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[05/18/21 - 06:06 AM] National Geographic Unveils 2021-2022 Upfront Slate, Highlighted by Incredible Stories of Adventure and Exploration from Best-in-Class Storytellers Highlights include the debut of "The Hot Zone: Anthrax" during Thanksgiving weekend.
[02/09/21 - 10:51 AM] National Geographic Announces Spring 2021 Content Rollout at the Television Critics Association Winter Press Tour "Running Wild with Bear Grylls," "Race to the Center of the Earth," "IMPACT with Gal Gadot," "Secrets of the Whales," "Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted" and "Breaking Bobby Bones" are among the featured highlights.
[05/21/20 - 10:07 AM] Quality. Distinctiveness. Visual Splendor. National Geographic Announces 2020-21 Upfront Slate, from Best-in-Class Storytellers With an unrivaled storytelling prowess across its media platforms, National Geographic reaches 770M consumers across the globe every single month.
[04/29/20 - 08:08 AM] Gordon Ramsay Returns, Serving Up Bigger and Bolder Adventures in Global Culinary Expedition Series "Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted" The multi-Michelin-star chef and Ironman athlete continues his adventure across the globe in his relentless pursuit of culinary inspiration.
[01/17/20 - 08:59 PM] National Geographic Builds on Power of Its Diverse Slate with Season Pickups of Franchise Series "Brain Games," "Running Wild with Bear Grylls" and "Life Below Zero" Also on tap: an all-new eight-part spin-off series, "Life Below Zero: Next Generation," which is slated to premiere on National Geographic in 2021.
[12/18/19 - 12:24 PM] It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year! Nat Geo Channel Is Bringing Back the Best of Its 2019 Programming for You to Binge Over the Holidays And better yet, see what's in store for 2020 with a sneak peek of the reimagined "Brain Games" hosted by Keegan-Michael Key (December 29 at 10:00/9:00c).
[06/20/19 - 10:05 AM] Gordon Ramsay Serves Up Adventure in New Culinary Expedition Series "Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted" The multi-Michelin-star chef and Ironman athlete embarks on a new exhilarating adventure around the globe beginning Sunday, July 21 at 10:00/9:00c.
[05/14/19 - 01:14 PM] National Geographic Announces 2019-20 Upfront Slate, Pushing Programming Boundaries with Its Distinctive, Premium Content from Best-in-Class Storytellers For two consecutive years, National Geographic earned the second most Emmy award nominations for a basic cable network, putting it in the top 10 of all networks nominated.
[07/25/18 - 03:02 PM] National Geographic and Gordon Ramsay Partner on New Series, "Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted" Produced by his own Studio Ramsay, the celebrated chef will embark on anthropology-through-cuisine expeditions to unearth the most incredible people, places and flavors the world has to offer.
STATUS: on hiatus or fate to be determined |
TIME SLOT: completed airing its current season |
CURRENT SEASON: 4 (6 episodes) |
ADDITIONAL NOTES: completed airing its fourth season on 6/23/24; has yet to be renewed for a fifth season |
DESCRIPTION: (from National Geographic's web site, May 2024) Chef Gordon Ramsay embarks on anthropology-through-cuisine expeditions to explore the people, places and flavors the world has to offer. |
· Gordon Ramsay
· Betsy Forhan as EP (NGC) · Gordon Ramsay as EP · Jon Kroll as EP · Lisa Edwards as EP
· reality (all) · reality (documentary)
· Studio Ramsay