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[10/03/17 - 06:03 AM] Hallmark Channel Announces Network's First-Ever "Countdown to Christmas Preview Show," Starring Candace Cameron Bure Premieres Exclusively, October 22 Bure's guest stars include close friends, Lori Loughlin and Jodie Sweetin. Hallmark Channel's rescued and adopted pet, Happy The Dog also stars in the special.
[09/13/17 - 10:07 AM] Hallmark Channel Announces Premiere Dates for "Countdown to Christmas" From Friday, October 27, until Sunday, December 31, audiences will be able to immerse themselves in feel-good holiday fare throughout the season.
[07/27/17 - 08:41 PM] Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movies & Mysteries Celebrate Their Biggest Holiday Seasons Yet During Popular "Countdown to Christmas" and "The Most Wonderful Movies of Christmas" Annual Programming Events Hallmark Channel and Hallmark Movies & Mysteries will light up audiences' homes with a record number of 33 new, original holiday world premiere movies in 2017.
[02/23/17 - 06:02 AM] Hallmark Announces Record Number of Original Holiday Films for 2017 "The Hallmark brand is synonymous with family, tradition, relationships, and romance, so for us, it makes sense to have an 'always on' holiday strategy, with the biggest holiday being Christmas," said Michelle Vicary.
STATUS: telefilm/mini-series in the can |
DESCRIPTION: (from Hallmark Channel's press release, October 2017) Stars: Candace Cameron Bure; Just because they are identical does not mean these twins even like each other. Estranged twin sisters get together for an obligatory pre-Christmas lunch, a year after their mother died. Both women are unhappy and frustrated with their own lives. Though not close, each is envious of the other’s life. What’s a twin to do but take advantage of this? And who would be the wiser? They do what any identical twins in need of new outlooks would do -- they swap lives until Christmas Day. And by doing so, each woman discovers the true meaning of her life and gains a deeper perspective and appreciation for what she already had. |
· Candace Cameron Bure
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· no information is available