[02/19/25 - 07:01 AM] "Miss Scarlet" Renewed for Season 6 Kate Phillips will reprise her role as the title character in the new installment.
[12/30/24 - 08:01 AM] Video: "Miss Scarlet" Season 5 Trailer Season 5 premieres on Sunday, January 12 at 8:00/7:00c on PBS.
[12/18/24 - 12:34 PM] Airing on "Masterpiece" in 2025 and Beyond "Masterpiece" returns for a stellar 55th season in 2025, dishing up headline-making new series plus returning favorites, stunning costume dramas, addictive mysteries, and A-list actors from Damian Lewis to Keeley Hawes, Kate Phillips to Hugh Bonneville.
[11/14/24 - 07:01 AM] Video: "Masterpiece" Winter/Spring 2025 Preview New seasons of "All Creatures Great and Small," "Miss Scarlet," plus the premieres of "Wolf Hall: The Mirror and the Light," and all-new series "Miss Austen," are coming your way in early 2025.
[11/01/24 - 08:01 AM] Video: "Miss Scarlet" Season 5 Preview Criminals have never stumped Eliza Scarlet, but a new Detective Inspector...? She's on the case!
[04/18/24 - 07:01 AM] "Masterpiece" Announces Tom Durant Pritchard Has Joined the Cast of "Miss Scarlet" Durant Pritchard plays Alexander Blake, a handsome former soldier and respected detective inspector who joins the force at Scotland Yard to replace William "The Duke" Wellington who has gone to America.
[02/29/24 - 08:01 AM] "Masterpiece" Announces "Miss Scarlet" Season 5 and Casting News Stuart Martin, who played William "The Duke" Wellington in the previous four seasons will not return for Season 5.
[12/13/23 - 10:01 AM] Cozy Up with PBS Dramas This Winter Settle in for a cozy night of heartfelt dramas perfect for the entire family with the return of "All Creatures Great and Small," "Miss Scarlet and The Duke," and "Call the Midwife" for its 13th season.
[11/08/23 - 08:01 AM] Video: "Miss Scarlet and The Duke" Season 4 Trailer Tune in on Sunday, January 7 at 8:00/7:00c for the season premiere.
[08/29/23 - 08:02 AM] Season 4 Airdates: "All Creatures Great and Small" and "Miss Scarlet and The Duke" Both series are returning to PBS for their fourth seasons on Sunday, January 7, 2024.
[12/28/22 - 09:01 AM] Ring in the New Year with New Dramas on PBS "Miss Scarlet and The Duke," "All Creatures Great and Small" and "Vienna Blood" will anchor the network's Sunday lineup beginning January 8.
[11/29/22 - 11:33 PM] Development Update: Tuesday, November 29 Updates include: USA Network on track to land TBS's "The Big D"; David Corenswet to lead FX's "The Answers" pilot; and "Miss Scarlet and The Duke" begins production on fourth season.
[11/21/22 - 09:02 AM] Video: "Masterpiece" Winter/Spring 2023 Preview Look for new seasons of "All Creatures Great and Small," "Sanditon," and "Miss Scarlet and The Duke," plus the premiere of the all-new series "Tom Jones."
[07/28/22 - 09:17 AM] "Miss Scarlet and The Duke": Season 2 and Season 3 Airdates and More Season 2 is coming to "Masterpiece" on PBS Sunday, October 16, and Season 3 will follow soon enough on January 8, 2023.
[05/24/22 - 07:01 AM] Video: "Miss Scarlet and The Duke" Season 2 Trailer It's official: Season 2 will premiere on Sunday, October 16 at 8:00/7:00c.
[05/20/22 - 05:09 PM] Shaun Evans, Nicola Walker, and Tom Brittney in New Mystery Series Coming to "Masterpiece" on PBS "Endeavour," "Grantchester," "Guilt," "Van der Valk," "Miss Scarlet and The Duke," "Magpie Murders," and "Annika" are all on tap later this year.
[03/29/21 - 08:01 AM] Masterpiece Announces Second Season of "Miss Scarlet and The Duke" Almost eight million viewers tuned in to the series' first season, which premiered on PBS in January as part of Masterpiece's 50th anniversary lineup.
[12/01/20 - 01:28 PM] PBS Programming Guide Winter 2021: January - March Highlights include dramas "Elizabeth Is Missing," "All Creatures Great and Small," "Miss Scarlet & The Duke" and "The Long Song."
[10/15/20 - 11:36 AM] "Masterpiece" Marks 50th Year: 2021 Schedule News Anticipated titles include "Baptiste," Season 2, "Grantchester," Season 6, "Van der Valk," Season 2, and "Unforgotten," Season 4.
[12/02/19 - 11:40 PM] Development Update: Monday, December 2 Updates include: Sonya Cassidy, Miles J. Harvey to lead HBO Max's "Gumshoe"; PBS to carry "Miss Scarlet and The Duke"; and NBC responds to the firing of Gabrielle Union from "America's Got Talent."