
Air Date: Wednesday, September 01, 2021
Time Slot: 3:01 AM-4:00 AM EST on SUNDANCE NOW
Episode Title: "Only Lovers Left Alive (2013, Drama)" (Repeat)
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Wednesday, September 1st

Only Lovers Left Alive | Trailer

The tale of two fragile and sensitive vampires, Adam (Tom Hiddleston, Loki) and Eve (Tilda Swinton, Doctor Strange), who have been lovers for centuries. Both are cultured intellectuals with an all-embracing passion for music, literature and science, who have evolved to a level where they no longer kill for sustenance, but still retain their innate wildness. Their love story has endured several centuries but their debauched idyll is threatened by the uninvited arrival of Eve's carefree little sister Ava (Mia Wasikowska, Alice in Wonderland) who hasn't yet learned to tame her wilder instincts. (2013, Drama)

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