The third installment of BBC AMERICA's highly-successful adventure series, Robin Hood comes to end on December 5, 9:00p.m. ET/PT. This season revealed a tougher and darker Robin Hood (Jonas Armstrong), consumed with revenge for Marian's death. As a wave of corruption and evil swept the land, Robin launched a solo mission to avenge her death and kill Gisborne (Richard Armitage). Yet in an unusual turn of events, Robin and Gisborne have been forced together to save their half brother and take down the evil Prince John (Toby Stephens). Tune in to find out if their alliance lasts or if Prince John takes down Robin Hood once and for all.
The third and final season of Robin Hood comes to DVD on January 12, 2010. The five-disc set boasts over an hour of bonus material including behind-the-scenes features, character profiles, video diaries and more.
Please note updated premiere dates
Episode 12
The Outlaws intercept a message from Isabella for Prince John. King Richard's return is imminent and Isabella has agreed to supply the Prince with 300 men and supplies�Prince John is preparing for a battle for the throne. Robin, Gisborne, and Much plan to storm the castle. If they fail to take the castle, Tuck and Little John will try their best to stop the convoy of men and supplies getting to Prince John. They appeal to the Locksley men to help but to Tuck's disappointment, they're too frightened to stand up for what's right. Thanks to some surprising allies, Robin triumphantly takes the castle. But there is a delivery at the town-gates�Allan's corpse followed by the old Sheriff, who they thought was dead, and a huge army.
Episode 12 premieres Saturday, November 28, 9:00 p.m. ET/PT.
Episode 13
Robin and Gisborne ride out to meet the Sheriff. He won back the Prince's patronage by securing the services of a deadly European fighting force who stand behind him now. He orders the firing of a flaming missile over the town walls with his trebuchets and tells Robin he has until dawn to surrender Nottingham and Gisborne or they'll all be annihilated. Gisborne offers to give himself up but Robin tells him this is bigger than him�it's about the future of England. The outlaws say goodbye to Allan as they place his body on a small pyre and the Sheriff's battering ram smashes through the town gates. Robin leads a team of archers to take on the invading soldiers�but the Sheriff's men keep coming. Gisborne, Robin, Archer, and the outlaws all find resolve in highly unexpected ways.
Episode 13 premieres Saturday, December 5, 9:00 p.m. ET/PT.