
[02/20/25 - 12:00 PM]
CBS Renews Nine Additional Series for the 2025-2026 Season
Additionally, the network has ordered two more seasons of hit comedy "Ghosts," taking the series through the 2026-2027 season.

[01/22/25 - 10:00 AM]
CBS Presents a Never-Before-Seen Look at the Making of Music's Biggest Night, on "Inside the 67th Annual Grammy Awards," Airing Friday, Jan. 31 on CBS
The one-hour special replaces the previously scheduled premiere of "NCIS: Sydney," which moves to a new date and time: Friday, February 7 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT).

[01/16/25 - 01:30 PM]
CBS Program Advisory: "NCIS: Sydney"
The second season premiere will shift one week to Friday, February 7 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

[11/13/24 - 11:00 AM]
CBS Announces Winter Premiere Dates for 2024-25 Primetime Season
"Hollywood Squares," starring award-winning actress and talk show host Drew Barrymore as the center square, and hosted by Nate Burleson, premieres Thursday, January 9 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT).

[05/02/24 - 12:45 PM]
CBS Announces Its 2024-2025 Primetime Schedule
New scripted series "Matlock," "Poppa's House," "NCIS: Origins" and "Georgie & Mandy's First Marriage" join 18 returning shows.

[04/02/24 - 12:00 PM]
CBS Celebrates the 1,000th Original Episode of Its Global "NCIS" Franchise!
The momentous milestone of the world's #1 TV franchise, from CBS Studios, includes counts of all the aired episodes of "NCIS," "NCIS: Hawai'i," "NCIS: Sydney," "NCIS: Los Angeles" and "NCIS: New Orleans" combined.

[03/26/24 - 11:00 AM]
CBS Presents "NCISVerse: The First 1,000," An "Entertainment Tonight" Special, to Air Monday, April 8
The cast and guest stars share favorite memories and behind-the-scenes moments from 20 years' worth of never-before-seen interviews from the "ET" vault.

[03/19/24 - 01:00 PM]
"NCIS: Sydney" Receives Cross-Continent Renewal by CBS and Paramount+ Australia
The series premiere reached over 10.2 million viewers on linear in the U.S., including an encore episode.

[01/25/24 - 01:00 PM]
Television's #1 New Series/Drama "NCIS: Sydney" Season Finale Wins the Night
The series has reached nearly 24 million unique viewers in its first season.

[11/21/23 - 10:15 AM]
"NCIS: Sydney" Sets Sail as the #1 New Series with a Successful Cross-Continent Launch
In the U.S., the premiere episode is approaching 10 million viewers across CBS and Paramount+, while setting milestones as the #1 new show of the television season and the #1 most-streamed CBS Network series premiere ever on Paramount+.

[11/09/23 - 01:00 PM]
A Special Episode of "Raid the Cage" Will Air Tuesday, Nov. 21 Between "NCIS: Sydney" and "FBI: True"
Said installment will air at 9:00/8:00c on the night.

[09/21/23 - 09:30 AM]
CBS Program Advisory - "Buddy Games" and "NCIS: Sydney"
"NCIS: Sydney" will now air on a new day and time, premiering Tuesday, November 14 at 8:00/7:00c.

[09/06/23 - 07:59 AM]
Video: CBS Takes You Down Under for a First Look at the Trailer for "NCIS: Sydney," Premiering Monday, Nov. 13 on CBS
Enjoy this first look at the trailer, the first-ever international edition of the top-rated television franchise.

[09/05/23 - 01:00 PM]
"NCIS: Sydney" to Premiere Nov. 13 on CBS
With rising international tensions in the Indo-Pacific, a brilliant and eclectic team of U.S. NCIS agents and the Australian Federal Police (AFP) are grafted into a multinational taskforce to keep naval crimes in check in the most contested patch of ocean on the planet.

[06/12/23 - 01:01 PM]
Olivia Swann and Todd Lasance to Star in "NCIS: Sydney"
Exclusive in Australia to Paramount+ and Network 10, the first-ever international series from the global NCIS franchise sees rising international tensions in the Indo-Pacific.

[02/15/22 - 03:31 PM]
ViacomCBS Unveils New Company Name, Global Content Slate and International Expansion Plans for Paramount+ at Investor Event
ViacomCBS today announced that the global media company will become Paramount Global (referred to as "Paramount"), effective February 16, bringing together its leading portfolio of premium entertainment properties under a new parent company name.

[02/15/22 - 02:21 PM]
CBS Studios Expands "NCIS" and "SEAL Team" Franchises for Paramount+
For the first time, CBS Studios will expand one of its biggest and most successful global franchises into a new international edition, "NCIS: Sydney."

11/14/23 - ???
currently airing (winter 2025)
fridays from 8:00 PM-9:00 PM EST
2 (??? episodes)
Season 3 ordered on 2/20/25
(from CBS's web site, February 2025) With rising international tensions in the Indo-Pacific, a brilliant and eclectic team of U.S. NCIS agents and the Australian Federal Police (AFP) are grafted into a multinational taskforce to keep naval crimes in check in the most contested patch of ocean on the planet. Our team of Americans and Aussies must quickly learn to trust each other, overcoming and harnessing their differences to solve each case. Welcome to NCIS: SYDNEY.
· Mavournee Hazel as Bluebird "Blue" Gleeson
· Olivia Swann as Michelle Mackey
· Sean Sagar as DeShawn Jackson
· Todd Lasance as Jim "JD" Dempsey
· Tuuli Narkle as Evie Cooper
· William McInnes as Roy Penrose
· Morgan O'Neill as CRTR/EP
· Sara Richardson as EP
· Sue Seeary as EP
· based on a tv series
· drama
· CBS Studios
· Endemol Shine Australia