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[08/05/21 - 10:02 AM] "Five Bedrooms" Season Two Streaming Thursday, August 19 on Peacock After losing their first communal home at an auction, season two finds this one-of-a-kind family house hunting once again, believing they have prevailed as a unique collective.
[07/23/20 - 12:19 PM] Video: "Five Bedrooms" - Official Trailer - Peacock The series, due on August 13, stars Kat Stewart, Stephen Peacocke, Doris Younane, Katie Robertson, Roy Joseph, Kate Jenkinson and Hugh Sheridan.
[07/14/20 - 08:01 AM] Peacock Launches Nationally Tomorrow with Free and Premium Tiers Newly announced premiere dates include "A.P. Bio," "Departure," "Five Bedrooms" and "Hitmen."
[04/14/20 - 12:00 PM] Peacock Early Preview Begins on Xfinity X1 and Flex The early preview will be followed by the national launch on July 15, which includes a free tier featuring more than 7,500 hours of movies and shows that will be accessible to all across mobile, web and popular connected-TV platforms.
[01/16/20 - 01:00 PM] NBCUniversal Unveils Peacock, A Free Premium Ad-Supported Streaming Service with Subscription Tiers Taking a different strategic approach, the company announced a tiered offering that gives consumers broad access to Peacock across web, mobile and connected-TV devices.