
[11/20/24 - 10:01 AM]
The CW Network Sets 2025 Midseason Premiere Dates for New and Returning Series
Season 7 of the hit series "All American," starring Michael Evans Behling, Greta Onieogou and Bre-Z, kicks off with a special sneak peek on Wednesday, January 29 (8:00-9:00pm ET/PT) before premiering in its regular timeslot on Monday, February 3 (8:00-9:00pm ET/PT).

[10/31/24 - 01:00 PM]
It's Holiday Time at The CW! Celebrate the Season with Festive Programming
Highlights include the series finale of "Superman & Lois" (December 2); the return of "Children Ruin Everything" (November 29); and "Christmas with The Chosen: Holy Night" (December 15).

[06/03/24 - 10:00 AM]
The CW Network Renews Hit Series "All American," "Penn & Teller: Fool Us," and Picks Up the Fourth Season of Global Phenomenon "The Chosen"
The fourth season of the global phenomenon "The Chosen" about the life of Jesus, is set to make its broadcast television debut on Sunday, September 1.

[02/22/24 - 04:48 PM]
The CW to Flip Newcomers "Totally Funny Kids," "Totally Funny Animals" on Friday Nights
Beginning next Friday, March 1, look for "Animals" at 9:00/8:00c followed by "Kids" at 9:30/8:30c.

[02/15/24 - 09:01 AM]
The CW Network Sets Spring Premiere Dates for New and Returning Series
The CW's most-watched series across all platforms, "All American," returns for a sixth season on Monday, April 1.

[01/29/24 - 11:19 AM]
The CW to Premiere "Totally Funny Kids" and "Totally Funny Animals" on Friday, February 16
The half-hour clip shows will follow "Penn & Teller: Fool Us" at 9:00/8:00c.

[12/12/23 - 01:00 PM]
The CW Network Sets Midseason Premiere Dates for New and Returning Series
The new true crime anthology series "Crime Nation" from former ABC News President James Goldston and featuring ripped-from-the-headlines cases premieres on Tuesday, February 20.

[11/01/23 - 05:37 PM]
Season Premieres of "Masters of Illusion" and "World's Funniest Animals" Set for Monday, November 6 on The CW
Look for said duo back-to-back beginning at 9:00/8:00c.

[10/25/23 - 05:00 PM]
The CW Opts for "FBoy Island" on Fridays; Bumps Return of "Masters of Illusion," "World's Funniest Animals"
Look for an encore of "FBoy Island" this Friday at 9:00/8:00c and an original episode the following Friday, November 3.

[10/13/23 - 01:51 PM]
The CW Shifts New Seasons of "Masters of Illusion," "World's Funniest Animals" to Fridays
Said duo, originally set for Saturdays, will now follow "Penn & Teller: Fool Us" at 9:00/8:00c beginning October 27.

[09/19/23 - 10:08 AM]
The CW Network Sets New Premiere Date for "Penn & Teller: Fool Us" Season 10 on Friday, October 27
The new season of the hit magic competition series welcomes author and actress Brooke Burke as host.

[07/27/23 - 12:52 PM]
The CW Pulls "Down to Earth with Zac Efron," "Fantastic Friends" from Tuesday Lineup
Repeats of "Penn & Teller: Fool Us" and "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" will instead fill the night going forward.

[07/12/23 - 01:00 PM]
The CW Network Sets Fall 2023 Premiere Dates
"All American," "61st Street" and "I Am" documentary film franchise move to midseason.

[05/18/23 - 06:00 AM]
The CW Network Announces Its Seven-Night Primetime Schedule for 2023-2024
"This fall, The CW embarks on the first step to become bigger and broader by offering our viewers a wide variety of programming from premium adult dramas to bold comedies and binge-worthy unscripted franchises," said Brad Schwartz, President of Entertainment, The CW Network.

[01/23/23 - 12:30 PM]
The CW Network Sets Premiere Dates for New and Returning Alternative Series
Newcomers "The Great American Joke Off" and "Totally Weird and Funny" will join returning series "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" and "Mysteries Decoded."

[12/21/22 - 01:03 PM]
The CW Network Sets New Midseason Return Date for "Criss Angel's Magic with the Stars"
Previously announced new episodes of "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" will return at a later date.

[11/29/22 - 12:00 PM]
The CW Network Sets Midseason Premiere Dates for Returning Favorites
The return of "Walker" and "Walker Independence" will kick things off on Thursday, January 12.

[10/14/22 - 11:00 AM]
The CW Network Rings in the Holidays with Its Schedule of Upcoming Specials
Things kick off with the holiday classic "Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer" on Friday, November 25.

[07/05/22 - 11:00 AM]
The CW Network Sets 2022 Fall Premiere Dates
The network's new fall season kicks off with the third season premiere of "DC's Stargirl" on Wednesday, August 31.

[05/19/22 - 05:00 AM]
The CW Network Announces Its Seven-Night Primetime Schedule for 2022-2023
The CW is also joining forces with the United States Surgeon General on his effort to tackle the number one issue facing America's youth: mental health.

[01/20/22 - 10:30 AM]
The CW Renews Three Hit Alternative Series for 2022-23 Broadcast Season
"Penn & Teller: Fool Us," "Masters of Illusion" and "World's Funniest Animals" are all due back.

[11/05/21 - 10:30 AM]
The CW Network Sets Its Midseason Schedule
Highlights include the new dramas "Naomi" and "All American: Homecoming," and the return of hit series "Superman & Lois" and "Kung Fu."

[10/04/21 - 02:31 PM]
The CW Gets Into the Holiday Spirit with Its Schedule of Upcoming Specials
Highlights include a "Wellington Paranormal" holiday special on Saturday, November 27 and "Beebo Saves Christmas" on Wednesday, December 1.

[09/30/21 - 10:31 AM]
The CW to Issue "Penn & Teller: Fool Us" NFTs
The NFTs are available at CWTV.com/NFT or directly at Chronicle (Chronicle.io), the environmentally friendly studio and digital collectibles marketplace platform built entirely for fans.

[06/15/21 - 10:30 AM]
The CW Network Sets 2021 Fall Premiere Dates
"Penn & Teller: Fool Us" will kick things off on Friday, October 1 with "The Flash" and "Riverdale" rounding out the rollouts on Tuesday, November 16.

[05/25/21 - 11:00 AM]
The CW Network Announces Its New Seven-Night Primetime Schedule for 2021-2022
Highlights include "Legends of The Hidden Temple" and "Killer Camp" to kick off Sundays.

[02/24/21 - 11:00 AM]
The CW Network Sets Spring 2021 Premiere Dates
Newly announced premieres include "Kung Fu" and "The Republic of Sarah" as well as the return of "DC's Legends of Tomorrow," "Dynasty" and "In The Dark."

[12/07/20 - 11:39 PM]
Development Update: Monday, December 7
Updates include: ABC gives "Big Sky" six additional episodes; The CW extends "Penn & Teller: Fool Us," "World's Funniest Animals"; and George Lopez to star in Amazon's "Once Upon a Time in Aztlan."

[10/29/20 - 09:30 AM]
The CW Network Sets Premiere Dates for New Season
Highlights include the return of "The Flash" and the premiere of "Superman & Lois" on Tuesday, February 23.

[10/19/20 - 11:00 AM]
The CW Gets Into the Spirit with Its Schedule of Upcoming Holiday Specials
Highlights include "Silent Night - A Song for the World," "The Hollywood Christmas Parade Greatest Moments" and "Heroes on the Front Line."

[06/03/20 - 02:30 PM]
The CW Network Acquires International Thriller "Devils" Starring Alessandro Borghi and Patrick Dempsey for Fall 2020
The 10-episode series will air Wednesdays nights this fall as part of a revision to the network's previously announced lineup.

[05/14/20 - 11:00 AM]
The CW Network to Launch Its New Season in January 2021
Programming for the fourth quarter of 2020 will feature a mix of original and acquired programming, including the return of "Supernatural" for the conclusion of its final season.

[05/07/20 - 11:37 AM]
The CW Network Set to Air Original Special "Penn & Teller: Try This at Home"
Filmed entirely at the homes of Penn & Teller and their friends around the world, the special showcases new magic Penn & Teller and their magician friends have developed at home and teaches viewers how to do an array of tricks themselves.

[03/31/20 - 02:31 PM]
The CW Rolls Out Premiere Dates for Summer Series
"Masters of Illusion," "Burden of Truth," "Bulletproof" and "Penn & Teller: Fool Us" are all due back.

[11/08/19 - 03:30 PM]
The CW Gets Into the Spirit with Its Schedule of Upcoming Holiday Specials
Highlights include the new competition series "The Christmas Caroler Challenge."

[06/03/19 - 12:51 PM]
The CW Network Adds to Its Summer Slate, Sets Remaining Summer 2019 Premiere Dates
Joining a summer lineup that already features 12 original series, The CW is adding a new anthology series, "Two Sentence Horror Stories."

[04/17/19 - 12:30 PM]
The CW Network Sets Summer 2019 Premiere Dates; Announces Six Additional New Series to Join Already Packed Summer Slate
The newcomers include "The Big Stage," "Bulletproof," "Pandora," "Hypnotize Me," "Mysteries Decoded" and "Red Bull Peaking."

[01/10/19 - 11:16 AM]
The CW Announces Spring 2019 Premiere Dates
The network locks in premiere dates for "Jane the Virgin," "In the Dark," "The 100," "iZombie" and more.

[10/09/18 - 11:16 AM]
The CW Looks Ahead with Original Programming for Summer 2019
Mainstays "Penn & Teller: Fool Us," "Masters of Illusion," and "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" will be joined by new seasons of "Burden of Truth" and "The Outpost" plus British drama "Bulletproof."

[07/13/18 - 11:46 PM]
Development Update: Thursday-Friday, July 12-13
Updates include: Starz renews "Sweetbitter" for second season; Yvette Nicole Brown to guest host "Talking Dead" for AMC; and Rich Sommer joins the cast of The CW's "In the Dark."

[04/10/18 - 11:00 AM]
The CW Network Sets Summer 2018 Premiere Dates
The CW's two new summer dramas - "The Outpost" and "Burder of Truth" - will debut on consecutive nights in July.

[11/16/17 - 11:05 AM]
"Black Lightning" Makes Its Series Premiere Tuesday, January 16 on The CW
The series premiere date for "Life Sentence," and the season premiere dates of "The 100," "The Originals" and "iZombie" will be announced later.

[11/14/17 - 11:33 AM]
"Penn & Teller: Fool Us," "Masters of Illusion" and "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" Will Return to The CW in 2018
Premiere dates and times will be announced later.

[10/02/17 - 10:34 AM]
The CW Pulls Tonight's "Penn & Teller: Fool Us" Finale
A repeat of "DC's Legends of Tomorrow" will fill in for the Las Vegas-filmed series.

[07/24/17 - 12:57 PM]
The CW to Swap "Hooten and the Lady," "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" Beginning Next Week
"Hooten" will now air Monday nights while "Whose Line" moves to Thursdays.

[06/19/17 - 10:35 AM]
New Premiere Date: "Penn & Teller: Fool Us" - Thursday, July 13 at 8pm!
The new season was previously slated to launch on Monday, July 10 at 8:00/7:00c.

[03/31/17 - 11:14 AM]
The CW Network Sets 2017 Summer Schedule
Newcomer "Hooten & The Lady" will join returning series "Penn & Teller: Fool Us," "Masters of Illusion" and "Whose Line is it Anyway?"

[10/24/16 - 10:26 AM]
The CW Orders New Seasons of "Whose Line Is It Anyway?," "Penn & Teller: Fool Us," and "Masters of Illusion" for Summer 2017
The new seasons of these series will return as part of The CW's 2017 Summer schedule, with dates and times to be announced later.

[06/20/16 - 04:46 PM]
"Penn & Teller: Fool Us" Moves to New Premiere Date - Wednesday, July 13
The new season was originally announced to premiere on Monday, July 11.

[04/05/16 - 10:27 AM]
The CW Network Announces Additional 2016 Summer Premieres
The network confirms return dates for "Penn & Teller: Fool Us," "Whose Line is it Anyway?" and "Masters of Illusion."

[03/31/16 - 11:26 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, March 31
Updates include: Alyson Hannigan to host The CW's "Penn & Teller: Fool Us"; Brooks Wheelan set to "Toast" at ABC; and Patrick J. Adams books top secret role on "DC's Legends of Tomorrow."

[08/11/15 - 02:11 PM]
The CW Orders New Cycles of "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" and "Penn & Teller: Fool Us"
The new episodes will debut in 2016.

[04/13/15 - 01:06 PM]
The CW Network Sets 2015 Summer Schedule
On tap are new seasons of "America's Next Top Model" and "Masters of Illusion" plus the debuts of "Dates," "Significant Mother" and "A Wicked Offer."

[11/17/14 - 01:14 PM]
The CW Orders New Seasons of "America's Next Top Model," "Penn & Teller: Fool Us" and "Masters of Illusion" for 2015
Each series will roll out throughout the year with specific premiere dates to be announced at a later time.

[06/02/14 - 12:49 PM]
The CW Announces Summer Premiere Dates
Newly announced dates include the return of "America's Next Top Model" on Friday, August 22 at 9:00/8:00c.

[04/17/14 - 12:04 PM]
The CW Announces Summer 2014 Premiere Dates
Highlights include the return of "Beauty and the Beast" and the premieres of "Backpackers" and "Seed."

[01/15/14 - 03:41 PM]
The CW at TCA: Pedowitz Details Summer Plans, "Veronica Mars" Spin-Off
Plus: the executive on the future of "Supernatural," "Reign," "The Carrie Diaries," "Hart of Dixie," "Beauty and the Beast" and more!

[01/15/14 - 01:13 PM]
The CW Adds to Its Reality Slate with Two Series: "Barber Battle," Hosted by Cedric The Entertainer, and "Penn & Teller: Fool Us"
On each of the nine episodes of the latter, aspiring magicians are invited to perform their best trick to try and fool the world-famous team of Penn & Teller.

7/30/14 - ???
currently airing (winter 2025)
fridays from 8:00 PM-9:00 PM EST
11 (??? episodes)
(from The CW's web site, January 2025) PENN & TELLER: FOOL US is a one-hour competition series celebrating magic and featuring the legendary duo Penn & Teller. On each episode of PENN & TELLER: FOOL US, aspiring magicians are invited to perform their best trick to try and fool the world-famous team of Penn & Teller. Anyone who succeeds wins the right to perform with Penn & Teller in their celebrated show at the Rio Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas. The live studio audience and the TV audience watch along with Penn & Teller as they try to figure out the secrets. Penn & Teller see the trick only once and have to immediately try to work it out. The live studio audience knows there are no camera tricks, secret edits or helpful camera cuts. This is all real magic. FOOL US stars Pen Jillette, Teller and Alyson Hannigan. Hosted by actress Alyson Hannigan (“Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” “How I Met Your Mother”), PENN & TELLER: FOOL US is created and executive produced by Penn Jillette, Teller, Peter Adam Golden (“Penn & Teller: Fool Us,” “Penn & Teller: BS”), Andrew Golder (“Penn & Teller: Fool Us,” “Solitary”) and Lincoln Hiatt (“Penn & Teller: Fool Us,” “Solitary”), in association with 1/17 PRODUCTIONS and September Films (part of DCD Media).
· Brooke Burke as Host (Season 10- )
· Penn & Teller as Judge
· Alyson Hannigan as Host (Season 3-9)
· Jonathan Ross as Host (Season 1-2)
· Andrew Golder as EP
· Lincoln Hiatt as EP
· Penn & Teller as EP
· Peter Adam Golden as EP
· reality (all)
· reality (competition)
· 1/17 Productions
· September Films