
[02/12/25 - 11:20 AM]
Lifetime Announces Third and Final Installment of "Single Black Female" with Raven Goodwin, Amber Riley, K. Michelle and Porsha Williams
After being wrongfully convicted of murder, Monica (Raven Goodwin) has finally been exonerated - but freedom comes at a price.

[01/31/24 - 07:35 AM]
Lifetime Announces "Single Black Female 2: Simone's Revenge" with the Return of Amber Riley, Raven Goodwin and K. Michelle
Premiering Saturday, March 2, the film is set three years after the crazy events from the first installment.

[02/11/22 - 08:51 AM]
"Single Black Female" Scores for Lifetime with Over 5.1 Million Total Viewers Across Linear and on Digital Platforms
The movie ranked as TV's top entertainment telecast across all key demos on premiere night.

[12/21/21 - 09:42 AM]
Lifetime Greenlights New Movie "Girl in the Shed: The Kidnapping of Abby Hernandez"; Sets February Movie Premiere Dates
The film joins the previously announced original thrillers "Single Black Female," "Line Sisters" and "Caught in His Web," now all set to debut in February.

[10/19/21 - 10:59 AM]
Lifetime Announces Three New Movies with All-Star Casting Premiering for Winter 2022
"We are so excited for these upcoming movies - they are a rollercoaster ride full of suspense, secrets and scandals that our audience just cannot resist," said Amy Winter, EVP and Head of Programming, Lifetime and LMN.

telefilm/mini-series in the can
(from Lifetime's press release, December 2021) Reeling from the death of her beloved father and a difficult breakup, Monica (Raven Goodwin), is ready to move forward with her life as she tries to land the new hosting job for an afternoon talk show. When she hires a new assistant, Simone (Amber Riley), the two quickly become close friends as Simone moves in next door and completely immerses herself in Monica's life. But underneath her sweet exterior, Simone harbors a dark secret and as time goes on cracks in her façade begin to appear. Monica decides to sever ties once and for all with Simone, but Simone has other plans and is determined to take over Monica's life for good. K. Michelle also stars.
· Amber Riley as Simone
· K. Michelle
· Raven Goodwin as Monica
· Sa'Rah L. Jones as WRTR
· Shari Carpenter as DIR
· Tessa Evelyn Scott as WRTR
· mow
· no information is available