
    [thursday, april 26, 2018]    
show only premieres | show only new episodes | show only repeats
3:00 AM GSN winsanity: can you hair me now? (#218)
3:01 AM NETFLIX netflix stand-up special: enissa amani: ehrenwort (German)
[special presentation]
3:30 AM GSN divided: shark infested waters (#258)
9:00 AM NICK peppa pig: recycling/the boat pond/traffic jam/bedtime/sports day (#114)
12:00 PM FACEBOOK tattoo shop, the: in our blood (#113)
1:00 PM YOUTUBE kevin hart: what the fit: boxing with evander holyfield & joel mchale (#108)
2:30 PM NICK JR cleo & cuquin: the big freeze (#133)
2:40 PM NICK JR cleo & cuquin: off to school (#135)
7:00 PM NBCSN nhl special: east 2nd round - game 1 - penguins @ capitals
7:30 PM HBO vice news tonight: episode 327 (#338)
8:00 PM CBS big bang theory, the: the monetary insufficiency (#T12.15622)
  UPtv bringing up bates: fan edition: countdown to 'i do'
  A&E first 48, the: inside the tape special #6
  ABC grey's anatomy: bad reputation (#1421)
  POP impact wrestling: tba (#1417)
  MTV jersey shore family vacation: about last night (#105)
  TNT nba special: east 1st round - game 6 - celtics @ bucks
  FOX nfl special: nfl draft: round 1 (FSP-1842)
[special presentation]
  NFLN nfl special: nfl draft: round 1
[special presentation]
  ESPN nfl special: nfl draft: round 1
[special presentation]
  VH1 rupaul's drag race: drag con panel extravaganza (#1006)
  FREEFORM siren: showdown (#1006)
  The CW supernatural: unfinished business (#1320)
  NBC superstore: aftermath (#321)
  PBS this old house hour, the: episode 1621 (#1621)
8:31 PM NBC a.p. bio: walleye (#112)
  CBS young sheldon: a dog, a squirrel, and a fish named fish (#YS120)
9:00 PM The CW arrow: shifting allegiances (#620)
  WE braxton family values: braxtons under fire (#606)
  UPtv bringing up bates: tori's winter wonderland wedding (#717-90)
  COOKING carnival eats: family dinner (#519)
  ID diabolical: accident waiting to happen (#107)
[new time slot]
  MTV ex on the beach: exed out (#102)
  HGTV flip or flop vegas: short sale home gets high-end flip (#208)
  A&E marcia clark investigates the first 48: the spreckels mansion mystery (#106)
  TRAVEL mysteries at the museum: jakarta incident, toe-to-toe in toledo and assassinating fdr (#1908)
  BRAVO southern charm: all talk no action (#504)
  ABC station 19: let it burn (#107)
  HISTORY swamp people: savage showdown (#914)
  DIY tiny house, big living: athlete's tiny training home (#710)
[7th season finale]
  SCIENCE world's most epic: warplanes declassified (#104)
9:01 PM CBS mom: a taco bowl and a tubby seamstress (#MOM519)
9:30 PM NBC champions: matt bomer poster (#107)
  CBS life in pieces: #tbt: house destiny introduction retirement (#LIP319)
  VH1 rupaul's drag race: untucked: drag con panel extravaganza (#606)
10:00 PM FX atlanta: north of the border (#209)
  FOOD beat bobby flay: worldly ways (#1602)
  NBC chicago fire: the strongest among us (#620)
  SCIENCE engineering catastrophes: death ray skyscraper (#104)
  HGTV house hunters: cramped in temecula (#13907)
  WE hustle & soul: miami mayhem (#206)
  BRAVO imposters: andiamo (#204)
  TRUTV impractical jokers: no child left behind (#V711)
  CNBC jay leno's garage: over the top (#402)
  ID murder calls: the slender man (#202)
[new time slot]
  TRAVEL mysteries at the museum: american icons (#SP56)
  NBCSN nhl special: west 2nd round - game 1 - sharks @ golden knights
  TV LAND nobodies: kristen's wiig (#206)
  ABC quantico: the conscience code (#301)
[3rd season premiere]
  CBS s.w.a.t.: source (#SWT118)
  BBCA thursday night darts: manchester (#113)
  HISTORY truck night in america: fire starter (#108)
10:30 PM HGTV house hunters international: discovering budapest (#11413)
  TRUTV impractical jokers: inside jokes - field of screams
11:00 PM VICELAND desus & mero: thursday, april 26, 2018 (#380)
  A&E grace vs. abrams: adnan syed
  TRUTV talk show the game show: illeana douglas, arturo castro, alec mapa (#V213)
  BRAVO watch what happens live with andy cohen: cameran eubanks & inbar lavi (#15072)

  [april 2018]