
Air Date: Friday, July 01, 2022
Time Slot: 7:00 AM-7:25 AM EST on DISNEY
Episode Title: (#117) "Meet the Tweedles; a Very Wonderland Wedding"
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Friday, July 1

Original Series - Episode Premiere on Disney Channel and Disney Junior

Alice's Wonderland Bakery "Meet the Tweedles/A Very Wonderland Wedding"

(7:00-7:30 a.m. EDT on Disney Channel/4:00-4:30 p.m. EDT on Disney Junior)

"Meet the Tweedles" - The Tweedles help Alice decide between becoming the royal baker or continuing at the bakery.

*Vanessa Bayer ("I Love That For You") and Bobby Moynihan ("Mr. Mayor") guest star as Tweedle Do and Tweedle Don't.

"A Very Wonderland Wedding" - When Alice agrees to bake a wedding cake, she must find a way to represent both the bride and groom.

*Lamorne Morris ("New Girl") and Broadway's Ali Stroker guest star as Dandy and Daisy.


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