
Air Date: Saturday, November 27, 2021
Time Slot: 9:00 AM-9:30 AM EST on DISNEY JUNIOR
Episode Title: (#328) "It's a Wonderful Elf-bot/A Merry Litter Christmas"
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Saturday, Nov. 27

Original Series - Episode Premiere on Disney Junior

Muppet Babies "It's a Wonderful Elf-bot/A Merry Litter Christmas"

(9:00-9:30 a.m. EST)

"It's a Wonderful Elf-bot" - The Muppet Babies try to use Bunsen and Beaker's newest invention, the Elf-Bot, to make Christmas gifts for Mr. Statler and Mr. Waldorf but they get so caught up in making gifts for themselves that they run out of supplies.

"A Merry Litter Christmas" - When one of Bunsen and Beaker's new creations goes awry, they end up causing a huge mess on Planet Gonzo, so the Muppet Babies must come up with a plan to save Gonzonian Christmas.


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