumer Live at the Apollo" - Announcement Tease (HBO)
Directed by Chris Rock and taped May 29 before a live audience at New York's iconic Apollo Theater, the one-hour special features Schumer talking about her life.

[08/06/15 - 05:00 PM]
Video: Watch the All-New Promo for Season Two of "Empire"
The blockbuster hit returns for its second season on Wednesday, September 23 at 9:00/8:00c.

[08/06/15 - 02:19 PM]
Video: "Vinyl" - Tease (HBO)
Bobby Cannavale, Olivia Wilde and Ray Romano co-star in the upcoming drama, from Martin Scorsese, Mick Jagger and Terence Winter.

[08/05/15 - 11:21 AM]
Video: "The Leftovers" Season 2: Trailer #1 (HBO)
As previously announced, season two will roll out on Sunday, October 4 at 9:00/8:00c.

[08/04/15 - 10:26 AM]
Video: "Sneaky Pete" Trailer Starring Giovanni Ribisi and Guest Starring Bryan Cranston!
The pilot is executive produced by David Shore, Bryan Cranston and Seth Gordon and will be available on Amazon for free for only 30 days beginning this Friday, August 7.

[08/04/15 - 10:11 AM]
Video: El Rey Network and Miramax(R) Release Robert Rodriguez Featurette from Season Two of the Supernatural Crime Saga "From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series"
Rodriguez gives viewers an exclusive glimpse at the new season.

[07/30/15 - 03:03 PM]
Video: El Rey Network and Miramax(R) Release Talent Featurette from Season Two of the Supernatural Crime Saga "From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series"
In it, the cast and creators give an inside look at what's coming up, the dynamics of the upcoming season, and introduce you to the compelling new characters viewers will meet.

[07/29/15 - 07:16 AM]
Video: "Kendra on Top" Supertease - Season Four Premieres Friday, August 21 at 10PM ET/PT on WE tv
The series will move to its regularly scheduled timeslot Fridays at 9:00/8:00c on WE tv, beginning with the second episode.

[07/27/15 - 01:31 PM]
Video: El Rey Network Releases 37-Minute Super Cut Featuring Wall-to-Wall Action from 37 Episodes of "Lucha Underground"
The epic 39-episode debut season of "Lucha Underground" closes with the unforgettable two-week event beginning with "Ultima Lucha - Part I" airing Wednesday, July 29.

[07/27/15 - 11:02 AM]
Video: "Ferrell Takes the Field" - Trailer (HBO)
Taped March 12 during baseball spring training in Arizona, the comedy special follows Will Ferrell to five different spring training ballparks, where he played every position on the field for ten different teams in the same day.

[07/27/15 - 06:01 AM]
Video: Netflix - "Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp" - "Return to Camp Firewood" Featurette
The best summer of your life starts this Friday, July 31 at 12:01am PT only on Netflix.

[07/23/15 - 06:44 PM]
Video: Watch the Latest Teaser for "The X-Files" That Just Aired During Tonight's "Wayward Pines" Finale
The all-new event series begins its two-night premiere, immediately following the NFC Championship Game Sunday, January 24.

[07/23/15 - 02:00 PM]
Video: Check Out the All-New "Gotham" Season Two Promos
Said interstitials will premiere during tonight's season finale of "Wayward Pines."

[07/22/15 - 06:15 PM]
Video: Watch the First Look at Season Two of "Empire"
The show's sophomore run begins Wednesday, September 23 at 9:00/8:00c on FOX.

[07/21/15 - 12:50 PM]
Video: "Fargo" - New Season - Official Trailer
Check out the extended look at the show's sophomore run, due in October.

[07/21/15 - 12:19 PM]
Video: "The Muppets" - First Look Presentation
Watch the pilot presentation for the upcoming comedy, premiering Tuesday, September 22 on ABC.

[07/20/15 - 10:21 AM]
Video: Two New Promos for "The Bastard Executioner"
The epic new series from creator Kurt Sutter arrives this fall on FX.

[07/20/15 - 10:05 AM]
Video: "Tig Notaro Boyish Girl Interrupted" - Tease (HBO)
Featuring the Grammy nominee in an all-new standup performance before a live audience, Notaro's first HBO comedy special was taped in Boston at the Wilbur Theatre.

[07/16/15 - 06:33 PM]
Video: Watch the Never-Before-Seen Footage from "The X-Files" That Just Aired During Tonight's Episode of "Wayward Pines"
The all-new "The X-Files" event series begins its two-night premiere, immediately following the NFC Championship Game Sunday, January 24.

[07/16/15 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp" - Meet the Staff Orientation Video - Netflix
From co-creators Michael Showalter and David Wain, the prequel series to their 2001 film that became a cult phenomenon.

[07/15/15 - 10:02 AM]
Video: "Survivor's Remorse" Season Two Trailer Released
The show's sophomore run kicks off Saturday, August 22 at 9:30/8:30c on Starz.

[07/15/15 - 07:33 AM]
Video: Netflix Original Series "Narcos" - Trailer Debut
All 10 episodes of "Narcos" will premiere on August 28 at 12:01am PST exclusively on Netflix.

[07/14/15 - 09:35 AM]
Video: "Married" Season 1 Rewind
Take a look at some of the highlights from season one of this boundary-pushing series.

[07/14/15 - 09:21 AM]
Video: Check Out the Trailer for New Animated Series "Moonbeam City" Starring Rob Lowe and Premiering Sept. 16 at 10:30 p.m. on Comedy Central
Check out the new season one trailer of this absurdist, retro-futuristic 80s cop extravaganza.

[07/13/15 - 01:06 PM]
Video: "Tut" Official Trailer #3 Featuring Sir Ben Kingsley
The epic three night event premieres this Sunday, July 19 at 9:00/9:00c.

[07/13/15 - 12:36 PM]
Video: HBO Miniseries: "Show Me a Hero" - Trailer (HBO)
The six-part project, from creator David Simon and director Paul Haggis, premieres Sunday, August 16.

[07/12/15 - 02:59 PM]
Video: FOX Comic-Con 2015 - "Bordertown" Panel Q&A
Watch the highlights from yesterday's panel for the series in San Diego.

[07/12/15 - 02:58 PM]
Video: FOX Comic-Con 2015 - "Family Guy" Panel Q&A
Watch the highlights from yesterday's panel for the series in San Diego.

[07/12/15 - 02:57 PM]
Video: FOX Comic-Con 2015 - "The Simpsons" Panel Q&A
Watch the highlights from yesterday's panel for the series in San Diego.

[07/12/15 - 02:56 PM]
Video: FOX Comic-Con 2015 - "The Last Man on Earth" Panel Q&A
Watch the highlights from yesterday's panel for the series in San Diego.

[07/12/15 - 02:21 PM]
Video: NBC Comic-Con 2015 - "Heroes Reborn" Official Trailer
See the full-length trailer for "Heroes Reborn," premiering September 24 at 8:00/7:00c on NBC.

[07/11/15 - 09:17 PM]
Video: WBTV Comic-Con 2015 - "The Flash" Highlight Reel
The show's fast-paced highlight reel served up an exciting recap of all the season one action, just in time to get fans ready for season two.

[07/11/15 - 08:34 PM]
Video: WBTV Comic-Con 2015 - "Arrow" Highlight Reel
Attendees at the Comic-Con panel for the hit series on Saturday caught this action-packed recap of season three.

[07/11/15 - 07:14 PM]
Video: WBTV Comic-Con 2015 - "Person of Interest" Season 3 Highlight Reel
The high-octane highlight reel was unveiled during the show's panel session at Comic-Con on Saturday.

[07/11/15 - 06:36 PM]
Video: FOX Comic-Con 2015 - Comic-Con Party
Take a look at the red carpet festivities at the network's annual party in San Diego.

[07/11/15 - 04:02 PM]
Video: CW Seed Comic-Con 2015 - "Vixen" Sizzle
Meet DC Comics' newest hero when "Vixen" premieres August 25 on CW Seed.

[07/11/15 - 03:28 PM]
Video: FOX Comic-Con 2015 - "Bob's Burgers" Panel Highlights
Watch the highlights from yesterday's panel for the series in San Diego.

[07/11/15 - 03:27 PM]
Video: FOX Comic-Con 2015 - "Minority Report" Panel Q&A and Fan Reactions
Watch the highlights from yesterday's panel for the series in San Diego.

[07/11/15 - 03:26 PM]
Video: FOX Comic-Con 2015 - "Lucifer" Panel Q&A and Fan Reactions
Watch the highlights from yesterday's panel for the series in San Diego.

[07/11/15 - 10:56 AM]
Video: AMC Releases Trailer for New Martial Arts Drama "Into the Badlands"
The network has ordered six, one-hour episodes for "Into the Badlands," which will premiere in November.

[07/10/15 - 08:19 PM]
Video: WBTV Comic-Con 2015 - "iZombie" Season 1 Highlight Reel
Check out the sizzle reel that ran during today's panel at Comic-Con.

[07/10/15 - 08:18 PM]
Video: WBTV Comic-Con 2015 - "The 100" Season Two Highlight Reel
Check out the sizzle reel that ran during today's panel at Comic-Con.

[07/10/15 - 06:01 PM]
Video: "Colony" Official Trailer - New Series on USA (Coming This Fall)
Get your first look at the new Josh Holloway-led drama.

[07/10/15 - 04:45 PM]
Video: "Man in the High Castle" Comic Con Trailer
What would the world be like if the Allied Powers had lost WWII, and Japan and Germany ruled the United States?

  [august 2015]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

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[02/12/25 - 09:09 AM]
Video: MGM+ Original Series "Nine Bodies in a Mexican Morgue" Takes Off with Thrilling Trailer and Key Art, Coming March 2
From Anthony Horowitz, the series debut features a star-studded international ensemble cast including Emmy Award-winning actor Eric McCormack, "Star Trek" veteran David Ajala, and Siobhán McSweeney.

[02/12/25 - 09:01 AM]
Video: Date Announcement & Teaser Debut - Hulu's "The Handmaid's Tale"
The Emmy-winning series returns for its sixth and final season on April 8 with three episodes, then weekly thereafter for a finale on May 27.

[02/12/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "The Clubhouse: A Year with the Red Sox" - Sneak Peek - Netflix
The pressure is on when you play for one of the greatest franchises in sports history.

[02/12/25 - 08:00 AM]
Video: Prime Video Debuts Explosive New Trailer for "The Wheel of Time" Season Three
Season three will premiere with the first three episodes on March 13, with additional new episodes streaming each week thereafter until the riveting season finale on April 17.

[02/12/25 - 06:01 AM]
Video: "Sakamoto Days" - Mid-Season Preview - Netflix
Once the greatest hitman of all, Taro Sakamoto retired in the name of love. But when his past catches up, he must fight to protect his beloved family.

[02/12/25 - 06:00 AM]
Video: "G20" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
When the G20 summit comes under siege, U.S. President Danielle Sutton (Academy Award winner Viola Davis) becomes the number one target.

[02/12/25 - 05:01 AM]
Video: "Full Swing" Season 3 - Official Trailer - Netflix
This immersive documentary series follows the world's greatest golfers - on and off the course - during a season of relentless competition.

[02/11/25 - 10:00 AM]
Video: Starz Releases Gripping Trailer for Season Four of Its Hit Series "Power Book III: Raising Kanan"
Season three of "Power Book III: Raising Kanan" averaged over 9M viewers per episode, hitting a high compared to the prior season.

[02/11/25 - 09:31 AM]
Video: "Deli Boys" - Official Trailer - Hulu
When their convenience store-magnate father suddenly dies, a pair of pampered Pakistani American brothers (Asif Ali, Saagar Shaikh) lose everything and are forced to reckon with their Baba's secret life of crime as they attempt to take up his mantle in the underworld.

[02/11/25 - 09:04 AM]
Video: Official Trailer - "Doctor Odyssey" Returns Thursday, March 6 on ABC
The series returns with a two-part jaw dropping event!

[02/11/25 - 07:46 AM]
Video: Disney-ESPN's Andscape Debuts Trailer for New Feature, "Memes & Nightmares," A Tribeca Film Festival Selection
"Memes & Nightmares" is a hilarious and insightful satirical film that dives into the vibrant world of NBA Twitter.

[02/11/25 - 07:00 AM]
Video: "Picture This" - Official Trailer - Prime Video
In this heartfelt rom-com, struggling photographer Pia (Simone Ashley) receives a prediction: true love and career success await her in the next five dates she goes on.

[02/11/25 - 01:01 AM]
Video: "Tuiskoms" - Official Trailer - Netflix
After a series of misfortunes, Fleur takes her daughter and returns to her hometown in search of a renewed sense of purpose.

[02/11/25 - 12:01 AM]
Video: "Graveyard" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Chief Inspector Önem and her team race against time, unearthing dark secrets behind a closed femicide case that tests their courage and personal bonds.

[02/10/25 - 11:00 AM]
Video: AMC/AMC+ Unveil Exhilarating Opening Minutes of Season 3 of the Hit Noir Thriller "Dark Winds," Starring Zahn McClarnon
"Dark Winds" returns with all-new episodes exclusively on AMC and AMC+ on Sunday, March 9 at 9pm ET/PT, with new episodes airing weekly on Sundays.