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[01/17/22 - 03:01 AM] Video: "Devotion, a Story of Love and Desire" - Official Trailer - Netflix A seemingly happy marriage begins to dissolve when the husband's faithfulness is called into question, and both spouses are tempted by other people.
[12/21/21 - 03:01 AM] Video: "Devotion, A Story of Love and Desire" - Official Teaser - Netflix Between Milan and Rimini, we witness the story of Carlo (Michele Riondino) and Margherita (Lucrezia Guidone), a young couple who must face the explosive consequences of an alleged betrayal.
[01/20/21 - 03:16 AM] Netflix Announces the Start of Production of "Fidelity" - The New Original Italian Series Based on the Novel of the Same Name by Marco Missiroli Filmed between Milan, Rimini and Rome, "Fidelity" tells a story of marital fidelity, in particular the one of Carlo and Margherita, a young couple who needs to face the deflagrant consequences of an alleged betrayal.
[03/29/19 - 08:23 AM] Netflix Announces 3 New Italian Original Series "Italy is a cradle of great storytellers and amazing talent, and our aim is to find those unique and very local voices that could resonate with TV lovers everywhere," said Kelly Luegenbiehl.