[11/20/24 - 07:03 AM] Video: ESPN Films Releases Official Trailer and Key Art for Upcoming 30 for 30 "The New York Sack Exchange," Chronicling the Rise of the New York Jets' Legendary Defensive Line, Debuting December 13 at 8pm ET on ESPN and ESPN+ Narrated by acclaimed award-winning musician, actor, and lifelong Jets fan Method Man, the film, directed by Ken Rodgers and James Weiner, takes a nostalgic look back at the sensational defensive line of the 1980s New York Jets.
[10/15/24 - 07:11 AM] ESPN Films' 30 for 30 Short "Motorcycle Mary," Chronicling the Life of Racing Pioneer Mary McGee, to Premiere November 3 at 2 p.m. ET on ESPN2 and ESPN+ "Motorcycle Mary" tells the untold story of legendary motorsports pioneer Mary McGee a.k.a. "Motorcycle Mary", whose racing career spanned thirty years and saw her shatter gender norms while mastering multiple racing disciplines.
[10/03/24 - 07:30 AM] ESPN to Air "15 Years of 30 for 30" Special on October 6, Celebrating Iconic Documentary Series Hosted by acclaimed comedian and Emmy Award nominee Roy Wood Jr., the celebratory program will revisit some of the most impactful and beloved films from the series.
[09/05/24 - 07:17 AM] ESPN Films Greenlights 30 for 30 Documentary on Billie Jean King's Groundbreaking Legacy The legacy of one of America's first women's sports stars is unrivaled, yet few people know the real Billie Jean: charismatic, mischievous, indignant, hopeful, stubborn, and determined as ever.
[08/28/24 - 12:22 PM] ESPN Greenlights New 30 for 30 Film "The Sack Exchange" About the Legendary New York Jets Defensive Line Dubbed "The New York Sack Exchange," the Jets' record-setting defense was led by the dynamic and brash quartet of Marty Lyons, Abdul Salaam, Joe Klecko, and Mark Gastineau.
[08/27/24 - 07:02 AM] ESPN Films' Latest 30 for 30 Documentary "Stolen Gold" Premieres September 17 at 9pm ET on ESPN and ESPN+ Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Suemay Oram, this powerful and riveting film delves into the incredible true story of Ramón Torres and the Spanish intellectually disabled basketball team's dramatic journey to the gold medal at the Sydney Paralympics in 2000.
[07/24/24 - 08:40 AM] Video: ESPN Films' Upcoming 30 for 30 "Dude Perfect: A Very Long Shot" Debuts New Trailer; Film to Air August 3 at 9:30pm ET on ESPN and ESPN+ The film traces the meteoric rise of a group of friends from College Station, Texas, whose backyard antics evolved into a global sports-comedy phenomenon.
[07/18/24 - 07:31 AM] ESPN Films' Upcoming 30 for 30 "American Son" to Air July 29 at 7pm on ESPN and ESPN+ The film captures a pivotal moment in sports and history, as it chronicles the remarkable journey of Michael Chang, a young tennis prodigy whose ascent to fame coincided with an unfathomable and unforgettable upset of Ivan Lendl at the 1989 French Open.
[05/14/24 - 07:37 AM] ESPN Films Announces Upcoming "30 for 30" Summer 2024 Programming Slate "This year marks a special milestone as we celebrate ESPN's 15th anniversary of 30 for 30, and it is a privilege to continue our ongoing commitment in delivering captivating stories that entertain, educate, enlighten, and inspire our viewers," says Marsha Cooke, VP and Executive Producer of ESPN Films.
[04/15/24 - 08:01 AM] ESPN Films Greenlights 30 for 30 Documentary on Trailblazing Broadcaster Stuart Scott The film is directed by Andre Gaines and executive produced by ESPN Films, Run & Shoot Filmworks, and Cinemation Studios.
[12/15/23 - 11:39 PM] Development Update: Week of December 11-15 Updates include: Netflix to license 14 library series from Disney General Entertainment; Mayim Bialik won't return to "Jeopardy!" flagship; and CBS teases potential "Fire Country" spin-off.
[12/07/23 - 07:01 AM] ESPN Films' 30 for 30 "The Minister of Defense" about NFL Hall of Famer Reggie White to Premiere on December 13 at 9 p.m. ET The film chronicles both White's incredible dominance as one of the best defensive players ever and his spiritual journey as an ordained evangelical minister who questioned his blind faith toward the end of his life.
[11/21/23 - 10:09 AM] ESPN Films' Latest 30 for 30 "The Great Heisman Race of 1997" Premieres December 9th at 9 p.m. ET Immediately Following the 2023 Heisman Trophy Ceremony on ESPN Directed by Gentry Kirby, the film takes an immersive, time-capsule style approach to telling the story of the Heisman Trophy race of 1997, going back a quarter century to chronicle a season that fans will never forget.
[05/03/23 - 09:08 AM] ESPN Films Announces 30 for 30 Documentary "The Minister of Defense" on NFL Hall of Famer Reggie White The film chronicles both White's incredible dominance as one of the best defensive players ever and his spiritual journey as an ordained evangelical minister who questioned his blind faith toward the end of his life.
[05/02/23 - 07:01 AM] ESPN Films' Latest 30 for 30 "The Luckiest Guy in the World" About NBA Hall of Famer Bill Walton Premieres June 6 & 13 Directed by Steve James, the four-part series tells the colorful story of a true sports original: iconic basketball Hall of Famer Bill Walton.
[04/21/23 - 09:05 AM] ESPN Films' Latest 30 for 30 "The American Gladiators Documentary" About Reality Competition Series Premieres May 30 & 31 The film takes an unconventional approach to the epic tale of the famed reality-competition show.
[03/24/23 - 07:00 AM] ESPN Films Announces 30 for 30 Documentary "I'm Just Here for the Riot" on 2011 Vancouver Stanley Cup Riot On June 15, 2011, the Canucks' Game 7 Stanley Cup Finals loss to the Boston Bruins sparked a massive riot in downtown Vancouver.
[01/19/23 - 07:07 AM] ESPN Films' Latest 30 for 30 "Bullies of Baltimore" About 2000 Baltimore Ravens Premieres February 5 at 8:30 p.m. ET Directed by Ken Rodgers and Jason Weber, the documentary is a lively and colorful look back at the team's magical season framed by a reunion of its key figures filmed in front of a live audience in Baltimore in May 2022.
[11/10/22 - 07:03 AM] ESPN Films' Latest 30 for 30 "Jeanette Lee Vs." About "The Black Widow" of Billiards Premieres December 13 at 8 p.m. ET The film will be made available on ESPN+ immediately after its premiere, along with the rest of the 30 for 30 library.
[09/07/22 - 06:29 AM] ESPN Films' Latest 30 for 30 Short "Deerfoot of the Diamond" to Premiere September 27 at 8:00 p.m. ET The documentary, directed by Lance Edmands, chronicles the saga of that name change, which has its roots in a forgotten legend named Louis Sockalexis, and the tragedy that enveloped his story more than a century ago.
[09/01/22 - 08:12 AM] ESPN Films Announces 30 for 30 Documentary "American Son" on Tennis Player Michael Chang "American Son" will tell the story of Chang's improbable rise as a young American tennis star, and his family's immigrant journey which shaped his destiny.
[08/04/22 - 08:00 AM] ESPN Films Announces "30 for 30" Documentary on Hall of Famer Bill Walton Among the interview subjects featured in the story are Larry Bird, Julius Erving, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Artis Gilmore, World B. Free, Robert Parish, Jim Gray, Luke Walton, Jamal Wilkes, Brent Musberger, Bob Ryan, and a number of close friends and teammates from Bill's high school days to today.
[06/06/22 - 09:29 AM] ESPN Films' Latest 30 for 30 "Dream On" Chronicling the Journey of the 1996 Women's Olympic Basketball Team Premieres June 15 at 8 p.m. ET Directed by Kristen Lappas, the documentary examines the 1996 USA Women's Dream Team and the 14-month odyssey that would forever change the landscape of women's athletics.
[05/17/22 - 02:28 PM] ESPN Films Announces "30 for 30" Documentary on the 2000 Baltimore Ravens No team in NFL history has boasted, bullied or brandished as much bravado as the 2000-2001 Baltimore Ravens.
[05/17/22 - 02:23 PM] ESPN Films Announces "30 for 30" Documentary on "The Black Widow" Pool Legend Jeanette Lee Lee is better known as the Black Widow, a persona more intriguing and deadly than the moniker itself.
[05/02/22 - 07:02 AM] New ESPN Films 30 for 30 Documentary "The Greatest Mixtape Ever" to Premiere May 31 at 8 p.m. ET Directed by Chris Robinson and Set Free Richardson, the documentary examines how 1990s streetball and the And1 Mixtape transformed basketball culture at large.
[03/21/22 - 11:29 AM] New Date: ESPN Films 30 for 30 Documentary "Shark" to Focus on Golfing Legend Greg Norman to Premiere April 19 The film will be made available on ESPN+ immediately after its premiere, along with the rest of the 30 for 30 library.
[02/23/22 - 06:35 AM] New ESPN Films 30 for 30 Documentary "Shark" to Focus on Golfing Legend Greg Norman to Premiere April 5 Directed by Jason Hehir and Thomas Odelfelt, the documentary examines the legendary career of professional golfer Greg Norman, and how it was shaped by one stunning day at the Masters Tournament in 1996.
[01/19/22 - 07:10 AM] ESPN Films Latest 30 for 30 Documentary "The Tuck Rule" to Premiere February 6 Directed by Ken Rodgers and Nick Mascolo, the documentary examines one of the most controversial plays in sports history, twenty years after it took place.
[08/24/21 - 11:54 AM] ESPN Films Latest 30 for 30 Documentary "Once Upon a Time in Queens" to Premiere September 14 & 15 Directed by Nick Davis, the documentary tells the story of the 1986 Mets, one of the most dominating, infamous, and magical teams of all-time and their incredible season in one of the greatest cities in the world.
[06/23/21 - 08:30 AM] ESPN Films Latest 30 for 30 "Breakaway" on Maya Moore and Her Fight For Justice to Premiere July 13 on ESPN Directed by Rudy Valdez, the documentary explores the story of Moore, who was one of the best basketball players in the world when she stepped away from the sport for a remarkable reason: to fight for a man she believed was wrongly imprisoned.
[01/13/21 - 07:01 AM] ESPN Films Latest 30 for 30 Documentary "Al Davis vs. The NFL" to Premiere February 4 The documentary presents an intimate look inside one of the great rivalries in the history of the National Football League: former Raiders owner Al Davis and former NFL commissioner Pete Rozelle.
[11/30/20 - 07:00 AM] 30 for 30 Documentary "The Infinite Race" to Premiere December 15 on ESPN and ESPN Deportes The film has screened as part of many film festivals, including the DocLands Documentary Film Festival, Full Frame Documentary Film Festival, the International Documentary Film Festival of Mexico City and San Francisco DocFest.
[09/21/20 - 06:02 AM] ESPN Films Sets Four-Part 30 for 30 Documentary "The Life and Trials of Oscar Pistorius" to Premiere Exclusively on ESPN+ September 27 The documentary tells the story of the South African Paralympic sprinter and international hero, who had inspired millions with his determination and dedication - and who was then suddenly at the center of a murder investigation.
[07/09/20 - 08:13 AM] ESPN Films Planning Multi-Part "30 for 30" on '86 Mets The multi-part documentary will feature hours of never-before-seen footage of the '86 Mets team, a team of larger-than-life characters whose exploits on and off the field symbolized a unique moment in time for New York City and baseball history.
[05/19/20 - 07:53 AM] ESPN Films' Latest 30 for 30 "Lance" Premieres Sunday on ESPN & ESPN2 As with "The Last Dance," a version containing strong adult language will air on ESPN and a version edited for that language will air simultaneously on ESPN2.
[05/05/20 - 02:28 PM] ESPN Films to Continue Sunday Night Run - Moving Three High Profile "30 for 30s" to Sundays After "The Last Dance" Lance Armstrong, Bruce Lee, and Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa are among the featured subjects.
[01/09/20 - 08:47 AM] Renowned Filmmaker Stanley Nelson Directs 30 for 30's Two-Part Film "Vick," Airing January 30 and February 6 on ESPN The film provides a comprehensive look back at each chapter of former NFL quarterback Michael Vick's saga: the incredible rise, shocking fall, and polarizing return.
[08/15/19 - 10:30 AM] 30 for 30 "Rodman: For Better or Worse" to Premiere September 10 on ESPN The film, directed by Emmy-winning director Todd Kapostasy, is billed as the unfettered and definitive look at the life and career of Dennis Rodman.
[05/29/19 - 07:55 AM] Video: 30 for 30 Debuts New Trailer for "The Good, The Bad, The Hungry" Airing July 2 on ESPN The film tells the eye and mouth-opening tale of Takeru Kobayashi, the native of Nagano, Japan, who won the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest six consecutive times, and Joey Chestnut, the Californian who emerged to dethrone the Japanese legend in 2007 and became the face of the sport.
[05/02/19 - 09:30 AM] "30 for 30" Documentary on Motorsports Pioneer Janet Guthrie to Premiere May 28 on ESPN "Qualified" chronicles the roadblocks and hardships Janet Guthrie overcame in becoming the first woman ever to compete in both the Indianapolis 500 and the Daytona 500 - and eventually, an auto racing legend.
[04/17/19 - 09:47 AM] Video: YouTube Debuts an ESPN Films 30 for 30: Daniel Larusso vs. Johnny Lawrence The promotional stunt is timed with the second season launch of YouTube Premium's "Cobra Kai" on April 24.
[04/10/19 - 10:15 AM] 30 for 30 "The Dominican Dream" to Premiere April 30 on ESPN Said date will mark the first time "30 for 30" debuted the English and Spanish-language versions of a film simultaneously on both networks.
[04/03/19 - 12:13 PM] "Seau" 30 for 30 Documentary to Air on ESPN April 16 "Seau," directed by Kirby Bradley, recaptures the glory days of NFL great Junior Seau while foreshadowing a tragedy that would rock the league.
[01/08/19 - 10:11 AM] Video: ESPN Films' "30 for 30" Series Celebrates 10th Anniversary in 2019 The network teases upcoming films on Deion Sanders, Lance Armstrong, Flo-Jo, Dennis Rodman, Janet Guthrie, Michael Vick, and Tito Ortiz and Chuck Liddell.
[11/29/18 - 09:40 AM] ESPN Films Next 30 for 30 "42 to 1" on Buster Douglas Defeating Mike Tyson for the 1990 Heavyweight Championship of the World Featuring rare footage and never before seen images, this is a film about how Douglas pulled off a victory that changed the course of sports history.
[09/13/18 - 07:48 AM] ESPN Films Announces Slate of Upcoming "30 for 30" Documentaries from the Award-Winning Group "30 for 30" documentaries on Junior Seau, the Mike Tyson/Buster Douglas fight and Deion Sanders headline the new slate, with "The Last Days of Knight" making its television debut after premiering on ESPN+ in April.
[04/03/18 - 08:02 AM] ESPN+ to Launch with Exclusive 30 for 30 Documentary "The Last Days of Knight" and Full 30 for 30 Library The film is the previously untold behind-the-scenes story of CNN's investigation into why high school All-Americans were leaving Indiana University men's basketball coach Bob Knight's program, and the subsequent fallout after the story broke.
[01/22/18 - 08:19 AM] 30 for 30 "The Two Bills" to Premiere February 1 on ESPN The next documentary features legendary football coaches Bill Belichick and Bill Parcells being interviewed together for the first time since 1991.
[11/09/17 - 11:39 AM] "Nature Boy" 30 for 30 on Ric Flair Averaged 1.8 Million Viewers; Highest Rated Cable Program for 18-49 Demo ESPN spins the numbers for Tuesday, November 7.
[08/26/17 - 11:32 AM] ESPN Films' "30 for 30" to Premiere Tommy Morrison Documentary Exclusively on the ESPN App and On-Demand The film about the late WBO heavyweight champion Tommy Morrison will be available exclusively for streaming and on-demand audiences starting Wednesday, September 13.
[08/21/17 - 12:40 PM] ESPN Films' 30 for 30 Series Continues with "Year of the Scab" on September 12 On Tuesday, September 12, ESPN Films' award-winning "30 for 30" documentary series will continue with a feature-length film on the group of men who replaced the Washington Redskins team during the 1987 NFL players strike.
[07/31/17 - 09:57 AM] "30 for 30" Documentary on 1988 Dallas Carter High School Football Team Airs August 24 on ESPN With 21 players who were offered college scholarships and several who went on to the NFL, Carter took on the best that Texas had to offer, including the Odessa Permian team that inspired Friday Night Lights.
[07/26/17 - 03:03 PM] ESPN Films' Ric Flair 30 for 30 "Nature Boy" Premieres November 7 Director Rory Karpf will take an inside look at Flair's story, including his triumphs, his tragedies, and his pivotal role in turning pro wrestling into mainstream sports entertainment.
[07/06/17 - 08:12 AM] "30 for 30" Film on Soccer Star George Best to Premiere July 20 on ESPN Directed by BAFTA award-winning director Daniel Gordon, the film recounts the tale of the beloved but bedeviled superstar George Best.
[06/19/17 - 08:03 AM] 30 for 30 Documentary "Mike and the Mad Dog" Airs July 13 on ESPN The film chronicles Mike Francesa and Chris Russo's "Mike and the Mad Dog" radio show that ruled afternoon sports talk from the New York studios of WFAN 660 for nearly 20 years.
[05/31/17 - 02:26 PM] ESPN Films Presents Special Two-Night 30 for 30 Documentary Event "Celtics/Lakers: Best of Enemies" The three-part documentary will premiere with Parts One and Two back-to-back on Tuesday, June 13 and Part Three on Wednesday, June 14.
[03/02/17 - 07:01 AM] 30 for 30 Documentary on Coach John Calipari, "One and Not Done," to Premiere April 13 on ESPN Who is John Calipari? To his devotees, he is one of college basketball's greatest coaches. To his detractors, he represents everything wrong with college sports.
[12/20/16 - 10:08 AM] Vice Media and ESPN Films Announce Viceland Premiere of "O.J.: Made in America" The award-winning documentary, directed by Ezra Edelman, will air on January 1, 2017, from 4 pm ET to midnight.
[11/10/16 - 07:27 AM] ESPN Films' 30 for 30 "This Was the XFL" to Premiere in February The documentary tells the story in fascinating, candid, and often rollicking fashion featuring fellow television legends and close friends - Dick Ebersol and Vince McMahon.
[10/04/16 - 07:02 AM] ESPN Films Announces Next Three Documentaries in "30 for 30" Series Currently in the midst of its third volume, the series is fresh off a summer which featured the popular and critically acclaimed premieres of both "O.J.: Made in America" and "Doc & Darryl."
[06/27/16 - 01:44 PM] ESPN Films' "O.J.: Made in America" Seen by More than 35 Million People ESPN spins the numbers for the series to date.
[05/20/16 - 09:44 AM] All 7+ Hours of ESPN Films' Epic "O.J.: Made in America" in Theaters in NY and LA Starting Today The documentary will show on two screens, per day, at each theater.
[05/17/16 - 07:36 AM] "30 for 30" on Dwight Gooden and Darryl Strawberry, Co-Directed by Judd Apatow and Michael Bonfiglio, to Premiere July 14 on ESPN The film will explore the lives and careers of former New York Mets superstars, the young flame thrower, Dwight "Doc" Gooden and feared power hitter Darryl Strawberry.
[05/03/16 - 09:07 AM] Vice Media and ESPN Enter Production and Distribution Deal Across Digital, Mobile, and TV Select films from ESPN's renowned documentary series "30 for 30" will air on Viceland, the new cable network from Vice.
[05/02/16 - 09:37 AM] Next Documentary in ESPN Films 30 for 30 Series, "Believeland," Premieres May 14 The documentary will chronicle the struggles of Cleveland's major sports franchises over the past 50 years and the impact it has all had on the psyche of a typical Cleveland sports fan.
[04/08/16 - 08:43 AM] Video: Trailer for Highly Anticipated 30 for 30 Documentary Event, "O.J.: Made in America," Debuts It is perhaps the defining cultural tale of 20th-century America, one that centers around two of our country's greatest fixations: race and celebrity.
[03/30/16 - 12:18 PM] ESPN Films' 30 for 30 Volume III Continues with "This Magic Moment" Premiering April 14 The film will chronicle the birth and rapid growth of the Orlando Magic franchise in the 1990s, with the help of Shaquille O'Neal and Penny Hardaway.
[03/29/16 - 06:45 AM] ESPN Films and ABC Announce June Air Dates for the Highly Anticipated 30 for 30 Documentary Event "O.J.: Made in America" Look for "O.J.: Made in America - Part 1" to premiere in primetime on ABC at 9:00/8:00c on Saturday, June 11.
[01/05/16 - 04:52 PM] ESPN Films Announces New 30 for 30 Documentaries and First-Ever 30 for 30 Miniseries Event "OJ: Made in America" The third volume of the award-winning and critically acclaimed series will continue with the premiere of "The '85 Bears" on Thursday, February 4 at 9:00/8:00c.
[11/30/15 - 08:15 AM] 30 for 30 Volume III Continues with "Four Falls of Buffalo" on December 12 The film, directed by Ken Rodgers and produced by NFL Films, looks at the Buffalo Bills of the early '90s that made it to four straight Super Bowls yet never brought home the coveted Vince Lombardi Trophy.
[09/09/15 - 11:06 AM] ESPN Films' "30 for 30 Volume III" to Launch this Fall with a Five-Week Run of New Documentaries The first five documentaries in the 30-film flight will premiere this fall, every Tuesday in prime time on ESPN, for five straight weeks beginning October 13.
[07/20/15 - 08:32 AM] ESPN's Kicks Off Global Coverage of 2015 Special Olympics World Games ESPN's coverage of the World Games Opening Ceremony will mark the first-ever complete, live coverage of the star-studded spectacle.
[07/17/15 - 08:34 AM] 30 for 30 "Angry Sky" Premieres July 30 on ESPN Jeff Tremaine chronicles the story of Nick Piantanida, a truck driver and exotic pet dealer from New Jersey who dedicated his life to setting an extreme parachuting record.
[07/14/15 - 11:10 AM] SEC Network Announces Five New SEC Storied Films The first film, "Wuerffel's Way," is a documentary focused on the journey of former Florida quarterback Danny Wuerffel.
[07/06/15 - 03:46 PM] Marvel & ESPN Films Premiere Short Film Series Beginning July 10 All eight films will have a television premiere and will also be released on the ESPN 30 for 30 Facebook page the same day.
[03/25/15 - 11:30 AM] New 30 for 30 "Sole Man" on Sonny Vaccaro to Air at 9 p.m. ET on April 16 on ESPN "Sole Man," which focuses on former sports marketing executive Sonny Vaccaro, will debut on Grantland.com in six parts - one chapter per day - from April 6 through 10, with the final two chapters on the 10th.
[12/15/14 - 12:07 PM] New "30 for 30" Will Explore 1980 US Olympic Hockey Game Through the Soviet Lens The film, directed by Jonathan Hock, will take a different look at the "Miracle on Ice."
[11/18/14 - 08:39 AM] New 30 for 30 Documentary "I Hate Christian Laettner" to Premiere in 2015 Through interviews with former teammates and rivals as well as Laettner himself, the film explores why the polarizing basketball player was - and still is - so disliked.
[09/30/14 - 07:38 AM] "30 for 30" Returns with "Playing for the Mob" Premiering October 7 The film, which delves into how mobster Henry Hill once helped orchestrate the fixing of Boston College basketball games, is narrated by actor Ray Liotta.
[09/15/14 - 08:32 AM] Fall Slate Announced for ESPN Films' "30 for 30" as Fifth Anniversary of Series Approaches "Playing for the Mob" kicks things off on Tuesday, October 7 at 9:00/8:00c.
[08/16/14 - 07:01 PM] 2014 Creative Arts Awards Emmy Winners List "Saturday Night Live" took home five awards while "Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey," "Game of Thrones," "Sherlock: His Last Vow" and "True Detective" each nabbed four.
[07/16/14 - 08:51 AM] ESPN Films to Debut Slate of Documentaries from SEC Storied Series on New SEC Network The SEC Storied franchise, from the creators of the Peabody and Emmy Award-winning "30 for 30" series, focuses on the people, teams, moments and events that tell the ongoing story of the Southeastern Conference.
[07/09/14 - 10:43 AM] New Tour de France-focused 30 for 30 "Slaying the Badger" Premieres on July 22 With excitement for the 2014 Tour de France growing each day, ESPN Films will take a look back at one of the sports' most epic rivalries.
[05/06/14 - 08:46 AM] New ESPN Series "Inside: U.S. Soccer's March to Brazil" Premieres May 13 The six-episode documentary series from ESPN Films, the production group behind "30 for 30," will conclude on Wednesday, June 11.
[04/16/14 - 09:17 AM] @ESPNNBA Full Court Press: NBA Takeover for Final Night of the Regular Season Highlights include "30 for 30: Bad Boys" on Thursday, April 17 at 8:00/7:00c.
[04/02/14 - 11:09 AM] ESPN Films' "30 for 30: Soccer Stories" Begins April 15 with "Hillsborough" "30 for 30: Soccer Stories" will include a mix of films from an award winning group of filmmakers telling compelling narratives from around the international soccer landscape.
[03/12/14 - 09:18 AM] ESPN Films' "30 for 30" Series Continues with "Bad Boys" The film, centering on the Detroit Pistons of the late '80s and early '90s, will premiere Thursday, April 17 at 8:00/7:00c.
[03/05/14 - 08:09 AM] Men's Championship Week: 22 Conference Champions Punch Their Ticket to NCAA Tournament Championship Week will tip off on Friday, March 7, with nine games from the Big South, Ohio Valley and Southern Conference tournaments on ESPNU and ESPN3.
[02/24/14 - 10:41 AM] ESPN Films Announces Next "30 for 30" Documentary: "Requiem For The Big East" The film explores the meteoric ascension of the Big East Conference and how in less than a decade it became the most successful college sports league in America.
[01/11/14 - 01:15 PM] ESPN Announces New Film Series, "30 for 30: Soccer Stories," Surrounding 2014 FIFA World Cup on ESPN In addition, a collection of 10 vignettes about Brazil's rich culture will be featured throughout ESPN's FIFA World Cup programming.
[12/10/13 - 09:48 AM] ESPN Films' Upcoming "The Price of Gold" Focuses on Tonya Harding, Nancy Kerrigan and the "Whack Heard Around the World" 20 Years Ago The new "30 for 30" presentation, from filmmaker Nanette Burstein, premieres on Thursday, January 16 at 9:00/8:00c.
[11/14/13 - 09:12 AM] ESPN Announces Next "30 for 30" Documentary, "Youngstown Boys" Jeff and Michael Zimbalist are behind the film, premiering Saturday, December 14 at 9:00/8:00c.
[07/24/13 - 05:38 PM] ESPN Announces Fall Slate of "30 for 30" Documentaries "Hawaiian: The Legend of Eddie Aikau" kicks off a six-week run beginning Tuesday, October 1 at 8:00/7:00c.
[03/14/13 - 09:13 AM] ESPN and Selection Sunday: More Than 16 Hours of Hoops Coverage Highlights include the debut of ESPN Films' "30 for 30" documentary "Survive and Advance."
[02/19/13 - 12:00 PM] ESPN Films and espnW Announce "Nine for IX" The series is scheduled to premiere on July 2 on ESPN and the films will air over consecutive Tuesday evenings at 8:00/7:00c.
[01/28/13 - 10:31 AM] ESPN Films Announces Upcoming "30 for 30" Films: "Survive and Advance" and "Elway to Marino" They'll premiere on Sunday, March 17 and Tuesday, April 23, respectively.
[12/10/12 - 11:46 AM] "30 for 30" Film "You Don't Know Bo" is ESPN's Highest Rated Documentary ESPN spins the numbers for Saturday, December 8.
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[10/04/12 - 11:55 AM] "Broke" Ranks as ESPN's Highest-Rated "30 for 30" Documentary ESPN spins the numbers for Tuesday, October 2.
[08/03/12 - 05:21 PM] ESPN Films Launches 30 for 30 Shorts on Grantland.com The shorts will premiere monthly and be complemented by a written feature and additional material to provide context.
[08/03/12 - 05:18 PM] ESPN Films Announces Fall Schedule for 30 for 30 Vol. II First up is "Broke" from director Billy Corben on Tuesday, October 2 at 8:00/7:00c.
[05/15/12 - 07:20 AM] ESPN Films Announces the Return of the Acclaimed Series "30 for 30" Coodie and Chike, Billy Corben, Mike Bonfiglio and Jonathan Hock are among the initial wave of filmmakers for season two.
[12/07/11 - 09:45 AM] Television Series Nominations for The 2012 Producers Guild Awards This year, the Producers Guild will also award special honors to Steven Spielberg, Leslie Moonves, Don Mischer, and Stan Lee, among others.
[07/27/11 - 12:17 PM] ESPN Films Announces Schedule for New Documentaries The seven-week film series will premiere Tuesday, September 27 at 8:00/7:00c.
[07/20/11 - 11:38 AM] New SEC "Storied" Documentary Series Slated for ESPNU; "Herschel" Set for September 7 The series' second film highlighting the first SEC football championship game will air in December.
[12/15/10 - 09:09 AM] Critically Acclaimed "30 for 30" Wraps up with "Pony Exce$$" - ESPN's Most-Watched Documentary ESPN spins the numbers for Saturday, December 11.
[09/30/10 - 07:05 AM] ESPN Films Adds Fernando Nation to '30 for 30' Schedule It will replace Alex Gibney's "Catching Hell," which moves to 2011.
[09/15/10 - 08:26 AM] ESPN Presents ESPN Films '30 for 30' DVD Gift Set The six-disc collection, due December 7, features the first 15 films in the series.
[07/29/10 - 08:09 AM] ESPN Films Announces '30 for 30' Fall Schedule The next 13 films begin Tuesday, August 24 at 8:00/7:00c.
[03/09/10 - 08:29 AM] Spring Schedule Update for ESPN Films' Acclaimed '30 for 30' Series Bill Couturié's "Guru of Go" will bow Saturday, April 3 at 4:00/3:00c on sister network ABC.
[01/20/10 - 01:00 PM] Spring Schedule for ESPN Films' Acclaimed '30 for 30' Series Announced Also: "Run Ricky Run," Sean Pamphilon's "intimate portrait of embattled football player Ricky Williams' hiatus from football," has been added to the roster.
[12/15/09 - 11:35 AM] ESPN's Fall Slate of Critically Acclaimed "30 for 30" Series Wraps Up with "The U" - ESPN's Most Watched Documentary ESPN spins the numbers for Saturday, December 12.
[08/27/09 - 06:41 AM] Fall 2009 Slate and Schedule Announced for ESPN Films' "30 for 30" Beginning October 6, the films will be aired on Tuesdays at 8:00/7:00c through November 10, with a special post-Heisman slot reserved for Saturday, December 12.
[07/29/09 - 02:41 PM] ESPN Films Announces Eight More to "30 for 30" Filmmaker Roster Films produced as part of the "30 for 30" project will begin airing on October 6 on ESPN.
[04/28/09 - 08:43 AM] ESPN Films Adds 10 More Names to "30 for 30" Filmmaker Roster Peter Berg, Ron Shelton, Brett Morgen and Steve James are among the latest additions.
[03/30/09 - 09:16 AM] ESPN's "30 for 30" Filmmaker Roster Expands; Four More Films Announced Dan Klores, Barbara Kopple, Barry Levinson and Albert Maysles join previously announced directors Steve Nash, Mike Tollin, Billy Corben & Alfred Spellman and Spike Lee.
[07/10/08 - 02:30 PM] ESPN Films Announces Four New Docs for Fall/Winter 2008; Names Five Filmmakers for "30 for 30" Initiative Projects include efforts by Spike Lee, Barbara Kopple, Steve Nash and more.