
[02/16/25 - 05:00 PM]
Amazon MGM Studios Signs Exclusive Multi-Faceted Deal with Dallas Jenkins' 5&2 Studios
The deal encompasses exclusive US streaming rights to the first five seasons and upcoming seasons of the hit series "The Chosen" and new unscripted series "The Chosen In The Wild with Bear Grylls" for Prime Video.

[11/25/24 - 07:01 AM]
5&2 Studios Announces Theatrical Debut of "The Chosen: Last Supper" (Season 5) on March 27, 2025 and Unveils First Look Trailer
Later in 2025, the season will make its streaming debut.

[10/31/24 - 01:00 PM]
It's Holiday Time at The CW! Celebrate the Season with Festive Programming
Highlights include the series finale of "Superman & Lois" (December 2); the return of "Children Ruin Everything" (November 29); and "Christmas with The Chosen: Holy Night" (December 15).

[09/20/24 - 03:01 PM]
Creator of "The Chosen" Announces the Launch of New Production Company 5&2 Studios During ChosenCon in Orlando
The new 5&2 Studios is currently in production or development on "The Chosen Adventures" and "The Chosen In the Wild with Bear Grylls."

[06/20/24 - 09:00 AM]
The CW Network Sets Fall 2024 Primetime Premiere Dates
"Superman & Lois" soars into its thrilling final season with a special two-hour premiere event on Thursday, October 17 (8:00-10:00pm ET/PT).

[06/03/24 - 10:00 AM]
The CW Network Renews Hit Series "All American," "Penn & Teller: Fool Us," and Picks Up the Fourth Season of Global Phenomenon "The Chosen"
The fourth season of the global phenomenon "The Chosen" about the life of Jesus, is set to make its broadcast television debut on Sunday, September 1.

[05/29/24 - 12:58 PM]
"The Chosen" Announces Season 4 Available for Streaming June 2 Exclusively in The Chosen App
"The wait is finally over. The response from those who've seen Season 4 in theaters was that this is our best season, so I can't wait to deliver these episodes free and easy to the world," said Dallas Jenkins.

[03/29/24 - 11:35 PM]
Development Update: Week of March 25-29
Updates include: Hulu cancels "Death and Other Details"; HBO pushes production on "Euphoria"; and "NCIS: Origins" at CBS rounds out its cast.

[02/29/24 - 08:45 AM]
UPtv's "Bring the Spring" Inspirational Easter Programming Returns March 3
From a new romance movie every Sunday night, to the World Premiere music special "Dennis Quaid Fallen: A Gospel Record for Sinners," to marathons of hit series, and Bible movies on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday, viewers will be uplifted all season long.

[10/20/23 - 11:13 PM]
Development Update: Week of October 16-20
Updates include: Apple TV+ pulls the plug on "The Problem with Jon Stewart"; Disney+ targets "Gargoyles" live-action series; and John Shiban tapped to run NBC's "Law & Order: Organized Crime."

[07/21/23 - 11:22 PM]
Development Update: Week of July 17-21
Updates include: FX's "Alien" TV series rounds out cast; NBC confirms fall episode orders; and Vanna White to return for ABC's "Celebrity Wheel of Fortune."

[07/12/23 - 01:00 PM]
The CW Network Sets Fall 2023 Premiere Dates
"All American," "61st Street" and "I Am" documentary film franchise move to midseason.

[06/09/23 - 12:00 PM]
The CW Network to Air Global Hit Series "The Chosen" for the First Time on U.S. Broadcast Television
The acclaimed event series about the life of Jesus from creator, director and producer Dallas Jenkins and starring Jonathan Roumie as Jesus will premiere on Sunday, July 16 at 8:00/7:00c.

[12/04/22 - 03:02 AM]
Angel Studios Announces "The Chosen: Season 3" Streaming Release Date
Season three will be released globally for streaming on the Angel App beginning with Episode 1 on December 11.

[11/20/20 - 07:01 AM]
BYUtv Holiday Programming Brings Families Together with Concerts from Lauren Daigle, "The Chosen" with Top Christian Artists, and The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square with Kelli O'Hara & Richard Thomas
Other highlights include holiday specials from BYUtv's hit shows "Random Acts," "Grace Notes" and "Studio C."

[10/02/20 - 11:21 AM]
BYUtv Presents "The Chosen" in Broadcast World Premiere of Largest Ever Crowdfunded Series
"The Chosen" will receive its broadcast world premiere on BYUtv beginning Sunday, October 4, with all eight episodes of season one available for free on the BYUtv app and website the following day.

Returns in June 2025 (Exact Date TBA)
10/4/20 - ???
returning this summer (yet to premiere)
not on the schedule
5 (8 episodes)
Seasons 5-7 confirmed on 9/20/24
(from Amazon's web site, February 2025) Clashing kingdoms. Rival rulers. The enemies of Jesus are closing in while His followers are struggling to keep up, leaving Him to carry the burden alone.
· Neal Harmon as EP
· drama
· Angel Studios