from CBS Entertainment...
With On-Air and Online Audience Growing, CBS Expands Finale To Two-Hour Live Event, Sept. 15 from 9:01-11:00 ET/Tape Delayed PT
LOS ANGELES, Aug. 21 - With the show's on-air and online audience growing, CBS has expanded the finale for BIG BROTHER, live, Tuesday, Sept. 15 (9:01-11:00, ET/tape delayed PT). The series will cap its 11th season with a live two-hour broadcast where the winner will be revealed and the houseguests will then tell-all about their explosive summer for a special season-ending event!
BIG BROTHER 11 is averaging 6.85 million viewers, a +5% gain over last year and has increased viewership among adults 18-34 by +6% versus last summer. All three BIG BROTHER 11 broadcasts are posting summer-to-summer growth. Tuesday's broadcast delivered BIG BROTHER 11's largest audience (7.98m) and highest ratings among key demographics on any night this summer.
BIG BROTHER 11 continues to have its biggest season ever online, delivering 60.2 million page views, and streaming 9.5 million videos on,, and across the CBS Audience Network as well as mobile platforms. Reaction to Chima's expulsion drew the most BIG BROTHER visitors to in over three years.
BIG BROTHER is executive produced by Emmy Award winner Allison Grodner, Rich Meehan and Scott Einziger, in association with Endemol USA Inc. Julie Chen hosts the live eviction broadcast.
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