
Air Date: Wednesday, December 07, 2022
Time Slot: 12:01 AM-1:00 AM EST on HULU
Episode Title: (#101-106) "Season 1"
[NOTE: The following article is a press release issued by the aforementioned network and/or company. Any errors, typos, etc. are attributed to the original author. The release is reproduced solely for the dissemination of the enclosed information.]

December 7

Connect: Complete Season 1 (Hulu Original)

"Connect" stars Jung Haein as Ha Dongsoo, a new type of immortal human known as 'Connect', who is kidnapped by a gang of organ harvesters who are determined to take his eyes. After suddenly waking up on an operating table part way through the surgery, Dongsoo is able to escape with one eye remaining, and later discovers that he can still see out of his missing eye, which is now being used by a serial killer who has been terrorizing the residents of Seoul. Determined to get back what was taken, Dongsoo will pursue the killer, taking whatever steps are necessary to make himself whole again.

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