
[01/17/25 - 05:33 PM]
Video: New Trailer - "The Kardashians" Season Six
The season premieres February 6 with new episodes on Thursdays.

[12/31/24 - 07:18 AM]
Video: "The Kardashians" - Season 6 - Teaser - Hulu
Season 6 of "The Kardashians" premieres February 6 on Hulu, Disney+ internationally, and Star+ in Latin America.

[11/18/24 - 10:22 AM]
Hulu Originals & Exclusives Winter Slate
Newly announced premieres include "Light Shop" (December 4) and "Paris Has Fallen" (December 6).

[07/25/24 - 09:15 AM]
On the Day of Season Five Finale, Disney+ Renews "The Kardashians" for Twenty Additional Episodes
Season five of the fan-favorite series was the most watched unscripted series premiere this year on Hulu in the U.S. and Disney+ internationally, based on four days of streaming.

[05/08/24 - 08:31 AM]
Video: Trailer Debut - Hulu Original Series "The Kardashians" Season Five
Just when you think life can't get any faster in the Kardashian Jenner family, they punch it into overdrive.

[04/04/24 - 09:31 AM]
Hulu Originals & Exclusives Spring/Summer 2024 Programming Slate
Newly announced return dates include "Hit-Monkey" (July 15), "Futurama" (July 29) and "Solar Opposites" (August 12).

[03/08/24 - 07:31 AM]
Video: Date Announcement and Teaser - Hulu Original Series "The Kardashians" Season Five
"The Kardashians" will return for season five on May 23 only on Hulu in the U.S, Disney+ internationally and Star+ in Latin America, with new episodes every Thursday.

[02/09/24 - 09:31 AM]
Hulu Announces Premiere Dates for "Under the Bridge," "Freaknik: The Wildest Party Never Told," and "The Contestant"
Previously announced entries include "Extraordinary," "We Were the Lucky Ones," "Thank You, Goodnight: The Bon Jovi Story," "Vanderpump Villa," "The Kardashians" and "Davey & Jonesie's Locker."

[09/12/23 - 09:16 AM]
Video: Trailer & Key Art Debut - Hulu Original Series "The Kardashians" Season Four
The fourth season premieres September 28 on Hulu, with new episodes every Thursday.

[08/23/23 - 11:06 AM]
Hulu Originals & Exclusives - Fall 2023 Programming Slate
New date announcements include "The D'Amelio Show" Season Three, "Living for the Dead," "Self Reliance," "Black Cake," and "Monster Inside: America's Most Extreme Haunted House."

[07/27/23 - 09:16 AM]
Date Announcement: Hulu Original Series "The Kardashians" Season Four
"The Kardashians" will return for season four on September 28 only on Hulu, with new episodes every Thursday.

[05/19/23 - 09:00 AM]
Hulu Originals & Exclusives Summer 2023 Programming Slate
New date announcements include "Only Murders in the Building" Season Three, "This Fool" season two, "Secrets & Sisterhood: The Sozahdahs," "Secret Chef," "Miguel Wants to Fight" and "The Jewel Thief."

[05/16/23 - 02:32 PM]
Hulu Extends Multi-Season Deal of "The Kardashians"
Hulu today announced the renewal of "The Kardashians" for 20 additional episodes.

[04/27/23 - 09:16 AM]
Video: Trailer & Key Art Debut - Hulu Original Series "The Kardashians" Season Three
The cameras return as Kris, Kourtney, Kim, Khloé, Kendall and Kylie invite viewers back into their lives as they navigate motherhood, coparenting, and building their own empires.

[04/04/23 - 10:16 AM]
Date Announcement: Hulu's "'Til Death Do Us Part Kourtney & Travis"
Kourtney, Travis, and their guests enjoy a luxurious wedding weekend in Portofino, Italy.

[03/27/23 - 09:16 AM]
Video: Teaser & Date Announcement - Hulu Original Series "The Kardashians" Season Three
The third season premieres May 25 on Hulu, with new episodes every Thursday.

[09/20/22 - 11:49 AM]
Disney Media & Entertainment Distribution Hulu Originals Fall 2022 Slate
New announcements include the debut of "It's A Wonderful Binge" on December 9; and the returns of "Dragons: The Nine Realms" on November 17 and "The Croods: Family Tree" on November 25.

[08/29/22 - 09:17 AM]
Video: Official Trailer - Hulu Original Series "The Kardashians"
Cameras return to capture the ever-changing lives of Kris, Kourtney, Kim, Khloé, Kendall and Kylie.

[08/01/22 - 10:10 AM]
Disney General Entertainment Presents "Journey Into Storytelling" with Fan-Favorite Shows at D23 Expo 2022
The three-day extravaganza kicks off September 9 in Anaheim, California, and includes immersive activations in the Disney General Entertainment "Journey Into Storytelling" pavilion, along with a dynamic schedule of exciting announcements, sneak peeks, engaging panels and special appearances by the stars from some of today's most cherished shows today.

[07/11/22 - 09:10 AM]
Date Announcement: Hulu Original Series "The Kardashians" Season Two
Season two will be coming to Hulu on September 22 with new episodes premiering every Thursday.

[05/16/22 - 09:18 AM]
Hulu Originals Summer 2022 Programming Slate
Newly announced dates include the return of "Solar Opposites" on July 13 and the launch of "This Fool" on August 12.

[03/31/22 - 08:57 AM]
Key Art: Hulu's "The Kardashians" - Premiering April 14
The family you know and love is here with a brand new series, giving an all access pass into their lives.

[03/27/22 - 05:02 PM]
Video: Teaser - Hulu's "The Kardashians" - Premiering April 14
"The Kardashians" is coming to Hulu on April 14 with new episodes every Thursday.

[03/18/22 - 12:02 PM]
Hulu Originals Spring 2022 Programming Slate
Newly announced premieres include "Captive Audience" on April 21.

[03/14/22 - 06:06 AM]
Video: Official Trailer - Hulu's "The Kardashians" - Premieres April 14
The family you know and love is here with a brand new series, giving an all access pass into their lives.

[02/07/22 - 10:05 AM]
Date Announcement: Hulu Original Series "The Kardashians"
Kris, Kourtney, Kim, Khloé, Kendall, and Kylie will be coming to Hulu on April 14.

[12/31/21 - 06:01 PM]
Video: The Countdown Begins - "The Kardashians" - Hulu
When the countdown to the new year ends, the countdown to the new show begins.

[10/28/21 - 11:31 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, October 28
Updates include: Benedict Wong among latest cast in Netflix's "The Three-Body Problem"; Lisette Alexis to star in Disney+'s "National Treasure" TV series; Michelle Obama will drop by the final season of ABC's "Black-ish."

[12/10/20 - 02:56 PM]
The Kardashian Jenners Set to Create New Global Content Under a Multi-Year Deal to Stream Exclusively on Hulu in the U.S. and Internationally on Star
Expected debut is late 2021 and additional details will be shared when available.

4/14/22 - ???
currently airing (winter 2025)
thursdays from 12:01 AM-1:00 AM EST
6 (10 episodes)
Seasons 6 & 7 (of 10 episodes each) ordered on 7/25/24
(from Hulu's web site, February 2025) Just when you think life can’t get any faster in the Kardashian-Jenner family, they punch it into overdrive. From the big screen to baby bliss, the family continues to defy expectations in all their endeavors. Cameras roll as Kourtney, Kim, Khloé, Kendall, and Kylie navigate contentious sister dynamics, all under the watchful eye of everyone's favorite matriarch, Kris.
· Kendall Jenner
· Khloe Kardashian
· Kim Kardashian
· Kourtney Kardashian
· Kris Jenner
· Kylie Jenner
· Ben Winston as EP
· Danielle King as EP
· Elizabeth Jones as EP
· Emma Conway as EP
· Kendall Jenner as EP
· Khloe Kardashian as EP
· Kim Kardashian as EP
· Kourtney Kardashian as EP
· Kris Jenner as EP
· Kylie Jenner as EP
· reality (all)
· reality (documentary)
· Fulwell 73 Productions