date (day) |
time |
network |
episode title |
11/16/16 (We.) | 9:00 PM | E! | (#107/108) Who Caught Kelce? |
11/9/16 (We.) | 9:00 PM | E! | (#106) Walk of Shame |
11/2/16 (We.) | 9:00 PM | E! | (#105) Romance at Red Foo's |
10/26/16 (We.) | 9:00 PM | E! | (#104) Backstabbing Besties |
10/19/16 (We.) | 9:00 PM | E! | (#103) A Novel Romance |
10/12/16 (We.) | 9:00 PM | E! | (#102) Let the Games Begin |
10/5/16 (We.) | 9:00 PM | E! | (#101-90) 50 Girls, 1 Tight End |
8/28/16 (Su.) | 11:00 PM | E! | (#100-30) Preview Special |

STATUS: canceled/ended (2016-2017 season) |
TIME SLOT: completed airing its current season |
SEASON(S): 1 (8 episodes, 0 of which have yet to air) |
ADDITIONAL NOTES: a show on hiatus for longer than 12 months - without any news about its future - is assumed to be canceled |
DESCRIPTION: (from E!'s press release, July 2016) NFL superstar tight end Travis Kelce is trying a whole new offense when it comes to the game of love! Fifty eligible women, including former WAGS (wives and girlfriends of sports stars), sports royalty, social media stars, entrepreneurs, hometown sweethearts and fitness models from across the United States, will be invited to Los Angeles as this fun-loving athlete searches for that special someone to become his lifelong "teammate." To help make some of these tough decisions, Travis has enlisted the help of his "boys" who know him best: his older brother, Philadelphia Eagles center, Jason Kelce, and his longtime manager, Aaron Eanes. In the supersized premiere episode, 50 eligible women will assemble at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum where they will have only 60 seconds to make a lasting first impression on one of the NFL's most sought after bachelors. From there, Travis will have to quickly narrow the dating pool from 50 women down to 20 before they are able to move into their lavish Los Angeles mansion. Once moved in, Travis and his boys will be deciding who stays in the house and who is sent home packing. However, there's a twist; in each episode, Travis will pick one girl who goes on the all-access group date and it's her decision to strategically choose which other girls will go on the date with her. At the end of the group date, Travis decides who he wants to take on the coveted VIP date. The debate becomes: do you pick your friends and keep those loyalties strong, or choose the "weakest" contenders to make yourself stand out? Lines will be drawn and newly formed friendships will be tested as the women pick and choose who gets the extra time with this quirky, fun-loving football superstar. At the end of each episode, Travis will have to eliminate some of the girls and send them back to their home states. |
· Travis Kelce
· Adam Bold as PROD · Ben Newmark as EP · Dan Newmark as EP · Lauren Stevens as EP · Mike Lopez as PROD · Scott Langerman as EP
· reality (all) · reality (competition)
· ACE Media · Grandma's House Entertainment