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[01/08/24 - 03:00 PM] Lights, Crime, Action: VH1's "My True Crime Story" Returns with Award-Winning Rapper and Actress Remy Ma as Host and More Scandalous Crimes The series sheds light on each individual's rise, fall, and atonement as they tell their unbelievable and scandalous stories.
[08/09/22 - 11:22 AM] VH1's "My True Crime Story" Returns for Another Explosive Season The eight-episode series follows ordinary people who got caught up in outrageous, unlawful crimes ranging from drug trafficking and steroid production to counterfeiting and jewelry theft.
[05/18/22 - 11:51 AM] MTV Entertainment Studios Unveils Expansive Lineup of 90+ New and Returning Series Across Paramount Media Networks and Paramount+, Including MTV, Comedy Central, VH1, CMT, Smithsonian Channel and Paramount Network With half of the top ten series on cable and a slew of #1 hits from scripted to adult animation to reality - MTVE's upcoming series, films and specials tap into themes that are resonating with today's global audiences including family dynamics, love & relationships and social experimentation.
[07/15/21 - 01:01 PM] VH1 Continues to Expand Monday Nights with "My True Crime Story" This new eight-episode true-crime series, narrated by Remy Ma, features first person stories of real people mixed up in headline-grabbing crimes.