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[09/16/24 - 07:50 AM] Great American Media Announces Premiere Dates for "Great American Christmas 2024," High-Quality, Original Holiday Films for the Whole Family on Great American Family and Streaming on Pure Flix Gather with loved ones to embrace the faith, hope, love, and joy of the season as Great American Christmas brings the true spirit of the holiday into homes across the country beginning October 17 on Pure Flix and October 19 on Great American Family.
[08/28/24 - 05:01 PM] "Great American Christmas 2024," with High-Quality, Original Holiday Films for the Whole Family, Returns to Great American Family and Streaming on Pure Flix Beginning, October 17 The programming features cherished holiday traditions and new, surprise-and-delight moments, culminating with the 138th Tournament of Roses Parade, broadcast live from Pasadena, California, on January 1, 2025.
[04/23/24 - 01:54 PM] Great American Family Announces Danica McKellar Set to Star in "A Royal Christmas Ball" (wt), Co-Starring Oliver Rice, Part of Great American Christmas 2024 In the film, Chelsea Jones (McKellar) is a dance instructor and studio owner in Chicago who inspires kids to find themselves through dance.
[02/15/23 - 12:01 PM] Great American Family Announces Danica McKellar Set to Star in "Royal Christmas Ball," Original Movie for "Great American Christmas" 2023 In the film, a Chicago-based dance instructor whose adoptive parents have long since passed, travels to the small European country of Havenshire over Christmas break in search of her heritage... and maybe even family.