
Air Date: Wednesday, June 01, 2022
Time Slot: 12:01 AM-1:00 AM EST on HULU
Episode Title: "TRY HARDER! (2021)" (Repeat)
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Streaming May 31 - June 6

TRY HARDER! (2021)

At Lowell High School, the top public high school in San Francisco, the seniors are stressed out. As they prepare for the emotionally draining college application process, students are keenly aware of the intense competition for the few open spots in their dream colleges. At Lowell - where cool kids are nerds, nearly everyone has an amazing talent, and most of the student body is Asian American - the things that usually make a person stand out can feel commonplace. With humor and heart, director Debbie Lum captures the reality of the American college application process and the intersection of class, race, and educational opportunity as young adults navigate a quintessential rite of passage.

(Streaming Wednesday, June 1)

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