
Air Date: Sunday, July 23, 2023
Time Slot: 7:00 PM-8:00 PM EST on CBS
Episode Title: (#5546) "Litigation Funding; The HistoryMakers; The Unlikely Adventures of David Grann"
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Editor's Note: These previously broadcast segments have been updated for this post-season edition.

LITIGATION FUNDING - Lesley Stahl reports on litigation funding, a relatively new multi-billion-dollar industry where investors fund lawsuits in exchange for a slice of the award. It can be lucrative and help level the playing field against big corporations with deep pockets, but it's growing rapidly with few rules and little oversight. Shachar Bar-On and Jinsol Jung are the producers.

THE HISTORYMAKERS - The achievements of historically significant Black Americans are at risk of going unpreserved as important figures die without documenting their stories for future generations. Bill Whitaker explores how one organization is trying to prevent that by creating an expansive digital archive of first-person accounts of the Black experience. Marc Lieberman is the producer.

THE UNLIKELY ADVENTURES OF DAVID GRANN - 60 MINUTES meets bestselling author and darling of Hollywood developers David Grann upon the release of his new book, The Wager, the true story of an 18th-century open-water adventure that becomes a saga of shipwreck, anarchy, betrayal and murder. Jon Wertheim gets an inside look at Grann's process - from his meticulous research at The National Archives in Britain to his unlikely journey to the scene of the crime on a small island off the coast of Chile. Nathalie Sommer is the producer.

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