
[11/15/24 - 11:46 PM]
Development Update: Week of November 11-15
Updates include: Sophie Turner in talks to lead Prime Video's "Tomb Raider"; NBC asks for additional scripts for "Happy's Place," "Lopez vs. Lopez"; and Amazon to phase out Freevee service.

[09/18/24 - 11:00 AM]
Nat Geo's Emmy Award-Winning "Life Below Zero" Series Is Back, Exploring the Challenges and Triumphs of Living in the Arctic
At the onset of the winter season, Alaskans face new threats to their survival. But the dangers of the Arctic year have only just begun.

[09/15/24 - 09:10 PM]
The Walt Disney Company Makes History with Record-Breaking 60 Emmy Awards
This year's most-winning series, "Shogun," won 19 awards, setting a new TV Academy record for any series in a single year.

[07/17/24 - 11:35 AM]
The Walt Disney Company Earns 183 Record-Breaking Emmy Award Nominations
"Shogun" is the most-nominated show of the year with 26 nods.

[10/30/23 - 12:03 PM]
Nat Geo's Epic Survival Series "Life Below Zero" Returns with More Challenges, Tough Conditions, and Great Resilience
The 22nd season of "Life Below Zero" premieres November 14 at 9:00/8:00c.

[09/12/22 - 09:30 PM]
The Walt Disney Company Earns 26 Primetime Emmy Awards Across 16 Titles, Including 22 Creative Arts Wins
Combined with last weekend's Creative Arts Emmy wins and tonight's broadcast, Disney's streaming platforms earned a total of 19 wins, with Hulu and Disney+ receiving 10 and nine awards, respectively; and Disney Television Studios earned a total of 12 wins.

[07/12/22 - 03:35 PM]
The Walt Disney Company Earns 147 Primetime Emmy Award Nominations
Hulu and 20th Television's "Only Murders in the Building," the most-nominated freshman comedy this year, has garnered 17 nominations including Outstanding Comedy Series for executive producers Steve Martin, Martin Short and Selena Gomez.

[04/28/22 - 12:09 PM]
National Geographic's Fan-Favorite and Emmy Award-Winning Franchise, "Life Below Zero," Expands with All-New Series, "Life Below Zero: First Alaskans," Premiering Monday, May 30 at 8/7c
Viewers will be given the unique opportunity to enter a world that Indigenous Alaskans have inhabited for thousands of years, but one which is rapidly changing every day.

[08/18/21 - 10:04 AM]
National Geographic Greenlights Three Unscripted Adventure Series, Ushering in a New Wave of Storytellers Sharing Incredible Tales of Exploration
"Life Below Zero: First Alaskans," "The 7 Toughest Days on Earth" and "Appetite for Adventure" are all on tap at the network.

[05/18/21 - 06:06 AM]
National Geographic Unveils 2021-2022 Upfront Slate, Highlighted by Incredible Stories of Adventure and Exploration from Best-in-Class Storytellers
Highlights include the debut of "The Hot Zone: Anthrax" during Thanksgiving weekend.

[12/17/20 - 10:06 AM]
National Geographic Rings in the New Year with the Landmark 150th Episode of the Emmy Award-Winning Series "Life Below Zero" on New Year's Day at 9/8c
Plus: look for the return of "Life Below Zero: Next Generation" on Tuesday, January 19 at 8:00/7:00c.

[08/25/20 - 09:43 AM]
National Geographic's Fan-Favorite Franchise, "Life Below Zero," Returns with an All-New Season on Monday, Sept. 7, at 8 PM ET
The new season will be followed by the brand-new spin-off series, "Life Below Zero: Next Generation."

[05/21/20 - 10:07 AM]
Quality. Distinctiveness. Visual Splendor. National Geographic Announces 2020-21 Upfront Slate, from Best-in-Class Storytellers
With an unrivaled storytelling prowess across its media platforms, National Geographic reaches 770M consumers across the globe every single month.

[01/17/20 - 08:59 PM]
National Geographic Builds on Power of Its Diverse Slate with Season Pickups of Franchise Series "Brain Games," "Running Wild with Bear Grylls" and "Life Below Zero"
Also on tap: an all-new eight-part spin-off series, "Life Below Zero: Next Generation," which is slated to premiere on National Geographic in 2021.

[12/18/19 - 12:24 PM]
It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year! Nat Geo Channel Is Bringing Back the Best of Its 2019 Programming for You to Binge Over the Holidays
And better yet, see what's in store for 2020 with a sneak peek of the reimagined "Brain Games" hosted by Keegan-Michael Key (December 29 at 10:00/9:00c).

[05/14/19 - 01:14 PM]
National Geographic Announces 2019-20 Upfront Slate, Pushing Programming Boundaries with Its Distinctive, Premium Content from Best-in-Class Storytellers
For two consecutive years, National Geographic earned the second most Emmy award nominations for a basic cable network, putting it in the top 10 of all networks nominated.

[09/10/18 - 10:40 AM]
Emmy-Winning Hit Series "Life Below Zero" Braves Winter's Wrath with New Season Return Leading Up to Milestone 100th Episode Celebration in January
Since first airing in 2013, the series has won three Emmy awards and received six nominations, and has been hailed as a fan favorite for the channel.

[07/25/18 - 03:06 PM]
Fan Favorite Hit Series "Life Below Zero" Celebrates 100th Episode Milestone in New Season Return
The 100th episode will be commemorated on Tuesday, January 1, 2019, with a full-day marathon featuring the most popular episodes.

[04/18/18 - 04:30 PM]
National Geographic's Further Front Serves Up Progressive and Immersive Evening with Best-in-Class Storytellers and Curiosity Seekers
"National Geographic has become the destination for the best-in-class creatives, who want to partner with us on big, bold premium and entertaining content," said Courteney Monroe.

[04/19/17 - 04:34 PM]
National Geographic's Further Front Dazzled with a Star-Studded Evening of Visual Storytelling to Take Viewers and Advertisers Further
National Geographic touted its aggressive slate of premium content with the best creative producers and talent in the industry.

[03/24/14 - 10:33 AM]
Hit Series "Life Below Zero" Returns for a New Season of Isolation, Bitter Cold and a Never-Ending Fight to Survive, Premieres April 17, 9 PM
National Geographic Channel's cult hit series is back for a new season of battles against the bitter cold, unpredictable weather and hungry wildlife.

[01/31/14 - 07:00 AM]
MTV Names Elli Hakami Executive Vice President of Current Series and Programming
Hakami was most recently the Senior Vice President of Programming and Production at BBC Worldwide Productions where she oversaw the development, talent and production teams for their Unscripted Department.

[05/30/13 - 08:17 AM]
Five New Gripping National Geographic Channel Series Explore Topics from the Battleground in Afghanistan and Wooded Bunkers, to the American Mob and Underground Networks
Returning series include "Ultimate Survival Alaska," "Life Below Zero," "Taboo," "Diggers" and "Doomsday Preppers."

[04/24/13 - 09:31 AM]
New Series "Life Below Zero" Explores the Incredible Lives of Six Alaskans Living Off the Land and Off the Grid in the Country's Most Vicious Climate
The series launches Sunday, May 19 at 10:00/9:00c on the National Geographic Channel.

5/19/13 - ???
currently airing (winter 2025)
tuesdays from 9:00 PM-10:00 PM EST
23 (20 episodes)
Missed an episode? Been wanting to catch up? This series is also available on:

confirmed as canceled on 11/10/24
(from National Geographic's web site, October 2024) When bears, wolves and foxes are your only neighbors, life can be pretty lonely. Add minus-60-degree days and a constant battle for the most basic necessities, and you have the daily challenges of people who live in remote corners of Alaska. This series takes viewers deep into an Alaskan winter to meet tough, resilient residents as they try to stay one step ahead of storms and man-eating beasts to survive the season. The closest neighbor to Sue Aikens is more than 300 miles away. Eric Salitan subsists solely on what he hunts and forages. Chip and Agnes Hailstone catch fish for currency in bartering for supplies, and Andy and Kate Bassich use their pack of sled dogs for transportation. Also highlighted is a time of year not always part of what viewers see in Alaska: spring! Ice is breaking, animals are waking, and residents face new tests before deep cold returns.
· Joseph Litzinger as EP
· Kevin Tao Mohs as EP (NGC)
· Travis Shakespeare as EP
· reality (all)
· reality (documentary)
· BBC Studios