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[12/23/21 - 07:06 AM] discovery+ Announces January Programming Slate On New Year's Day, viewers can catch new premieres including the revival of the ultimate show about the paranormal world, "Ghost Hunters," and "London Lit," which follows the lives and loves of a group of glamorous Nigerian Brits.
[12/14/21 - 08:05 AM] New discovery+ Series "Remix My Space with Marsai Martin" Spotlights Stunning Bedroom Makeovers for Exceptional Teens "You know me from my roles in film and television and, yes, acting is great," said Marsai. "But I'm really obsessed with design. A teen's room should be their sanctuary, so I'm surprising amazing people who are doing incredible things for our world."
[08/16/21 - 10:31 AM] HGTV and discovery+ Ready to Premiere 20 New Series Before Year End "Just when fans think they've seen it all, we're here to surprise them," said Jane Latman, president, HGTV & Streaming Home Content, Discovery, Inc.
[06/15/21 - 08:05 AM] discovery+ Greenlights New Home Series with Actress Marsai Martin Who Will Deliver Surprise Bedroom Renovations for Teens Martin will serve as executive producer of the eight-episode series and will lead the design team that creates stunning bedroom overhauls for exceptional, peer-nominated youth who make a positive impact in their communities.