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[07/09/24 - 09:00 AM] Adult Swim to Host Four-Day "Pirate Parrrty" at San Diego Comic-Con 2024 Alongside Exclusive Sneak Peeks, Series Panels and Launch of the "Rick And Morty: The Anime" Anime-rican Tour Look for a special screening event featuring the full-length premiere episodes of "Common Side Effects," "Rick and Morty: The Anime," "Invincible Fight Girl," and "Women Wearing Shoulder Pads" alongside more never-before-seen Adult Swim content.
[07/09/24 - 08:00 AM] Warner Bros. Discovery Expansive Content Lineup Delivered Two Nights with 60 Percent Share and Nine Nights with 50 Percent Share Among Adults in Second Quarter Live sports, including TNT Sports' coverage of the 2024 NCAA Men's Final Four, 2024 NBA Playoffs and 2024 NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs, along with support from the networks' popular entertainment content, drove the viewership among Adults 18-49 during the quarter.
[06/14/24 - 04:29 AM] Adult Swim Announces New and Returning Series at Annecy International Animation Film Festival "For two decades, Adult Swim has pushed the boundaries of animation, repeatedly surprised its audience and launched and grown careers - and we're not that interested in stopping," said Michael Ouweleen, president, Adult Swim.
[05/28/24 - 08:47 AM] Adult Swim Unveils Programming Plans for Annecy International Animation Film Festival Adult Swim will screen the entire first episode of the highly anticipated new series "Common Side Effects" exclusively at Annecy.
[04/24/24 - 01:45 PM] What's New on Max This May Highlights include new seasons of "Hacks" and "Pretty Little Liars: Summer School"; and the streaming debuts of "Turtles All The Way Down," "Stop Making Sense" and "The Iron Claw."
[04/01/24 - 06:00 AM] Adult Swim Surprises Fans with "Smiling Friends" Season Two Premiere Episode and Puppet Show to Announce Series Return on May 12 Adult Swim continued its annual April Fools' Day tradition this morning at midnight with the unexpected debut of three episodes re-created in various styles of puppetry, followed by a surprise airing of the season two premiere episode.
[07/21/22 - 11:31 AM] What's New on HBO Max This August HBO Max has announced everything coming to the platform this August, including the debut of "House of the Dragon," based on George R.R. Martin's "Fire & Blood."
[07/08/22 - 06:00 AM] Adult Swim Returns to San Diego Comic-Con to Celebrate Hit Animated Series Attendees will get a first-ever look at the highly-anticipated "Rick and Morty" digital spin-off short series "The Vindicators" with a special fan screening.
[02/09/22 - 09:01 AM] Workplace Comedies "Birdgirl" and "Smiling Friends" Score Second Seasons on Adult Swim The second season of "Birdgirl" is set to premiere this summer, while the return of "Smiling Friends" will be announced at a later date.
[01/20/22 - 12:42 PM] This February Stream Ayesha and Stephen Curry's Celebrity Couple Game Show "About Last Night," Season Two Premiere of "Raised By Wolves," Steven Soderbergh's "Kimi" Starring Zoe Kravitz and More on HBO Max February brings a diverse array of storytelling for all fans including new original content, as well as a spectacular line-up of highly anticipated unscripted series, international sci-fi thrillers, animation cult classics and more.
[12/14/21 - 09:02 AM] "Smiling Friends" Delivers Happiness to Adult Swim Fans This Winter The network's newest animated comedy series premieres Sunday, January 9 at Midnight ET/PT with two new episodes.
[05/19/21 - 06:59 AM] Adult Swim Orders Series Pick Ups for "Royal Crackers" and "Smiling Friends" The pilot for "Smiling Friends" originally aired during Adult Swim's 2019 April Fool's Day stunt to massive fan reaction.
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Returns in TBA 2025 (Exact Date TBA)
STATUS: returning in 2025/2026 (date TBA) |
TIME SLOT: not on the schedule |
CURRENT SEASON: 3 (??? episodes) |
ADDITIONAL NOTES: Season 3 ordered on 6/14/24 |
DESCRIPTION: (from Adult Swim's press release, April 2024) "SMILING FRIENDS," the hit animated comedy co-created and starring Michael Cusack and Zach Hadel that follows the employees of a small company dedicated to bringing happiness to a bizarre yet colorful world, will return for a second season on Sunday, May 12 at midnight on Adult Swim. Adult Swim continued its annual April Fools' Day tradition this morning at midnight with the unexpected debut of three episodes of "SMILING FRIENDS" re-created in various styles of puppetry, followed by a surprise airing of the season two premiere episode, "Gwimbly: Definitive Remastered Enhanced Extended Edition DX 4k (Anniversary Director's Cut)." |
· Michael Cusack as CRTR/EP · Zach Hadel as CRTR/EP
· comedy (all) · comedy (animated)
· Princess Bento Studio