
[02/13/25 - 11:00 AM]
AMC Networks' March Highlights Include "Dark Winds," "Mayfair Witches," "The Last Anniversary," "Recipes for Love and Murder" and More!
In celebration of Women's History Month, AMC Networks is launching the featured collection Women Who Dare, highlighting women-led series and films, including a new showcase of short films from the Future of Film collection.

[01/16/25 - 01:38 PM]
AMC Networks' February Highlights Include "Mayfair Witches," "Fallen," "A Remarkable Place to Die" and More!
In celebration of Black History Month, AMC Networks is also launching the Featured Collection: Black Voices: Uncompromised, featuring signature AMC+ series and films plus new releases, available all month long.

[12/19/24 - 10:00 AM]
Video: AMC Networks Debuts Extended Look at New Season of "Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches" as Part of an Enchanting Lineup of Witchy Content, Catch-Up Opportunities & More Leading Into Series' Anticipated Return
The second season will debut January 5 on AMC and AMC+, as well as across all of AMC's linear networks - BBC AMERICA, IFC, SundanceTV and WEtv - for a multi-network premiere night event.

[12/17/24 - 08:00 AM]
AMC Networks' January Highlights Include "Mayfair Witches," "The Gone," "Planet Earth: Asia" and More!
AMC Networks rings in magic and mystery this January with an extensive lineup of programming across its suite of networks and streaming services.

[12/04/24 - 11:00 AM]
Video: AMC Networks Releases Fiery Key Art and New Teaser for Season Two of "Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches" Premiering January 5 on AMC and AMC+
Season two continues the journey of Rowan Mayfair (Alexandra Daddario) after she has unwittingly given birth to the demon Lasher (Jack Huston).

[10/31/24 - 09:01 AM]
Video: AMC Networks Releases Bewitching New Trailer for Season Two of "Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches" Premiering January 5 on AMC and AMC+
Starring Alexandra Daddario, Jack Huston, Harry Hamlin, Tongayi Chirisa and Alyssa Jirrels, the new season will debut Sunday, January 5 on AMC+ and AMC.

[10/17/24 - 11:15 AM]
AMC Networks Announces January 5 Premiere Date for Second Season of "Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches" on AMC and AMC+
Season two continues the journey of Rowan Mayfair (Alexandra Daddario) after she has unwittingly given birth to the demon Lasher (Jack Huston).

[09/12/24 - 12:01 PM]
AMC Networks Returns to New York Comic Con with All-Star Panels, Special Advance Screenings and a Preview of What's Ahead for Its Fan Favorite Series
Fans will get an exclusive first-look at scenes and teasers from "Daryl Dixon - The Book of Carol," returning Sunday, September 29 on AMC and AMC+, the highly anticipated second season of "Dead City," debuting next year, and new and upcoming Shudder films and series.

[07/27/24 - 06:15 PM]
Anne Rice Immortal Universe News from Comic-Con
Attendees were given an exclusive first look at season three of "Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire"; while "Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches" revealed the first season two teaser, casting news and first look images.

[07/16/24 - 02:02 PM]
Stay Up All Night with Louis, Lestat and These 13 AMC Series - Coming to Netflix in the U.S. on August 19
"A Discovery of Witches," "Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire," "Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches," "Dark Winds," "Fear the Walking Dead," "Gangs of London," "Into the Badlands," "Kevin Can F*** Himself," "Monsieur Spade," "Preacher," "That Dirty Black Bag," "The Terror," and "The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon" are all on tap.

[07/12/24 - 11:16 AM]
AMC Networks Heads to San Diego with a Star-Studded Panel Lineup for Five Series at This Year's Comic-Con International
AMC Networks will also present a special advanced screening of "The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon - The Book of Carol" on Friday, July 26 at the Rooftop Cinema Club Embarcadero.

[06/11/24 - 08:04 AM]
AMC Networks Greenlights Third Series in Its Anne Rice Immortal Universe, A New Drama Set in the Secretive World of The Talamasca
With a working title of "Anne Rice's The Talamasca" and slated for a 2025 premiere, the series will feature the men and women responsible for tracking and containing the witches, vampires, werewolves and other creatures scattered around the globe.

[03/08/24 - 11:49 PM]
Development Update: Week of March 4-8
Updates include: FOX's "Doc" rounds out principal cast; Amazon sets leads in "We Were Liars"; and Christian Kane returns for The CW's "The Librarians: The Next Chapter."

[02/06/24 - 01:31 PM]
AMC Networks Unveils Premiere Timing, New Castings and More for Its Expanding Anne Rice Immortal Universe
Additionally, the network is actively developing a potential third series in the franchise, written and executive produced by Oscar nominated John Lee Hancock, based on the intriguing secret society, The Talamasca, featured in several of Rice's iconic novels.

[01/18/24 - 11:05 AM]
AMC Networks' February Highlights Feature the Highly Anticipated Series "The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live"; Sundance Now's International Crime Caper "Far North"; And the Return of Acorn TV's Popular "The Madame Blanc Mysteries"
These films, series and more join an extensive catalogue of compelling dramas, beloved franchises, highly anticipated films and timely collections on AMC+, Acorn TV, ALLBLK, Shudder, Sundance Now, and anime-focused HIDIVE, all month long.

[06/23/23 - 01:48 PM]
"The Walking Dead: Dead City" Is the #1 Season Premiere in the History of AMC+ - Across All New or Returning Series, Including "The Walking Dead"
In linear viewership, the first episode of the new series attracted a total premiere audience of 2 million viewers, including 768k adults 25-54 and 573k adults 18-49 in Nielsen live+3 ratings.

[04/18/23 - 05:16 PM]
AMC Networks Developing Potential Third Series in the Expanding Anne Rice Immortal Universe
The series is set in the world of the Talamasca, a secretive organization featured in a number of Rice's iconic novels that is devoted to studying the supernatural world and keeping mortals safe from its darkest elements.

[02/03/23 - 07:17 AM]
AMC Networks Renews "Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches" for Second Season
Production on season two is expected to begin later this year in New Orleans.

[01/27/23 - 09:03 AM]
AMC Networks February Highlights Include Season Finale of "Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches" and Debuts of "Black Snow" and "Skinamarink"
Shudder's box office hit "Skinamarink" debuts on Thursday, February 2, joining an extensive catalogue of compelling dramas, beloved franchises, highly anticipated films and timely collections on AMC+, Acorn TV, ALLBLK, Shudder and Sundance Now, and anime-focused HIDIVE, all month long.

[01/13/23 - 11:16 AM]
"Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches" and "Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire" Are the Top Two New Series Premieres Ever on AMC+
This second series in a growing Anne Rice Immortal Universe on AMC and AMC+ also delivered 1.7 million viewers on the company's linear networks in Nielsen live+3 ratings.

[01/10/23 - 11:19 PM]
Development Update: Tuesday, January 10
Updates include: Paramount+ lands "Dungeons & Dragons" TV series; AMC eyes Immortal Universe crossover; and Donna Mills to visit "The Rookie: Feds" at ABC.

[01/10/23 - 09:22 AM]
AMC Networks Announces Spring Premiere Dates for New Original Series and Films Across Its Suite of Channels and Targeted Streaming Services
Highlights include the debut of "Lucky Hank" (formerly "Straight Man") Sunday, March 19 on AMC+ and AMC.

[12/21/22 - 10:40 AM]
AMC Networks Rings in the New Year with a World Premiere Event for the Highly Anticipated New Series "Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches" on Sunday, January 8 Across All Linear Networks Joining AMC+ and AMC
Other highlights include the debuts of "Frozen Planet II" Saturday, January 28 on BBC America and "Clean Sweep" Thursday, January 26 on Sundance Now.

[12/20/22 - 02:13 PM]
AMC and AMC+ to Debut "All of Them Witches," A Documentary Exploring the History of Witches, as a Companion Special to "Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches"
The one-hour documentary will explore an alternate and authentic history told from the perspective of today's most well-known, practicing witches, as well as scholars of history and anthropology.

[12/20/22 - 02:12 PM]
AMC Networks to Launch the Highly Anticipated "Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches" Across All Five of Its Linear Networks
BBC America, IFC, SundanceTV and WE tv will join AMC and AMC+ for a world premiere event on Sunday, January 8 at 9:00/8:00c.

[12/07/22 - 01:51 PM]
Video: AMC Releases New Trailer and Key Art for "Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches" Premiering January 8 on AMC+ and AMC
Based on Rice's best-selling trilogy, "Lives of the Mayfair Witches," the eight-episode series focuses on an intuitive young neurosurgeon, Rowan (Alexandra Daddario), who discovers that she is the unlikely heir to a family of witches.

[10/21/22 - 02:41 PM]
Video: AMC Networks Releases New Premiere Date and New Teaser for the Highly Anticipated Series "Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches"
The second series in the Anne Rice Immortal Universe will now debut on Sunday, January 8 on AMC+ and AMC.

[10/06/22 - 04:31 PM]
Video: "Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches" Trailer & Premiere Date from NYCC
The series will stream exclusively on AMC+ on Thursday, January 5, with the first two episodes available that same night.

[09/28/22 - 07:13 AM]
AMC Networks Summit Unveils First-Look Photos
"Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches," "Straight Man," "Demascus" and "Orphan Black: Echoes" are among the featured series.

[05/06/22 - 11:51 PM]
Development Update: Friday, May 6
Updates include: ABC cancels freshman dramas "Promised Land," "Queens"; Andrea Savage cast in "Tulsa King" at Paramount+; and Fred Savage fired from "The Wonder Years" following an investigation into inappropriate conduct.

[04/28/22 - 11:45 PM]
Development Update: Thursday, April 28
Updates include: Gaius Charles cast in AMC's "Isle of the Dead"; Devery Jacobs tapped for "Echo" at Disney+; and Kevin Iannucci, Bethany Brown cast in NBC's "Adam & Eva" import.

[03/23/22 - 11:29 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, March 23
Updates include: Marcia Gay Harden to replace Geena Davis in CBS drama pilot; Mae Whitman to lead Hulu's "Up Here"; and Jimmy Smits cast in "East New York" at CBS.

[03/16/22 - 11:35 PM]
Development Update: Wednesday, March 16
Updates include: NBC bumps "The Courtship" to USA Network; Katherine McNamara to lead The CW's "Walker: Independence"; and Alexandra Daddario to topline AMC's "Mayfair Witches."

[12/01/21 - 09:55 AM]
AMC Networks Greenlights "Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches," A New Series Based on the "Lives of the Mayfair Witches" Trilogy for AMC+ and AMC
The second series in an expanding Anne Rice universe, "Mayfair" will follow "Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire" with a late 2022 premiere.

[08/17/21 - 09:07 AM]
AMC Studios to Open Writers' Room to Explore Potential Series Based on Anne Rice's "Lives of the Mayfair Witches" for AMC+ and AMC
This would be the second series in an expanding Anne Rice universe, following the recent greenlight of "Interview with the Vampire," which is slated for a 2022 premiere.

1/8/23 - ???
currently airing (winter 2025)
sundays from 9:00 PM-10:00 PM EST
2 (8 episodes)
(from AMC's web site, January 2025) Based on Anne Rice’s bestseller, this dark drama follows a neurosurgeon who learns she is heir to a family of witches. Starring Alexandra Daddario (The White Lotus) and Harry Hamlin (Mad Men).
· Alexandra Daddario as Rowan
· Annabeth Gish as Diedre
· Beth Grant as Carlotta
· Erica Gimpel as Ellie
· Harry Hamlin as Cortland Mayfair
· Jack Huston as Lasher
· Jen Richards as Jojo
· Tongayi Chirisa as Citroen
· Anne Rice as BOOK/EP
· Christopher Rice as EP
· Esta Spaulding as CRTR/EP
· Michelle Ashford as CRTR/EP
· drama
· AMC Studios