
[01/08/25 - 10:00 AM]
Video: Prime Video Releases Official Trailer for the Highly Anticipated Third and Final Season of "Harlem"
From creator and writer Tracy Oliver, "Harlem" season three will follow the core four women on the precipice of change like never before.

[11/12/24 - 09:00 AM]
New Year, New Season! Prime Video Announces Premiere Date for "Harlem" Season Three
After a shocking Season Two finale cliffhanger that left audiences on the edge of their seats, the news is finally out that Harlem will return for Season Three at the top of next year on January 23, exclusively on Prime Video in more than 240 countries and territories worldwide.

[03/29/24 - 11:35 PM]
Development Update: Week of March 25-29
Updates include: Hulu cancels "Death and Other Details"; HBO pushes production on "Euphoria"; and "NCIS: Origins" at CBS rounds out its cast.

[12/06/23 - 11:00 AM]
"Harlem" Will Return to Prime Video for a Third Season!
"The only thing more fun than making season 2 of Harlem was getting to travel across the country and watch it with our fans!" said Tracy Oliver.

[01/05/23 - 08:00 AM]
Video: Prime Video Releases Official Trailer for "Harlem" Season Two
The second season will consist of eight episodes, with two episodes premiering every week, starting February 3 in more than 240 countries and territories worldwide.

[12/07/22 - 11:00 AM]
The Girls Are Back! Prime Video Announces Premiere Date for "Harlem" Season Two
The highly anticipated new season will return February 3 exclusively on Prime Video in more than 240 countries and territories around the world.

[10/20/22 - 11:31 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, October 20
Updates include: Amazon cancels "As We See It" after one season; HBO Max's "Dune: The Sisterhood" fills out cast; and "Average Joe" at BET+ likewise sets principal roles.

[02/17/22 - 02:14 PM]
#HarlemEverAfter, Seriously! "Harlem" to Return to Prime Video for a Second Season
Since premiere, Harlem has scored a GLADD Award nomination for its inclusive LGBTQIA+ storyline featuring a queer character in one of the lead roles, as well as a NAACP Award nomination for its authentic representation of Black culture.

[11/03/21 - 09:00 AM]
Video: Prime Video New Comedy Series "Harlem" Trailer Available Now
The single-camera comedy will premiere Friday, December 3, with all 10 episodes available exclusively on Prime Video in more than 240 countries and territories around the world.

[10/20/21 - 11:00 AM]
"Harlem" to Premiere December 3 on Prime Video
Created, written, and executive produced by Tracy Oliver, "Harlem" is a new single-camera comedy following four stylish and ambitious best girlfriends in Harlem, New York City.

[03/25/21 - 11:53 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, March 25
Updates include: Rebecca Rittenhouse to topline ABC's "Maggie" pilot; Jason Segel, Bo Burnham board HBO's 1980s Los Angeles Lakers series; and Christopher Gorham signs onto Netflix's "The Lincoln Lawyer."

[03/04/21 - 11:52 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, March 4
Updates include: NBC locks in cast of "La Brea"; Sarah Niles tapped for Apple's "Ted Lasso"; and Edie Falco to play Hillary Clinton in FX's "Impeachment: American Crime Story."

[02/17/21 - 11:38 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, February 17
Updates include: CBS to wrap "Mom," "NCIS: New Orleans" in May; HBO Max mulls "Constantine" reboot series; and Minnie Driver boards "Modern Love" at Amazon.

[02/04/20 - 11:26 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, February 4
Updates include: Showtime pulls the plug on veteran drama "Ray Donovan"; Patrick Dempsey to star in CBS pilot "Ways & Means"; and Tom Hiddleston to topline "White Stork" at Netflix.

[01/14/20 - 01:15 PM]
Amazon Studios Announces Meagan Good, Grace Byers, Jerrie Johnson and Shoniqua Shandai to Star in "Untitled Tracy Oliver Project"
The single-camera comedy follows the lives of four black women - friends from their college days at NYU - as they navigate sex, relationships and chasing their dreams.

[07/08/19 - 11:36 PM]
Development Update: Monday, July 8
Updates include: Quibi to reboot "The Fugitive"; Melissa Peterman to host revived "Punchline"; Tracy Oliver scores series order from Amazon.

12/3/21 - 2/6/25
canceled/ended (2024-2025 season)
completed airing its current season
3 (24 episodes, 0 of which have yet to air)
series finale aired on 2/6/25
(from Amazon's web site, January 2025) The final season of Harlem finds our core four on the precipice of change like never before. Whether it be motherhood, singlehood, sisterhood, complicated career journeys, or even more complicated families, our four stylish and ambitious best girlfriends strive to finally choose themselves above all else.
· Andrea Martin as Robin
· Grace Byers as Quinn
· Jasmine Guy as Patricia
· Jerrie Johnson as Tye
· Juani Feliz as Isabela
· Kate Rockwell as Anna
· Meagan Good as Camille
· Robert Ri'chard as Shawn
· Shoniqua Shandai as Angie
· Sullivan Jones as Jameson
· Tyler Lepley as Ian
· Whoopi Goldberg as Elise Pruitt
· Amy Poehler as EP
· Dave Becky as EP
· Kim Lessing as EP
· Malcolm D. Lee as DIR (Pilot)
· Mimi Valdés as EP
· Pharrell Williams as EP
· Tracy Oliver as CRTR/EP
· comedy (all)
· comedy (single-camera)
· 3 Arts Entertainment
· Amazon Studios
· I am OTHER
· Paper Kite Productions
· Universal Television