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[07/17/24 - 03:06 PM] Apple Scores Record 72 Emmy Award Nominations "The Morning Show" landed its first-ever nomination for Outstanding Drama Series and leads with 16 nominations overall for its acclaimed third season, including the most performance nominations for any drama series with 10 acting nominations.
[06/24/24 - 03:05 PM] Apple TV+ Announces Third Season for "The Reluctant Traveler with Eugene Levy" The eight-episode third season will follow Levy on a truly global adventure as he attempts to curate his own "ultimate travel bucket list."
[02/05/24 - 02:01 PM] Apple TV+ and Emmy Award Winner Eugene Levy Embark on a Grand Tour of Europe in the Second Season of "The Reluctant Traveler with Eugene Levy" Hosted and executive produced by Emmy Award winner Eugene Levy, the second season of the celebrated series is set to premiere two episodes on Friday, March 8 with additional episodes to debut each week through Friday, April 12.
[02/05/24 - 09:27 AM] Video: Apple TV+ Unveils a Sneak Peek at Star-Studded Lineup of New and Returning Original Series Set to Debut in 2024 Coming up this year, Apple TV+ will expand its award-winning slate of originals with highly anticipated new series, including "The New Look," "The Dynasty: New England Patriots," "Constellation," "The Completely Made-Up Adventures of Dick Turpin," "Manhunt," "Palm Royale," "Sugar," "Franklin," "Dark Matter," "Presumed Innocent," "Land of Women" and more.
[04/24/23 - 08:09 AM] Apple TV+ Announces Second Season Renewal for Acclaimed Travel Series "The Reluctant Traveler with Eugene Levy" The second season follows Levy through Europe as he visits some of the continent's most beautiful and intriguing destinations, uncovering hidden local gems with new friends, and staying in remarkable and unique hotels along the way.
[01/18/23 - 10:30 AM] Video: Apple TV+ and Emmy Award Winner Eugene Levy Go on a Globe-Trotting Adventure in the Trailer for "The Reluctant Traveler" The eight-episode globe-trotting travel series hosted and executive produced by Emmy Award winner Eugene Levy is set to premiere around the world on Friday, February 24.
[12/13/22 - 09:00 AM] Apple TV+ Travel Series "The Reluctant Traveler," Hosted by Emmy Award Winner Eugene Levy, to Premiere on February 24, 2023 The eight-episode series follows Levy as he visits some of the world's most beautiful and intriguing destinations in Costa Rica, Finland, Italy, Japan, Maldives, Portugal, South Africa and the United States, exploring remarkable hotels and the places and cultures surrounding them.
[11/01/21 - 09:02 AM] Apple Orders New Travel Series "The Reluctant Traveler" Hosted by Emmy Award-Winner Eugene Levy "The Reluctant Traveler" will see Eugene Levy visit some of the world's most remarkable hotels, as well as explore the people, places and cultures that surround them.
Returns in TBA 2025 (Exact Date TBA)
STATUS: returning in 2025/2026 (date TBA) |
TIME SLOT: not on the schedule |
CURRENT SEASON: 3 (8 episodes) |
ADDITIONAL NOTES: Season 3 (of eight episodes) ordered on 6/24/24 |
DESCRIPTION: (from Apple's web site, March 2024) Award-winning actor and nervous explorer Eugene Levy steps out of his comfort zone for a whirlwind tour of the world’s most beautiful and intriguing destinations. |
· Eugene Levy as Host
· David Brindley as EP · Eugene Levy as EP
· reality (all) · reality (documentary)
· Twofour