[01/10/23 - 07:57 AM] Prime Video Reveals the Official Art of "La Cabeza de Joaquin Murrieta" The series follows the adventures of two men - Joaquín Murrieta, a legendary figure also known as the Mexican Robin Hood, played by Juan Manuel Bernal, and Joaquín Carrillo, played by Alejandro Speitzer - whose paths meet in the midst of a violent misunderstanding.
[09/07/21 - 11:29 PM] Development Update: Tuesday, September 7 Updates include: Phoebe Waller-Bridge exits Amazon's "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" TV series; Abigail Spencer to return to "Grey's Anatomy"; and Matt Bomer to star in Showtime's "Fellow Travelers."
ADDITIONAL NOTES: a show on hiatus for longer than 12 months - without any news about its future - is assumed to be canceled
DESCRIPTION: (from Amazon's web site, February 2023) Greed took over California because of the gold rush. It made people thirsty for wealth and land. There, in the newly drawn border between Mexico and the US, a lawless war for control, fueled by the anger and xenophobia of the past war, is led by a group of immigrants who join forces to create the myth of the Latin Robin Hood: Joaquín Murrieta.