
Air Date: Friday, June 03, 2022
Time Slot: 12:01 AM-1:00 AM EST on HULU
Episode Title: "Fire Island"
[NOTE: The following article is a press release issued by the aforementioned network and/or company. Any errors, typos, etc. are attributed to the original author. The release is reproduced solely for the dissemination of the enclosed information.]

June 3

FIRE ISLAND (2022) (Hulu Original)

Set in the iconic Pines, Andrew Ahn's "Fire Island" is an unapologetic, modern day rom-com showcasing a diverse, multicultural examination of queerness and romance. Inspired by the timeless pursuits from Jane Austen's classic Pride and Prejudice, the story centers around two best friends (Joel Kim Booster and Bowen Yang) who set out to have a legendary summer adventure with the help of cheap rosé and their cadre of eclectic friends.

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