
[10/07/24 - 08:46 AM]
TLC Ranks as the #1 Ad-Supported Cable Network Among Key Female Demos on Sunday Nights in 2024
On Sunday, September 29, TLC's "Sister Wives" was up 12% with a 1.69 L3 rating among W25-54 and a season high 1.08 L3 rating among P25-54.

[08/23/24 - 10:00 AM]
What's New on Max This September
Stream the debuts of "The Penguin"; the fourth and final season of "My Brilliant Friend"; two-part documentary "Wise Guy David Chase and The Sopranos"; A24's "Civil War" and "I Saw the TV Glow"; and Studio Ghibli's "The Boy and the Heron."

[07/30/24 - 08:12 AM]
TLC's "90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days" Returns with Eight New Couples on Sunday, September 1
The series follows eight love-struck Americans who travel across the world to meet their partners, who they've been dating exclusively online for the very first time.

[09/22/23 - 01:19 PM]
TLC's "Sister Wives" Reaches a Season High and Continues to Rank as the #1 Cable Program of the Week with Women 25-54 with 2.5 Rating
Combined, both "Sister Wives" and "90 Day Fiancé: Before The 90 Days" reached over 4.7 million total linear viewers on Sunday, September 17.

[09/08/23 - 01:22 PM]
TLC Ranks as the Number One Cable Network of the Week with Women 25-54 for the 5th Consecutive Week
"Sister Wives," "90 Day: The Last Resort," "90 Day Fiancé: Before the 90 Days" and "90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way" were four of the top five cable telecasts excluding sports of the week with Adults 25-54.

[08/25/23 - 10:40 AM]
TLC's "Sister Wives" Earns the Series' Highest Rated Season Premiere in a Decade with Key Demographics
TLC was cable's #1 network of the week with W25-54/18-49; #1 non-sports cable network with A25-54/18-49 & W18-34, securing 4 of the top 5 cable telecasts of the week.

[07/28/23 - 12:14 PM]
TLC Dominates Cable Network Television on Sunday Nights with Record-Breaking Ratings & Leading Series
TLC was the #1 ad supported cable network in prime for the week ending Sunday, July 23 among W25-54, 18-49 and 18-34.

[07/07/23 - 11:00 AM]
US Networks Group at Warner Bros. Discovery Delivered Nearly a 35 Percent Share of Primetime Cable Viewing on Sunday, July 2
The network group also delivered nearly a 33 percent share of viewing among Adults 18-49 across ad-supported cable that night - more than any other network group.

[05/17/23 - 08:18 AM]
What's on Max: Launch Through June 2023
Max will launch with brand new originals "SmartLess: On the Road," "How to Create a Sex Scandal," "What Am I Eating? With Zooey Deschanel," "Gremlins: Secrets of the Mogwai," "Clone High," and documentary "Bama Rush," plus blockbuster hit "Shazam! Fury of the Gods."

[05/08/23 - 08:37 AM]
"90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days" Is Bringing the Heat This Summer Featuring Seven New Couples and a Returning Favorite
Follow along with our love-struck Americans as they navigate first encounters in foreign lands, and all the unexpected surprises, cultural clashes and dramatic twists in their pursuit of true love.

[12/19/22 - 10:01 AM]
TLC Will Finish 2022 as the #1 Primetime Ad-Supported Cable Network with Women for the Third Year in a Row
TLC is in the top 5 ad-supported cable network on 5 nights of the week with W25-54 and 4 nights of the week with W18-49 in 2022.

[10/18/21 - 08:00 AM]
"90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days" Turns Up the Heat with All-New Couples and One Familiar Face, When It Returns This December to Spice Up the Holidays
The new season premieres on Sunday, December 12 at 8:00/7:00c and will stream concurrently on discovery+, the definitive non-fiction, real life subscription streaming service.

[06/29/20 - 12:02 PM]
TLC Sets August 16 Premiere For All-New Series "Darcey & Stacey"
The network announced today a hot, all-new series dedicated to the up-and-down lives of the most buzzworthy set of identical twins in pop culture today.

[06/08/20 - 10:00 AM]
TLC to Launch New Original "90 Day" Series, "B90 Strikes Back!" June 22 at 8PM ET/PT
Clap-backs, side eye and some serious explaining ensues when this brand new, late-night "social commentary" series takes flight.

[04/02/20 - 11:00 AM]
TLC Debuts Self-Filmed "90 Day Fiance" Limited Series Featuring Cast Members in Coronavirus Quarantine - "90 Day Fiance: Self-Quarantined"
Through a combination of self-shot footage and remote video interviews with producers, viewers will follow along as our current and former couples navigate how to get through this time.

[08/05/19 - 08:52 AM]
TLC Ranks #1 in Primetime for Women in July
TLC further spins the numbers for the month of July.

[06/24/19 - 11:31 AM]
TLC's Sizzling Summer Lineup Brings the Heat with Series Premiere of "The Family Chantel" and Return of "Before the 90 Days"
Fans will get an extra special dose of Pedro and Chantel in the first ever spinoff of the "90 Day" franchise following an individual couple, "The Family Chantel," premiering Monday, July 22.

[10/08/18 - 01:01 PM]
TLC Finishes 3rd Quarter as #1 Cable Network on Sunday Nights and #2 Overall in Ad-Supported Cable
TLC further spins the numbers for the quarter to date.

[09/20/18 - 10:19 AM]
The Show That Started It All, "90 Day Fiance" Returns for Its Sixth Season on TLC
The series comes on the heels of spinoff "Before the 90 Days," which is finishing its second season run on Sunday, October 14.

[08/10/18 - 11:40 AM]
TLC's "90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days" Brings in Highest-Rated Season Premiere in Franchise History
TLC further spins the numbers for Sunday, August 5.

[06/28/18 - 01:34 PM]
TLC Announces "90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?" Goes Live for the First Time and New Season of "90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days"
The action packed night begins with the continuation of "90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After?" and some of the most jaw-dropping moments in franchise history.

[01/29/18 - 10:47 AM]
TLC Renews Entire Slate of "90 Day Fiance" Franchise
The runaway hit franchise set record ratings in 2017.

[10/02/17 - 10:57 AM]
TLC Finishes Out 3Q17 with Highest Ratings in Three Years Among Key Demos & Top Cable Network on Sundays for Women
TLC further spins the numbers for the third quarter of 2017.

[09/08/17 - 04:08 PM]
TLC's "90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After" Hits All Time Series High for the Franchise
TLC spins the numbers for Sunday, September 3.

[08/07/17 - 09:32 AM]
TLC Finishes July #1 on Sunday Amongst All Women and as the #5 Ad-Supported Cable Network in Prime for Women 25-54
TLC further spins the numbers for the month of July.

[07/18/17 - 11:35 AM]
TLC's Successful "90 Day Fiance" Franchise Adds New Prequel Series "90 Day Fiance: Before the 90 Days"
The latest spin-off series premieres Sunday, August 6 at 9:00/8:00c.

[03/28/17 - 08:07 AM]
TLC Announces an Aggressive 2017-2018 Upfront Slate with 120 More Hours of Original Programming
The network is up nearly 20% in primetime, seeing double digit lifts across the board and is ranked the #7 ad supported cable network among W25-54.

8/6/17 - ???
on hiatus or fate to be determined
completed airing its current season
7 (23 episodes)
Missed an episode? Been wanting to catch up? This series is also available on:

completed airing its seventh season on 2/2/25; has yet to be renewed for an eighth season
(from Discovery+'s web site, August 2024) Americans who believe they've found their soulmates online travel abroad to meet them in person for the first time. Each couple must navigate cultural differences while deciding whether or not to get engaged.
· no information is available
· reality (all)
· reality (documentary)
· Sharp Entertainment