
[02/13/25 - 10:31 AM]
Jose Andres and Martha Stewart Put Rebellious Chefs to the Test in NBC's New High-Stakes Cooking Competition "Yes, Chef!" Premiering Monday, April 28 at 10 P.M. ET/PT
From Magical Elves, the Emmy Award-winning producers of Bravo's "Top Chef," "Yes, Chef!" blends the high-stakes thrill of a cooking competition with the raw emotion of personal transformation as it delves into the powerful personalities attracted to the chaotic culinary lifestyle.

[01/28/25 - 09:09 AM]
Bravo's "Top Chef" Heads North for Season 22 - Destination Canada
The series premieres Thursday, March 13 on Bravo with an entire season of supersized episodes airing every Thursday night from 9 - 10:15 p.m.

[07/17/24 - 10:31 AM]
NBCUniversal Receives 75 Emmy Award Nominations
Leading the Peacock charge was "The Traitors" with four noms, highlighted by not only its Reality Or Competition Program nom, but host Alan Cumming earning a nomination for Outstanding Host of a Reality Or Competition Program.

[05/09/24 - 02:02 PM]
A Dynamic Lineup of Fresh Originals, Exclusive Live Sports, Returning Hits and Beloved Franchises Supercharge NBCUniversal's Cable Portfolio Across Bravo, E!, Oxygen True Crime, Syfy and USA Network for 2024-25 Season
New series highlights across the portfolio include "Making It in Manhattan" (Bravo), "Revival" (Syfy) and "Untitled Cori Broadus and Snoop Dogg Project" (E!).

[02/07/24 - 09:01 AM]
Bravo's "Top Chef" Is Back For Season 21 in Wisconsin with Host Kristen Kish and Judges Tom Colicchio & Gail Simmons
Season 21 premieres Wednesday, March 20 on Bravo with an entire season of supersized episodes every Wednesday night from 9-10:15 p.m.

[11/03/23 - 01:15 PM]
BravoCon 2023 Kicks Off with Season Renewals for Popular Franchises Set to Air Next Year
Bravo's slate of returning hits include new seasons of "The Real Housewives of New Jersey," "Below Deck Mediterranean, "Below Deck Down Under," "Below Deck Sailing Yacht" and "Summer House."

[07/11/23 - 12:50 PM]
Award-Winning Chef, Author and Entrepreneur Kristen Kish Named Host of Bravo's "Top Chef"
Padma Lakshmi formerly served as host for the last 19 seasons.

[06/02/23 - 11:41 PM]
Development Update: Week of May 29-June 2
Updates include: Kim Cattrall to drop by Max's "And Just Like That..."; BET+ renews "The Ms. Pat Show" for season four; and Padma Lakshmi exits "Top Chef" after 20 seasons.

[05/09/23 - 10:57 AM]
Fan-Favorite Hits, Iconic Franchises and New Original Series Set 2023-24 Season Across Bravo, E!, Syfy and USA Network, Highlighting NBCUniversal's Powerful Cable Portfolio
Highlights include the divorcee-dating competition series "The Big D," due Wednesday, June 14 on USA Network.

[03/02/23 - 06:19 AM]
Bravo's "Top Chef" and Heatonist Partner to Launch Limited Edition Hot Sauces in Honor of the 20th Season
The sauces were developed with guidance from Season 12 winner, Mei Lin, and are packed with flavor so that fans can create winning dishes in their own kitchens.

[01/25/23 - 08:02 AM]
"Top Chef's" Milestone 20th Season Attracts a Variety of Brand Partnerships for Foodies Around the Globe
The Emmy, James Beard and Critics' Choice Award-winning series is set to premiere on Thursday, March 9 at 9:00/8:00c.

[08/01/22 - 08:25 AM]
Bravo's "Top Chef" Heads to London for Season 20 - World All-Stars
The Emmy, James Beard and Critics' Choice Award-winning series will begin production this month in London, one of the most influential cities in the world, with the epic 20th season set to premiere in 2023.

[05/12/22 - 02:02 PM]
Bravo Announces Robust Programming Slate with Greenlights, Premieres and Returning Series
The network also announced the return of numerous fan-favorite series, including the 20th season of James Beard and Emmy Award-winning "Top Chef," which for the first time will be shot entirely internationally.

[05/02/22 - 08:34 AM]
Peacock to Become Streaming Home of Bravo
Previously, new episodes of Bravo series had a delay before streaming on Peacock.

[03/03/22 - 07:00 AM]
Bravo's "Top Chef" Serves Up Delicious Brand Partnerships in Upcoming 19th Season
From grand prizes to Quickfire challenges and the digital companion series "Top Chef: Last Chance Kitchen," viewers everywhere will experience the #1 most affluent culinary program on cable and interact with the brands they know in a whole new way.

[01/24/22 - 12:01 PM]
Bravo's Emmy-Winning "Top Chef" Heads to Houston, Texas for a New Season Premiering Thursday, March 3 at 8 PM ET/PT
Every Thursday directly following "Top Chef," Bravo will encore Peacock's "Top Chef Family Style," hosted by Meghan Trainor and Marcus Samuelsson, where 15 exceptionally talented culinary prodigies compete with an adult family member for the chance to be crowned champions.

[05/20/21 - 12:05 PM]
Bravo's Newest Culinary Competition "Top Chef Amateurs" Premieres Thursday, July 1 at 9 PM ET/PT
Produced by Magical Elves, "Top Chef Amateurs" gives talented home cooks the opportunity of a lifetime to test their skills in the illustrious "Top Chef" kitchen.

[05/13/21 - 09:16 AM]
Peacock Expands Fan-Favorite Franchises with Series Orders of "Baking It," "Top Chef Family Style," "American Ninja Warrior Junior" and "Below Deck Down Under"
From the creators of "Making It," Amy Poehler and Nicolle Yaron, comes "Baking It," a holiday event series where teams of two talented home bakers compete with their most delectable savory and sweet edible creations.

[02/08/21 - 01:12 PM]
Bravo's "Top Chef" Returns for a New Season in Portland Kicking Off with a Supersized Episode on Thursday, April 1 at 8 PM ET/PT
This season, a new batch of 15 extremely talented Executive Chefs and restaurant owners, representing a cross section of kitchens and food around the country, vie for the coveted title bringing their unique skillsets, diversity of cuisines and gamut of flavors.

[10/20/20 - 11:30 AM]
Bravo Greenlights Culinary Competition Show "Top Chef Amateurs"
Hosted by Gail Simmons and produced by Magical Elves, Bravo's newest culinary competition series gives talented home cooks the opportunity of lifetime to test their skills in the illustrious "Top Chef" kitchen.

[09/28/20 - 09:30 AM]
Bravo's Emmy and James Beard Award-Winning Culinary Competition Series "Top Chef" to Showcase Portland for Season 18
The upcoming season will feature a new batch of talented chefs battling from PDX to the coast, exploring the famous Hood River Fruit Loop, Columbia River Gorge, Oregon's Mt. Hood Territory, Tillamook Bay, Tualatin Valley and Willamette Valley wine country.

[07/29/20 - 12:59 PM]
Bravo Media Presents the Vital National Conversation "Race in America: A Movement Not a Moment" Premiering Sunday, August 9, at 10PM ET/PT
The 90-minute special from Executive Producers Leslie D. Farrell and Dorothy Toran is produced by Lauren Grace Media.

[02/11/20 - 10:44 AM]
Bravo's "Top Chef" Rolls Out the Red Carpet for All Stars LA Premiering Thursday, March 19 at 10 PM ET/PT
It has been nine seasons since the first All Stars competition, and these chefs aren't holding any punches as they battle it out for the largest cash prize in "Top Chef" history.

[12/12/19 - 11:12 AM]
Bravo's "Top Chef" Returns with All Stars LA Premiering Thursday, March 19 at 10 PM ET/PT
All Stars LA features the fiercest group of competitors the show has seen with 15 finalists, front runners and fan favorites from seasons past who have all returned to finish what they started and battle it out for the coveted title.

[11/18/19 - 07:11 AM]
Bravo Announces New and Returning Series at BravoCon 2019
Newly on tap are "The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City" and "Basically Stassi."

[09/17/19 - 06:00 AM]
NBCUniversal Announces "Peacock" as the Name of Its Streaming Service and Unveils Initial Content Lineup
Peacock rolls out in April of 2020 with over 15,000 hours of content and takes center stage at the end of July during the 2020 Summer Olympics.

[11/28/18 - 09:28 AM]
Bravo Media's Emmy-Winning Digital Companion Video Series "Top Chef: Last Chance Kitchen" Returns Thursday, December 6 Following the Premiere of Bravo's "Top Chef"
All bets are off when alums Carrie Baird and Brother Luck from Season 15, and Jim Smith from Season 14 are back for a chance at redemption and another shot at the coveted title.

[10/18/18 - 11:40 AM]
Bravo's "Top Chef" Races to Kentucky for Season 16 Beginning Thursday, December 6 at 9PM ET/PT
This season, 15 new talented chefs from cities big and small across the U.S. will compete for the sought-after title amid the unique culinary scenes in Louisville, Lexington and Lake Cumberland, before heading abroad for an epic finale showdown in Macau, China.

[04/11/18 - 12:13 PM]
Bravo Media Expands to Seven Nights a Week of Original Programming Beginning Fall 2018
The network confirms new seasons for: "Vanderpump Rules," "Married to Medicine," "Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles," "Don't Be Tardy," "Flipping Out," "Shahs of Sunset," "Southern Charm Savannah," "Million Dollar Listing New York" and "The Real Housewives" of Atlanta, Beverly Hills, Orange County, New Jersey and Dallas.

[02/15/18 - 10:06 AM]
Bravo's "Top Chef" Gallops to Kentucky for Season 16
With four remaining episodes, the current season of Bravo's "Top Chef" counts down to the finale in Aspen with host Padma Lakshmi, head judge Tom Colicchio, along with Gail Simmons and Graham Elliot at the judges table.

[01/25/18 - 11:57 AM]
Bravo's "Top Chef" Embarks on a Nationwide Casting Call
This year's chef meet and greets will take place by appointment at restaurants of alumni and friends of "Top Chef" in Chicago, Detroit, Houston, Miami, Nashville, New York City, Philadelphia and San Francisco.

[11/29/17 - 10:04 AM]
Bravo Media's "Top Chef: Last Chance Kitchen" Returns with a Game-Changing Twist as Four "Top Chef" Veterans Enter the Kitchen
Back to prove they have what it takes is Jennifer Carroll (Season 6 & Season 8: All Stars), Kwame Onwuachi (Season 13), Marcel Vigneron (Season 2 & Season 8: All Stars) and Lee Anne Wong (Season 1).

[10/12/17 - 12:17 PM]
Bravo Media's Emmy-Winning "Top Chef" Goes Mile High with 15 New Chefs Vying for the Coveted Title in Colorado Beginning Thursday, December 7 at 10 PM ET/PT with a Supersized Premiere
The Emmy and James Beard Award-winning series will follow 15 diverse chefs from across the country as they battle it out for the coveted title amid the breathtaking landscapes and thriving culinary scenes in Denver, Boulder, Telluride and Aspen.

[05/01/17 - 01:07 PM]
Sprout to Become Universal Kids in September 2017, Expanding Its Programming to Include Kids 6-11
The Universal Kids lineup will be anchored by the debut of "Top Chef Junior," produced by Magical Elves, the Emmy Award-winning team behind Bravo's "Top Chef."

[04/27/17 - 08:02 AM]
Bravo Media Expands Unscripted Programming Slate with Six New and 18 Returning Series
Summer premieres will include "The Real Housewives of Orange County" and "Shahs of Sunset."

[03/22/17 - 01:47 PM]
Bravo Media's "Top Chef" Packs Its Knives and Heads to Colorado for Season 15
Set to premiere later this year, the series returns with host Padma Lakshmi, head judge Tom Colicchio, along with Gail Simmons and Graham Elliot at the judges table.

[02/24/17 - 07:03 AM]
Bravo Media Partners with Lay's for First-Ever Live "Top Chef" Quickfire Challenge
Fans can watch the delicious drama unfold through a Facebook Live special presentation on the official Top Chef page and on bravotv.com's "The Feast," the network's food-focused digital destination.

[01/24/17 - 06:43 AM]
Bravo Media Renews "Top Chef" for Season 15 and Sets Out on a Nationwide Call for Chefs
This year's chef meet and greets will take place by appointment at restaurants of alumni and friends of "Top Chef" in Chicago, Dallas, New Orleans, New York, Pittsburgh, Portland, San Francisco and Washington D.C.

[12/19/16 - 01:04 PM]
Bravo Media Finishes 2016 with the Largest On-Air and Digital Growth Among the Top 10 Ad Supported Cable Networks
Bravo further spins the numbers for the year to date.

[10/20/16 - 11:04 AM]
Bravo Media's "Top Chef" Announces 8 Returning Chefs Vying for Redemption on the New Season Premiering Thursday, Dec. 1 at 10PM ET/PT
It's the ultimate challenge of old blood versus new, on the Emmy and James Beard Award winning series, as the chefs head to Charleston to battle it out alongside eight talented "Top Chef" newcomers.

[10/13/16 - 11:05 AM]
Bravo Media's "Top Chef" Heads to Charleston for an Epic Season and Battle of Old Versus New Premiering Thursday, December 1 at 10PM ET/PT
In an unparalleled twist, eight acclaimed chefs from across the country will unpack their knives alongside eight chefs from seasons past, who have never won the prestigious title and are back for redemption.

[09/26/16 - 09:42 AM]
Bravo Media Finishes 3Q with the Biggest On-Air and Online Growth Among the Top 10 Ad Supported Cable Entertainment Networks
Bravo spins the numbers for the quarter to date.

[04/27/16 - 10:35 AM]
Bravo Media Expands Unscripted Programming Slate with Six New and 14 Returning Series
Summer premieres will include "The Real Housewives of Orange County," "Manzo'd with Children," "Flipping Out," and "Don't Be Tardy."

[03/18/16 - 08:29 AM]
Bravo Media's "Top Chef" Crowns Season 13 Winner
On the heels of the finale, the network just announced that the hit culinary competition series will pack its knives and head to Charleston, South Carolina for season fourteen.

[02/12/16 - 06:31 AM]
Bravo Media's "Top Chef" Rolls the Dice in Las Vegas for the Two-Part Season Finale Airing Thursday, March 10 and 17
Upcoming guest judges this season include: Martin Yan, Adam Fleischman (Thursday, February 25); Traci Des Jardins, Hubert Keller (Thursday, March 3).

[02/01/16 - 07:34 AM]
Bravo Media Renews "Top Chef" and Embarks on a Nationwide Casting Call
This year's casting calls will take place at restaurants from "Top Chef" alumni in Los Angeles, Portland, Las Vegas, Denver, Houston, Minneapolis, New Orleans, Philadelphia and New York.

[10/19/15 - 11:08 AM]
Bravo Media's "Top Chef" Returns to Its Roots in California with a Two-Night Season Premiere Event on Wednesday, December 2 and Thursday, December 3
The series will air regularly Thursday nights at 10 p.m. ET/PT.

[07/16/15 - 10:29 AM]
Bravo Media Receives Three Emmy(R) Nominations for 67th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards
"Top Chef," "Million Dollar Listing New York" and "Inside the Actors Studio" each received a nomination.

[04/14/15 - 04:44 PM]
Bravo Media's Emmy Award-Winning "Top Chef" Hits the Road in California for Season 13
Set to premiere this fall, cheftestants will battle it out in iconic destinations across the Golden State to see if they have what it takes to earn the title and culinary bragging rights.

[03/26/15 - 09:14 AM]
"Top Chef at Sea" Heats Up as Celebrity Cruises and Bravo Media Extend Partnership Through 2016
Setting sail November 14 onboard Celebrity Reflection, the one-of-a-kind Eastern Caribbean cruise vacation will give guests an up-close-and-personal culinary experience with six former "Top Chef" competitors.

[01/29/15 - 07:17 AM]
Bravo Media Picks Up "Top Chef" for Season 13 and Embarks on Nationwide Casting Call
The network announced open casting calls in cities across the country for chefs interested in competing in the high-stakes culinary competition series starting on February 3.

[01/12/15 - 01:22 PM]
Bravo Media's "Top Chef" Earns Season High with Nearly 2 Million Total Viewers
Bravo spins the numbers for Wednesday, January 7.

[11/20/14 - 07:13 AM]
Bravo Media's "Top Chef" Travels to Mexico for Spicy Three-Part Finale Beginning Wednesday, January 28 at 9PM ET/PT
After next week's hiatus, "Top Chef" returns on Wednesday, December 3 at 10pm ET/PT with the highly anticipated Restaurant Wars episode.

[10/10/14 - 08:01 AM]
Blue Apron and Bravo Media Partner to Bring Fans a "Top Chef" Cooking Experience at Home
Fans can sign-up to receive a version of the winning recipe by visiting www.blueapron.com/topchef immediately after the season premiere debuts on Bravo on October 15.

[08/20/14 - 08:21 AM]
Bravo Media Premieres a Wicked-Awesome New Season of "Top Chef" in Boston on Wednesday, October 15th at 10PM
Richard Blais will make his debut as a recurring judge offering the chef'testants guidance from a chef and a former competitor's point of view.

[07/10/14 - 07:04 AM]
Bravo Media Receives Four Emmy(R) Nominations for 66th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards
"Top Chef," "Inside the Actors Studio," "Flipping Out" and "Million Dollar Listing New York" each received a nod.

[06/04/14 - 08:09 AM]
Bravo Media Expands Emmy Award-Winning Franchise with Premiere of "Top Chef Duels" on Wednesday, August 6 at 10 PM ET/PT
Hosted by Curtis Stone, the newest iteration of the Emmy Award-winning franchise pits eighteen of the biggest, boldest and most talked-about personalities from past seasons against one another.

[05/28/14 - 08:00 AM]
The Broadcast Television Journalists Association Announces Nominations for 4th Annual Critics' Choice Television Awards
This year's event will be broadcast live on The CW from the Beverly Hilton Hotel on Thursday, June 19 and hosted by actor/comedian Cedric the Entertainer.

[04/30/14 - 05:31 AM]
Bravo Media's "Top Chef" Packs Its Knives and Heads to Boston for Season 12
Chef'testants will battle it out knife-to-knife in the "Birthplace of the American Revolution" to see if they have what it takes to earn the title and culinary bragging rights.

[04/08/14 - 08:31 AM]
Bravo Media Greenlights Most Diversified Slate Ever of New and Returning Unscripted and Scripted Series
Highlights include the new scripted comedy "Odd Mom Out" and the original drama "Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce."

[04/02/14 - 09:58 AM]
Spike TV Puts Its Money Where Its Mouth Is When "Hungry Investors" Premieres May 11
In the series, Jon Taffer teams up John Besh and Tiffany Derry to vet competing restaurants and decide which is worthy of a significant investment.

[04/02/14 - 08:10 AM]
Hulu Plus and NBCUniversal Television & New Media Distribution Announce Exclusive Multi-Year Subscription Video on Demand Library Deal
On tap are "Brooklyn Nine-Nine," "The Mindy Project," "Keeping Up With the Kardashians," "The Real Housewives" Franchise, "Top Chef" and more!

[04/01/14 - 02:12 PM]
Bravo Media Continues Record Ratings Earning Best Quarter in Network History
Bravo spins the numbers for the first quarter of 2014.

[03/26/14 - 09:43 AM]
Celebrity Cruises and Bravo Media Announce Lineup of Chefs Setting Sail on "Top Chef at Sea"
The Celebrity Cruises and Bravo partnership gives fans the opportunity to vacation with their favorite "Top Chef" alums and experience their dishes.

[03/06/14 - 02:19 PM]
Bravo Media Promotes Three Executives in Development and Production
Lara Spotts has been named Senior Vice President of Development, while both Jenn Levy and Kathleen French have been upped to Senior Vice President of Production.

[02/27/14 - 01:41 PM]
Bravo Earns Highest-Rated February in Network History
Bravo spins the numbers for the month of February to date.

[02/06/14 - 03:26 PM]
Bravo Media's "Top Chef" Finale Sizzled Last Night Earning Season High Ratings in All Key Demos with 1.7 Million Total Viewers
Bravo spins the numbers for Wednesday, February 5.

[02/04/14 - 10:28 AM]
Celebrity Cruises Sets Sail with Bravo Media's Emmy(R) Award-Winning Series "Top Chef"
Celebrity will launch four cruises featuring former "Top Chef" contestants departing July 27, August 15, September 19 and November 15.

[01/31/14 - 07:50 AM]
Bravo and Oxygen Media Deliver January Ratings Success
Bravo and Oxygen spins the numbers for the month of January.

[01/30/14 - 08:20 AM]
Bravo Media Picks Up "Top Chef" Season 12 and Kicks Off Nationwide Casting Calls
Open casting calls for chefs interested in competing in the high-stakes culinary competition series will be held in cities across the country starting on Tuesday, February 18.

[01/16/14 - 08:05 AM]
Bravo Media Greenlights New Culinary Competition Series "Top Chef Extreme" (WT)
In each episode, alums from "Top Chef" and "Top Chef Masters" will face off head-to-head in three rounds of extreme culinary challenges.

[01/06/14 - 08:17 AM]
Bravo's "Top Chef" Hula Dances to Hawaii for Two-Part Finale on Wednesdays, January 29 and February 5
Once in Maui, the final three will learn which chef from "Last Chance Kitchen" will be rejoining the competition.

[12/11/13 - 10:41 AM]
All New One Hour E! Entertainment Special "Biggest Reality Scandals" Premieres Monday, December 16th at 9:00 PM ET/PT
The special profiles how some of the most popular shows have made ordinary people very famous in an instant and how some have become infamous for a lifetime.

[11/19/13 - 08:11 AM]
Bravo Media's "Top Chef" and Online Culinary Destination Kitchit Partner to Spice Up the Holiday Season
Through Kitchit, "Top Chef" fans can hire a chef to create a perfect dinner party, schedule a private cooking class, or find the perfect caterer for an event.

[10/07/13 - 10:07 AM]
Bravo Media Launches Two New Digital Initiatives - "Top Chef Home Edition" and "Social Snaps"
Created by Starcom USA in collaboration with Kraft Foods and Bravo, "Top Chef Home Edition" will engage fans and foodies across the spectrum.

[10/01/13 - 11:38 AM]
Bravo Media Announces Toyota, Kraft Foods, Chase Sapphire Preferred and Cigna as Marquee, Multi-Screen Sponsors for "Top Chef" Season 11
These deals represent partnerships across linear, digital, and social platforms, marking the most robust group of online and in-show integration presence in Bravo's history.

[09/15/13 - 09:18 PM]
Bravo Media Wins Two Awards at the 65th Annual Creative Arts Primetime Emmy(R) Awards
"Inside The Actors Studio" and "Top Chef: Last Chance Kitchen" both took home trophies.

[09/06/13 - 03:00 PM]
It's Cook or Be Cooked: New Original Series "Knife Fight" Premieres Tuesday, September 24 on Esquire Network
"Top Chef" winner Ilan Hall hosts the series, from executive producer Drew Barrymore.

[08/22/13 - 10:50 AM]
"Top Chef: Last Chance Kitchen" from Bravo Media and Magical Elves Wins Emmy(R) Award for Multiplatform Storytelling
On the brink of its third season, "Last Chance Kitchen" brings together two eliminated chef'testants on a digital platform to compete for redemption and a spot in the "Top Chef" finale.

[08/21/13 - 09:03 AM]
Spike TV Banks on New Original Series "Hungry Investors"
Each week, the "Hungry Investors" team - Jon Taffer, John Besh and Tiffany Derry - puts two struggling restaurants to the test to prove they deserve a second chance at success.

[08/12/13 - 08:04 AM]
Bravo Media's "Top Chef" Goes Marching in... to New Orleans on Wednesday, October 2 at 10 PM ET/PT
This season kicks-off with a new pre-premiere digital video series, "Padma's Picks," sponsored by Cigna and available on BravoTV.com beginning Wednesday, August 14.

[07/30/13 - 12:20 PM]
"Hooked Up with Tom Colicchio" Premieres Wednesday at 7 P.M. ET on NBC Sports Network
The premiere features Plaxico Burress and Colicchio as they search for fish in the Florida Everglades and talk football and family.

[07/18/13 - 06:35 AM]
Bravo Media Receives 5 Emmy(R) Nominations for 65th Annual Primetime Emmy(R) Awards
"Top Chef" is up for Outstanding Reality Competition Program for the ninth consecutive year.

[07/08/13 - 07:10 PM]
Q2 in Review: How 436 Original Primetime Cable Series Fared in the Ratings
A recap of the ratings to date through the second quarter of 2013.

[04/02/13 - 06:07 PM]
Q1 in Review: How 280 Original Primetime Cable Series Fared in the Ratings
A recap of the ratings to date for the first quarter of 2013.

[04/02/13 - 09:13 AM]
Bravo Media Greenlights Unprecedented 17 New and 18 Returning Unscripted Series, Increasing Original Programming by 15 Percent
Returning series include "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" (Sunday, June 2) and "Interior Therapy with Jeff Lewis" (Thursday, June 6).

[03/27/13 - 12:04 PM]
Top 20 Cable Original Series - Q1'13-to-Date
Turner Research details the television performance for the first quarter of 2013.

[03/25/13 - 10:32 AM]
It's Cook Or Be Cooked: New Original Series "Knife Fight" Debuts Tuesday, April 23 on Esquire Network
"Top Chef" winner Ilan Hall hosts the 10-episode series.

[03/20/13 - 07:39 AM]
Ahoy! "Top Chef: The Cruise" Reels in More Chef'testants and Announces New Onboard Activities & Excursions
Taking place from April 11-15, the one-of-a-kind culinary vacation experience invites fans of the series the chance to break bread and rub elbows with the show's judges and chefs.

[03/04/13 - 02:50 PM]
Bravo Media's "Watch What Happens Live" Grabs the Bull by the Horns at the SXSW Interactive Festival with Full Week of Shows
Scheduled guests include Brooklyn Decker, Ian Somerhalder, Sarah Silverman and more!

[02/28/13 - 02:04 PM]
Bravo Media's "Top Chef" Finale Hits Season High in All Key Demos, Earning Over 1.85 Million Live Same Day Viewers
Bravo spins the numbers for Wednesday, February 27.

[02/26/13 - 08:05 AM]
Bravo Media Has Its Fill of Food, Fashion, Feuds and Fabulousness from February 27 - March 6
Plus: "Kathy" moves to its new late-night time on Thursday, February 28 at 11:30/10:30c.

[02/21/13 - 03:56 PM]
Bravo Media's "Top Chef" Cooks Up Its Highest-Rated Episode of the Season with Over 1.7 Million Viewers, Up Double Digits in All Key Demos
Bravo spins the numbers for Wednesday, February 20.

[02/06/13 - 09:10 AM]
Bravo Media Picks Up "Top Chef" for Season 11 and Kicks Off Nationwide Casting Calls
Casting calls for the new season begin this Monday, February 11 in Austin.

[01/10/13 - 07:54 AM]
Bravo Media Serves Up Supersized Episodes of "Top Chef"
Look for expanded 75-minute installments on Wednesday, January 16 and Wednesday, January 30.

[01/09/13 - 01:17 PM]
TNT Greenlights "Cold Justice" (working title) from Wolf Films and Magical Elves
The series will join the TNT lineup in late summer 2013 alongside "Boston's Finest," "The Hero" and "72 Hours."

[12/20/12 - 03:36 PM]
Bravo Media's "Top Chef" Scores Highest-Rated Episode of the Season with 1.5 Million Viewers
Bravo spins the numbers for Wednesday, December 19.

[12/13/12 - 07:10 AM]
Bravo Media Marks Most-Watched Year and Seventh Consecutive Year-Over-Year Growth
Bravo spins the numbers for the year to date.

[12/07/12 - 11:12 AM]
Bravo Media's "Top Chef" Serves Up Its Highest-Rated Episode of the Season with 1.4 Million Viewers, Up Double Digits in All Key Demos
Bravo spins the numbers for Wednesday, December 5.

[11/27/12 - 10:26 AM]
Bravo Media's Emmy-Nominated Digital Video Series "Top Chef: Last Chance Kitchen" Returns Wednesday, November 28
This season the winner will earn a guaranteed spot in the "Top Chef: Seattle" finale.

[11/12/12 - 11:30 AM]
Bravo Media Gets Into the Holiday Spirit with a Thanksgiving-Themed Episode of "Top Chef: Seattle"
Tom Colicchio and Emeril Lagasse will join the chef'testants in the kitchen to create a Thanksgiving feast inspired by their signature cuisine.

[10/23/12 - 12:00 PM]
It's "Bravo's Big Premiere Week," Featuring Five New and Returning Series Kicking Off November 4
Plus: for six weeks, "Watch What Happens Live" moves to its new time slot, 11:30/10:30c, on Wednesdays.

[09/25/12 - 09:09 AM]
Bravo Media Opens the Doors to the First-Ever "Top Chef Kitchen," an Exclusive Dining Experience Prepped by Former Chef'testants from the Emmy-Winning Series
The one-of-a-kind dining experience opens Tuesday, October 16 for a limited time only.

[09/20/12 - 03:00 PM]
Bravo Media Powers Up for Huge November with Two New and Four Returning Original Series
The newcomers include "Silicon Valley Start-Ups" (Monday, November 5) and "LOLwork" (Wednesday, November 7).

[09/19/12 - 08:37 AM]
"Top Chef: Seattle" Premieres Wednesday, November 7 at 10 PM ET/PT and Wolfgang Puck Joins as Judge
Tom Colicchio, Gail Simmons, Hugh Acheson and Emeril Lagasse are all due back for the 10th anniversary season with Padma Lakshmi returning as host.

[09/12/12 - 09:43 AM]
"Top Chef: The Cruise" Adds New Chef'testants and Announces First Onboard Activities
Richard Blais, Yigit Pura, Paul Qui and Fabio Viviani will join the previously announced Tom Colicchio and Gail Simmons.

[08/27/12 - 06:18 AM]
Bravo Media Ventures Outside the Kitchen in "Life After Top Chef" Premiering Wednesday, October 3 at 10 PM ET/PT
The show follows Richard Blais, Jen Carroll, Spike Mendelsohn and Fabio Viviani as they reach milestones in both their personal lives and culinary careers.

[08/14/12 - 09:33 AM]
Fans of Bravo Media's "Top Chef" Invited to Set Sail on Luxurious Culinary Journey
Tom Colicchio and Gail Simmons will host the first-ever "Top Chef: The Cruise," which runs from April 11-15.

[07/20/12 - 11:20 AM]
"Time Machine Chefs" Will Transport Viewers to a Wondrous World of Food, Competition and Different Historical Eras, as Popular Chefs Compete for the Title of "The Greatest Chef in History"
Chefs Art Smith, Chris Cosentino, Ilan Hall and Jill Davie star in the one-hour special, airing Thursday, August 16 on ABC.

[07/19/12 - 07:39 AM]
Bravo Earns 7 Emmy(R) Nominations for 64th Annual Primetime Emmy(R) Awards
The network received five honors for its Emmy-Award winning series "Top Chef," earning its sixth consecutive nomination in the "Outstanding Reality Competition Program" category.

[05/24/12 - 09:31 AM]
Bravo's "Top Chef Masters" Cooks Up a New Season on Wednesday, July 25 at 10 PM ET/PT
Guest judges this season include Sugar Ray Leonard, Indigo Girls, Dita Von Teese, The B-52's, Brian Boitano and Holly Madison.

[04/18/12 - 07:52 AM]
Style Media Announces Robust 2012 Development Slate With 25% Increase in Original Programming
Plus: the second season of the hit docu-series "Tia & Tamera" returns on Monday, June 11 at 8:00/7:00c.

[04/11/12 - 11:08 AM]
Bravo's "Top Chef: The Tour" Kicks Off on Thursday, May 17th - 15-City Tour Showcases Cook-Off Between Former Chef'testants
Said event kicks off in Charlotte, N.C. and runs through St. Louis, Mo. on June 30.

[04/10/12 - 11:11 PM]
Q1 in Review/Q2 in Preview: A&E, ABC Family, AMC, Animal Planet, BET, Bravo & Cartoon Network
A look at what's ahead on the cable channels, plus a recap of their ratings to date this year.

[03/26/12 - 12:06 PM]
Bravo's "Watch What Happens Live All-Star Party" Airs During the Network's Upfront Event on April 4 at 11PM ET/PT
Guests on the one-hour special include Kathy Griffin, Padma Lakshmi, Tom Colicchio, Jeff Lewis, Curtis Stone, Bethenny Frankel and Tabatha Coffey.

[03/10/12 - 10:05 AM]
Bravo's Newest Multiplatform Initiative Comes to Life This Summer in "The Real Housewives: The Game"
The new Facebook game is set to run concurrently with the fifth season of "The Real Housewives of New York City."

[03/01/12 - 09:27 AM]
Bravo Partners With TaskRabbit for Multiplatform Integration at South by Southwest Interactive Conference
The company will be spotlighted during the March 7 episode of "Watch What Happens Live."

[02/28/12 - 09:58 AM]
Bravo Media Delivers Most Watched February in Network's History Among All Key Demos
Bravo spins the numbers for the month of February.

[02/07/12 - 01:56 PM]
Bravo's "Top Chef" Alums Join the First Lady During Second Annual Let's Move Initiative
Richard Blais, Fabio Viviani, Jennifer Carroll, Spike Mendelsohn, Grayson Schmitz and Ed Lee are among this year's participants.

[02/02/12 - 07:48 AM]
Bravo Picks Up "Top Chef" for Season 10 and Kicks Off Nationwide Casting Calls
Open calls begin February 21 in New York, Denver, Atlanta, San Francisco, Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles.

[12/15/11 - 09:24 AM]
"Kathy Griffin: Tired Hooker" Stand-Up Special Premieres Tuesday, December 20 at 10 PM ET/PT on Bravo
Plus: look for the season finales of "Watch What Happens: Live" and "Work of Art: The Next Great Artist" next week.

[12/14/11 - 11:14 AM]
Bravo Media Marks Sixth Consecutive Best Year Ever Across All Key Demos, Digital Platforms, and Financial Metrics
Bravo spins the numbers for the year to date.

[12/07/11 - 09:45 AM]
Television Series Nominations for The 2012 Producers Guild Awards
This year, the Producers Guild will also award special honors to Steven Spielberg, Leslie Moonves, Don Mischer, and Stan Lee, among others.

[09/21/11 - 10:06 AM]
Bravo's "Top Chef: Texas" Premieres Wednesday, November 2 at 10 PM ET/PT
Plus: Emeril Lagasse and Hugh Acheson will join Padma Lakshmi, Tom Colicchio and Gail Simmons at the judges' table.

[09/19/11 - 10:17 AM]
Bravo Partners With Toyota to Unveil First Ever Fully-Integrated Transmedia Play in Hit Franchise "Top Chef"
Original video content on digital platforms will directly impact the on-air storyline, and only by participating on multiple levels will fans get the whole story.

[09/13/11 - 08:44 AM]
Celebrity Chef, Stephanie Izard, Named Official Chef of the "CMT Artists of the Year" Event, Premiering in December
"I cannot wait to hear who will be in attendance this year and create a menu that I feel best represents those honored," said the "Top Chef" winner.

[09/12/11 - 09:22 AM]
Bravo and Healthy Choice Collaborate for Largest Integrated Marketing Partnership in Their Respective Histories
Said partnership includes a competition-based original web series, "Top Chef Healthy Showdown."

[08/23/11 - 12:34 PM]
Bravo Announces Buick, Extra(R) Dessert Delights(R) Gum and KitchenAid as Top Sponsors for "Top Chef Just Desserts"
The second season of the "Top Chef" spin-off premieres this Wednesday, August 24 at 10:00/9:00c.

[08/09/11 - 10:21 AM]
"Top Chef: Texas" Set For Season Nine With New Series Judges Emeril Lagasse and Hugh Acheson
Returning to the judges table is host Padma Lakshmi and head judge, chef Tom Colicchio, alongside judges Gail Simmons.

[08/02/11 - 07:04 AM]
Natalie Morales and Andy Cohen to Co-Host the 2011 Miss Universe(R) Pageant on Monday, September 12 Live from Brazil on NBC, 9-11 p.m. ET
A live Spanish simulcast will air on Telemundo.

[07/20/11 - 11:27 AM]
Summer Just Got Sweeter With Bravo's "Top Chef Just Desserts" Premiering Wednesday, August 24 at 10 PM ET/PT
Guest judges this season include Beastie Boys' Adam "Ad Rock" Horovitz, The Cast of Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory, Francois Payard and Cat Cora.

[07/19/11 - 06:32 AM]
Frances Berwick Promoted to President of Bravo and Style Media
Salaam Coleman Smith will continue as President of Style and will report to Berwick.

[07/14/11 - 07:20 AM]
Bravo Earns 5 Emmy Nominations for 63rd Annual Primetime Emmy(R) Awards
"Top Chef" and "Kathy Griffin: My Life On The D-List" both received nods from the Academy.

[06/30/11 - 10:08 AM]
"The Chew" to Debut Monday, September 26 at 1:00 P.M., ET on ABC
Mario Batali, Michael Symon, Clinton Kelly, Carla Hall and Daphne Oz co-host the project, the first new series to launch on ABC Daytime in 14 years.

[05/25/11 - 10:16 AM]
Bravo Media Launches "Summer by Bravo," A Network-Wide Summer Brand Campaign Featuring Over 20 Bravolebrities
Plus: Bravo details its upcoming summer premieres for July and August.

[05/02/11 - 10:16 AM]
Record Ratings by Bravo Earns Best April in Network's History Among All Key Demos
Bravo spins the numbers for the month of April.

[04/14/11 - 11:18 AM]
Iconic Shows "All My Children" and "One Life to Live" Will Broadcast Their Final Episodes in September 2011 and January 2012, Respectively
They'll be replaced by two new lifestyle shows from ABC, "The Chew" and "The Revolution."

[04/04/11 - 06:01 AM]
NBC, Electus and Host Elle Macpherson Search for the Next Big "Fashion Star"
The series is "designed not only to groom and discover America's next popular brand, but also allow viewers at home to buy the winning designs each week."

[03/31/11 - 03:22 PM]
Bravo's "Top Chef All-Stars" Finale Cooks Up Highest Rated Episode of the Season, Up from Previous Season Finale
Bravo spins the numbers for Wednesday, March 30.

[03/30/11 - 11:49 AM]
Breakthrough by Bravo - Network Increases Original Hours by 20 Percent and Kicks Off Transmedia Play
Among the renewals: "Top Chef Just Desserts," "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills," "Bethenny Ever After," "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" and "Tabatha's Salon Takeover."

[03/29/11 - 09:32 AM]
Bravo Earns Best Quarter in Network History Among All Key Demos
Bravo spins the numbers for the first quarter of 2011.

[03/22/11 - 08:55 AM]
Upfront by Bravo Media Redefines Industry Standard on March 30th With Star-Studded Events in NY, LA and Chicago Celebrating "Top Chef All-Stars" Finale Broadcast on March 30
Plus: look for "Watch What Happens Live: Top Chef Finale" following the finale at 11:00/10:00c.

[03/17/11 - 02:11 PM]
Bravo's "Top Chef: The Tour" Hits the Road April 15th Sponsored by Buitoni
To date, "Top Chef: The Tour" has visited 62 cities and traveled more than 40,000 miles.

[03/10/11 - 11:41 AM]
Bravo Media Elevates Ryan Pinette to Vice President of Production and Operations
"Ryan has been an integral member of the production team for the last five years," stated Bravo's David O'Connell.

[03/07/11 - 03:12 PM]
NBC Announced the Top 10 Restaurant Concepts That Will Compete for the Title of "America's Next Great Restaurant" on Last Night's Premiere Episode
In next week's episode, the top 10 hopeful restaurateurs are tasked with creating a logo as well as hiring an executive chef for their restaurant.

[03/02/11 - 08:28 AM]
Bravo's "Top Chef Masters" Revamps Its Menu With An All-New Format, New Host Curtis Stone and 12 New Master Chefs Hungry to Compete
The show's third season premieres on Wednesday, April 6 at 11:00/10:00c.

[03/01/11 - 01:01 PM]
Bravo Earns Best February Ever Among Total Viewers With Double-Digit Growth
Bravo spins the numbers for the month of February.

[02/10/11 - 07:57 AM]
Chef Marcel Vigneron Pushes the Limits of Culinary Imagination in New Series, "Marcel's Quantum Kitchen," Premiering Tuesday, March 22 at 10 P.M. ET/PT on Syfy
The newcomer was previously slated to launch Monday, March 7 at 10:00/9:00c.

[02/03/11 - 11:54 AM]
Bravo Announces Sweet Pick-Up of "Top Chef Just Desserts" Season Two
Open calls for pastry chefs, as well as the previously announced "Top Chef" season nine series, will be held in cities across the country starting on February 27.

[02/01/11 - 09:29 AM]
Bravo Shatters Record Ratings Earning Best January Ever Up 60 Percent in Adults 18-49 and 46 Percent Among Total Viewers
Bravo spins the numbers for the month of January.

[01/27/11 - 12:25 PM]
"Fact or Faked" to Join "Quantum Kitchen," "Destination Truth" in March on Syfy
Also on tap are season seven of "Ghost Hunters" and the network premiere of "Urban Legends."

[01/24/11 - 02:18 PM]
2010 Year in Review/2011 Year in Preview: Bravo
A look at what's ahead on the cable channel, plus a recap of its 2010 ratings highlights.

[01/20/11 - 07:58 AM]
Bravo and Bunchball Team Up to Gamify "Top Chef All-Stars" With "Virtual Top Chef" Game
Plus: the conclusion of the eighth season has been set for Wednesday, April 6.

[01/13/11 - 11:38 AM]
Bravo Expands Programming Slate With New and Returning Original Series in 2011
The cable channel issues a recap of the various premiere dates and renewals announced today.

[12/16/10 - 08:23 AM]
Bravo Media Marks Fifth Consecutive Best Year Ever Across All Key Demos, Digital Platforms, and Financial Metrics
Bravo spins the numbers for the year to date.

[12/14/10 - 08:33 AM]
Bravo Media Elevates Andy Cohen to Executive Vice President, Original Programming & Development, Bravo
In addition, Cohen will continue as host and Executive Producer of "Watch What Happens: Live."

[12/02/10 - 10:28 AM]
Bravo Expands Production Team, Elevating David O'Connell to Senior Vice President, And Appointing Christian McLaughlin to Vice President
McLaughlin will oversee the new season of "Work of Art: The Next Great Artist" as well as newcomers "Rocco's Dinner Party" and "Roblé & Co."

[11/23/10 - 12:10 PM]
Bravo Announces Buitoni(R), Swanson Broth, Toyota and Boursin As Official Multi-Platform Sponsors for "Top Chef All-Stars"
The Emmy and James Beard Award-winning series returns Wednesday, December 1 at 10:00/9:00c.

[11/18/10 - 07:09 AM]
Science Channel Culminates Year of Ratings Victories and 10 Consecutive Months of Viewership Gains With "World Premiere Fridays"
The cable channel confirms its previously reported stunt.

[10/29/10 - 10:32 AM]
NBC Universal Digital Entertainment Announces New Partnership With Dove(R) Beauty Brand
Participating shows include "30 Rock," "Parks & Recreation," "Days of our Lives" and "Friday Night Lights."

[10/07/10 - 06:15 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, October 7
Updates include: Wilmer Valderrama to topline ABC comedy; Lifetime orders "Brighton Beach"; and CBS is developing a drama based on "The Locator's" Troy Dunn.

[09/28/10 - 08:34 AM]
Bravo Records Best Quarter in Network History, with Double-Digit Growth in Primetime Across All Key Demos
Bravo spins the numbers for the third quarter of 2010.

[09/23/10 - 08:13 AM]
Let the Ultimate Food Fight Begin - Bravo's 'Top Chef All-Stars' Will Premiere December 1st at 10 PM ET/PT
Carla Hall, Spike Mendelsohn, Marcel Vigneron and Fabio Viviani are among the participants.

[09/16/10 - 10:11 AM]
TLC Gets in the Game with New Series Kick Off Cook Off
Erin Andrews hosts the series, due October 7, with "Top Chef" alum Brian Malarkey serving as "cheferee."

[09/13/10 - 02:01 PM]
Bravo Hosts the Talk Bubble for the Finale of "Top Chef D.C."
Padma Lakshmi, Tom Colicchio, Gail Simmons and Eric Ripert along with a number of current and past chef'testants will all live tweet during the finale episode.

[09/07/10 - 08:43 AM]
Get Your Free Desserts as Bravo Declares September 15th "Top Chef Just Desserts Day"
All times and locations will be announced via Twitter and Facebook the morning of September 15.

[09/01/10 - 08:48 AM]
Bravo Announces Breyers, Dawn and Extra Dessert Delights Gum as Top Sponsors for "Top Chef Just Desserts"
Breyers, Dawn Hand Renewal With Olay Beauty, Extra Dessert Delights Gum and Godiva Chocolatier are on board the spin-off.

[08/31/10 - 12:12 PM]
Bravo Earns Best August Ever Among Key Demos with Six Consecutive Months of Year-Over-Year Growth and Double-Digit Increase in Total Viewers
Bravo spins the numbers for the month of August.

[08/29/10 - 09:35 PM]
Bravo's Emmy Win for "Top Chef" Ends 'Amazing Race' Streak at the 62nd Annual Primetime Emmy(R) Awards
The series broke the "Amazing Race's" seven-year winning streak for Outstanding Reality Competition Program.

[08/29/10 - 08:01 PM]
2010 Primetime Emmy(R) Awards Winners
"Modern Family" and "Mad Men" take home top series honors, "The Pacific" finishes with most wins.

[08/26/10 - 08:38 AM]
Bravo's Goes to Singapore for the First-Ever "Top Chef" International Finale Wednesday, SepT. 8 at 10 PM ET/PT
The winner will ultimately be named on Wednesday, September 15 at 10:00/9:00c.

[08/12/10 - 03:00 PM]
Bravo's "Work of Art: The Next Great Artist" Finale Scores Highest Rated Episode of the Season Among All Key Demos
Bravo spins the numbers for Wednesday, August 11.

[08/04/10 - 09:52 AM]
Bravo and Groupon Partner for Exclusive "Top Chef" Promotion
Beginning today, Groupon will offer consumers a discount coupon at eight "Top Chef" related properties across the country.

[07/30/10 - 07:29 AM]
Save Room for Bravo's "Top Chef Just Desserts" Premiering WeD. September 15 at 11 PM ET/PT
The latest installment of the franchise will regularly air Wednesdays at 10:00/9:00c starting September 22.

[07/27/10 - 09:32 AM]
Bravo Records Best July in Network's History with Double-Digit Growth and Pacing for Best Year Ever
Bravo spins the numbers for the month of July.

[07/12/10 - 09:58 AM]
Bravo's 2010 Emmy-Nominated "Top Chef," "Bethenny Getting Married?," and "Work of Art: The Next Great Artist" Boasted Season Highs Last Week
Bravo spins the numbers for the week of July 5-11.

[07/08/10 - 10:06 AM]
Bravo Earns Seven Emmy Nominations for 62nd Annual Primetime Emmy(R) Awards
The network details its nominations for "Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List," "Top Chef" and "Top Chef Masters."

[07/01/10 - 07:22 AM]
Sweet! Bravo Announces Judges for "Top Chef: Just Desserts"
Johnny Iuzzini, Hubert Keller and Dannielle Kyrillos will join host Gail Simmons.

[06/14/10 - 09:23 AM]
Bravo Announces Toyota and Dial Nutriskin as Fully Integrated Sponsors for "Top Chef D.C."
Samsung, Kikkoman, Snyder's of Hanover and Hilton Hotels are also joining as first-time sponsors.

[06/10/10 - 02:26 PM]
Curtis Stone, Steve Ells and Lorena Garcia Join Bobby Flay as Panelists and Investors on NBC's New Alternative Series 'America's Next Great Restaurant'
The winner receives the opportunity to see their ideas turned into a new restaurant chain in three cities across America.

[06/10/10 - 12:44 PM]
Triple Threat! Bravo Adds a Third Night
Plus: "Watch What Happens: Live" expands to Mondays and Thursdays at 11:00/10:00c.

[06/09/10 - 07:39 AM]
Jason Klarman Promoted to President, Oxygen Media
Since January 2008, Klarman had been General Manager of Oxygen Media.

[06/02/10 - 07:34 AM]
Frances Berwick Elevated to President, Bravo Media
Berwick previously held the post of Executive Vice President and General Manager.

[05/27/10 - 10:15 AM]
Acclaimed Chef Rocco Dispirito Headlines Bravo Development of New Cooking Show "Rocco's Dinner Party"
The project features DiSpirito as he attempts to see if "aspiring chefs have the chops to impress at a private dinner party attended by his discriminating guests."

[05/24/10 - 11:14 AM]
Bravo Media Launches First Ever Network-Wide On-Air Image Campaign Featuring More Than 30 Bravolebrities in Summer-Long Promotion
Plus: "The Rachel Zoe Project" and "Flipping Out" to return in August; "Thintervention with Jackie Warner" and "Top Chef: Just Desserts" to launch in September.

[05/13/10 - 10:37 AM]
A Taste of Culinary Power on Bravo's "Top Chef: Washington D.C." WeD. June 16 at 9 PM ET/PT
Joining the series as a regular guest judge is Eric Ripert, award-winning chef and owner of the acclaimed Le Bernardin restaurant in New York City.

[04/27/10 - 10:52 AM]
NBC Universal Announces New Slate of "Healthy at Nbcu" and "Green Is Universal" Programming
"Healthy Week," due June 21, is a weeklong programming effort "focusing on the topics of nutritional literacy and fitness."

[04/26/10 - 11:22 AM]
Bravo Takes the Reins at Kentucky Oaks Event with "Ladies First: Bravo at the Kentucky Derby" Special Live on Friday April 30 at 5pm ET/PT
The one-hour special will feature appearances by Dina Manzo, Jeff Lewis, Jenni Pulos, Isaac Mizrahi, Michael Voltaggio, Jennifer Carroll and Eli Kirshtein.

[04/08/10 - 09:54 AM]
Bravo Unveils Newest Competition Masterpiece "Work of Art: The Next Great Artist"
The newcomer will launch Wednesday, June 9 following the season finale of "Top Chef Masters."

[04/01/10 - 09:59 AM]
Ion Television Launches "The Emeril Lagasse Show" with Housewarming Party-Themed Premiere Featuring Martha Stewart
Other upcoming guests include Eli Manning, Mario Batali, Sammy Hagar, Steve Schirripa, Jennie Garth, Allison Sweeney, Bryan Batt, Tom Colicchio and Elmo.

[04/01/10 - 09:02 AM]
Bravo Media Makes Debut Into Gaming World
Online games based on its "Top Chef" and "Real Housewives" franchises will launch in the coming months.

[03/17/10 - 12:45 PM]
New Series Highlight Summer on Showtime

[03/17/10 - 09:27 AM]
Top Chef: The Tour Kicks Off April 14th Sponsored by Dial Nutriskin
In each city, two former chef'testants will host four live interactive shows, complete with tasting samples.

[03/16/10 - 02:38 PM]
Syfy Announces an Expansive Slate of New Reality Development
This new crop of unscripted series will "push the envelope of speculative, alternative worlds and lifestyles."

[03/12/10 - 04:02 PM]
Celebrity Chef Bobby Flay Is Mixing It Up on NBC's New Reality Competition Series 'America's Next Great Restaurant' Premiering Next Season
The project, from reality house Magical Elves, was originally titled "United Plates of America."

[03/03/10 - 08:18 AM]
Everyone's Favorite Designer Is Back with the "Christian Siriano: Having a Moment" Special Airing April 5 at 10 PM ET/PT
The one-hour special follows the "Project Runway" fan favorite and season four winner.

[02/10/10 - 07:08 AM]
Bravo's "Top Chef Masters" Returns with a Whole New LineuP.and Some Familiar Faces Wednesday, April 7 at 11 Pm
Guest judges this season include Mekhi Phifer, Matt Groening, Hank Azaria, Andrew Zimmern, the cast of "Modern Family," Jason Lezak , Lynne Curtin, Alexis Bellino and Tamra Barney.

[02/09/10 - 12:48 PM]
Sundance Channel Has Design in Mind for 2011 Development Slate
Plus: the network orders a second season of "Brick City."

[01/10/10 - 03:20 PM]
Bravo Expands Unscripted Programming by 20%
"Flipping Out," "My Life On The D-List," "The Real Housewives Of Atlanta" and "The Rachel Zoe Project" are among its renewals.

[12/17/09 - 02:41 PM]
Bravo Media Celebrates Fourth Consecutive Best Year Ever Across All Key Demos
Bravo spins the numbers for the year to date.

[12/08/09 - 10:47 AM]
Bravo's "Watch What Happens: Live" Wraps Up the Season with a Special One-Hour Fall Finale
Guests on the December 17 episode include Sarah Jessica Parker and the "Top Chef: Las Vegas" Fan Favorite.

[12/07/09 - 09:38 AM]
Bravo Kicks Off Ultimate Virtual Viewing Party for "Top Chef: Las Vegas" Finale on December 9
Fans of the show can voice their opinions on the series through Twitter, Facebook Connect, and live mobile chat.

[12/02/09 - 02:44 PM]
Bravo Earns Best November Ever in All Key Demos
Bravo spins the numbers for the month of November.

[11/30/09 - 12:43 PM]
Television Series and Non-Fiction Television Nominations for the 2010 Pga Awards
"30 Rock," "Californication," "Entourage," "The Office," "Weeds," "Breaking Bad," "Dexter," "Lost," "Mad Men" and "True Blood" are among the scripted nominees.

[11/19/09 - 11:38 AM]
NBC Announces New Competition Series 'United Plates of America' Serving Up a Chance for Contestants to Claim the Biggest Prize in Reality Show History -- Opening a Restaurant Chain in Four Cities Across America
The contestants' fate will be decided by a panel of real investors who fund the chain of restaurants with their own money.

[11/10/09 - 10:10 AM]
Bravo Announces Sprint as First Ever 360° Sponsor for "Real Housewives" Franchise
Sprint will also be the exclusive sponsor of a weekly online webisode series called "A Day In The Life."

[11/02/09 - 10:29 AM]
Bravo's "Top Chef: Las Vegas" Hits the Road as the Finalists Move to Napa on Wednesday, DeC. 2 at 10 PM ET/PT
The winner will then be named on Wednesday, December 9 at 10:00/9:00c.

[10/27/09 - 08:28 AM]
Bravo Earns Best October Ever in All Key Demos
Bravo spins the numbers for the month of October.

[10/26/09 - 08:22 AM]
Bravo Announces Series Pickup of "Top Chef: Just Desserts"
The series will consist of pastry chefs competing against one another in a series of challenges.

[10/22/09 - 09:22 AM]
Bravo Announces Series Pick Up for Second Season of "Top Chef Masters"
Plus: "Top Chef" series judge Gail Simmons will also serve as a judge this season on "Top Chef Masters."

[10/07/09 - 08:57 AM]
Bravo's New Fashion Competition Series "Launch My Line," Premieres Wednesday, December 2 at 11 PM ET/PT
The premiere will follow part one of the "Top Chef: Las Vegas" finale.

[10/05/09 - 12:17 PM]
Bravo Announces Pick-Up of "Top Chef," Season Seven
Open calls for chefs interested in competing in the high-stakes culinary competition series will be held in cities across the country starting on October 18.

[10/01/09 - 01:09 PM]
Bravo Announces Three Docu-Series in Development with Network Favorites
"The Real Housewives of New York City's" Bethenny Frankel, "Project Runway's" Christian Siriano and "Top Chef's" Fabio Viviani are among the featured personalities.

[09/29/09 - 08:26 AM]
Bravo Earns Best Quarter Ever in All Key Demos
Bravo spins the numbers for the third quarter of 2009.

[09/11/09 - 02:17 PM]
Bravo's "Real Housewives of Atlanta" Is No. 1 Unscripted Cable Entertainment Telecast for Thursday and Week-To-Date
Bravo spins the numbers for the week of September 7-10.

[09/11/09 - 06:49 AM]
Guess Who's Coming to the NeighborhooD... Showtime to Premiere the Real L Word: Los Angeles
The nine-episode, one-hour reality series comes from "The L Word" creator Ilene Chaiken and "Top Chef" executive producers Dan Cutforth and Jane Lipsitz.

[09/08/09 - 11:42 AM]
Bravo's 'Real Housewives of Atlanta' No. 1 Cable Entertainment Program Among Adults and Women 18-49 on Thursday
Bravo spins the numbers for the week of August 31-September 3.

[09/01/09 - 06:52 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, September 1
Updates include: HBO gives series order to "Boardwalk Empire"; "The L Word" to become a reality show for Showtime; and CBS orders "Open Books" pilot.

[09/01/09 - 08:36 AM]
August - Bravo's Best Month Ever
Bravo spins the numbers for the month of August.

[08/25/09 - 03:02 PM]
Bravo Posts Best Week Ever; Rachel Zoe Up Double Digits
Bravo spins the numbers for the week of August 17-24.

[08/20/09 - 02:45 PM]
Bravo's "Top Chef: Las Vegas" Hit the Jackpot as the No. 1 Cable Telecast of the Day
Bravo spins the numbers for Wednesday, August 19.

[08/19/09 - 12:06 AM]
Interview: "Top Chef" Judges Gail Simmons & Toby Young

[08/12/09 - 12:50 PM]
Bravo Announces the Makers of the Glad Family of Products, Macy's and Toyota as Fully Integrated Sponsors for "Top Chef: Las Vegas"
Alexia Crunchy Snacks, Diet Coke, MasterCard and Swanson will join previously announced sponsors Glad Family of Products, Macy's and Toyota.

[08/03/09 - 02:07 PM]
Bravo Flips "The Rachel Zoe Project," "Flipping Out"
"Out" will now launch its third season on Tuesday, August 18 while "Zoe" will kick off its sophomore run on Monday, August 24.

[07/20/09 - 06:25 PM]
Development Update: Monday, July 20
Updates include: Sean Bean to topline HBO's "Game of Thrones"; Amber Clayton joins CBS's "Three Rivers"; and Padma Lakshmi gets into the comedy business with NBC.

[07/16/09 - 09:08 AM]
Bravo Earns a Record Breaking 12 Nominations for 61st Annual Primetime Emmy Awards
"We are honored that Bravo's quality programming continues to resonate with the Academy's voting members," said Bravo's Frances Berwick.

[07/16/09 - 05:44 AM]
The 61st Primetime Emmy(R) Awards and 2009 Creative Arts Emmy(R) Awards Nominees ArE...
"30 Rock" leads the nomination count with 22, followed by "Grey Gardens" (17), "Mad Men" (16) and "Into The Storm" (14).

[07/08/09 - 08:54 AM]
Bravo's 'Top Chef: Las Vegas' Premieres WeD. August 26 at 9 PM ET/PT
"Las Vegas has become a culinary destination - some of the world's best chefs and restaurants are here - so it's only fitting that our newest season was the best yet," said Tom Colicchio.

[06/30/09 - 11:47 AM]
Bravo Is Sculpting a New Cast for "The Untitled Art Project"
The series, originally titled "American Artist," comes from executive producers Dan Cutforth, Jane Lipsitz, Sarah Jessica Parker, Alison Benson and Eli Holzman.

[06/30/09 - 09:18 AM]
Bravo Celebrates Highest Rated Second Quarter Ever Among Adults 18-49 and Total Viewers
Bravo spins the numbers for the second quarter of 2009.

[06/11/09 - 02:16 PM]
Bravo's "Top Chef Masters" Highest Rated Wednesday 10 PM Series Premiere in Network History
Bravo spins the numbers for Wednesday, June 10.

[06/10/09 - 12:01 AM]
Interview: "Top Chef Masters" Host Kelly Choi

[06/08/09 - 08:11 AM]
Bravo Announces the Glad Products Company, Lexus and Stella Artois as Sponsors for "Top Chef Masters"
The partners will also provide $250,000 in prize money - a $100,000 cash prize from The Glad Products Company and $150,000 from Lexus, all in charity donations.

[06/03/09 - 02:38 PM]
Exclusive: Bravo Sets "Atlanta," "Flipping" Return Dates
"Atlanta" will launch its second season on Thursday, July 30 while "Flipping Out" will kick off its third season on Monday, August 17.

[06/02/09 - 08:43 AM]
Bravo's "Top Chef" Moves to Las Vegas for Season Six
Padma Lakshmi, Tom Colicchio, Gail Simmons and Toby Young are on board for the new season.

[06/01/09 - 08:36 AM]
Bravo Media Launches Multi-Platform Creative Redesign
Among the changes: Bravo's "Watch What Happens" tagline will be replaced with a new tagline - "By Bravo."

[04/14/09 - 08:45 AM]
Bravo Writes a New Chapter with Development of Scripted Series and Live Weekly Topical Show
New additions include "American Artist," "Design Sixx," "Kell on Earth" and "Launch My Line."

[04/13/09 - 08:36 AM]
Bravo Media Announces Brand Extensions with Multiple Licensing Partnerships
The company has inked deals with major retailers to create "Top Chef" branded wines and floral arrangements, "Top Chef" Master Cutlery Knives, as well as a second installment of the best selling "Top Chef" cookbook.

[04/07/09 - 08:19 AM]
Bravo Dishes Premiere of "Top Chef Masters" Wednesday, June 10 at 10 Pm
The series will also showcase chef'testant fan favorites as well as appearances by "Top Chef's" Tom Colicchio, Padma Lakshmi and Gail Simmons.

[04/01/09 - 12:36 PM]
Justin Timberlake, Sandra Bullock, Paris Hilton to Appear on Bravo's "A-List Awards"
Also signing on: Padma Lakshmi, Ana Ortiz, Kenneth Cole, Kendra Wilkinson, Lance Bass, Niecy Nash, Lisa Lampanelli, Rachel Dratch, Maria Bamford, Jenni Pulos and Todd English.

[03/31/09 - 08:45 AM]
Bravo Earns Its Highest Rated First Quarter Ever Among Adults 18-49
Bravo spins the numbers for the first quarter of 2009.

[03/30/09 - 10:05 AM]
Bravo's Mobile Initiatives Mark Triple Digit Year-Over-Year Growth
Bravo spins the digital numbers for the year to date.

[03/19/09 - 09:39 AM]
Bravo Kicks Off "Top Chef: The Tour 2" Beginning Friday, March 27 Sponsored by Quaker
The tour will feature a brand new state-of-the-art customized traveling 18-wheeler semi-truck, with an expansive space to accommodate more fans for each on-site demonstration.

[02/26/09 - 02:43 PM]
Bravo's "Top Chef: New York" Stirs Up Highest Rated Season Ever
Bravo spins the numbers for February 24-25.

[02/24/09 - 08:35 AM]
Bravo Posts Best February Ever with Record Growth Across All Key Demos
Bravo spins the numbers for the month of February.

[02/19/09 - 02:52 PM]
Top Chef: New York Delivers Record Ratings as the Seasoned Contestants Prepare for a Spicy Finale
Bravo spins the numbers for Wednesday, February 18.

[02/11/09 - 08:32 AM]
Bravo Announces "Top Chef Masters" Host and Judges
Kelly Choi will host the spin-off, with Gael Green, Jay Rayner and James Oseland as judges.

[01/28/09 - 02:16 PM]
NBC's Super Bowl Xliii Pregame Show Presents a Full Day of Sports & Entertainment
The day's coverage begins with a two-hour installment of "Today" at 9 a.m. ET/6 a.m. PT.

[01/22/09 - 03:27 PM]
Bravo's "The Real Housewives of Orange County" Scores Series' Best Ratings and There's Nothing Fake About That
Bravo spins the numbers for January 20-21.

[01/20/09 - 09:08 AM]
Emeril Lagasse Guest Judges on Bravo's 'Top Chef' as the Series Moves to New Orleans on Wednesday, February 18 at 10 PM ET/PT
The winner of season five will then be revealed on Wednesday, February 25.

[01/05/09 - 08:10 AM]
Bravo's "Top Chef: New York" on Pace to Mark Highest Rated Season Ever, Up Double Digits from Fourth Cycle
Bravo spins the numbers for "Top Chef's" season to date.

[12/30/08 - 12:37 PM]
NBC Wins the Week of DeC. 22-28 in Adults 18-49, Paced by 'Sunday Night Football'
NBC spins the numbers for the week of December 22-28.

[12/17/08 - 08:39 AM]
Bravo Media Wraps Up 2008 with Its Best Year Ever
Bravo spins the numbers for the year to date.

[12/16/08 - 09:06 AM]
Spend the Holidays with Bravo Favorites
Look for marathons of the network's signature series from Sunday, December 21 to Saturday, January 3.

[12/12/08 - 01:47 PM]
Bravo Ties for Most Producers Guild Award Nominations
"We want to thank the Producers Guild for nominating three of our series with this prestigious honor," said Bravo's Frances Berwick.

[12/02/08 - 03:03 PM]
Bravo Marks Best November Ever in All Key Demos
Bravo spins the numbers for the month of November.

[11/24/08 - 12:21 PM]
Watch What Happens After the Chefs "Pack Their Knives and Go" on BravotV.com's "After the Knife"
Starting Wednesday, November 26, viewers will be able to follow the eliminated chefs into "Top Chef's" sequester house.

[11/13/08 - 03:50 PM]
Bravo's "Top Chef: New York" Sizzles with Highest Rated Premiere Ever, Up Double Digits Across All Demographics
Bravo spins the numbers for November 11-12.

[11/12/08 - 12:07 AM]
Interview: "Top Chef" Host Padma Lakshmi & Host Tom Colicchio

[11/11/08 - 07:05 AM]
'Green Is Universal' Launches New Campaign: "Green Your Routine"
"Green Week" kicks off during "Sunday Night Football," once again turning the logos of NBC Universal green across all properties.

[11/04/08 - 09:40 AM]
Bravo Announces Diet DR. Pepper, the Glad Products Company, Quaker, Swanson Broth and Toyota as Top Sponsors for "Top Chef: New York"
"Top Chef: Chicago" was ranked No. 1 "in program engagement among all measured Wednesday primetime regularly scheduled cable programs, according to Nielsen IAG Media Research."

[10/08/08 - 12:58 PM]
Bravo's "Top Chef" and Nyc & Company Present "Taste of the Five Boroughs" at Grand Central's Historic Vanderbilt Hall in New York
All proceeds from the October 27 event will benefit City Harvest.

[10/01/08 - 09:31 AM]
Big Apple, Big Stakes - Bravo's "Top Chef: New York" Premieres Wednesday, November 12 at 10 PM ET/PT
The new season's guests include Martha Stewart, Foo Fighters, Jean-Georges, Eric Ripert and Natasha Richardson.

[09/22/08 - 07:15 AM]
NBC's '30 Rock' Rocks with Seven Emmys
Plus: the networks of NBC Universal win a total of 17 statuettes.

[09/15/08 - 02:06 PM]
Holy Shmoley! Bravo's 'Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List' Picks Up Its Second Emmy at the 60th Annual Primetime Creative Emmy Awards
"I am promptly delivering my second Emmy to my mother, who is sitting at home in a mumu with a box of wine waiting to salute my dad," said Griffin.

[09/11/08 - 02:56 PM]
Bravo Designers Dominate on Wednesday Night
Bravo spins the numbers for Wednesday, September 10.

[07/20/08 - 01:45 PM]
Bravo Announces Development of 'American Artist' (Wt) from Executive Producer Sarah Jessica Parker and Magical Elves
Plus: "Make Me A Supermodel" and "The Real Housewives of New York City" get renewed; another "Top Chef" spin-off; and fall premiere dates.

[07/17/08 - 03:30 PM]
Record Breaking Week for Bravo's Original Programming with "Shear Genius," "Flipping Out" and "Project Runway"
Bravo spins the numbers for Tuesday, July 15-Wednesday, July 16.

[07/17/08 - 01:21 PM]
Bravo Shatters Previous Record and Earns 11 Emmy Nominations for 60th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards
"Inside the Actors Studio," received its 14th consecutive nomination for Outstanding Nonfiction Series.

[07/17/08 - 05:40 AM]
The 60th Primetime Emmy(R) Awards and Creative Arts Emmy(R) Awards Nominees ArE...
"John Adams" leads all nominations with 23, followed by "30 Rock" (17), "Mad Men" (16) and "Pushing Daisies" (12).

[07/16/08 - 01:14 PM]
Bravo Reveals the 13 Designers Set to Compete on "Top Design," Premiering on Wednesday, September 3 at 10 PM ET/PT
Season one of "Top Design" was Bravo's highest new series premiere ever.

[07/14/08 - 08:07 AM]
Bravo Announces Sponsors for "Project Runway" Season 5
American Express, Bluefly, L'Oréal Paris, Saturn, TRESemmé and Brother International are among this year's sponsors.

[07/14/08 - 08:05 AM]
Bravo Announces "Project Runway" Season 5 Cast and Guest Judges
Guest judges include Diane Von Furstenberg, Sandra Bernhard, Apolo Ohno, Brooke Shields, LL Cool J, RuPaul, Rachel Zoe, Cynthia Rowley and Francisco Costa.

[07/10/08 - 01:24 PM]
BravotV.com Becomes Iphone Friendly
Among the iPhone-specific applications: The "Top Chef" Recipe Finder.

[07/01/08 - 01:01 PM]
Bravo Marks Highest Second Quarter in Network History
Bravo spins the numbers for the second quarter of 2008.

[06/20/08 - 04:49 PM]
Bravo's Original Series Break Records This Week
Bravo spins the numbers for Tuesday, June 17-Thursday, June 19.

[06/16/08 - 08:51 AM]
Bravo's "Top Chef: The Tour" Embarks on 20-City Promotional Tour Beginning SaT., June 21, 2008
In each city, select "Top Chef" chef'testants will host four live interactive shows, three for fans in attendance and one private show for cable affiliate partners over one or two days.

[06/12/08 - 02:57 PM]
Bravo's "Top Chef" Finale Is Most Watched Cable Telecast of the Day in A18-49
Bravo spins the numbers for Tuesday, June 10 and Wednesday, June 11.

[06/12/08 - 01:42 PM]
Project Runway Returns on Bravo WeD., July 16 at a New Time - 9 PM ET/PT
Heidi Klum, Michael Kors, Nina Garcia and Tim Gunn will all return for the show's Bravo swan song.

[06/11/08 - 09:19 AM]
Bravo Announces Development of "Top Chef Junior" and Series Pick-Up for the Untitled "Jean-Christophe Novelli Project"
"Junior" is an eight episode series where teens (likely ages 13 to 16) will compete to see if they have what it takes to become a junior "Top Chef."

[06/10/08 - 09:56 AM]
Ted Allen Discovers the Answers Behind Food's Biggest Mysteries in 'Food Detectives'
The series, due on Tuesday, July 29 at 9:00/8:00c, will conduct experiments to find the truth behind the most interesting food myths.

[06/06/08 - 01:49 PM]
On Bravo It's a Week of Finales and Winners
Bravo spins the numbers for Thursday, June 5.

[05/30/08 - 09:33 AM]
Top Chef: Chicago and "Work Out" Deliver Record Ratings and Double Digit Growth
Bravo spins the numbers for Tuesday, May 27 and Wednesday, May 28.

[05/28/08 - 11:59 AM]
Bravo Marks Highest Rated May Ever and on Pace for 11th Quarter of Growth
Bravo spins the numbers for the month of May.

[05/21/08 - 01:32 PM]
Bravo Expands Production and Development Teams
Among the promotions: Andy Cohen has been upped to Senior Vice President, Original Programming and Development.

[05/08/08 - 01:08 PM]
Bravo Is Completely Green with Emmy
Replacing the non-eco friendly award mailers, the network will make their series and specials solely available for download online.

[05/05/08 - 10:31 AM]
NBC Universal Announces Exclusive Deal with Magical Elves - the Creative Team Behind Emmy Nominated Hit Shows Project Runway and Top Chef
The first-look agreement covers all of NBC Universal's broadcast, cable (Bravo, Oxygen, Sci-Fi and USA), digital and wireless properties.

[05/05/08 - 10:26 AM]
Bravo Media Announces Cruise, Dvd, Book, Nationwide Tour and Brand Extensions
Among the developments: a "Top Chef" cruise and its first non-series DVD with "Work Out" star Jackie Warner (due on May 20).

[04/29/08 - 12:51 PM]
Bravo Marks Highest Rated April Ever and Is Fastest Growing Cabler 18-49
Bravo spins the numbers for the month of April.

[04/21/08 - 08:29 AM]
Bravo Kicks Off Nationwide Casting Call for Season Five of "Top Chef"
San Francisco, Las Vegas, New York and Los Angeles are among the featured cities.

[04/16/08 - 08:53 AM]
Green Is Universal Celebrates Earth Day the Week of April 20th, with Over 100 Hours of Green-Themed Content, and Green Community Events Across the Country
In addition, the company announced "Green Weeks" for November 2008 and April 2009.

[04/15/08 - 09:18 AM]
Celebrated Model and Design Aficionado India Hicks Named Host of the Second Season of 'Top Design'
Plus: Jonathan Adler will reprise his role as head judge along with Margaret Russell and Kelly Wearstler as series judges.

[04/15/08 - 06:08 AM]
Bravo Increases Programming Hours by 45%, Unveils New Slate Including 12 Returning Franchises and Four New Series and Specials
The network has announced a fourth night of programming on Monday night and unveiled a robust slate of 12 returning series.

[04/09/08 - 11:43 AM]
NBC Universal Cable Entertainment Breaks Records in Q1 2008
NBC Universal Cable Entertainment spins the first quarter numbers for Bravo, Oxygen, Sci Fi and USA.

[04/07/08 - 05:08 PM]
Bravo Media Partners with Crunch to Create Customized 'Step It Up & Dance' Fitness Class
The class will be offered in Crunch locations nationwide and will follow the dance styles featured in each week's episode.

[04/07/08 - 01:09 PM]
'Project Runway' Hits the Catwalk and Struts Over to Lifetime in November '08
"Lifetime and I will definitely 'make it work' together. I am very excited to be part of the Lifetime family," Tim Gunn said.

[03/27/08 - 04:52 PM]
Bravo Posts Best Quarter Ever
Bravo spins the numbers for the quarter to date.

[03/13/08 - 03:58 PM]
Bravo's "Top Chef: Chicago" Fourth Season Premiere Up 11%, Firing Up More Than Two Million Total Viewers
Bravo spins the numbers for Wednesday, March 12.

[03/12/08 - 05:01 AM]
HulU.com Opens to Public, Offers Free Streams of Hit TV Shows, Movies and Clips from More Than 50 Providers Including Fox, NBC Universal, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios InC. and Sony Pictures Television
On Hulu.com, consumers can enjoy one of the largest selections of legal, free videos from more than 50 top broadcast networks, cable networks, movie studios and web-centric content providers.

[03/04/08 - 02:07 PM]
Bravo Announces Clorox, Toyota and Verizon Wireless as Top Sponsors for "Top Chef: Chicago"
These multi-platform deals provide "an unmatched level of brand exposure through exclusive in-show product integration as well as a major on-air and online presence."

[02/13/08 - 11:46 AM]
Bravo Reveals the 12 Dancers Set to Compete on "Step It Up & Dance," Premiering on Thursday, April 3 at 10 PM ET/PT
Elizabeth Berkley will host the series and Emmy Award nominee and Tony Award-winning director and choreographer Jerry Mitchell will mentor the dancers.

[01/23/08 - 09:58 AM]
Let the Flames Begin - Bravo's "Top Chef: Chicago" Premieres Wednesday, March 12 at 10 PM ET/PT
Originally set for March 19, the new season will now launch one week earlier on March 12.

[01/17/08 - 10:34 AM]
Jason Klarman Named General Manager of Oxygen Media
Under Klarman's leadership Bravo rebranded in 2005, transforming the network's on-air and online look with its now signature talk bubble logo and "Watch What Happens" tagline.

[01/15/08 - 10:26 AM]
Bravo Kicks Off Nationwide Casting for New Seasons of "Top Design" and "Shear Genius" Starting This Week
Open calls for designers interested in competing in the interior-design competition series and the high-end hairstyling competition will be held in cities across the country starting this week.

[01/09/08 - 01:28 PM]
Bravo Media Announces "Top Chef: The Cookbook" Published by Chronicle Books
Launching in March, the book will be the official companion cookbook to Bravo's Emmy-nominated culinary hit series "Top Chef."

[01/04/08 - 04:37 PM]
MTV Adds 'Gauntlet Iii,' Bravo Slates 'Top Chef 4'
Plus: MTV's "Real World" returns for its landmark 20th season on May 21 and Bravo opens "Real Housewives of NYC" on March 4.

[12/20/07 - 11:05 AM]
NBC Universal Entertainment Cable Is the Number One Entertainment Cable Group in Prime for 2007
The NBCU Entertainment Cable Group spins the numbers for the year to date.

[12/19/07 - 02:16 PM]
Bravo Achieves Best Year Ever for Second Consecutive Year on All Key Metrics
Bravo spins the numbers for the year to date.

[12/13/07 - 02:50 PM]
Bravo Introduces Host, Mentor & Judges Leading the Way on "Step It Up & Dance"
Elizabeth Berkley, Jerry Mitchell, Vincent Paterson and Nancy O'Meara also sign onto the series, "where contestants will learn what it takes to make it big in the cutthroat dance industry."

[12/11/07 - 10:29 AM]
NBC Universal to Provide TV Content for Sandisk's Web-Based Service Fanfare(Tm)
The service will offer downloads of current TV shows from NBC, USA Network, SCI FI Channel and Bravo as well as vintage library shows from NBC Universal.

[12/06/07 - 09:17 AM]
Bravo's Greenlights Sophomore Seasons of "Shear Genius" and "Top Design"
Casting will begin for both series in the upcoming weeks.

[11/30/07 - 06:20 PM]
Development Update: Week of November 26-30
Updates include: Elizabeth Berkley lines up gigs at CBS and Bravo, Alex Graves to helm FOX's "Fringe" and the usual mix of casting news.

[11/27/07 - 05:27 PM]
Bravo on Pace for Second Consecutive Best Year Ever in 2007
Bravo spins the numbers for the year thus far.

[11/27/07 - 10:08 AM]
Fan Favorites Return on Bravo's "Top Chef Holiday Special"
Stephen Asprinio, Tiffani Faison, Betty Fraser, Marcel Vigneron, Josie Smith-Malave, Chris "C.J." Jacobson, "Tre" Wilcox and Sandee Birdsong will battle it out for a grand prize of $20,000.

[11/15/07 - 03:40 PM]
Bravo's "Project Runway" Highest Rated Season Premiere Ever in Network's History
Bravo spins the numbers for Wednesady, November 14.

[11/14/07 - 12:57 PM]
Calling All 'Project Runway' Fans - Bravo Launches First-Ever Mobile Fan Club, Sponsored by L'Oréal Paris
Members can receive exclusive content including video, behind-the-scenes messages, interaction with designers and more.

[11/13/07 - 04:15 PM]
Bravo Plans 'Top Chef' Holiday Special, 'Matchmaker' Preview
The broadcast, dubbed the "Top Chef Holiday Special," is set for Thursday, December 6 at 9:00/8:00c.

[11/02/07 - 12:33 PM]
Bravo's 'Project Runway' Kicks-Off Fourth Season with New York Fashion Show for the Fans
Fans in New York interested in attending the event on Tuesday, November 6, can join the action by going to Lincoln Center Plaza (located on 65th Street & Broadway).

[11/01/07 - 10:22 AM]
Bravo Announces BlueflY.com, L'Oréal Paris, Saturn, and Tresemmé as Top Sponsors for "Project Runway"
For the fourth consecutive cycle, Bravo continues its overall series partnership with ELLE magazine, including the expertise of Nina Garcia as a series judge, and prizing for the winner.

[11/01/07 - 09:23 AM]
Bravo's "Project Runway" Struts Again with 15 New Runway Models on Wednesday, November 14 at 10 PM ET/PT
Like the "Runway" contestants, the 15 models are whittled down to the finalists who will strut the catwalk at New York's Fashion Week as the lead models in their designers' show.

[10/17/07 - 10:25 AM]
The Most Exciting Watercooler Television from Your Favorite Bravo Shows Will Be Featured in "20 Most Outrageous Bravo Moments," a Special to Air in February
Viewers are invited to visit www.BravoTV.com to vote for their favorite Bravo moment.

[10/04/07 - 03:59 PM]
Bravo's 'Top Chef 3: Miami' Finale No. 1 Cable EnT. Program Attracting More Than Three Million Total Viewers
Bravo spins the numbers for Wednesday, October 3.

[10/02/07 - 05:20 PM]
Bravo Posts Best Third Quarter Ever in Prime and Total Day Led by Hit Series "Top Chef," "Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List," "Flipping Out" and "Tim's Gunn's Guide to Style"
Bravo spins the numbers for the third quarter of 2007.

[09/27/07 - 10:59 AM]
It's BacK. Bravo's 'Project Runway' Returns Wednesday, November 14 at 10 PM ET/PT
Returning to the runway, host supermodel Heidi Klum heads a panel of industry luminaries, including judges Michael Kors, top women's and men's wear designer and Nina Garcia, Elle magazine fashion director, as they decide who is "in" and who is "out."

[09/20/07 - 10:32 AM]
Bravo & NBC Sports Team Up to Present 'Football Foodies'
The blog features recipes created specifically for each "Sunday Night Football" match-up by "Top Chef" contestants.

[09/17/07 - 10:33 AM]
Dane Cook Guest Stars on Two-Hour Season Finale of 'Last Comic Standing' Wednesday at 9 PM as the Final Two Contestants Enjoy a Rousing Roast by Fellow Comics Before Winner Is Revealed
In this two-hour finale, finalists Lavell Crawford and Jon Reep will be roasted by fellow comics, including renowned roaster Jeffrey Ross, top 10 finalist Doug Benson and talent scout and season three winner Alonzo Bodden.

[09/11/07 - 04:24 PM]
Bravo's 'Top Chef 3 Miami' Finalists Face Off in a Two-Part Finale in Aspen
Plus: Bravo's new reality competition series "Better Half" premieres immediately following the "Top Chef 3 Miami" finale on Wednesday, October 3.

[09/10/07 - 03:00 PM]
Bravo Greenlights New Dance Series 'Step It Up' from Emmy-Nominated Producers Magical Elves
Created by Gunnar Wetterberg for Magical Elves, "Step It Up" will show what it takes to make it big in the cutthroat dance industry.

[09/04/07 - 03:47 PM]
NBC Universal Television Content Now Available on Amazon Unbox
Beginning on September 10, Amazon Unbox customers can download for free - in advance of their network premieres - the pilot episodes of NBC's new shows Bionic Woman, Chuck, Journeyman and Life.

[09/04/07 - 10:00 AM]
It's a Sizzling Summer for the NBC Universal Cable Group, Which Accounts for Twice as Many Top-25 Original Summer Series as Any Other Basic Cable Group
USA, Sci Fi and Bravo have delivered 10 of this summer's top 25 original basic-cable entertainment series in adults 25-54.

[08/16/07 - 04:20 PM]
ABC Flips Tuesday, Wednesday Lineups; NBC Spotlights 'Crosswords'
The Alphabet's "Primetime" franchise will now occupy the 10:00/9:00c hour on both nights with "i-Caught" and "NASCAR in Primetime" at 9:00/8:00c on Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively.

[08/14/07 - 01:10 PM]
Bravo's Emmy-Nominated 'Top Chef 3 Miami' Offers 'Bite-Sized' Entertainment on Verizon Wireless V Cast Phones
Bravo To Go will showcase short-form content in the form of "Bite-sized" video segments with "dish" from the special guest judges featured in each episode as they weigh-in on the competition and join this season's judges' table.

[08/07/07 - 02:09 PM]
'America's Got Talent' and 'Singing Bee' Top NBC's Week of July 30-August 5
NBC spins the numbers for the week of July 30-August 5.

[07/31/07 - 09:17 PM]
Bravo Marks Best July - Ever - in Prime with Hit Emmy-Nominated Series "Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List" and "Top Chef"
Bravo spins the numbers for the month of July.

[07/31/07 - 03:11 PM]
NBC to Encore Bravo's "Top Chef 3 Miami"
The Peacock will rebroadcast the show's August 1 broadcast on Saturday, August 4 at 10:00/9:00c.

[07/31/07 - 11:36 AM]
Nine NBC Universal Channels Coming to Verizon Wireless V Cast Phones
"The Office," "30 Rock," "Heroes" and "Friday Night Lights" are among the shows which will have short video clips available on demand.

[07/31/07 - 11:29 AM]
Sunday Night Is Football NighT.com Unveiled
The site is "a key component of NBC's extensive promotional campaign, which over the next six weeks includes television, print, radio and Internet executions and customized content in arenas and stadiums, movie theaters, taxi cabs and even New York City's Times Square."

[07/19/07 - 07:47 PM]
Bravo's "Top Chef " and "D-List" Earn Ratings High
Bravo spins the numbers for Tuesday, July 17-Wednesday, July 18.

[07/19/07 - 11:56 AM]
Bravo Shatters Previous Record and Earns Nine Emmy Nominations for 59th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards
Emmy-Award winning "Project Runway" earned a total of three nominations, including its third consecutive nod for Outstanding Reality Competition, and "Top Chef" garnered two nominations, including its first nomination for Outstanding Reality Competition program.

[07/19/07 - 05:40 AM]
The 59th Primetime Emmy(R) Awards and Creative Arts Emmy(R) Awards Nominees ArE...
Toping the nominations list are HBO's "Burn My Heart at Wounded Knee" (17), AMC's "Broken Trail" (16), HBO's "The Sopranos" (15) and ABC's "Ugly Betty" (11).

[07/15/07 - 05:37 PM]
Bravo Announces Returning Franchises and New Series Additions at 2007 Tca
The cable channel renews "Top Chef" as well as details its upcoming new and returning series for the upcoming season.

[07/15/07 - 05:32 PM]
All Three Networks in the NBC Universal Cable Group - Usa, Sci Fi and Bravo - Deliver Their Best Second-Quarter Ratings on Record
The NBC Universal Entertainment Cable Networks - USA, Sci Fi and Bravo - spin the numbers for the second quarter of 2007.

[07/10/07 - 11:30 AM]
Bravo's 'Live Earth' Coverage Marks Network's Best Saturday - Ever - Across All Key Demos
Bravo spins the numbers for Saturday, July 7.

[07/10/07 - 11:29 AM]
NBC Universal and Dish Network Connect Viewers with Interactive Television Application for 'Top Chef 3 Miami'
DISH Network, through its use of Ensequence's iTV application, allows viewers with compatible interactive receivers to interact with the program with a single click of the remote.

[07/06/07 - 06:18 PM]
Cable Ratings Round-Up (Week of June 25-July 1): USA's 'Notice' Opens Strong
It was TNT's "The Closer" and the 2007 "BET Awards" however that were last week's top overall draws.

[07/03/07 - 03:47 PM]
Bravo Posts Best Second Quarter Ever in Prime and Total Day with Hit Series - 'Top Chef,' 'Shear Genius,' 'Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List,' and 'Work Out'
Bravo spins the numbers for the second quarter of 2007.

[06/22/07 - 06:20 PM]
Cable Ratings Round-Up (Week of June 11-17): USA's 'Raw' Reigns Over Returning Originals
Cable originals "Big Love," "Rescue Me," "Kyle XY," "The 4400" and "The Dead Zone" all open behind their previous season's numbers.

[06/21/07 - 03:40 PM]
Bravo's "Top Chef 3 Miami" Week Two Up 55 Percent with Total Viewers and 42 Percent Among Adults 18-49
Bravo spins the numbers for Wednesday, June 20.

[06/19/07 - 12:18 PM]
Bravo Digital Launches First Web Personality, 23-Year-Old Youtube Wunderkind William Sledd, on Thursday, June 21, with 'Ask a Gay Man' Web Series
The launch is part of a larger digital expansion this month offering Bravo fans four new web-exclusive series for www.BravoTV.com and www.OUTzoneTV.com.

[06/18/07 - 12:42 PM]
Sci Fi Appoints New Vp, Strategic Marketing
The release also notes that Sci Fi viewers rank number one among all cable networks in adults 18-49 in the "mavens" category, "those key players in word of mouth marketing that share information through personal and on-line exchange."

[06/14/07 - 04:30 PM]
Bravo's "Top Chef 3 Miami" Returns as No. 1 Food Show on Cable
Bravo spins the numbers for Wednesday, June 13.

[06/14/07 - 04:29 PM]
Bravo Announces Bravo Media, a Global Company Encompassing Talent Management, Publishing, Merchandising, Digital, Wireless, Fan Experience, Television, Radio and International Divisions
Bravo will expand its current television and digital content offerings under the newly formed title Bravo Media, creating an all-encompassing group of divisions - talent management alliance, publishing, merchandising, Bravo To Go (wireless), Bravo Experience, digital, television, radio, and international.

[06/08/07 - 11:21 AM]
Bravo Announces Glad & Toyota Among Top Sponsors for 'Top Chef 3 Miami' - Bertolli Named Emerging Media Sponsor
The show's third season will feature integrated product sponsorships by Bombay Sapphire, Breville, Cold Stone Creamery, Evian Natural Spring Water, Merck/Schering-Plough Pharmaceuticals and Red Robin.

[06/07/07 - 11:25 AM]
Bravo Partners with Nyc & Company and Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau to Dish Out Flavorful "Top Chef 3 Miami" Launch Events in New York City on June 12 and Miami Beach on June 10
"I can't think of a better way to celebrate the best restaurants in both New York City and Miami Beach than with the best of our Top Chefs," said Jason Klarman, EVP Marketing & Digital, Bravo.

[06/05/07 - 11:06 AM]
Bravo Announces Biggest Month of Digital Originals -- Four New Webisode Series on WwW.bravotV.com and WwW.outzonetV.com in June
The web-exclusive series showcase popular internet personalities Billy Eichner ("Jen"), William Sledd ("Ask A Gay Man") and "Top Chef's" Carlos Fernandez and Lee Anne Wong.

[05/29/07 - 09:45 PM]
Bravo Goes Bilingual with First-Ever Telemundo Partnership for 'Top Chef 3 Miami'
The promotional elements will include creative in-show integrations for both "Top Chef 3 Miami" and Telemundo's popular morning show "Cada Dia" as well as a webisode cooking series hosted by "Top Chef" season two contestant Carlos Fernandez.

[05/29/07 - 09:40 PM]
TV Guide Network(R) Reveals Cast for Its Headlining Summer Series, 'America's Next Producer'
The series will premiere in full-screen on TV Guide Network on Wednesday, July 18 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT with a special repeat airing at 9:00 p.m.

[05/08/07 - 02:54 PM]
Bravo's "Top Chef 3 Miami" Premieres with 15 Hot New Chefs Wed, June 13 at 10:00 P.M. ET/PT
Plus: "Top Chef: 4-Star All-Stars," a special which reunites four of the finalists from season's one and two, is slated for Wednesday, June 6 at 10:00/9:00c.

[05/07/07 - 11:14 AM]
The NBC Universal Cable Group Claims 60 of Basic Cable's Top 100 Prime Entertainment Telecasts for the Year to Date
The cable networks of NBC Universal have delivered chart-topping results for the opening four months of 2007, with USA, Bravo and Sci Fi accounting for more than half of the top 100 primetime entertainment basic-cable telecasts of the four-month period.

[04/12/07 - 01:26 PM]
NBC Is Packing Plenty of Heat as It Announces New Summer 2007 Alternative Program Premieres That Mix Returning Favorites with Promising New Series Starting May 29
The Peacock's summer lineup includes new seasons of "America's Got Talent, "Last Comic Standing" and "The Biggest Loser" as well as the premiere of the dating reality series "Age of Love."

[04/11/07 - 10:19 AM]
Bravo Announces Addition of Third Night of Original Programming at 2007 Upfront
The cable channel details its upcoming schedule, which includes new seasons of "Top Chef," "Project Runway," "Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List" and "Million Dollar Listing."

[04/05/07 - 01:04 PM]
Tim Gunn Will Make It Work on the Fourth Season of the Emmy-Nominated Hit Fashion Design Competition Series Project Runway
Heidi Klum will also return as host of the series, as will judges Michael Kors and Nina Garcia.

[03/22/07 - 09:52 AM]
NBC Universal and News CorP. Announce Deal with Internet Leaders Aol, Msn, Myspace and Yahoo! to Create a Premium Online Video Site with Unprecedented Reach
The video-rich site will debut this summer with thousands of hours of full-length programming, movies and clips, representing premium content from at least a dozen networks and two major film studios.

[03/21/07 - 03:10 AM]
Development Update: Wednesday, March 21
Updates include: Pilots for two of "Battlestar Galactica's" ladies, changes ahead on ABC's "American Inventor" and the usual casting round-up.

[03/12/07 - 02:36 PM]
Bravo Kicks Off Nationwide Casting for "Project Runway" Season Four in Los Angeles, Chicago, Miami and New York
Open casting calls begin in Los Angeles on March 30, followed by Chicago, Miami and New York City.

[03/05/07 - 03:02 PM]
The Family Garage Gets a Makeover in an All-New Episode of Bravo's "Top Design" on Wednesday, March 7 at 10 P.M. ET/PT with Special Guest Judge Mark Rios
Upcoming guests judges include: Ben Bourgeois, Tom Colicchio, Linda O'Keeffe, Michael Berman and Trudie Styler.

[02/15/07 - 11:35 AM]
Cable Ratings Round-Up (Week of February 5-11): 'Sky' Huge for Lifetime, 'Battlestar' Hits Series Low
Plus: USA claims four of the top 10 spots on cable and Bravo's "Top Design" audience falls in half.

[02/07/07 - 01:03 PM]
Cable Ratings Round-Up (Week of January 29-February 4): 'Dirt' Bounces Back, 'Silverman' Strong
USA still the network to beat with four of the top six spots on cable last week.

[02/01/07 - 05:49 PM]
Nearly 3.9 Million Total Viewers Feasted on Second Season Finale of 'Top Chef,' Propelling Finale to #1 Telecast on Cable for the Night and Besting ABC's "Primetime" in Head-To-Head Competition
Additionally, 1.768 million total viewers tuned into the launch of "Top Design," making it Bravo's highest rated series premiere in network history.

[02/01/07 - 11:10 AM]
NBC's Hit Laughfest 'Last Comic Standing' Announces New Host Bill Bellamy and New Talent Scouts Alonzo Bodden, Ant and Kathleen Madigan as the Emmy-Nominated Series Expands Its Search Internationally to Find the Funniest Comedian in the World
Casting calls will also expand to include London, Montreal and Sydney, Australia.

[01/30/07 - 01:43 PM]
Bravo Has Best Month Ever in Bravo History
"Top Chef" averaged 2.7 million total viewers and 1.9 million adults 18-49 in January.

[01/30/07 - 10:03 AM]
Bravo Double Dips with a Tasty "Top Chef" Season Finale and "Top Design" Series Premiere on Wednesday, January 31 Beginning at 10 P.M. ET/PT
The cable channel touts Wednesday's "Top Chef" finale as well as the launch of "Top Design."

[01/12/07 - 11:01 AM]
Bravo Announces 'Watch What Happens' - the Network's First Live-Streaming Interactive Online Show
The 20-minute, weekly, live-streaming, online program will run Wednesdays at 10:00/9:00c starting January 17.

[01/05/07 - 01:59 PM]
Bravo Records Network's Best Performances Ever on Air and Online in 2006
"Top Chef," "The Real Housewives of Orange County" and "Project Runway" made 2006 Bravo's best year ever.

[01/05/07 - 10:11 AM]
Season Two of Bravo's "Top Chef" Skewers Records, Serves Up All-Time Series High with 2.2 Million Viewers Tuning in to Last Night's Episode
Bravo spins the numbers for Wednesday, January 3.

[01/03/07 - 01:08 PM]
NBC Ties for #1 in Adults 18-49 for the Primetime Week of December 25-31
NBC spins the numbers for the week of December 25-31.

[01/02/07 - 10:23 AM]
Bravo Renews No. 1 Rated Food Series 'Top Chef' for a Third Helping and Kicks Off Nationwide Casting for New Season Staring This Month
Plus: this week's episode gets expanded to 70 minutes and will feature appearances by "Queer Eye's" Ted Allen And "Entourage's" Debi Mazar.

[12/19/06 - 10:12 AM]
NBC Universal Interactive Television Has Ground-Breaking Year in 2006
The company's 40 iTV programs or events across 12 business units generated over 130 million web votes and SMS messages.

[12/07/06 - 11:58 AM]
Bravo's "Top Design" Measures Up 12 Aspiring Interior Designers in the Series Premiere on Wednesday, January 31 at 11 PM ET/PT, Following the Second Season Finale of "Top Chef"
The series will then move to its regular 10:00/9:00c time slot on Wednesday, February 7.

[11/27/06 - 10:03 AM]
Bravo, Sci Fi and USA Book Their January Premieres
Return dates announced for "Battlestar Galactica," "Monk" and "Psych"; launches booked for "The Dresden Files" and "Top Design"; and the off-network premieres are set for "Star Trek: Enterprise" and "Jake 2.0" on Sci Fi.

[10/19/06 - 04:43 PM]
Bravo Shattered Records Last Night, Drawing Its Biggest Audience Ever
"Runway's" 5.4 million total viewers is Bravo's largest audience ever.

[10/18/06 - 03:59 PM]
Bravo and Time Warner Cable Bring Interactive Television Back for 'Top Chef' Viewers
Feature will allow viewers to respond with their remote control to a series of topical questions and voice their opinions about the contestants.

[10/16/06 - 10:10 AM]
Bravo Launches "Top Recipe: The Wong Way to Cook" on BravotV.com, the First Ever Originally Produced Weekly Cooking Webisode Series
New webisode series, hosted by Lee Anne Wong, will showcase the winning recipe each week.

[09/29/06 - 12:00 AM]
Recording Artists Evan and Jaron to Host USA Network's Character Road Trip and On-Air Personality and Style Maven Jeannie Mai to Host USA Network's Character Fantasy

[09/21/06 - 12:00 AM]
Bravo Announces Top Sponsors for Second Season of Hit Reality Competition Series 'Top Chef'

[08/30/06 - 12:00 AM]
Bravo's "Top Chef" Serves Up Fifteen of the Nation's Hottest Rising Chefs with Its Season Two Premiere on Wednesday, October 18 at 11 P.M. ET/PT, Following the Third Season Finale of "Project Runway"

[07/13/06 - 12:00 AM]
The Second Season of Bravo's Hit Culinary Competition Series 'Top Chef' Begins Production in Downtown Los Angeles

[07/10/06 - 12:00 AM]
Bravo Announces Four New Staffing Promotions for the Network's Programming and Production Team on the Heels of the Most Watched Quarters in Network History

[06/27/06 - 12:00 AM]
Bravo Sets Records for Best Second Quarter in Network History

[06/02/06 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: May 29-June 2 (Weekly Round-Up)

[05/31/06 - 12:00 AM]
USA Network's Digital Community Spawns New Short-Form Programming from Magical Elves

[05/25/06 - 12:00 AM]
Top Chef Finishes as the #1 Food Show on Cable

[05/23/06 - 12:00 AM]
NBC and Time Warner Cable Offer Viewers Trivia and Polling Features for New Season of 'Last Comic Standing' May 30

[05/02/06 - 12:00 AM]
Bravo Renews Hit Competition Series 'Top Chef' for a Second Season, with Open Calls for Rising Culinary Talent to Be Held in New York, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, and Las Vegas

[04/21/06 - 12:00 AM]
Bravo's "Top Chef" Sizzles with Over 1.2 Million Viewers Tuning Into Wednesday Night's Episode, a 10:00 PM Series High for the Culinary Competition Hit

[04/18/06 - 12:00 AM]
Viewers Becoming Increasingly More Interactive with NBC Universal Programming

[04/06/06 - 12:00 AM]
Bravo Inks Deal with Paypal to Be Among the First Companies to Offer Mobile Telephone Payments

[03/29/06 - 12:00 AM]
Development Update: March 29

[03/29/06 - 12:00 AM]
First Quarter 2006 Was the Most Watched Quarter in Bravo History

[03/09/06 - 12:00 AM]
Season Finale of Bravo's 'Project Runway' Smashes Record to Become Most Viewed Telecast in Network History

[03/06/06 - 12:00 AM]
Bravo Kicks Off Its Wednesday, March 8 New Series Premiere of "Top Chef" with Innovative Sms Text Messaging from "Top Chef" Characters During the Show

[03/06/06 - 12:00 AM]
Bravo, the Weinstein Company, and Miramax Sew Up a Third Season of the Emmy-Nominated Hit Fashion Design Competition Series 'Project Runway'

[02/28/06 - 12:00 AM]
Bravo and Time Warner Cable Spice It Up with Bravo's Original Competitive Reality Series "Top Chef" and Give Viewers an Interactive Viewing Experience

[02/13/06 - 12:00 AM]
Bravo Surpasses 80 Million Mark

[01/25/06 - 12:00 AM]
Bravo Teams Up with NBC Olympics to Launch "Bravo at the Olympics"

[01/12/06 - 12:00 AM]
Bravo Serves Up a New Premiere Date and Time for "Top Chef" to Debut Wednesday, March 8, Following the "Project Runway" Second Season Finale

[01/12/06 - 12:00 AM]
Bravo Renews 'Blow Out' and 'Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List,' and Unveils New Series 'The Real Housewives of Orange County' and 'Top Chef'

[01/12/06 - 12:00 AM]
Bravo to Celebrate Launch of BrilliantbutcancelleD.com with First-Ever Airing of "The Jake Effect" --TV Series Cancelled Before It Ever Aired

[12/15/05 - 12:00 AM]
Bravo Serves Up "Top Chef" on March 15

[11/10/05 - 12:00 AM]
Katie Lee Joel to Host 'Top Chef,' a New Reality Competition Series Coming to Bravo

[04/26/05 - 12:00 AM]
Bravo Launches Most Aggressive Slate of Original Programming for 2005-06 Season

Returns Thursday, March 13
3/8/06 - ???
returning this spring (yet to premiere)
thursdays from 9:00 PM-10:15 PM EST
22 (??? episodes)
Missed an episode? Been wanting to catch up? This series is also available on:

(from Bravo's web site, March 2024) Bravo’s Top Chef serves up new flavors this season when host Kristen Kish joins head judge Tom Colicchio and perennial judge Gail Simmons at the judges’ table as they head to the Midwest to call Wisconsin home. The Emmy, James Beard and Critics' Choice Award-winning series, produced by Magical Elves, lands in the energetic culinary scenes of Milwaukee and Madison before embarking on a special high-seas finale with award-winning cruise line Holland America Line. Renowned chef and Season 10 winner Kristen Kish takes the helm this season as host, bringing a fresh perspective, new rules and unexpected twists. A new batch of 15 talented, rising star chefs and James Beard nominees from across the country vie for the coveted title, bringing their unique skillsets, culinary heritage and innovative flavors. For the first time in series history, the cheftestants will have the opportunity to win a cash prize at every Quickfire Challenge and immunity will now be up for grabs at the Elimination Challenges, making the winning chef safe in the next episode. Making the stakes even higher, Colicchio and Simmons will also lend their expertise as they join Kish at Quickfire Challenges for the back half of the season. The cheftestants must bring their A-game and inspiration to Wisconsin this season as they go head-to-head in a slew of challenges honoring the state's traditions, local staples and fresh produce. From a cutthroat cheese festival featuring some of Wisconsin’s Award winning cheesemakers, to showcasing the versatility of Door County cherries and Wisconsin-grown cranberries, there's no room for error as the judges narrow down the competitors each week to find this season's winner. One challenge takes the chefs to the home of the Milwaukee Brewers for their Famous Racing Sausages® Race, but this Top Chef version means they're tasked with cooking and elevating five different types of sausages. The cheftestants will also observe a Wisconsin institution – an old-fashioned Door County fish boil before creating their own with some help from some “Top Chef” alums. In Madison, the chefs pull together a high-end, clever take on a supper club menu and visit a farmer’s market to do their shopping for a special Quickfire with guest judge W. Kamau Bell. While this year’s Restaurant Wars goes back to the basics, the competition continues to keep the chefs on their toes. Always pushing boundaries, one challenge tasks the chefs to make dishes that are works of art honoring renowned architect and Wisconsin native Frank Lloyd Wright, where another challenge brings in Chef Matty Matheson (The Bear) as a guest judge for a challenge about chaos cuisine, combining cultures and breaking the culinary mold. The chefs have to cook at the top in order to move onto the epic finale cruising on the MS Eurodam in the Caribbean. The first stop is Curaçao for one last Quickfire. While onboard, the final four receive a surprise visit from Holland America's Fresh Fish Program Ambassador, Chef Masaharu Morimoto, before having to prepare an eight-course fish-tasting menu for the penultimate episode. In the final meal, the remaining chefs must impress the judges and table of experts by cooking the best four-course meal of their lives in order to be crowned the champion. The winner takes home the $250,000 grand prize provided by the Saratoga® Spring Water, a feature in Food & Wine and an appearance at the 41st Annual Food & Wine Classic in Aspen. 
· Gail Simmons as Judge
· Kristen Kish as Host/Judge
· Tom Colicchio as Judge/Mentor
· Emeril Lagasse as Judge
· Graham Elliot as Judge
· Hugh Acheson as Judge
· Nilou Motamed as Judge
· Padma Lakshmi as Host/Judge
· Richard Blais as Judge
· Casey Kriley as EP
· Doneen Arquines as EP
· Jo Sharon as EP
· Tracy Tong as EP
· reality (all)
· reality (competition)
· Magical Elves Productions