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[08/29/19 - 06:01 AM] From the Producers of "Quicksand" Comes "Love & Anarchy" - A New Netflix Original from Sweden Created by Lisa Langseth "This has been my dream project for a long time. After working with this story alone in my basement I am so immensely glad to see it present itself together with a fantastic team. I have the best job in the world," says Lisa Langseth.
[03/22/19 - 06:20 AM] From the Director of "Quicksand" Comes "Home for Christmas," A New Norwegian Original Series from Netflix In the six-episode series, Johanne finds herself at 30 years old to be the only one among friends and family without a partner.
[02/01/19 - 09:24 AM] Video: "Quicksand" - Teaser - Netflix The series, based on the best-selling novel by Malin Persson Giolito, premieres Friday, April 5.
[07/02/18 - 02:20 AM] "Quicksand" - A Netflix Original Series Starring Hanna Ardehn, William Spetz, Felix Sandman, David Dencik, Reuben Sallmander, Anna Bjork, Evin Ahmad and Christopher Wollter The project is based on the best-selling novel by Malin Persson Giolito which has been published in 29 countries and was voted best Nordic Crime Novel of the year in 2017.
[09/07/17 - 08:05 AM] From Head Writer of "The Bridge" Comes the First Swedish Original Series for Netflix, "Quicksand" When a mass shooting takes place at a prep school in Stockholm's wealthiest suburb, a normal high school student, Maja Norberg, finds herself on trial for murder.