
[01/08/25 - 05:01 AM]
Video: "Mo" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Desperate to return to his family, Mo juggles asylum troubles and side hustles as his relationship with Maria is threatened by an unruly rival.

[12/04/24 - 05:31 AM]
First Look Debut - Netflix's Award-Winning Comedy "Mo" Returns for Season 2 on January 30th
Mo Najjar straddles the line between two cultures, three languages and a ton of bullshit as a Palestinian on the path to U.S. citizenship.

[08/01/24 - 09:36 AM]
Very Funny Genius Ramy Youssef and His Production Company Cairo Cowboy to Develop and Create Projects for Netflix
Youssef will create and star in the new comedy series, "Golf," with Will Ferrell.

[07/12/24 - 11:53 PM]
Development Update: Week of July 8-12
Updates include: ABC confirms return of "Bachelor in Paradise"; Halle Berry, Glenn Close join Kim Kardashian in Hulu's "All's Fair"; and Brendan Gleeson, Lamorne Morris board Nicolas Cage's "Spider-Noir."

[05/15/24 - 12:32 PM]
Netflix Upfront 2024: The Year of Growth and Momentum
Two new dramas will also be coming to Netflix: "The Waterfront" from Kevin Williamson, an adult family drama set in a small coastal town with twists and turns inspired by true events, and a contemporary cowboy saga starring Tim McGraw.

[02/01/24 - 05:59 AM]
Video: Next on Netflix 2024: The Series & Films Preview
In 2024, get ready for what's next... on Netflix.

[05/17/23 - 03:01 PM]
Netflix 2023 Upfront: Building a Forever Business
Netflix also announced the return of some of TV's most popular shows with season renewals of "Ginny & Georgia" (S3 and S4) and "Virgin River" (S6), which come after recent renewals for "The Night Agent" (S2) and "The Diplomat" (S2).

[01/12/23 - 08:01 AM]
Netflix Renews AFI Honoree and Gotham Award Winning Series "Mo" for a Second Season
Mo Amer has also been nominated for the 2023 Independent Spirit Awards in the Best Lead Performance in a New Scripted Series category.

[08/09/22 - 07:31 AM]
Video: "Mo" - Official Trailer - Netflix
In Texas, Mo straddles the line between two cultures, three languages and a pending asylum request while hustling to support his Palestinian family.

[04/29/22 - 12:00 PM]
"Mo" - First Look & Date Announcement from Mo Amer and Ramy Youssef
Mo Najjar straddles the line between two cultures, three languages and a ton of bullshit as a Palestinian refugee constantly living one step away from asylum on the path to U.S. citizenship.

[11/04/21 - 10:12 AM]
Netflix Expands Relationship with Comedian Mo Amer, Announces New Stand-Up Special and Greenlights Scripted Show from A24 with Ramy Youssef as Co-Creator
In the series, Mo Najjar (Mo Amer) straddles the line between two cultures, three languages and a ton of bullshit as a Palestinian refugee constantly living one step away from asylum on the path to U.S. citizenship.

[12/27/19 - 11:22 PM]
Development Update: Week of December 23-27
Updates include: Amazon's "The Wheel of Time" casts trio; comedian Eddie B eyed for comedy series at ABC; and Amazon to bring Evan Ratliff's book "The Mastermind" to the small screen.

8/24/22 - 1/30/25
canceled/ended (2024-2025 season)
completed airing its current season
2 (16 episodes, 0 of which have yet to air)
series finale aired on 1/30/25
(from Netflix's web site, January 2025) In Texas, Mo straddles the line between two cultures, three languages and a pending asylum request while hustling to support his Palestinian family.
· Farah Bsieso as Yusra Najjar
· Mo Amer as Mo Najjar
· Omar Elba as Sameer Najjar
· Teresa Ruiz as Maria
· Tobe Nwigwe as Nick
· Hallie Sekoff as EP
· Harris Danow as EP
· Luvh Rakhe as EP
· Mo Amer as CRTR/EP
· Ramy Youssef as CRTR/EP
· Ravi Nandan as EP
· Solvan "Slick" Naim as EP/DIR (Pilot)
· comedy (all)
· comedy (single-camera)
· A24