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[08/17/23 - 10:01 AM] AMC Networks Kicks Off Fall with Launches of New Series Including "The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon" and Acorn TV's "Mrs Sidhu Investigates," and a Countdown to the Annual FearFest Celebration Presented by Shudder Look for new horror films from Shudder every Friday, including "Perpetrator," "Blood Flower," "Elevator Game," "The Angry Black Girl" and "Her Monster and Nightmare."
[08/08/23 - 08:01 AM] Suspenseful and Compelling Anthology Series, "The Pact," Returns to Sundance Now and AMC+ on Thursday, August 31 The new six-part season from returning series creator Pete McTighe will see the series tell a whole new story with a brand-new cast while maintaining the series' beautiful Welsh setting and its focus on secrets and lies.
[07/19/23 - 11:13 AM] AMC Networks Celebrates the Summer of Mystery with "Dark Winds, ""The Chelsea Detective," "The Pact" and More Fan-favorite series also debut on AMC+ all month long, including "Killing Eve" starring Sandra Oh and Jodie Comer, "The Son" starring Pierce Brosnan and critical darling "Lodge 49" starring Wyatt Russell, which celebrates 5 years since its launch with the full series binge available beginning August 6.
[11/10/21 - 09:10 AM] Video: Sundance Now Releases Trailer for Gripping Crime Thriller "The Pact" New episodes of the dark whodunnit will premiere weekly until Thursday, January 6.
[11/01/21 - 09:01 AM] Gripping Crime Thriller "The Pact" Debuts in the US Exclusively on Sundance Now New episodes are set to debut weekly with the finale premiering Thursday, January 6, 2022.