[02/05/25 - 11:01 AM] Fan-Favorite Crime Drama, "Murdoch Mysteries," Returns to Acorn TV Monday, February 10 Set in Toronto in the early 1900s during the age of invention, Detective William Murdoch (Yannick Bisson) uses radical forensic techniques to solve some of the city's most gruesome murders.
[01/16/25 - 01:38 PM] AMC Networks' February Highlights Include "Mayfair Witches," "Fallen," "A Remarkable Place to Die" and More! In celebration of Black History Month, AMC Networks is also launching the Featured Collection: Black Voices: Uncompromised, featuring signature AMC+ series and films plus new releases, available all month long.
[03/14/24 - 10:03 AM] AMC Networks' April Highlights Feature New Episodes of AMC's Propulsive Giancarlo Esposito-Led Series "Parish"; Sundance Now's Serial Killer Thirller "The Long Shadow"; and the Return of Acorn TV's Popular "The Brokenwood Mysteries" These films, series and more join an extensive catalogue of compelling dramas, beloved franchises, highly anticipated films and timely collections on AMC+, Acorn TV, ALLBLK, Shudder, Sundance Now, and anime-focused HIDIVE, all month long.
[02/06/24 - 01:35 PM] AMC Networks Announces Spring Premiere Dates for New Original Series and Films Across Its Suite of Channels and Targeted Streaming Services Highlights include newcomers "Supa Girlz" on ALLBLK, "Predator v Prey" on BBC America, "Scrublands" on Sundance Now, and "True Crime Story: Smugshot" on SundanceTV.
[01/18/24 - 11:05 AM] AMC Networks' February Highlights Feature the Highly Anticipated Series "The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live"; Sundance Now's International Crime Caper "Far North"; And the Return of Acorn TV's Popular "The Madame Blanc Mysteries" These films, series and more join an extensive catalogue of compelling dramas, beloved franchises, highly anticipated films and timely collections on AMC+, Acorn TV, ALLBLK, Shudder, Sundance Now, and anime-focused HIDIVE, all month long.
[03/16/23 - 10:12 AM] AMC Networks Celebrates "Halfway to Halloween" - Shudder's Annual Programming Event This April Highlights include The Boulet Brothers' "Halfway to Halloween" TV special on Tuesday, April 25.
[02/16/23 - 10:20 AM] AMC Networks' March Highlights Include Debut of "Lucky Hank," "Grown & Gospel" and More New AMC+ Exclusive Films debut every Friday, including "Taurus," "Corsage," "The Almond and the Seahorse" and Shudder thrillers "Leave" and "The Unheard."
[12/19/22 - 08:41 AM] Ovation TV Debuts the U.S. Premiere of "Murdoch Mysteries" Season 16 on February 11 Highlights of the new 24-episode season include an episode directed by Emmy winner Eric McCormack, two episodes directed by series star Yannick Bisson, three episodes written by showrunner Peter Mitchell, and one episode written by Maureen Jennings, author of the Detective Murdoch book series.
[12/16/21 - 09:06 AM] Ovation TV Presents the Exclusive U.S. Premiere of "Murdoch Mysteries" Season 15 on Saturday, February 26 The new season will be the series' longest to date with a total of 24 episodes, including two episodes directed by series star Yannick Bisson and one episode written by Maureen Jennings, author of the novels on which the TV series is based.
[03/31/21 - 07:07 AM] "Murdoch Mysteries" Returns April 2 on Acorn TV Season 14 will stream on Acorn TV starting Friday, April 2, debuting with six episodes then continuing weekly on Mondays starting April 5 through May 3.
[01/11/21 - 08:56 AM] Filmed During the Pandemic, "Murdoch Mysteries" Returns to Ovation TV for the U.S. Television Premiere of a Remarkable Fourteenth Season The new season, which consists of 11 episodes, will begin airing in the U.S. on Ovation TV on Saturday, February 20.
[12/14/20 - 11:39 AM] Celebrate the Holidays with Unique Concert Special from the Makers of Canada's Beloved "Murdoch Mysteries" Period Drama with Contemporary Classical Pieces and Series Highlights Performed by Toronto Symphony Orchestra Musicians "A Music Lover's Guide to Murdoch Mysteries" will premiere in the U.S. and Canada, on Christmas Eve, on Thursday, December 24, 2020 on Acorn TV.
[01/21/20 - 11:06 AM] Acorn TV Announces 2020 Lineup Featuring a Record Five Commissioned Series Plus New Seasons of Acclaimed Series As the largest streamer devoted to a specialized audience, Acorn TV is the ultimate destination of high-quality, world class dramas, mysteries and comedies from all sides of the pond.
[12/12/19 - 10:22 AM] Ovation TV Sets Premiere Date for a Lucky 13th Season of "Murdoch Mysteries"; Celebrates 200th Episode Mid-Season Airing back to back episodes all season long, the 13th season premiere will air on Ovation starting Saturday, February 1.
[01/07/19 - 09:29 AM] Ovation Sets Premiere Dates for "Murdoch Mysteries" and "Frankie Drake Mysteries" Formerly known as "The Artful Detective" on Ovation, the arts network will now air the mystery series under its original, international title "Murdoch Mysteries."
[12/18/17 - 09:03 AM] Ovation TV Shows Viewers the Love This February with Star-Studded Month of Artful Series and Movie Premieres Throughout the month, Ovation will debut season 11 of "The Artful Detective" and new series "X Company," plus the broadcast premieres of indie films "Marjorie Prime" and "Manifesto."
[10/13/17 - 10:33 AM] Ovation Acquires U.S. Linear and Digital Premiere Rights to Season 11 of "The Artful Detective" from ITV Studios Global Entertainment The eleventh season of "The Artful Detective" will premiere in January 2018 on Ovation TV and will also be available on Ovation NOW and VOD.
[12/21/16 - 01:38 PM] Acorn TV's Hit Period Mystery Series Returns - "Murdoch Mysteries," Season 10 (aka "The Artful Detective") Exclusive U.S. Premiere Begins Monday, January 2, 2017 Look for a new episode every Monday through April 24.
[11/29/16 - 09:52 AM] Ovation TV's Dashing Detective Murdoch Returns! Season Ten of "The Artful Detective" Premieres Monday, January 9 at 7PM ET Set in Toronto at the dawn of the 20th century, "The Artful Detective" is a one-hour drama series that explores the world of Detective William Murdoch (Yannick Bisson).
[01/14/15 - 10:55 AM] Ovation TV Uncovers a Whole New Set of Mysteries When Season 8 of "The Artful Detective" Premieres Saturday, February 21 In this 8th season of "The Artful Detective," the series celebrates its 100th episode.
[05/22/14 - 11:16 AM] Ovation to Kick Off the Summer with a Full Slate of New Art-Centric Programs Plus: beginning May 26, DirecTV subscribers will have access to a free Ovation preview.